245 resultados para Authoritative
Cette thèse examine en profondeur la nature et l’application du concept de genre en jeu vidéo. Elle se divise en trois parties. La première fait l’inventaire des théories des genres en littérature et en études cinématographiques. Les propriétés essentielles du genre comme concept sont identifiées : il s’agit d’une catégorisation intuitive et irraisonnée, de nature discursive, qui découle d’un consensus culturel commun plutôt que de systèmes théoriques, et qui repose sur les notions de tradition, d’innovation et d’hybridité. Dans la deuxième partie, ces constats sont appliqués au cas du genre vidéoludique. Quelques typologies sont décortiquées pour montrer l’impossibilité d’une classification autoritaire. Un modèle du développement des genres est avancé, lequel s’appuie sur trois modalités : l’imitation, la réitération et l’innovation. Par l’examen de l’histoire du genre du first-person shooter, la conception traditionnelle du genre vidéoludique basée sur des mécanismes formels est remplacée par une nouvelle définition centrée sur l’expérience du joueur. La troisième partie développe l’expérience comme concept théorique et la place au centre d’une nouvelle conception du genre, la pragmatique des effets génériques. Dans cette optique, tout objet est une suite d’amorces génériques, d’effets en puissance qui peuvent se réaliser pourvu que le joueur dispose des compétences génériques nécessaires pour les reconnaître. Cette nouvelle approche est démontrée à travers une étude approfondie d’un genre vidéoludique : le survival horror. Cette étude de cas témoigne de l’applicabilité plus large de la pragmatique des effets génériques, et de la récursivité des questions de genre entre le jeu vidéo, la littérature et le cinéma.
Cette recherche porte sur la problématique du développement psychosocial des enfants doués. Bien qu’il existe des travaux qui indiquent que les enfants doués souffrent plus souvent de problèmes d’adaptation que les autres, comme l’isolement social, la dépression, l’anxiété et une faible estime de soi, la littérature de recherche considère peu l’environnement familial des enfants doués comme étant un facteur qui puisse contribuer au niveau d’adaptation de l’enfant. La présente recherche a eu donc pour objectif de déterminer si les styles parentaux, tels que définis par Baumrind, sont associés à l’adaptation des enfants doués. Les styles parentaux des parents ont été mesurés à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto-rapporté. Le niveau d’adaptation d’un groupe d’enfants doués, âgés de 7 à 11 ans, a été évalué à l’aide de mesures de comportement et de concept de soi. La douance a été mesurée avec un test d’intelligence standardisé. Quarante-huit enfants doués et 52 enfants du groupe contrôle ont participé à l'étude. Les résultats ont démontré que les parents des enfants doués utilisent majoritairement un style parental démocratique. Les mères ont rapporté être significativement plus démocratiques que les pères. Les parents ont identifié un sous-groupe d'enfants doués ayant des problèmes sociaux avec leurs pairs, tandis que ces enfants doués et leurs enseignants n’en n’ont pas indiqué. Aucune association n’a été mise en évidence entre l'utilisation d'un style parental particulier et les problèmes sociaux chez les enfants doués. Cependant, l’utilisation du style parental autoritaire des mères a été associée à des problèmes de comportement moins élevés ainsi qu’un concept de soi intellectuel plus élevé chez les enfants doués. Inversement, le style parental démocratique des mères a été associé à des problèmes de comportements plus élevés chez les enfants doués. Le style parental permissif des mères a été associé à des niveaux de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants doués. Pour les pères, les styles parentaux autoritaires et permissifs ont été associés à des niveaux d’adaptation et de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants doués. Enfin, le niveau d’adaptation ainsi que les styles parentaux ont été comparés entre les deux groupes d’enfants. Les deux groupes ont présenté des niveaux d’adaptation dans la gamme de la normalité. De plus, les parents des deux groupes d’enfants ont rapporté des styles parentaux similaires. Pour les pères des enfants du groupe de contrôle, le style parental démocratique a été associé à des niveaux d’adaptation plus élevés. Le style parental autoritaire des mères et le style parental permissif des pères ont été associés à des niveaux de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants du groupe de contrôle. En somme, les conclusions de cette thèse permettent une meilleure compréhension de la complexité des liens entre les styles parentaux et l’adaptation des enfants doués.
