891 resultados para Arranjos Territoriais


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Cristhiane Falchetti trata nesta obra, especificamente, dos Conselhos Gestores de Políticas Públicas, que representariam uma novidade institucional na relação entre estado e sociedade e uma forma de democratizar as decisões sobre políticas públicas e assegurar os direitos de cidadania. A autora parte do contexto do processo de transformações por que passaram as sociedades no final do século XX, o qual tornou a democracia um valor universal, amparado no modelo liberal. No entanto, o modelo liberal democrático tem sido questionado por se mostrar incapaz de absorver demandas sociais cada vez mais abrangentes e diferenciadas. É no interior desta contradição que Falchetti conduz seu trabalho. Araraquara, cidade paulista rica e próspera, mas com resistentes traços de coronelismo em sua cultura política, foi o campo escolhido pela autora para verificar, na prática, em que medida a participação popular se efetiva por meio dos novos canais e influencia o processo de formulação e implantação de políticas públicas. As conclusões, porém, não são muito animadoras. Para Falchetti a participação existe, mas se dá ainda de maneira bastante imperfeita e insatisfatória do ponto de vista da democracia.


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This paper features a research of the partnerships/agreements between the municipal public services and the private sphere to the offer of vacancies in Early Education, in the large counties of São Paulo. The study allowed us to identify different arrangements between the municipal public service and private institutions, which 30 of the 54 large counties of São Paulo turn to the services from partnerships as a mean to attend the local demand, including the institutions with lucrative purposes, being different of the traditional forms of partnerships instituted in Early Education. The text is based on the literature analysis about the theme and the information collected during the research from phone calls to municipal administrators, municipal official sites and government sites.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Ribeira Valley, a region covered by the last continues area of the Atlantic Rain Forest in São Paulo State, in Brazil, is thus a preservation law and environmental control target, is now configurated as locus where emerge conflicts concerning economic and agricultural activities, particularly in places where befall public policies recognizing territorial rights – quilombo remnants, indigenous lands and sustainable development settlings. The research’s aim is to understand, considering each of these contexts, if and how a conservationist focus is assumed as a value and a strategy, connected to etnicity and traditionality, in order to actualize these social spaces.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The anticipation of the beginning of Elementary School for six-year-old children, recently imposed by the Brazilian federal law, brought controversies and debates about the organization of the curriculum, routines, contents and activities, spaces and objects, conduct of behavior of teachers and parents, as well as about the policies of teachers’ training, amongst other issues. The present article, supported by advances of scientific production on children formal education, considers the changes in the concepts of children education and, consequently, in curricular practices. For this purpose, games and fun are taken as object of analysis and discussion, and the playfulness is proposed as a central curricular axle in the initial years of Elementary Education.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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This study was to evaluate the profitability of land use for production of sugar cane in the São Paulo North Region, under risk conditions, from two views: the owner operator and the cash rental operator. The owner operators have higher levels of profitability comparing to cash rental owners, but with higher levels of risk. The land owners aversive to risk fits better to rent system, since the minimum return is greater than the profitability of owners operators. Moreover, if the producer is willing to production risk, the income may reach approximately 3 times that one obtained by the tenants.


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Several factors induce soybean growers to seek new alternatives to increase productivity, in order to always surpass the previous harvest. In an attempt to meet this need in order to become more competitive, new technologies emerge. Currently, for example, the plantation system crossover, double row and dense, gaining media coverage and among researchers, aroused interest in research institutions. To date, there are still few studies with a scientific concrete, quantifies the real benefit of these cropping systems. The technique consists of sowing planting crossed the same area twice at right angles, forming checkerboard. In the planting row and the denser planting increases the number of plants per hectare, but the way they are arranged is what differentiates. Apparently these systems imply some issues, such as the use of inputs that the principle would double, as the plant population in the area will be changed, so possibly the incidence of insect pests and pathogens increase in these cropping systems. The purpose of this literature review is to provide updated information on technology, benefit from it, as it is being used and the research being conducted to provide scientific basis for soybean producer.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)