589 resultados para Australian Government
We explore bioregional management in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in Australia through the institutional design characteristics of the MDB River Basin Organization (RBO), the actors and organizations who supported and resisted the establishment of the RBO, and the effectiveness of the RBO. During the last 25 years, there has been a major structural reform in the MDB RBO, which has changed from an interstate coordinating body to an Australian government agency. Responsibility for basin management has been centralized under the leadership of the Australian government, and a comprehensive integrated Basin plan has been adopted. The driving forces for this centralization include national policy to restore river basins to sustainable levels of extraction, state government difficulties in reversing overallocation of water entitlements, the millennium drought and its effects, political expediency on the part of the Australian government and state governments, and a major injection of Australian government funding. The increasing hierarchy and centralization of the MDB RBO does not follow a general trend toward multilevel participative governance of RBOs, but decentralization should not be overstated because of the special circumstances at the time of the centralization and the continuing existence of some decentralized elements, such as catchment water plans, land use planning, and water quality. Further swings in the centralization–decentralization pendulum could occur. The MDB reform has succeeded in rebalancing Basin water allocations, including an allocation for the environment and reduced diversion limits. There are some longer term risks to the implementation of reform, including lack of cooperation by state governments, vertical coordination difficulties, and perceived reductions in the accountability and legitimacy of reform at the local level. If implementation of the Basin plan is diverted or delayed, a new institution, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, can play a major role in securing and coordinating environmental water supplies.
In 2014, the Australian Government implemented the Emissions Reduction Fund to offer incentives for businesses to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by following approved methods. Beef cattle businesses in northern Australia can participate by applying the 'reducing GHG emissions by feeding nitrates to beef cattle' methodology and the 'beef cattle herd management' methods. The nitrate (NO3) method requires that each baseline area must demonstrate a history of urea use. Projects earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCU) for reducing enteric methane emissions by substituting NO3 for urea at the same amount of fed nitrogen. NO3 must be fed in the form of a lick block because most operations do not have labour or equipment to manage daily supplementation. NO3 concentrations, after a 2-week adaptation period, must not exceed 50 g NO3/adult animal equivalent per day or 7 g NO3/kg dry matter intake per day to reduce the risk of NO3 toxicity. There is also a 'beef cattle herd management' method, approved in 2015, that covers activities that improve the herd emission intensity (emissions per unit of product sold) through change in the diet or management. The present study was conducted to compare the required ACCU or supplement prices for a 2% return on capital when feeding a low or high supplement concentration to breeding stock of either (1) urea, (2) three different forms of NO3 or (3) cottonseed meal (CSM), at N concentrations equivalent to 25 or 50 g urea/animal equivalent, to fasten steer entry to a feedlot (backgrounding), in a typical breeder herd on the coastal speargrass land types in central Queensland. Monte Carlo simulations were run using the software @risk, with probability functions used for (1) urea, NO3 and CSM prices, (2) GHG mitigation, (3) livestock prices and (4) carbon price. Increasing the weight of steers at a set turnoff month by feeding CSM was found to be the most cost-effective option, with or without including the offset income. The required ACCU prices for a 2% return on capital were an order of magnitude higher than were indicative carbon prices in 2015 for the three forms of NO3. The likely costs of participating in ERF projects would reduce the return on capital for all mitigation options. © CSIRO 2016.
Resumen: Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre el tipo de profesor (especialista y no especialista en educación física), con el nivel de actividad física, el contenido-contexto de la clase y el comportamiento del profesor. Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en un colegio distrital de Bogotá. Fueron evaluadas 57 clases de educación física, y dos docentes (uno con formación académica en Educación física), por medio del Sistema para la observación del tiempo de instrucción de la condición física (SOFIT). Las variables observadas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva en cantidades relativas a los minutos y proporción de la clase. Para establecer la asociación entre el género de los estudiantes y el tipo de profesor se usaron test t para muestras independientes y U de Mann-Witney. Resultados: La duración promedio de la clase fue 82,7 minutos, 69% del tiempo programado; los estudiantes pasaron la mayor parte del tiempo de pie 29% (25 minutos), el contenido predominante de la clase fue el de tipo general 21% (25 minutos) y los maestros ocuparon en promedio el 36% (29 minutos) de la clase observando. Los estudiantes pasaron 53% (44 minutos) en actividades físicas moderadas a vigorosas (AFMV). Los niños fueron más activos que las niñas (53.94% vs 50,83%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre el género y casi todos los niveles de actividad física de los estudiantes (p<0,05). Se identificó que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05), para las categorías sentado y estar de pie de la variable Niveles de Actividad física tanto en los resultados expresados en minutos, como en la proporción del tiempo de la clase y para la categoría caminando expresada en tiempo de la clase. Para la variable contenido-contexto se determinó una asociación para la categoría conocimiento, tanto en la proporción como en el número de minutos, y para la categoría contenido general en los resultados expresados en proporción de la clase. Finalmente, para la variable comportamiento del profesor expresada tanto en minutos como en proporción de la clase tuvo significancia estadística en todas sus categorías a excepción de la categoría promover Conclusiones: hay una diferencia importante en la forma como los dos tipos de maestros desarrollan la clase y los niveles de actividad física en que involucran a los estudiantes. La educación física en la escuela debe ser impartida por profesionales formados en el área, que tengan las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para desarrollar una educación física de calidad.
This paper documents the development and findings of the Good Practice Report on Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). Developing the Good Practice Report required a meta-analysis of 33 ALTC learning and teaching projects relating to technology funded between 2006 and 2010. This report forms one of 12 completed Good Practice Reports on a range of different topics commissioned by the ALTC and Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT). The reports aim to reduce issues relating to dissemination that projects face within the sector by providing educators with an efficient and accessible way of engaging with and filtering through the resources and experiences of numerous learning and teaching projects funded by the ALTC and OLT. The Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching Report highlights examples of good practice and provides outcomes and recommendations based on the meta-analysis of the relevant learning and teaching projects. However, in order to ensure the value of these reports is realised, educators need to engage with the reports and integrate the information and findings into their practice. The paper concludes by detailing how educational networks can be utilised to support dissemination.
How does knowledge management (KM) by a government agency responsible for environmental impact assessment (EIA) potentially contribute to better environmental assessment and management practice? Staff members at government agencies in charge of the EIA process are knowledge workers who perform judgement-oriented tasks highly reliant on individual expertise, but also grounded on the agency`s knowledge accumulated over the years. Part of an agency`s knowledge can be codified and stored in an organizational memory, but is subject to decay or loss if not properly managed. The EIA agency operating in Western Australia was used as a case study. Its KM initiatives were reviewed, knowledge repositories were identified and staff surveyed to gauge the utilisation and effectiveness of such repositories in enabling them to perform EIA tasks. Key elements of KM are the preparation of substantive guidance and spatial information management. It was found that treatment of cumulative impacts on the environment is very limited and information derived from project follow-up is not properly captured and stored, thus not used to create new knowledge and to improve practice and effectiveness. Other opportunities for improving organizational learning include the use of after-action reviews. The learning about knowledge management in EIA practice gained from Western Australian experience should be of value to agencies worldwide seeking to understand where best to direct their resources for their own knowledge repositories and environmental management practice. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Members of the Australian Labor Party during Mayday procession in Brisbane, Australia 1969.