Māori food sovereignty was and continues to be severely affected by British colonisation and influence. This situation and its causes, both past and present, will be examined in the context of Māori culture, especially Te Tiriti, a founding document of New Zealand. The general concept of food sovereignty is introduced, and its key principle: having power over one's own food system. A brief history of Māori food systems is necessary as context–their adaptation from Polynesia to New Zealand and later, to European settlement. Te Tiriti and the Treaty of Waitangi are explained: how they were created and why Te Tiriti is authoritative. Then, different aspects of Te Tiriti are linked to various parts of Māori food sovereignty and traditional Māori concepts. Through breaching tuku whenua in Te Tiriti, land issues have arisen: the methods used to confiscate Māori land and the effects this had on traditional food, health and urbanisation are discussed. Culture as taonga is examined: the ways in which losing a food system leads to losing traditions, and how this breaches Te Tiriti. Then the (mostly negative) effects of this shift in food systems on the environment is examined, and how this relates back to taonga as well as the traditional duty of kaitiakitanga and, again, the breaching of Te Tiriti. Lastly, the underlying issue of power is examined in relation to rangatiratanga and overall sovereignty–this is also linked to Te Tiriti.
Technology is changing how students learn and how we research. Perhaps you want to use technology to enhance communication or improve student support. You may want create a distance learning activity, a flexibly delivered module or indeed a whole course. You may simply want to find out where to find authoritative information, or to see what support exists for this type of work. The University is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching, using technology where appropriate, in order to offer a distinctive Southampton educational experience. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), also known as e‑learning, is becoming increasingly important to students, teaching staff and the institution. This guide highlights some of the most important matters to consider. It is intended to help you to tackle the key issues that determine the success of TEL projects and to work on those projects in a considered way. Written with the input of colleagues from around the University, it prompts you to ask important questions and points you to sources of up-to-date knowledge and advice. Technology changes rapidly. This guide is about managing the work in a practical way. The University supports the use of a variety of TEL approaches for teaching and learning and colleagues are ready to offer their experience and advice. Each person has distinctive skills and specific experiences. No single person will have all the answers you are looking for. Be ready to investigate alternative approaches that suit you and your students’ needs in different ways. - Madeline Paterson, University of Southampton
El artículo analiza el fenómeno del desplazamiento forzado alrededor del mundo, así como la génesis del mandato de las Naciones Unidas para luchar contra este problema. Examina las conclusiones clave del estudio de la ONU que encontró que las normas existentes del derecho internacional tienen varios vacíos y zonas grises relativos a las necesidades de los desplazados internos. También analiza los orígenes y el contenido de los principios guía del desplazamiento interno, así como el estatus normativo de los mismos. Así mismo, sugiere que, a pesar de no ser vinculante para los Estados, estos principios guía se convirtieron en la expresión más autorizada de los estándares mínimos aplicables a los desplazados internos como consecuencia de la práctica estatal, es decir, que la mayoría de estos principios se volverán costumbre internacional. El artículo también señala la necesidad de que haya una implementación efectiva en el derecho interno de estos principios guía; examina cómo las autoridades gubernamentales, la Corte Constitucional y la sociedad civil en Colombia, así como las entidades intergubernamentales, respondieron a la crisis del desplazamiento interno en el país. Observando el marco legal colombiano en desplazamiento interno, el artículo concluye que el Estado no ha tomado las medidas necesarias requeridas para prevenir futuros desplazamientos o para asegurar una protección y asistencia efectivas para resolver las necesidades de los desplazados internos.
