1000 resultados para Asmus, Valentin
RATIONALE: Many sources of conflict exist in intensive care units (ICUs). Few studies recorded the prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors for conflicts in ICUs. OBJECTIVES: To record the prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors for conflicts in ICUs. METHODS: One-day cross-sectional survey of ICU clinicians. Data on perceived conflicts in the week before the survey day were obtained from 7,498 ICU staff members (323 ICUs in 24 countries). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Conflicts were perceived by 5,268 (71.6%) respondents. Nurse-physician conflicts were the most common (32.6%), followed by conflicts among nurses (27.3%) and staff-relative conflicts (26.6%). The most common conflict-causing behaviors were personal animosity, mistrust, and communication gaps. During end-of-life care, the main sources of perceived conflict were lack of psychological support, absence of staff meetings, and problems with the decision-making process. Conflicts perceived as severe were reported by 3,974 (53%) respondents. Job strain was significantly associated with perceiving conflicts and with greater severity of perceived conflicts. Multivariate analysis identified 15 factors associated with perceived conflicts, of which 6 were potential targets for future intervention: staff working more than 40 h/wk, more than 15 ICU beds, caring for dying patients or providing pre- and postmortem care within the last week, symptom control not ensured jointly by physicians and nurses, and no routine unit-level meetings. CONCLUSIONS: Over 70% of ICU workers reported perceived conflicts, which were often considered severe and were significantly associated with job strain. Workload, inadequate communication, and end-of-life care emerged as important potential targets for improvement.
Background: Elevated levels of g-glutamyl transferase (GGT) have been associated with subsequent risk of elevated blood pressure (BP), hypertension and diabetes. However, the causality of these relationships has not been addressed. Mendelian randomization refers to the random allocation of alleles at the time of gamete formation. Such allocation is expected to be independent of any behavioural and environmental factors (known or unknown), allowing the analysis of largely unconfounded risk associations that are not due to reverse causation. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis among 4361 participants to the population based CoLaus study. Associations of sex-specific GGT quartiles with systolic BP, diastolic BP and insulin levels were assessed using multivariable linear regression analyses. The rs2017869 GGT1 variant, which explained 1.6% of the variance in GGT levels, was used as an instrument to perform a Mendelian randomization analysis. Results: Median age of the study population was 53 years. After age and sex adjustment, GGT quartiles were strongly associated with systolic and diastolic BP (all p for linear trend <0.0001). After multivariable adjustment, these relationships were significantly attenuated, but remained significant for systolic (b(95%CI)¼1.30 (0.32;2.03), p¼0.007) and diastolic BP (b (95%CI)¼0.57 (0.02;1.13), p¼0.04). Using Mendelian randomization, we observed no positive association of GGT with either systolic BP (b (95%CI)¼-5.68 (-11.51-0.16), p¼0.06) or diastolic BP (b (95%CI)¼ -2.24 (-5.98;1.49) p¼0.24). The association of GGT with insulin was also attenuated after multivariable adjustment. Nevertheless, a strong linear trend persisted in the fully adjusted model (b (95%CI)¼0.07 (0.04;0.09), p<0.0001). Using Mendelian randomization, we observed a similar positive association of GGT with insulin (b (95%CI)¼0.19 (0.01-0.37), p¼0.04). Conclusion: In this study, we found evidence for a direct causal relationship between GGT and insulin, suggesting that oxidative stress may be causally implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
OBJECTIVE: To explore how foot growth relates to musculoskeletal loading in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). STUDY DESIGN: In 37 children with PWS, foot length (FL) before and after 6 years of growth hormone therapy (GHT) was retrospectively evaluated with parental and sibling's FL, height, and factors reflecting musculoskeletal loading, such as weight for height (WfH), lean body mass (LBM; dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, deuterium labeled water), physical activity (accellerometry), and walk age. Because of the typically biphasic evolution of body mass and the late walk age in PWS, 2 age groups were separated (group 1, >2.5 years; group 2, < or =2.5 years). RESULTS: Children with PWS normalized height, but not FL after 6 years of GHT. Parental FL correlation with PWS's FL was lower than with sibling's FL. In group 1, FL positively correlated with WfH, LBM, and physical activity. In group 2, FL negatively correlated with age at onset of independent ambulation. Foot catch-up growth with GHT was slower in group 2 compared with group 1. CONCLUSION: In PWS, FL is positively associated with musculoskeletal loading. Small feet in children with PWS before and during long-term GHT may be more than just another dysmorphic feature, but may possibly reflect decreased musculoskeletal loading influencing foot growth and genetic and endocrine factors.
