549 resultados para Astronautics.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a Linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether,


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The contributions of full-wake dynamics in trim analysis are demonstrated for finding the control inputs and periodic responses simultaneously, as well as in Floquet eigenanalysis for finding the damping levels. The equations of flap bending, lag bending, and torsion are coupled with a three-dimensional, finite state wake, and low-frequency (<1/rev) to high frequency (>1/rev) multiblade modes are considered. Full blade-wake dynamics is used in trim analysis and Floquet eigenanalysis. A uniform cantilever blade in trimmed flight is investigated over a range of thrust levels, advance ratios, number of blades, and blade torsional frequencies. The investigation includes the convergence characteristics of control inputs, periodic responses, and damping levels with respect to the number of spatial azimuthal harmonics and radial shape functions in the wake representation. It also includes correlation with the measured lag damping of a three-bladed untrimmed rotor. The parametric study shows the dominant influence of wake dynamics on control inputs, periodic responses, and damping levels, and wake theory generally improves the correlation.


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A study of transpiration cooling of blunt bodies such as a hemicylinder is made by solving Navier-Stokes equations. An upwind, implicit time-marching code is developed for this purpose. The study is conducted for both perfect-gas and real-gas (chemical equilibrium) flows. Investigations are carried out for a special wall condition that is referred to as no heat flow into the wall condition. The effects of air injection on wall temperature are analyzed. Analyses are carried out for Mach numbers ranging between 6-10 and Reynolds numbers ranging between 10(6)-10(7). Studies are made for spatially constant as well as spatially varying mass injection rate distributions, White cold air injection reduces the wall temperature substantially, transpiration cooling is relatively less effective when the gas is in chemical equilibrium.


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This study aims to determine optimal locations of dual trailing-edge flaps and blade stiffness to achieve minimum hub vibration levels in a helicopter, with low penalty in terms of required trailing-edge flap control power. An aeroelastic analysis based on finite elements in space and time is used in conjunction with an optimal control algorithm to determine the flap time history for vibration minimization. Using the aeroelastic analysis, it is found that the objective functions are highly nonlinear and polynomial response surface approximations cannot describe the objectives adequately. A neural network is then used for approximating the objective functions for optimization. Pareto-optimal points minimizing both helicopter vibration and flap power ale obtained using the response surface and neural network metamodels. The two metamodels give useful improved designs resulting in about 27% reduction in hub vibration and about 45% reduction in flap power. However, the design obtained using response surface is less sensitive to small perturbations in the design variables.


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Transpiration cooling over a flat plate at hypersonic Mach numbers is analyzed using Navier-Stokes equations, without the assumption of an isothermal wall with a prescribed wall temperature. A new criterion is proposed for determining a relevant range of blowing rates, which is useful in the parametric analysis. The wall temperature is found to decrease with the increasing blowing rate, but this effect is not uniform along the plate. The effect is more pronounced away from the leading edge. The relative change in the wall temperature is affected stronger by blowing at high Reynolds numbers. (AIAA)


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THE study of swirling boundary layers is of considerable importance in many rotodynamic machines such as rockets, jet engines, swirl generators, swirl atomizers, arc heaters, etc. For example, the introduction of swirl in a flow acceleration device such as a nozzle in a rocket engine promises efficient mass flow control. In nuclear rockets, swirl is used to retain the uranium atoms in the rocket chamber. With these applications in mind, Back1 and Muthanna and Nath2 have obtained the similarity solutions for a low-speed three-dimensional steady laminar compressible boundary layer with swirl inside an axisymmetric surface of variable cross section. The aim of the present analysis is to study the effect of massive blowing rates on the unsteady laminar swirling compressible boundary-layer flow of an axisymmetric body of arbitrary cross section when the freestream velocity and blowing rate vary with time. The type of swirl considered here is that of a free vortex superimposed on the longitudinal flow of a compressible fluid with variable properties. The analysis is applicable to external flow over a body as well as internal flow along a surface. For the case of external flow, strong blowing can have significant use in cooling the surface of hypervelocity vehicles, particularly when ablation occurs under large aerodynamic or radiative heating, but there may not be such an important application of strong blowing in the case of internal flow. The governing partial differential equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme with a quasilinearization technique.3 High temperature gas effects, such as radiation, dissociation, and ionization, etc., are not investigated. The nomenclature is usually that of Ref. 4 and is listed in the full paper.