Conforme a las resoluciones de la ONU 1514 y 1541 (1960), usualmente se discuten solo tres formas de autodeterminación de los pueblos: la independencia, la integración y la libre asociación. En 1970, la Resolución 2625 amplió ese lenguaje, añadiendo una cuarta vía: “La adquisición de cualquier otra condición política libremente decidida por un pueblo”. La Resolución 2625 y resoluciones posteriores plantean un marco de libertad de petición y negociación que no limita la búsqueda de soluciones razonables y realistas a las aspiraciones legítimas de progreso político, cultural y económico de un pueblo.La monografía también discute estas normas desde la perspectiva del Derecho Constitucional de los Estados Unidos, concluyendo que ese corpus jurisprudencial también reconoce y permite diversas formas de organización política “soberana” más allá de los estados de la Unión, pueblos o jurisdicciones con diversos grados de autonomía, desde las tribus o naciones indias, hasta los Estados libres asociados, consistentes con el espíritu y letra de la Resolución 2625 y su progenie.
C. Wright Mills has been forgotten by sociological theories however there is no doubt about how much he contributed to the field of Epistemology. He successfully participated in the American Sociology of Knowledge and, at the same time, he upheld the tradition of the Conflict Theory, including the sociological dimension into one of the most questioned political subjects of his period. Undoubtedly, Wright Mills was morally committed to the value of reason and freedom. His central issue was to analyse the real possibilities for a particular individual within a particular social order to become a free man capable of reasoning. He wondered how someone could be able to transcend his daily nature through reason and experience and to act accordingly to his power. The power and political processes were constant in his works, since he claimed that any political process was a struggle for power and prestige, for authoritative positions, both within each nation and among the different states. On the other hand, he bserved that the social structure in the United States of America was not completely democratic, since the course of action depended on the decision of a small group of wealthy, powerful individuals. These concentrating spaces of power amongst some economic, military and political corporations were supported by their underlying ideology, a fact that became clearer when referring to international affairs. Nowadays, in a world of structural antagonisms, wars and rebellions, the need for looking at the work of intellectuals like Mills re-emerges. Mills showed us a way in which a complex entity as power can be understood, and, at the same time, the need to consider the course of history, its mechanics and process.
S'estudia l'obra filològica d' Antoni de Bastero i Lledó (1675-1737), des d'una perspectiva de conjunt, per tal de concretar I'activitat d'aquest estudiós en els camps de la lingüística, la filologia o la crítica literària, i fer-ne una valoració adequada als coneixements actuals sobre I'exercici d'aquestes disciplines durant la primera meitat del segle XVIII. La tesi inclou un estudi biogràfic, absolutament necessari per establir moltes de les circumstancies vitals del canonge Bastero, que ens resultaven obscures i que són decisives per explicar el propi interès per la filologia, les relacions amb determinats cercles acadèmics, la datació aproximada dels diversos projectes iniciats, la interpretació correcta de la seva activitat. S'inclou, així mateix, un catàleg exhaustiu de tots els manuscrits conservats d'Antoni de Bastero i que tenen alguna relació amb el seu treball filològic. En total es tenen en compte 69 volums manuscrits, actualment escampats per diversos arxius i biblioteques de Barcelona i Girona, alguns dels quals eren fins ara desconeguts. D'aquests 69 volums, 48 contenen pròpiament obres de Bastero o altres materials publicables, i la resta són materials de treball. En conseqüència, l' obra filològica del canonge es pot concretar en: la producció d'una gramàtica italiana i d'una gramàtica francesa, en català, que va deixar inacabades; la realització de La Crusca provenzale, un magne diccionari etimològic i d'autoritats que recull una gran quantitat d'hipotètics provençalismes italians -només es va publicar el primer volum d'aquesta obra a Roma, l'any 1724, però n'he localitzat pràcticament tot el contingut; l'elaboració d'una extensa antologia de poesies trobadoresques, copiades amb gran rigor d'alguns còdexs de la Biblioteca Vaticana; el plantejament d'una Història de llengua catalana, que havia de ser una gran compilació dels mèrits i les excel·lències d'aquesta llengua -que l'autor identifica amb la provençal- i la seva literatura, i que es va