Valentin N. Volochinov (1895-1936), un des amis de Mikhaïl Bakhtine, a longtemps été considéré par certains chercheurs du domaine des études bakhtiniennes comme le prête-nom de ce dernier ; les oeuvres de Volochinov et de Bakhtine ont souvent été reçues comme émanant d'un seul et même projet scientifique. Ce livre donne de Volochinov une image radicalement nouvelle. D'une part, on montre en quoi il est un auteur totalement indépendant de Bakhtine. D'autre part, on analyse les sources de ses textes - livres et articles - en les replaçant dans le contexte, peu connu du public francophone, de la vie intellectuelle russe d'avant et après la Révolution d'Octobre. Sont étudiés le type de sociologie et de critique marxiste de l'idéologie qui s'est diffusé en Russie avec Lénine, Plékhanov, Bogdanov et Boukharine, la réception du Cours de linguistique générale de Saussure et de la psychanalyse de Freud, les apports de la psychologie expérimentale et des travaux de De Roberty et de Sorokine en sciences humaines, que l'on retrouve à l'origine des premières théories de l'interaction verbale et de la parole dans la vie quotidienne. On rend ainsi à Volochinov, outre l'originalité et la cohérence de sa pensée, l'énergie roborative de son engagement scientifique, qui culminera en 1929 avec Marxisme et philosophie du langage
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 719
Même si les données disponibles pour le Gravettien méditerranéen ibérique sont réduites et dans des contextes stratigraphiques mal définis, nous présentons dans ce travail les révisions de quelques sites majeurs (Reclau Viver, l"Arbreda, Parpalló, Malladetes, Beneito et Cendres ainsi que de quelques autres gisements. La vision globale du Gravettien méditerranéen ibérique nous montre, dans la période ancienne, une faible présence mais une industrie lithique et osseuse très classique est observée dans les phases moyenne et finale de la période.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical fracture rate of crowns fabricated with the pressable, leucite-reinforced ceramic IPS Empress, and relate the results to the type of tooth restored. Materials and Methods: The database SCOPUS was searched for clinical studies involving full-coverage crowns made of IPS Empress. To assess the fracture rate of the crowns in relation to the type of restored tooth and study, Poisson regression analysis was used. Results: Seven clinical studies were identified involving 1,487 adhesively luted crowns (mean observation time: 4.5 +/- 1.7 years) and 81 crowns cemented with zinc-phosphate cement (mean observation time: 1.6 +/- 0.8 years). Fifty-seven of the adhesively luted crowns fractured (3.8%). The majority of fractures (62%) occurred between the third and sixth year after placement. There was no significant influence regarding the test center on fracture rate, but the restored tooth type played a significant role. The hazard rate (per year) for crowns was estimated to be 5 in every 1,000 crowns for incisors, 7 in every 1,000 crowns for premolars, 12 in every 1,000 crowns for canines, and 16 in every 1,000 crowns for molars. One molar crown in the zinc-phosphate group fractured after 1.2 years. Conclusion: Adhesively luted IPS Empress crowns showed a low fracture rate for incisors and premolars and a somewhat higher rate for molars and canines. The sample size of the conventionally luted crowns was too small and the observation period too short to draw meaningful conclusions. Int J Prosthodont 2010;23:129-133.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To determine, in a region of Switzerland, the duration of retention in opioid substitution treatments with methadone (OSTM), duration of treatment interruptions, probability of re-entry to treatment after a treatment interruption, and associated factors. METHODS: A secondary analysis of registry-based data was performed with patients (n = 2880) registered in the methadone treatment register database of the Public Health Service of the canton of Vaud between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2008. Survival analysis and multivariate analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The probability of remaining on treatment was 69% at 1 year and 45% at 3 years (n =1666). One-third of patients remained on treatment beyond 5 years. The estimated hazard of leaving treatment was increased by a ratio of 1.31 in the case of a first treatment (P = 0.001), 1.83 for those without a fixed home (P < 0.001), and 1.29 for those younger than 30 years old (P < 0.001). The probability of having begun a new treatment after a first interruption was 21% at one year, 38% at 3 years, and 43% at 5 years (n = 1581). Factors at the interruption of treatment associated with a higher probability of re-entering were: interruption not due to methadone withdrawal, bad physical health, and higher methadone dose. CONCLUSIONS: OSTM are long-term (maintenance) treatments in Switzerland. Younger age, bad living conditions at entry, and first treatment are predictors of lower retention. Approximately one-half of patients who interrupt treatment will re-enter treatment within 5 years.
Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a rare inflammatory disorder that has been recently classified as a polygenic autoinflammatory disorder. The former classification, based on the disease course, seems to be quite dated. Indeed, there is accumulating evidence that AOSD can be divided into two distinct phenotypes based on cytokine profile, clinical presentation, and outcome, ie, a "systemic" pattern and an "articular" pattern. The first part of this review deals with the treatments that are currently available for AOSD. We then present the different strategies based on the characteristics of the disease according to clinical presentation. To do so, we focus on the two subsets of the disease. Finally, we discuss the management of life-threatening complications of AOSD, along with the therapeutic options during pregnancy.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The ongoing increase in life expectancy in developed countries is associated with changes in the shape of the survival curve. These changes can be characterized by two main, distinct components: (i) the decline in premature mortality, i.e., the concentration of deaths around some high value of the mean age at death, also termed rectangularization of the survival curve; and (ii) the increase of this mean age at death, i.e., longevity, which directly reflects the reduction of mortality at advanced ages. Several recent observations suggest that both mechanisms are simultaneously taking place. METHODS: We propose a set of indicators aiming to quantify, disentangle, and compare the respective contribution of rectangularization and longevity increase to the secular increase of life expectancy. These indicators, based on a nonparametric approach, are easy to implement. RESULTS: We illustrate the method with the evolution of the Swiss mortality data between 1876 and 2006. Using our approach, we are able to say that the increase in longevity and rectangularization explain each about 50% of the secular increase of life expectancy. CONCLUSION: Our method may provide a useful tool to assess whether the contribution of rectangularization to the secular increase of life expectancy will remain around 50% or whether it will be increasing in the next few years, and thus whether concentration of mortality will eventually take place against some ultimate biological limit.
BACKGROUND: Limited data have been published on the normal size of the ascending aorta (AA) measured using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). METHODS: AA diameters were measured in 1799 patients with normal cardiac findings on TTE and compared with the diameters of the sinus of Valsalva (SoV). RESULTS: Mean diameters in men and women, respectively, were 3.4 and 3.1 cm for the SoV and 3.2 and 3.0 cm for the AA. The sizes of the SoV and the AA showed strong correlations with age, age squared, and body surface area. The 5th and 95th percentile curves for the SoV and AA showed faster growth of diameters in early adulthood compared with old age. The dimensions of the SoV were larger than those of the AA (mean differences, 0.19 cm in men and 0.08 cm in women), and the difference between the SoV and AA was negatively correlated with age. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study stress the importance of indexing dimensions of the SoV and the AA to age and body surface area separately for men and women.
Suomen slavistiikan vuosikymmenet. Näyttely Slaavilaisessa kirjastossa 19.10.2004 - 28.2.2005. Näyttely on järjestetty yhteistyössä 40 vuotta täyttävän Suomen Slavistipiirin kanssa.