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A rotor-body system with blades interconnected through viscoelastic elements is analyzed for response, loads, and stability in propulsive trim in ground contact and under forward-flight conditions, A conceptual model of a multibladed rotor with rigid flap and lag motions, and the fuselage with rigid pitch and roll motions is considered, Although the interconnecting elements are placed in the in-plane direction, considerable coupling between the flap-lag motions of the blades can occur in certain ranges of interblade element stiffness, Interblade coupling can yield significant changes in the response, loads, and stability that are dependent on the interblade element and rotor-body parameters, Ground resonance stability investigations show that by tuning the interblade element stiffness, the ground resonance instability problem can be reduced or eliminated, The interblade elements with damping and stiffness provide an effective method to overcome the problems of ground and air resonance.


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Using the recently developed computationally efficient model predictive static programming and a closely related model predictive spread control concept, two nonlinear suboptimal midcourse guidance laws are presented in this paper for interceptors engaging against incoming high-speed ballistic missiles. The guidance laws are primarily based on nonlinear optimal control theory, and hence imbed effective trajectory optimization concepts into the guidance laws. Apart from being energy efficient by minimizing the control usage throughout the trajectory (minimum control usage leads to minimum turning, and hence leads to minimum induced drag), both of these laws enforce desired alignment constraints in both elevation and azimuth in a hard-constraint sense. This good alignment during midcourse is expected to enhance the effectiveness of the terminal guidance substantially. Both point mass as well as six-degree-of-freedom simulation results (with a realistic inner-loop autopilot based on dynamic inversion) are presented in this paper, which clearly shows the effectiveness of the proposed guidance laws. It has also been observed that, even with different perturbations of missile parameters, the performance of guidance is satisfactory. A comparison study, with the vector explicit guidance scheme proposed earlier in the literature, also shows that the newly proposed model-predictive-static-programming-based and model-predictive-spread-control-based guidance schemes lead to lesser lateral acceleration demand and lesser velocity loss during engagement.


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Transient thermal sensitivity is studied for systems that are subjected to conductive heat transfer within themselves and radiative heat transfer with the surrounding environment, including solar heat radiation, The battery in the Indian national communication satellite is one such system for which the studies are conducted with respect to panel conduction, conductance of insulating blanket, power dissipation within the battery, and absorptance and emittance of various elements, Comparison of sensitivities revealed that battery temperature is sensitive to its power dissipation during the beginning of life of the spacecraft, whereas toward the end of life of the spacecraft mission, the effect of absorptance of optical solar reflector is dominating, The influence of optical property values of the multilayer insulation blanket is almost negligible. Among the parameters studied in this analysis, the battery temperature is found to be mast sensitive to emittance of the optical solar reflector.


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Dynamics of the aircraft configuration considered in this paper show a unique characteristic in that there are no stable attractors in the entire high angle-of-attack flight envelope. As a result, once the aircraft has departed from the normal flight regime, no standard technique can be applied to recover the aircraft. In this paper, using feedback linearization technique, a nonlinear controller is designed at high angles of attack, which is engaged after the aircraft departs from normal flight regime. This controller stabilizes the aircraft into a stable spin. Then a set of synthetic pilot inputs is applied to cause an automatic transition from the spin equilibrium to low angles of attack where the second controller is connected. This controller is a normal gain-scheduled controller designed to have a large domain of attraction at low angles of attack. It traps the aircraft into a low angle-of-attack level flight. This entire concept of recovery has been verified using six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear simulation. Feedback linearization technique used to design a controller ensures internal stability only if the nonlinear plant has stable zero dynamics. Because zero dynamics depend on the selection of outputs, a new method of choosing outputs is described to obtain a plant that has stable zero dynamics. Certain important aspects pertaining to the implementation of a feedback linearization-based controller are also discussed.


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A controller design for vibration control and alignment maintenance at critical location is developed in a generic launch vehicle whose equipment bay (EB) houses the main inertial platform. The controller uses active control to reduce the attitude disturbance in the attitude at the EB due to elastic deformation. The vibration energy is redistributed by the technique of vibration confinement, which enables the response at the EB to reach its steady state faster in the remaining portion of the structure. (AIAA)


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A fuzzy logic intelligent system is developed for gas-turbine fault isolation. The gas path measurements used for fault isolation are exhaust gas temperature, low and high rotor speed, and fuel flow. These four measurements are also called the cockpit parameters and are typically found in almost all older and newer jet engines. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from a model of performance influence coefficients to isolate engine faults while accounting for uncertainty in gas path measurements. It automates the reasoning process of an experienced powerplant engineer. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates faults with an accuracy of 89% with only the four cockpit measurements. However, if additional pressure and temperature probes between the compressors and before the burner, which are often found in newer jet engines, are considered, the fault isolation accuracy rises to as high as 98%. In addition, the additional sensors are useful in keeping the fault isolation system robust as quality of the measured data deteriorates.