949 resultados para Athena


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Wind power is a type of energy that is still not too explored in Brazil and, because of the lack of experience in projects of this size, there are still some problems during the stages of planning and execution of wind farms projects. One of these problems is related with the parts’ transportation logistics, since these parts are difficult to transport, because of their length, weight or shape. Furthermore, another aggravating factor is the lack of options regarding to the transportation modals that are available to do the route between the manufacture place and the project site. To help in the decision-making process about the ideal transportation configuration, aiming to reduce the dependence of the logistics’ coordinator, it was chosen to use he AHP method to compare some criteria that have influence in the modal’s choice process. The criteria, determined by the members of the company’s logistics’ department, are: transportation costs, transportation time and the risk of causing damages to the cargo. The results shown by this model, using theoretical background, that standardize the processes related to the modal’s choice


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento do processo de integração vertical na indústria petroquímica brasileira a partir da década de 90, focando nos determinantes para este movimento e confrontando com o mesmo processo adotado em grandes empresas mundiais da indústria


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Este trabalho objetiva estudar o fenômeno da posposição do sujeito com relação ao verbo em distintos tipos e gêneros do jornal: O Araraquarense do início do século XX, e verificar se há alguma diferença entre eles, quanto à posição do sujeito na frase. A escolha de um corpus jornalístico é devida ao fato de seu texto ser muito propício para analisar os processos de implementação de uma possível mudança no português brasileiro; por se tratar de um texto público, o qual atua sobre os elementos da situação sócio-histórica em que está inserido e por sofrer influências dessa situação. Foram analisados dados coletados de artigos de opinião e notas sociais, levando em conta os tipos textuais: descrição, dissertação, injunção e narração (TRAVAGLIA, 2003, p.103). Constatou-se que os tipos (dissertativo e narrativo) foram predominantes nos artigos de opinião, e que somente o tipo narrativo esteve presente nas notas sociais. A posição do sujeito foi analisada em função dos seguintes grupos de fatores: tipo sintático do verbo, tipo morfológico do sujeito, padrão de construção e tipo textual. Como principais resultados, constatou-se: (i) um índice de posposição de 47% em notas sociais e de 19,2% em artigos de opinião; (ii) tipo do verbo (transitivo direto) 21,7% em artigos de opinião e 44,7% em notas sociais; neste mesmo gênero os verbos (inacusativo, bitransitivo, intransitivo e verbo de ligação) apresentaram, respectivamente, 71%, 45%, 37% e 37,9%; (iii) tipo morfológico do sujeito (sintagma nominal) em artigo de opinião 16,5% e 41,4% em notas sociais, 28,2% de (pronome pessoal) em artigo de opinião e 68,3% de (nome próprio) em notas sociais; (iiii) tipo textual (narrativo) 47,6% em notas sociais e em artigo de opinião 18,8% (dissertativo) e 27,8% (injuntivo)


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According to data published on the World Drug Report 2012 by Unodc - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -, the world consumes nowadays the same amount of illicit drugs that it has always consumed. Contrary to this stable consumption, discussions surrounding the issue of drugs have intensified. The greatest controversies and the largest repercussion in the Brazilian media relate to marijuana use. This paper was developed in the context of polemic issues and its general goal is to analyze the conflict of ideologies present in the discourses about drugs on printed articles released by the Brazilian media, represented here by the magazines Veja, Carta Capital and Galileu. This study is carried out based on a dialogic approach, supported by the Bakhtinian researches on discourse


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The reason of this work is perform a study about using of electrical energy to identify the opportunities through rational use of electrical energy. For that it was necessary perform an analysis of hired energy against consumption. Based in a guide of energy analysis were found the main consumers and verified the main problems, which generate excessive use of electrical energy in a plastic injection factory. It was also analyzed the painting line because there are some thermal equipment that use electrical energy. Based on the data obtained will be proposed ways to reduce the needless consumption and energy use of rationally and efficiently, in addition to re-evaluate the contracted demand based on the new policy of supplying and charging.It were also proposed thermodynamics solutions to reduce the energy consumed in thermal process


