954 resultados para Aspect Oriented Development
Transportation Department, Research and Special Programs Administration, Washington, D.C.
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In order to survive in the increasingly customer-oriented marketplace, continuous quality improvement marks the fastest growing quality organization’s success. In recent years, attention has been focused on intelligent systems which have shown great promise in supporting quality control. However, only a small number of the currently used systems are reported to be operating effectively because they are designed to maintain a quality level within the specified process, rather than to focus on cooperation within the production workflow. This paper proposes an intelligent system with a newly designed algorithm and the universal process data exchange standard to overcome the challenges of demanding customers who seek high-quality and low-cost products. The intelligent quality management system is equipped with the ‘‘distributed process mining” feature to provide all levels of employees with the ability to understand the relationships between processes, especially when any aspect of the process is going to degrade or fail. An example of generalized fuzzy association rules are applied in manufacturing sector to demonstrate how the proposed iterative process mining algorithm finds the relationships between distributed process parameters and the presence of quality problems.
The Aspect Hypothesis (AH) claims that the association of any verb category (lexical aspect) with any grammatical aspect (perfective or imperfective) constitutes the endpoint of acquisition. The present book evaluates the explanatory power of the Aspect Hypothesis for the acquisition of French past tenses, which constitutes a serious stumbling block for foreign learners, even at the highest levels of proficiency. The present research applies the Aspect Hypothesis to the production of 61 Anglophone 'advanced learners' in a tutored environment. In so doing, it tests concurrent explanations, including the influence of the input, the influence of chunking, and the hypothesis of cyclic development. It discusses the cotextual and contextual factors that still provoke «non-native glitches» at the final stage of the Aspect Hypothesis. The book shows that the AH fails to account for the complex phenomenon of past tense development, as it adopts a local and linear approach.
Strategic sourcing has increased in importance in recent years, and now plays an important role in companies’ planning. The current volatility in supply markets means companies face multiple challenges involving lock-in situations, supplier bankruptcies or supply security issues. In addition, their exposure can increase due to natural disasters, as witnessed recently in the form of bird flu, volcanic ash and tsunamis. Therefore, the primary focus of this study is risk management in the context of strategic sourcing. The study presents a literature review on sourcing based on the 15 years from 1998–2012, and considers 131 academic articles. The literature describes strategic sourcing as a strategic, holistic process in managing supplier relationships, with a long-term focus on adding value to the company and realising competitive advantage. Few studies discovered the real risk impact and status of risk management in strategic sourcing, and evaluation across countries and industries was limited, with the construction sector particularly under-researched. This methodology is founded on a qualitative study of twenty cases across Ger-many and the United Kingdom from the construction sector and electronics manufacturing industries. While considering risk management in the context of strategic sourcing, the thesis takes into account six dimensions that cover trends in strategic sourcing, theoretical and practical sourcing models, risk management, supply and demand management, critical success factors and the strategic supplier evaluation. The study contributes in several ways. First, recent trends are traced and future needs identified across the research dimensions of countries, industries and companies. Second, it evaluates critical success factors in contemporary strategic sourcing. Third, it explores the application of theoretical and practical sourcing models in terms of effectiveness and sustainability. Fourth, based on the case study findings, a risk-oriented strategic sourcing framework and a model for strategic sourcing are developed. These are based on the validation of contemporary requirements and a critical evaluation of the existing situation. It contemplates the empirical findings and leads to a structured process to manage risk in strategic sourcing. The risk-oriented framework considers areas such as trends, corporate and sourcing strategy, critical success factors, strategic supplier selection criteria, risk assessment, reporting, strategy alignment and reporting. The proposed model highlights the essential dimensions in strategic sourcing and guides us to a new definition of strategic sourcing supported by this empirical study.
* The presented work has discussed on the KDS-2003. It has corrected in compliance with remarks and requests of participants.
In the new product innovation management literature a lot of empirical studies have supported the importance of marketing orientation as a key success factor of new products. The purpose of this paper is to examine on a Hungarian sample if there is a connection between marketing oriented product development and new product performance. Firms were clustered into two product performance categories. ANOVA analysis showed significant correlation between R&D/marketing interface and new product performance, while variables associated with costumer orientation were not significant. The study was based on data “In Global Competition 2004 – 2006” survey. This paper was presented at the INCODE conference (INCODE, 2008). = Számos felmérés bizonyítja, hogy az új termékek sikerét nagyban elősegíti a marketing orientált fejlesztési gyakorlat. A „Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006” felmérés adatbázisán ennek relevanciáját vizsgáltuk. A vonatkozó szakirodalomból kiindulva, a felmérés kérdőívéből kiválasztottuk azokat a változókat, amelyekkel a marketing orientált termékfejlesztés leginkább jellemezhető. Öt változóval írtuk le a fogyasztó orientációt, míg egy változónk volt a K+F/marketing együttműködésre. Eredményeink szerint azok a vállalatok, amelyeknél a K+F és a marketing részlegek szorosan együttműködnek, jobb termékfejlesztési teljesítményt érnek el. Ugyanakkor a fogyasztó orientáció és a termékfejlesztési teljesítmény között nem találtunk szignifikáns kapcsolatot. A tanulmány megjelent a pécsi INCODE konferencia kötetében (INCODE, 2008).
