287 resultados para Axenic cercariae


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In an attempt to establish an experimental model of acute schistosomiasis, sequential histological changes were investigated in the skin, lung, liver and spleen of mice infected with 30 or 100 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni according to four sets of experiments: single infection, repeated infections, unisexual infection and infection in mice born from infected mothers. Animals were killed every other day from exposure up to 50 days after infection. Only mild, isolated, focal inflammatory changes were found before the appearance of mature eggs in the liver, even when repeated infections were made. Severe changes of reactive hepatitis and splenitis appeared suddenly when the first mature eggs were deposited, around the 37th to 42nd day after infection. The mature eggs induced lytic and coagulative necrosis of hepatocytes around them which was soon followed by dense infiltration of eosinophils. So, mature egg-induced lesions appeared as the major factors in the pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis in mice. Mice born from infected mothers were apparently able to rapidly modulate the egg-lesions, forming early fibrotic granulomas. The murine model of acute schistosomiasis appeared adequate for the study of pathology and pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis.


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Mice infected with 30 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni developed portal and septal fibrosis due to the massive and concentrated deposition of eggs in the periportal areas which occurred following the 16th week after infection. The lesion resembled pipe-stem fibrosis seen in human hepatosplenic schistosomiasis in the following characters: portal fibrosis interconnecting portal spaces as well as portal spaces and central canals; portal inflammation; periovular granulomas; vascular obstruction and telangiectasia. The liver parenchyma maintained its normal architecture. Vascular injection techniques with Indian ink and vinylite revealed that the portal system developed numerous dilated collateral venules coming from the large and medium-sized portal branches, about 10 weeks after schistosome infection. The lodging of schistosome eggs into these collaterals resulted in granulomatous inflammation and fibrosis along all the portal tracts, thus forming the pipe-stem lesion. Although not readily demonstrable grossly, the pipe-stem fibrosis of murine schistosomiasis has many similarities with the human lesion and can be considered to have the same basic pathogenesis.


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Modification of the immune response to schistosomal infection in children or offspring born to mother R infected with Schistosoma mansoni has been demonstrated in human and in experimental schistosomiasis. One of the hypothesis to explain this fact could be the transfer of circulating antigens and antibodies from mother to foetus through the placenta or from mother to child by milk. The results of this spontaneous transference are controversial in the literature. In an attempt to investigate these questions, we studied one hundred and twenty offspring (Swiss mice), sixty born to infected-mothers (group A) and sixty born to non-infected mothers (group B). These were percutaneously infected with 50 cercariae/mouse, and divided in six sub-groups (20 mice/sub-group), according to the following schedule: after birth (sub-groups A.I and B.I), 10 days old (sub-groups A.II and B.II) and 21 days old (sub-groups A.III and B.III). After the exposure period, the young mice returned to their own mothers for nursing. Six weeks later, the mice were killed. We obtained the following results: 1) There is transference of antibody to cercariae (CAP), adult worms (SWAP) and egg antigens (SEA) from the infected mothers to the offspring, probably through placenta and milk; 2) Offspring born to infected mothers exhibit much less coagulative hepatic necrosis and show a lower number of eggs in the small intestine and a less intense and predominant exsudative stage of the hepatic granulomas when compared with the exsudative-productive stage of the control groups. The findings suggest that congenital and nursing factors can interfere on the development of the schistosomiasis infection, causing an hyporesponse to the eggs.


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It has been studied the chemoprophylactic action on experimental schistosomiasis of the essential oil from Pterodon pubescens "sucupira branca" as an additive through different formulations, in toilet soap. Immediately or 24 hours later, groups of mice were exposed by tail method to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. After 45 days of the exposition, the protective action of these soaps were evaluated. The results showed different levels of protection, ranging from 29.0 to 100.0%. Further studies are on going with the most promising formulations.


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Monogenetic insect trypanosomatids of the genera Crithidia, Leptomonas and Herpetomonas, multiplied as in axenic cultures, for many months, in the lumen of the scent glands of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis. Specific antibodies were detected in the serum of the animals but there was no evidence of invasion of their tissues by the parasites.