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The comparison between linguistic change and biologic evolution is a subject that has caused and still causes much controversy among linguists and other academics that see, in this parallel, problems related to similar attempts in the nineteenth century by Social Darwinism, which approached the biological evolution with social and cultural development of a people. However, this paper aims to show that today this parallel is not built in the same way as was done before. Names like William Labov, Salikoko Mufwene, Jonathan West and Hildo Honorio do Couto in linguistics; Charles Darwin in biology; and Tom Ingold and Clifford Geertz in anthropology, showed that areas of Humanities, such as linguistics and anthropology, and of Biological Sciences, as phylogeny and genetics, are likely to be worked together by the great similarities between processes that compose them. Thus, based on the writings of these authors and some others, this paper presents this theme’s controversy; it shows the similarities between characteristics of languages and species; it seeks through the concepts MA Mental, MA Social and MA Natural of the languages (coined by Couto on Linguística, ecologia e ecolinguística: contato de línguas) to develop ideas of how it is possible to think the language change in the light of Darwin's concept, Natural Selection; and finally, it shows that the parallel theme is rather productive, based on the texts and discussions presented in the whole paper, and that the controversy has been being dissolved with more and more people working on the parallel between language and species


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The objective of this work is to perform a study applying the methodology of Reliability Centered Maintenance - MCC to a group of cranes belonging to Amsted -Maxion in Cruzeiro - SP. The work consists of a presentation of maintenance, the reasons why more and more people worry about maintenance, making a presentation on the types of maintenance, its peculiar characteristics and then do a study where you identified the functionality required by the equipment under study, identified failure modes and their probable causes, and then detail the effects and consequences of these failures. With that evaluate the criticality of these failures and identify the most significant consequences that affect safety, availability or cost of equipment operation and allow a selection of the most appropriate tasks for the identified failure modes. We will also present best crane equipment, its main components, verify that there was or not improvement in the machine after the application of MCC and make a current analysis of maintenance in Amsted -Maxion


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This paper is result of an analysis of the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, made based on the perspective of discursive semiotics. For both, the elements of the generative course of meaning were applied, particularly those in works of Barros (2001) and Fiorin (2000). In view of that each of the three levels (elementary, narrative and discourse) of semiotics approach are considered capable of independent descriptions, we sought through the (re) construction of meaning of specific parts of the work and also the relationship of its thematic route with the time it was composed, found that, as a result of this work, the relationships between fiction and reality and thus the relevance of the work of Aldous Huxley


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This paper presents the development of a scientific investigation that addresses the Latin text using theoretical concepts of Linguistic, Literary Poetic and Semiotic in order to focus mainly on aspects of the figurative expression. Therefore, the meaning effects raised by the perception through the reading of text were taken as baseline data to investigate the particular arrangement of language, responsible for expression of these effects. As a result of this investigation, a metalinguistic discourse was produced about the basic features of the poetic figurativity of the text. This analysis and description had a focus mainly on the first step of the procedures of figurativization, i.e., the figuration of the discourse, when a theme is coated by semiotic figures. In addition, reference notes were drafted to accompany the selected translation of support, with general comments about the culture (mythology, history, geography, philosophy, etc.), necessary data to an more comprehensive understanding of the text (these notes shall provide basic subsidies for reading the original Latin)


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Many companies have invested substantial resources in recent years in implementing the Balanced Scorecard, a strategic management tool that embraces not only financial perspectives, but also three other perspectives that create an overall and long-term vision of the company. The purpose of this article is to analyze, through interviews and action research, the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in a provider of information technology and suitability for the company area Alliances and Channels, identifying determinants factors that exist in the literature and contributing to a greater understanding around this strategic management tool. The study shows that the implementation of the company was not successful, but the area of Alliances and Channels suit tool in order to find good results and two new determinants, other than those existing in the literature, were found