poder desenvolupar nomes de forma parcial. Precisament, la part central de la tesi l'ocupa l'estudi particular i l'edició crítica de les parts redactades d'aquesta obra, que suposa la concreció de la particular percepció lingüística i literària que Bastero havia anat perfilant al llarg dels seus anys d'estudi. Es tracta d'una edició molt complexa, perquè l'obra ens ha arribat només en un esborrany, que presenta múltiples correccions i esmenes i evidencia diferents estadis redaccionals; els manuscrits inclouen, així mateix, nombrosos papers amb anotacions o fragments que, o no pertanyen al cos de l'obra, o bé s'han hagut de resituar en el lloc que els correspon. EI resultat és, tanmateix, un text prou coherent que comprèn quasi la totalitat del Llibre primer -sobre l'origen, el naixement i els diversos noms de la llengua, i sobre el nom de Catalunya- i un capítol del Llibre tercer -sobre la primitiva extensió del català per tot Espanya. EI més rellevant d'aquesta obra és el fet que s'hi basteix una original teoria sobre la formació de les diverses llengües romàniques que té el català com a eix central -proposa la identificació del català provençal amb la lingua romana dels documents alt medievals, en una operació que s'avança quasi cent anys a François Raynouard, que propugnava això mateix, referint-se nomes al provençal, amb un àmplia aprovació de la comunitat científica del seu temps. Destaquen també un excepcional rigor històric i documental, i una notable sensibilitat vers l'oralitat lingüística, que és objecte d'algunes anotacions ben interessants. Tanquen la tesi un seguit d'annexos documentals on es transcriuen diversos documents relacionats amb els aspectes tractats anteriorment.
Este ensayo se refiere a varios procedimientos narrativos en la ficcionalización de la historia y lo hace a partir del análisis de la novela El entenado, del argentino Juan José Saer. Propone una reflexión acerca de tres aspectos claves en esta obra: 1. La representación del caníbal y su existencia en el tiempo mítico, 2. La memoria y la conciencia del exterminio, y 3. La figura del testigo como una voz históricamente autorizada en los relatos. La noción del tiempo, el desarrollo de la conciencia, la memoria y el lenguaje de un pueblo caníbal de la región del Río de la Plata son narrados por un joven marinero español del siglo XVI, que comparte esa vida durante diez años como prisionero. En esta novela Saer se embarca en un viaje ficcional y especulativo orientado a desentrañar la noción de la vida y la muerte en un pueblo y un tiempo míticos.
Recent developments in contracting practice in the UK have built upon recommendations contained in highprofile reports, such as those by Latham and Egan. However, the New Engineering Contract (NEC), endorsed by Latham, is based upon principles of contract drafting that seem open to question. Any contract operates in the context of its legislative environment and current working practices. This report identifies eight contentious hypotheses in the literature on construction contracts and tests their validity in a sample survey that attracted 190 responses. The survey shows, among other things, that while partnership is a positive and useful idea, authoritative contract management is considered more effective and that “win-win” contracts, while desirable, are basically impractical. Further, precision and fairness in contracts are not easy to achieve simultaneously. While participants should know what is in their contracts, they should not routinely resort to legal action; and standard-form contracts should not seek to be universally applicable. Fundamental changes to drafting policy should be undertaken within the context of current legal contract doctrine and with a sensitivity to the way that contracts are used in contemporary practice. Attitudes to construction contracting may seem to be changing on the surface, but detailed analysis of what lies behind apparent agreement on new ways of working reveals that attitudes are changing much more slowly than they appear to be.
Infrared multilayer interference filters have been used extensively in satellite radiometers for about 15 years. Filters manufactured by the University of Reading have been used in Nimbus 5, 6, and 7, TIROS N, and the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The ability of the filters to withstand the space environment in these applications is critical; if degradation takes place, the effects would range from worsening of signal-to-noise performance to complete system failure. An experiment on the LDEF will enable the filters, for the first time, to be subjected to authoritative spectral measurements following space exposure to ascertain their suitability for spacecraft use and to permit an understanding of degradation mechanisms.