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The complex ecology of free-living amoebae (FLA) and their role in spreading pathogenic microorganisms through water systems have recently raised considerable interest. In this study, we investigated the presence of FLA and amoebae-resisting bacteria (ARB) at various stages of a drinking water plant fed with river water. We isolated various amoebal species from the river and from several points within the plant, mostly at early steps of water treatment. Echinamoeba- and Hartmannella-related amoebae were mainly recovered in the drinking water plant whereas Acanthamoeba- and Naegleria-related amoebae were recovered from the river water and the sand filtration units. Some FLA isolates were recovered immediately after the ozonation step, thus suggesting resistance of these microorganisms to this disinfection procedure. A bacterial isolate related to Mycobacterium mucogenicum was recovered from an Echinamoeba-related amoeba isolated from ozone-treated water. Various other ARB were recovered using co-culture with axenic Acanthamoeba castellanii, including mycobacteria, legionella, Chlamydia-like organisms and various proteobacteria. Noteworthy, a new Parachlamydia acanthamoebae strain was recovered from river water and from granular activated carbon (GAC) biofilm. As amoebae mainly multiply in sand and GAC filters, optimization of filter backwash procedures probably offers a possibility to better control these protists and the risk associated with their intracellular hosts


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Susceptibily experiments were carried out with a Biomphalaria straminea-like planorbid snail (Biomphalaria aff. straminea, species inquirenda) from Espinillar, near Salto (Uruguay), in the area of the Salto Grande reservoir, exposed individually to 5 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ2 and BH2 strains). Of 130 snails exposed to the SJ2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria tenagophila, 30 became infected (23%). The prepatent (precercaria) period ranged from 35 to 65 days. The cercarial output was irregular, following no definite pattern, varying from 138 to 76,075 per snail (daily average 4.3 to 447.5 and ending up with death. Three specimens that died, without having shed cercarie, on days 69 (2) and 80 after exposure to miracidia, had developing secondary sporocysts in their tissues, justifying the prospect of a longer precercarial period in these cases. In a control group of 120 B. teangophila, exposed to the SJ2 strain, 40 became infected, showing an infection rate (33.3%) not significantly different from that of the Espinillar snail (X [raised to the power of] 2 = 3.26). No cercarie were produced by any of the Espinilar snails exposed to miracidia of the BH2 strain, originally infective to Biomphalaria glabrata. Four specimens showed each a primary sporocyst in one tentacle, which disappeared between 15 and 25 days post-exposure, and two others died with immature, very slender sporocysts in their tissues on days 36 and 54. In a control group of 100 B. glabrata exposed to BH2 miracidia, 94 shed cercariae (94%) and 6 remained negative. Calculation of Frandsen's (1979a, b) TCP/100 index shows that "Espinillar Biomphalaria-SJ2 S. mansoni" is a vector-parasite "compatible" combination. Seeing that tenagophila-borne schistosomiasis is prevalent in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states and has recently spread sothwards to Santa Catarina state, and the range of B. tenagophila overlaps taht of the Espinillar Biomphalaria, the possibility of schistosomiais establishing itself in Uruguay, although not imminent, is not to be disregarded.


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The present study was performed using data from a Biomphalaria tenagophila population located in a water cress garden in the Alto da Boa Vista region representing an isolated focal point of schistosomiasis in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The density and age structure of this B. tenagophila population and its rate of intection by Schistosoma mansoni were studied for a period of 15 months. The snail population showed seasonal variation in density, with a decrease in number of individual at the begining of the rainy season. At the end of this season, the population consisted mainly of adults (92.8% in May 1985 and 82.8% in April 1986). The population growth curve was logistic and of sigmoidal configuration. Shiscotoma mansoni cercariae were eliminated over a short period of time (March, April and May 1986). The release of cercariae of S. mansoni and of birds seems to depend on environmental temperature, which during certain months would show a daily variation of up to 13ºC, with the lower thermal limit approaching the limit value for sporocyte development.


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A model of acute schistosomiasis of the mouse was used to observe whether curative treatment would be followed by an enhancement of the hepatic and splenic lesions, as a consequence of the massive destruction of worms and eggs within the portal system. Mice infected with 50 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni were treated with both oxamniquine and praziquantel on the 50th day of infection and submitted to a sequential histologic examination from the 2nd to the 45th day after treatment. Although severe focal lesions due to dead and disintegranting worms were present in the livers of the treated animals, no aggravation of the general changes (reative hepatitis and splenitis, or periovular granulomas) was seen in comparison with a control non-treated group. Of 50 animals treated during the acute phase of schistosomiasis only one died espontaneously, while 16 ou of 30 infected controls died before the end of the experiment. The present investigation indicates that curative treatment during the acute phase of schistosomiasis does not enhance previous lesions at first and results in progressive disappearance of the lesions starting six days following chemotherapy.