A két részből álló cikk a magyarországi reformfolyamat és posztszocialista átalakulás négy olyan jellegzetességét emeli ki, amelyek megszakítás nélkül, a politikai szférában bekövetkezett rendszerváltást követően is, folyamatosan jellemezték az elmúlt harminc év fejlődését: a lakosság anyagi jólétének prioritása, erős paternalista jóléti állam, a reformfolyamat és átmenet fokozatossága és a politikai nyugalom. Az 1995. március 12én bejelentett stabilizációs program - amennyiben megvalósul - jelenthet elmozdulást ezektől a jellegzetességektől. A cikk politikai gazdaságtani megközelítésben vizsgálja, hogy miért alakult ki ez a négy jellegzetesség, miképpen hatottak azok egymásra, milyen kedvező és kedvezőtlen hatásokat fejtettek ki. Az első rész az 1956os forradalom hatásából kiindulva politikatörténeti áttekintést ad, majd a mai jólét, biztonság és nyugalom prioritását és a társadalmi adósság felhalmozódását, végül a stabilizációs program gazdasági és politikai hatásait elemzi. / === / The article, consisting of two parts, emphasizes four characteristic features of the Hungarian reform process and the postsocialist transformation, which, uninterruptedly, characterized the development over the last thirty years, even after the systemic change in the political sphere. These were: priority of the material welfare of the population, a strong, paternalistic welfare state, the gradual progress of the reform process and the transition, as well as political calmness. The stabilization programme, announced on March 12,1995, may imply - if it materializes - a shift away from these characteristics. The article investigates, from the aspect of political economy, why the four characteristic features had developed, how they affected each other and what were their advantageous and disadvantageous impacts. Setting out from the impacts of the 1956 revolution, the first part gives an overview of political history and then analyses the priority of today's welfare, security and calm as well as the accumulation of societal debt and, finally, the economic and political impacts of the stabilization programme.
A tulajdonviszonyok és intézmények átalakulását is a fokozatosság, a szerves fejlődés jellemzi; Magyarországon a hosszú reformszocialista fázist a politikai fordulat után sem követte ugrás a piacgazdaság felé, bár az átalakulás felgyorsult. A cikk a fokozatosság érvényesülését az értékesítési stratégia sokféle változatát alkalmazó, burjánzó privatizációban, az új vállalkozások keletkezésének folyamatában, a liberalizálás menetében és a jogi infrastruktúra változásában mutatja be. Elemzi az átmenet során megerősödő korporatista elemek hatását a magyar gazdaságpolitikára. Végül néhány összefoglaló megjegyzést fűz a magyar fejlődéshez a politikai gazdaságtan és a politikai filozófia szemszögéből. Az elmúlt harminc évben a mindenkori kormánynak jól érzékelhető preferenciája volt a radikális intézkedések elodázása, a társadalmi adósság felhalmozódásának vállalása a konfliktusok elkerülése érdekében. A szerző felhívja a figyelmet a különböző nemzedékek eltérő időpreferenciájára és az ezzel kapcsolatos etikai problémákra. Befejezésül a népszerűtlen intézkedéseket az állampolgárok nagy hányadának véleményével szemben is felvállaló kormányzás és a demokrácia viszonyáról szól. / === / Gradualism and organic development also distinguish the transformation of property relations and institutions. Hungary's long reformsocialist phase was not followed, after the political change, by a leap towards a market economy, although the transformation became faster. The article shows how gradualism applies to the proliferating of privatization, with its wide variety of selling strategies, to the foundation process of new firms, to the course of liberalization, and to change in the legal infrastructure. It analyses the effect on Hungarian economic policy of corporatist elements which strengthen during the transition. Finally, it makes some comments summing up Hungarian development in terms of political economy and political philosophy. The government at any time in the last thirty years showed an obvious preference for putting off radical measures and accepting an accumulation of social debt as a way of averting conflict. The article notes differences of time preference between generations and the ethical problems these raise. Finally, it makes remarks on the relationship between democracy and an administration intent on unpopular measures opposed by a high proportion of citizens.