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This research shows an investigation on teaching formation in regards to the TICs. Our interest in this subject is due to the fact that new generations of students who attend school require that the classes make use of technology in the classroom environment. By following the phenomenological orientation we have carried out a study which involved a field research at the College of Engineering in Guaratinguetá using the graduate as well as senior students of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics of this university. We have analyzed the data under the light of texts of the following authors: Filho (2007), Valente (1993), Miskulin (2006), Borba and Penteado (2001) among others in order to understand the teacher`s formation process to act using technologies in the classroom and its relevance. The data that has been analyzed was obtained in interviews which were conducted with the students of this university. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research procedures involving ideographic and nomothetic analysis. This analysis has led us to three open categories: 1) Mathematics learning through TICs; 2) Technologies that have been used; 3) Teacher`s role. By understanding the open categories we have been able to grasp that the students -future teachers- admit feeling capable of using technology in their classes, however their testimonies in regards to the TIC`s have led us to believe that there would be a reproduction of the content studied at their time at college without using further reflection upon the subject or autonomy in order to create new projects for teaching Mathmatics using these TICs


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The objective of this work is to study the implantation feasibility of a small hydropower system in a rural area in Guaratinguetá. Due to its location and accessibility, and the costs involved in extending the public distribution line to the property it could turn become viable the construction of an individual electric generation system. As alternatives, a solar photovoltaic system and combustion engine-electric generator systems were considered. However, the existence of a small river inside the property, the construction of a micro hydropower plant was taken into account. The choice of the micro power hydropower plant was determined by the owner and was based on the costs. The topographic and hydrological profiles as well as the geometrical characteristics of the system, including the civil infrastructure needed and the more adequate turbine, were determined. Finally, the cost spreadsheet was set and the results were compared with those calculated for the extension of the available public distribution system


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Atualmente existe um consenso de que os pesquisadores estão mais conscientes em relação ao trato com as cobaias e com o bem estar animal, ao mesmo tempo, sabe-se que os comitês de ética recentes estão intensificando a fiscalização dos laboratórios. Há também leis a respeito do trato com os animais utilizados para experimentação que conta com penas, como multas em dinheiro até a exoneração do cargo de cientista e pesquisador. Investigaram-se os pesquisadores, através de um questionário, se estão mais conscientes acerca do bem estar animal ou apenas se adéquam as diretrizes dos comitês de ética para que seu projeto seja aprovado. Além de notarmos diferenças significativas entre os pesquisadores anteriores e posteriores a Lei 11.794/08 que instituiu os comitês de ética. Tendo os mais novos uma sistematização maior no trato com as cobaias enquanto os antigos repensaram suas formas de pesquisa. Quanto ao bem estar animal, nota-se que apenas se adequaram às leis, e que caso as mesmas não houvessem sido criadas não fariam alterações em seus laboratórios


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This paper aims at comparing the national and international incentive policies in energy efficiency investment and presenting the main trends, measures adopted and economical and environmental results obtained, as well as possible improvements and expansions of these programs. This analysis is justified by the current moment, not only of the Brazilian Power Systems (SEB) but also of the global power systems with the constant increase of demand and depletion of natural resources implying in a need of a better use of them and of the power they generate, which directly affects the losses on the generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy, in addition to reducing the impacts on the environment. At last but not least, through this study it was possible to gleam not only at new possible ways for these programs, but also failures and inefficiencies that can be improved in the measures currently being used


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On November 26 th, 2005, Rhea, one of Saturn's moons, is found by Cassini spacecraft approximately at 5.105 km from Saturn. Observations in situ reveal that electrons are depleted in the moon's vicinity. However, Rhea is considered massive enough to retain a thin atmosphere. Assumption was that the atmosphere of Rhea was not composed exclusively of gas, its likely contains solid material that can absorb magnetospheric particles. According to Jones et al. (2008), these particles were in a speci c position so that at the moment of observation the electrons could not be detected. In opposition to this idea there is a group, Tiscareno et al. 2010, Cornell University Library, that underwent intensive search for any material that might be orbiting Rhea using Cassini images, however the could not identify any. Second recommendation made by American researchers and other countries, and accepted by the National Board of Research the Cassini Equinox Mission will continue in orbit around Saturn until 2016.The probe will perform several maneuvers with high inclination to delve into the main ring system, and then enter in Saturn's atmosphere and collide with planet. This research is of great importance because until today no rings were found orbiting satellites. The goal of this work is to analyze the orbital evolution of a set of particles around Rhea disturbance of Saturn, J2 e J4 and check results by the numerical simulations and the possibility of a stable ring orbiting Rhea.