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The cercarial glycocalyx and schistosomulum surface contains a number of glycoproteins which are expressed in very variable amounts within a parasite population. Tunicamycin inhibits glycoprotein synthesis of schistosomula if the parasites are incubated for 24hr with the drug (10µg ml[raised to the power of -1]). An unexpected increase in lectin binding to the parasite surface was observed but no other changes were detected. Schistosomula treated in this way did not develop in the host past the lung stage. Ultraviolet irradiation (400µW min cm[raised to the power of-2]) also inhibited glycoprotein synthesis. Synthesis of other proteins, and in particular heat shock proteins, were also inhibited. Sera from mice (NIH strain) infected with irradiated cercariae contained antibodies which bound to normal schistosomula with lower affinity than to irradiated parasites. This is evidence that irradiation modifies the surface and secreted glycoproteins of schistosomula, so they are processed in a different way to normal glycoproteins by the host's immune system. The effects of irradiation on heat shock protein synthesis may allow the parasite to release a variety of proteins and glycoproteins in abnormal conformations. This may explain the enhanced immunogenicity of irradiated cercariae.


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The migration of larval Schistosoma mansoni was tracked by means of autoradiographic analysis in naive rabbits percutaneously exposed to L-(**75 Se) selenomethionine-labeled cercariae on serial intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 days post-infection. Autoradiographic foci were detected from the 1st day in the skin, up to the 15th day in the liver. Adult and mature worms were recovered either paired or not 60 days after infection, by perfusion of hepatic and mesenteric veins. Morphometric analysis under optical microscopy, showed that worms were within regular dimention limits as compared to adult worms harboured by other host species. These observations extend previous informations on the S. mansoni-rabbit association and clearly demonstrate the post-liver phase of S.mansoni life-cycle in this host.


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The life cycle of Ascocotyle (Leighia) hadra n.sp. was experimentally reproduced, starting from cercariae from naturally infected Littoridina parchappei, collected from Los Ranchos stream, near Mercedes city, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Metacercariae were found encysted in the liver and mesentery of experimentally and naturally infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and Jenynsia lineata. Adults were obtained experimentally in chicks and mice. The natural host is unknown. The new species is compared with Ascocotyle (Leighia) mcintoshi Price 1936 as described by Leigh, 1974, differing in behavior and morphology of cercarial, metacercarial and adult stages


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A redescription of Halipegus dubius Klein, 1905, of Brazilian frogs Leptodactylus pentadactylus and L. ocellatus, is presented. The parasite was found exclusively in the buccal cavity, in number varying from 1 (in most instances) to 3, and exceptionally 25 (one instance). Morphological data were based on 40 whole-mounted specimens and 4 serially sectioned ones. Larval development takes place in planorbid snails (Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila) and in an undetermined species of cyclops. Working of the ovarian complex was followed by microscopical observation of life specimens. Constrating with the similarity of the four American species of Halipegus currently recognized as valid, they can be easily separated by the characters of their cercariae.


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Twenty specimens of Nectomys squamipes born in captivity, were infected with 500 cercariae by the transcutaneous route. Coprologic examinations were carried out from the 5th to 23rd week after infection. On the 7th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 23rd weeks the animals were sacrificed and perfused. The oogram was performed in segments of the small intestine (proximal, medial and distal portions) and the large intestine. The average pre-patent period was of 42 days. The average number of eggs varied from 350 on 6th week, to 800 on the 13th. From the 14th week on, the average number of eggs eliminated was lower than 50 per gram of feces. The recovery of worms kept steady on the 7th, 8th, and 12th week (16.85%; 15.45% and 11.95%), decreasing to 7.70% on the 16th week and 8.45% on the 23rd week. The proportion of male/female worms was about the same on the first two weeks, but from the 12th week on, the proportion was: 1,4/1 on the 12th week; 2,5/1 on the 16thweek and 1,8/1 on the 23rd weekThese observations suggest that N. squamipes may used as an experimental model for schistosomiasis mansoni, to wich it develops resistance mechanism, useful for immunity studies.


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In C57Bl/6 strain mice vaccinated with radiation-attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni immune elimination of challenge parasites occurs in the lungs. Leococytes were recovered from the lungs of such mice by bronchoalveolar lavage and cultured in vitro with larval antigen; the profile of cytokines released was then analyzed. From 14 days after vaccination, BAL cultures contained infiltrating lymphocytes wich produced abundant quantitties of IFN-g and IL-3. Challenge of vaccinated mice resulted in a second influx of IFN-g nd IL-3- producing cells, earlier than after vaccination or in the appropriate contropls. Ablation studies revealed that CD4+ T cells were the source of IFN-g. The timing of cytokine production after vaccination, and challenge was coincident with the phases of macrophage activation previously reported. At no time could lymphocytes in BAL cultures to stimulated to proliferate with either larval Ag or mitogen, in contrast to splenocytes from the same mice. Furthermore, T cell growth factor activity was not detected in BAL cultures stimulated with Ag. We suggest that the lymphocytes recruited to the lungs are memory/effector cells, When Ag. released challenge schistosomula is presented to these cells, they respond by secreting cytokines wich mediate the formation of cellular aggregates around the parasites, blocking their onward migration.