180 resultados para Auctions.
The most important issues in auction design are the traditional concerns of competition policy preventing collusive, predatory, and entry-deterring behaviour. Ascending and uniform-price auctions are particularly vulnerable to these problems, and the Anglo-Dutch auction a hybrid of the sealed-bid and ascending auctions may often perform better. Effective anti-trust policy is also critical. However, everything depends on the details of the context; the circum- stances of the recent U.K. mobile-phone license auction made an ascending format ideal, but this author (and others) correctly predicted the same for- mat would fail in the Netherlands and elsewhere. Auction design is not one size Þts all . We also discuss the 3G spectrum auctions in Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland, and football TV-rights, TV franchise and other radiospectrum auctions, electricity markets, and takeover battles.
In this note I specify the class of functions that are equilibria of symmetric first-price auctions.
This work focuses on obtaining truthful mechanisms that aim at maximizing both the revenue and the economic efficiency (social welfare) for the unitdemand combinatorial auction problem (UDCAP), in which a set of k items is auctioned to a set of n consumers. Although each consumer bids on all items, no consumer can purchase more than one item in the UDCAP. We present a framework for devising poly-time randomized competitive truthful mechanisms that can be used to either favor economic efficiency or revenue.
This paper studies a model of a sequential auction where bidders are allowed to acquire further information about their valuations of the object in the middle of the auction. It is shown that, in any equilibrium where the distribution of the final price is atornless, a bidder's best response has a simple characterization. In particular, the optimal information acquisition point is the same, regardless of the other bidders' actions. This makes it natural to focus on symmetric, undominated equilibria, as in the Vickrey auction. An existence theorem for such a class of equilibria is presented. The paper also presents some results and numerical simulations that compare this sequential auction with the one-shot auction. 8equential auctions typically yield more expected revenue for the seller than their one-shot counterparts. 80 the possibility of mid-auction information acquisition can provide an explanation for why sequential procedures are more often adopted.
This work refers to one of the greatest infrastructure projects planned by the Federal Public Administration entitled Trem de Alta Velocidade RJ-Campinas (TAV Brasil) [High Speed Rail Rio de Janeiro – Campinas], also know as bullet train. The intent of this research is not to explore the technical issues of the project bu the description of some details contributes for a better understanting of the evolved technology. The focus of this work is found under the actions promoted by diverse political actors in such enterprise as well as the context which made the public grant not possible along the two mandates of President Lula and the first one of President Dilma Rousseff. This contemporary matter required a huge documentary investigation performed by available material on the internet, news report of the most important press vehicles in the country, essays and articles published by experts. Some people involved in this policy process were interviewed. These inputs enriched the data explaining the conceived actions and structure of the project by the federal government. The results and final considerations target the complexity of the project and the TAV auctions failure from 2010 to 2014, suggesting further researches concerning the retaking of the bullet train project.
Os leilões para concessão de blocos de petróleo no Brasil utilizam uma equação para formar a pontuação que define o vencedor. Cada participante deve submeter ao leiloeiro um lance composto por três atributos: Bônus de Assinatura (BA), Programa Exploratório Mínimo (PEM) e Conteúdo Local (CL). Cada atributo possui um peso na equação e a nota final de cada participante também depende dos lances ofertados pelos outros participantes. Apesar de leilões de petróleo serem muito estudados na economia, o leilão multi-atributos, do tipo máxima pontuação, ainda é pouco analisado, principalmente como mecanismo de alocação de direitos minerários. Este trabalho destaca a inserção do CL como atributo que transforma a estrutura, do que poderia ser um leilão simples de primeiro preço, em um leilão multi-atributos de máxima pontuação. Demonstra-se como o CL, através da curva de custos do projeto, está relacionado também ao Bônus de Assinatura, outro importante atributo da equação. Para compreender o impacto do fenômeno da inserção do CL, foram criados três casos de leilões hipotéticos, onde, dentre outras simplificações, o programa exploratório mínimo foi fixado para todas as empresas envolvidas. No caso base (Sem CL), simula-se a estrutura de um leilão de primeiro preço, onde apenas o BA define o vencedor do leilão. Já no caso forçado (CLO=CLR), há inserção do atributo CL, sendo o participante obrigado a cumprir o CL ofertado. Por fim, o caso completo (Com Multa) permite que o participante preveja a aplicação