Major factors influencing food development and food marketing strategies in global market places at present can be attributable to the changing age structure of the population. The significant shifts in global age structure will inevitably lead to the number of people aged 60 reaching an all-time high of one billion by the year 2020. The rapidly growing population of ageing people globally represents a large, neglected and very much under-developed category within the Food Industry. The primary focus of this study was the integration of knowledge creation techniques at early NPD stages, for the development of market-oriented new health promoting foods for the ageing population. The methodology of this study was centered on an exploratory sequential mixed methods strategy. Stage one of the study involved in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 Stakeholders to facilitate the need identification stage of the NPD process. The main outputs identified were the need for: the fortification of foods for a preventative nutrition approach, the development of foods that targeted age-related conditions such as cognitive, heart, gut and bone health, the integration of ageing compensatory packaging adaptations and the creation of marketing messages with an active lifestyle message. Stage two consisted of a market-oriented computer assisted NPD technique, a user centered design interaction (UCD) to integrate consumers as co-creators throughout the idea generation stage of the NPD process. The most important product attributes identified in this stage included: products targeted at brain and cognitive health, liquid based beverages, easy to use packaging with environmentally friendly elements, simplistic marketing with a clear focus on health not age and realistic health claims constructed with consumer friendly terminology. Finally, Stage three used an abbreviated means-end chain (MEC) analysis to complete the concept development stage of the NPD process. This stage identified commercial information that could be used by food firms for the development of positioning and communication strategies. Equally, the information generated could be of high strategic importance to governments, policy makers, health professionals and medical professionals. The values and goals listed in this stage included: better overall health, active lifestyle, optimum nutrition and wellbeing feelings. Overall, this research illustrated that knowledge creation techniques can assist firms in the development of market-oriented health promoting foods for the ageing population.
Cancer represents one of the most relevant and widespread diseases in the modern age. In this context, integrin receptors are important for the interactions of cells with extracellular matrix and for the development of both inflammation and carcinogenic phenomena. There are many tricks to improve the bioactivity and receptor selectivity of exogenous ligands; one of these is to integrate the amino acid sequence into a cyclic peptide to restrict its conformational space. Another approach is to develop small peptidomimetic molecules in order to enhance the molecular stability and open the way to versatile synthetic strategies. Starting from isoxazoline-based peptidomimetic molecules we recently reported, in this thesis we are going to present the synthesis of new integrin ligands obtained by modifying or introducing appendages on already reported structures. Initially, we are going to introduce the synthesis of linear and cyclic α-dehydro-β-amino acids as scaffolds for the preparation of bioactive peptidomimetics. Subsequently, we are going to present the construction of small molecule ligands (SMLs) based delivery systems performed starting from a polyfunctionalised isoxazoline scaffold, whose potency towards αVβ3 and α5β1 integrins has already been established by our research group. In the light of these results and due to the necessity to understand the behaviour of a single enantiomer of the isoxazoline-based compounds, the research group decided to synthesise the enantiopure heterocycle using a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddiction approach. Subsequently, we are going to introduce the synthesis of a Reporting Drug Delivery System composed by a carrier, a first spacer, a linker, a self-immolative system, a second spacer and a latent fluorophore. The last part of this work will describe the results obtained during the internship abroad in Prof. Aggarwal’s laboratory at the University of Bristol. The project was focused on the Mycapolyol A synthesis.
Development and Characterization of L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine Containing Pellets employing Extrusion-Spheronization Method and Drying Process in Fluidized Bad Equipment"". In this work, five formulations of L-alanyl-L-glutamine (glutamine dipeptide) containing pellets with different drug concentration were developed and evaluated: F1 (9.07%); F2 (17.70%); F3 (27.98%); F4 (37.74%) e F5 (47.53%). Pellets were prepared by extrusion-spheronization method and, further, dried in fluidized bad equipment. The following assays were carried out with the batches obtained: granulometry, friability, true density and morphologic analysis. Between the five formulations evaluated, pellets obtained from F3 present best yield (75.80%), most uniform particle size distribution (89.67% of pellets with size in the range of 0.80 to 1.18), most high true density (2.1634 g/ml) and best aspect (1.0795 +/- 0.0410). Due to these features, pellets obtained from F3 were considered adequate to further polymeric coating process in order to produce a multiparticulate system to prolong L-alanyl-L-glutamine release.