The IPD Annual Index is the largest and most comprehensive Real Estate market index available in the UK Such coverage however inevitably leads to delays in publication. In contrast there are a number of quarterly and monthly indices which are published within days of the year end but which lack the coverage in terms of size and numbers of properties. This paper analyses these smaller but more timely indices to see whether such indices can be used to predict the performance of the IPD Annual Index. Using a number of measures of forecasting accuracy it is shown that the smaller indices provide unbiased and efficient predictions of the IPD Annual Index. Such indices also significantly outperform a naive no-change model. Although no one index performs significantly better than the others. The more timely indices however do not perfectly track the IPD Annual Index. As a result any short run predictions of performance will be subject to a degree of error. Nevertheless the more timely indices, although lacking authoritative coverage, provide a valuable service to investors giving good estimates of Real Estates performance well before the publication of the IPD Annual Index.
What impact do international state-building missions have on the domestic politics of states they seek to build, and how can we measure this impact with confidence? This article seeks to address these questions and challenge some existing approaches that often appear to assume that state-builders leave lasting legacies rather than demonstrating such influence with the use of carefully chosen empirical evidence. Too often, domestic conditions that follow in the wake of international state-building are assumed to follow as a result of international intervention, usually due to insufficient attention to the causal processes that link international actions to domestic outcomes. The article calls for greater appreciation of the methodological challenges to establishing causal inferences regarding the legacies of state-building and identifies three qualitative methodological strategies—process tracing, counterfactual analysis, and the use of control cases—that can be used to improve confidence in causal claims about state-building legacies. The article concludes with a case study of international state-building in East Timor, highlighting several flaws of existing evaluations of the United Nations' role in East Timor and identifying the critical role that domestic actors play even in the context of authoritative international intervention
The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) identified practices to reduce the risk of animal disease outbreaks. We report on the response of sheep and pig farmers in England to promotion of these practices. A conceptual framework was established from research on factors influencing adoption of animal health practices, linking knowledge, attitudes, social influences and perceived constraints to the implementation of specific practices. Qualitative data were collected from nine sheep and six pig enterprises in 2011. Thematic analysis explored attitudes and responses to the proposed practices, and factors influencing the likelihood of implementation. Most feel they are doing all they can reasonably do to minimise disease risk and that practices not being implemented are either not relevant or ineffective. There is little awareness and concern about risk from unseen threats. Pig farmers place more emphasis than sheep farmers on controlling wildlife, staff and visitor management and staff training. The main factors that influence livestock farmers’ decision on whether or not to implement a specific disease risk measure are: attitudes to, and perceptions of, disease risk; attitudes towards the specific measure and its efficacy; characteristics of the enterprise which they perceive as making a measure impractical; previous experience of a disease or of the measure; and the credibility of information and advice. Great importance is placed on access to authoritative information with most seeing vets as the prime source to interpret generic advice from national bodies in the local context. Uptake of disease risk measures could be increased by: improved risk communication through the farming press and vets to encourage farmers to recognise hidden threats; dissemination of credible early warning information to sharpen farmers’ assessment of risk; and targeted information through training events, farming press, vets and other advisers, and farmer groups, tailored to the different categories of livestock farmer.
As the Enlightenment drew to a close, translation had gradually acquired an increasingly important role in the international circulation and transmission of scientific knowledge. Yet comparatively little attention has been paid to the translators responsible for making such accounts accessible in other languages, some of whom were women. In this article I explore how European women cast themselves as intellectually enquiring, knowledgeable and authoritative figures in their translations. Focusing specifically on the genre of scientific travel writing, I investigate the narrative strategies deployed by women translators to mark their involvement in the process of scientific knowledge-making. These strategies ranged from rhetorical near-invisibility, driven by women's modest marginalization of their own public engagement in science, to the active advertisement of themselves as intellectually curious consumers of scientific knowledge. A detailed study of Elizabeth Helme's translation of the French ornithologist Françoise le Vaillant's Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique [Voyage into the Interior of Africa] (1790) allows me to explore how her reworking of the original text for an Anglophone reading public enabled her to engage cautiously – or sometimes more openly – with questions regarding how scientific knowledge was constructed, for whom and with which aims in mind.