de multa por descumprimento do CL ofertado e, caso haja benefício econômico, descumpra efetivamente o CL ofertado. Considerando estes casos, argumenta-se que, apesar do o lucro das empresas e a eficiência do leilão não serem alterados, a inclusão do conteúdo local na estrutura do leilão pode ter reflexos consideráveis na receita do governo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work presents results derived from a study related to impact on non-controllable costs in the determination of energy taxes. This is done analyzing tax review practiced by concessionaries responsible for the distribution of electrical energy located in the Northeastern Region of Brazil, between 2003 and 2004. This Region was chosen as a study area due to the researcher s expectation in congregating companies that deliver services to markets that have similar social-economical profiles. A brief explanation related to the restructuring of the electrical sector in Brazil is presented, pointing out that there was privatization of the great majority of these companies. The study also points out the definition of regulating rules in service delivery process. The components of taxes that are practiced by these companies aimed at final consumers, as well as the market as a whole and the revision process that is executed by Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ANEEL for the definition of these taxes are demonstrated in the research. A brief historical of the concessionaires that were focus of the research is presented, totaling five companies. Some data used by ANEEL in the tax review process was analyzed as well as data on components of approved taxes. It is concluded that as a media 47, 49% of the components of taxes in the researched companies correspond to the non-controllable costs. These is done considering previous classification by ANEEL in the tax review process. Although, if it is considered that these companies since 2006, by the means of participation in energy auctions are able to negotiate energy prices for their own needs, it is concluded that these concession contracts guarantee the delivery of the service to the costumer in the total tribute. The percentage of non-controllable costs is 16, 27% average of the tax. This means, amongst other information, that the government has a great deal of responsibility in the formation of price practiced by these companies and its target markets
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Analisaram-se os efeitos da média de peso vivo de 1.880 lotes de bezerros comercializados em 13 leilões, no Rio Grande do Sul, sobre o valor de venda final por unidade de peso, e caracterizou-se a frequência dos lotes conforme a classe de peso durante as estações de outono e primavera, no período de 2004 a 2006. Os dados foram corrigidos pelo índice geral de preços - disponibilidade interna e analisados por meio de histogramas de frequência e análises de regressão e correlação. O peso vivo influenciou o preço dos bezerros, e a magnitude do efeito foi maior nos anos de grande demanda. Observou-se correlação negativa entre preço e peso dos bezerros na primavera, reflexo da oferta de animais mais pesados, devido aos efeitos de estação do ano ou à maior idade dos bezerros, comparados aos ofertados no outono. Não se observou maior liquidez dos bezerros comercializados no outono em relação aos da primavera. A conjuntura da cadeia da carne bovina e os preços de outras categorias têm grande relação com os preços pagos. A aquisição de animais de menor ou maior peso na ocasião da transação comercial pode auxiliar na redução dos custos que a reposição representa na produção.
Introduces technical, economic and environmentally competitive solutions in the energy market is a great challenge for society. This work examines each of these aspects considering the production of electrolytic hydrogen with energy from wind power, solar and hydropower, in order to ensure an overview of this energy carrier. Initially, an assessment of the technical aspects is made addressing existing electrolysers technologies, its main characteristics and differences. The geographical distribution of wind, solar and hydroelectric potential in Brazil is also mapped, and a configuration scheme of a hydrogen production system is discussed. Subsequently, the economic analysis calculates the cost of investment in the alkaline electrolyser of 60 Nm³ / h, similar to the Brazilian bus powered by hydrogen project, coordinated by EMTU. Since the main input of electrolysis is electricity, is analyzed the latest energy auctions of each primary source and it is calculated the cost of production of the wind, solar and hydropower hydrogen. Postponed to this, are investigated the intrinsic environmental impacts of electricity generation process, proposing a readjustment of an indicator of ecological efficiency for the production of hydrogen. Finally, the work discusses the concept of externalities and demonstrates how the incorporation of external costs can leverage the hydrogen economy. In short, it is evident that the wind and hydroelectric hydrogens are more promising compared to solar hydrogen, whether in the economic aspect, because it achieved lower costs, whether in the environmental aspect, because it reached the highest ecological efficiency