134 resultados para Arjona


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On spine: Carlos VII y D. Ramon Cabrera.


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Cont.--Los problemas de Villalobos, que tracta de cuerpos naturales y morales; y dos diálogos de medicina, y el Tractado de las tres grandes, y una cancion, y la comedia de Anfitrion [de Plauto]--Invectiva contra el vulgo y su maledicendia, con otras octavas y versos de C. de Aldana.--Discursos de la viuda de viente y cuatro maridos, por el caballero de la Tranca.--Cartas de J. de la Sal, obispo de Bona, al duque de Medinasidonia.--Carta de d. de Mendoza al capital Salazar.--Pia junta en el panteon del Escurial, de los vivos y los muertos.


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Incluye comentario del propio autor sobre la obra.


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The connectivity of the Internet at the Autonomous System level is influenced by the network operator policies implemented. These in turn impose a direction to the announcement of address advertisements and, consequently, to the paths that can be used to reach back such destinations. We propose to use directed graphs to properly represent how destinations propagate through the Internet and the number of arc-disjoint paths to quantify this network's path diversity. Moreover, in order to understand the effects that policies have on the connectivity of the Internet, numerical analyses of the resulting directed graphs were conducted. Results demonstrate that, even after policies have been applied, there is still path diversity which the Border Gateway Protocol cannot currently exploit.


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A new framework to perform routing at the autonomous system (AS) level is proposed here. This mechanism, called chain routing framework (CRF), uses complete orders as its main topological unit. Since complete orders are acyclic digraphs that possess a known topology, it is possible to use these acyclic structures to route consistently packets between a group of ASs. The adoption of complete orders also allows easy identification and avoidance of persistent route oscillations, eliminates the possibility of developing transient loops in paths and provides a structure that facilitates the implementation of traffic engineering. Moreover, by combining CRF with other mechanisms that implement complete orders in time, the authors propose that it is possible to design a new routing protocol, which can be more reliable and stable than the border gateway protocol. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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En este trabajo, se realiza una presentación unificada de la Programación Multiobjetivo, describiendo y relacionando los distintos conceptos de solución y exponiendo las distintas técnicas de solución. Se formula el problema multiobjetivo mediante una séxtupla, (O, V, X, f, Y, EP), que permite unificar los muy diversos problemas multiobjetivo que surgen en distintos ámbitos. O representa el conjunto de objetos inicial, V representa el conjunto de las características relevantes que se miden sobre los objetos, X es el espacio de alternativas, f representa la familia de objetivos, Y es el espacio de resultados y EP es la estructura de preferencias del decisor. A partir de esta formulación, se realiza un amplio estudio de los distintos problemas multiobjetivo. Además, se aplica la metodología multiobjetivo a dos problemas concretos de gran interés práctico. En primer lugar, se aborda el problema de seleccionar el mejor tratamiento, cuando sobre las unidades experimentales, elegidas de forma aleatoria, se observan varias variables respuesta. Se consideran Modelos Discretos, Modelos Continuos Paramétricos y Modelos No Paramétricos. El último capítulo del trabajo, se dedica al estudio del problema multiobjetivo que se presenta cuando se desea representar, un conjunto finito de objetos, sobre la recta real, de forma que se refleje, lo más fielmente posible, la desemejanza de cada par de objetos. En el caso de que la desemejanza cumpla la propiedad de ser naturalmente ordenable, se ha diseñado y programado, un algoritmo, en tiempo polinomial, que obtiene la solución óptima del problema...


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Programa de doctorado: La Restauración y la Rehabilitación Arquitectónica. Investigación, Tendencias e Innovaciones. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia


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Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC‘s) forman parte de la vida de la mayoría de las personas. Hoy en día, el uso de estas tecnologías en los ambientes educativos está siendo demandado debido al impacto. Debido a lo anterior, se han desarrollado diversas plataformas que promueven el aprendizaje en redes y que funcionan como repositorios de contenido académico con el aval de prestigiosas universidades que son accesibles en línea fomentando la vinculación y el intercambio de conocimiento. Una de las herramientas más usadas en las plataformas son los Objetos de Aprendizaje(OA) que por su naturaleza basada en la programación orientada a objetos resultan una estrategia efectiva para lograr objetivos educativos, presentando información independiente que contribuye a un objetivo con mayor jerarquía agrupándose o reutilizándose en diversos contextos. Sin embargo, se suele encontrar OA que carecen de una estructura pedagógica, debido a que los docentes no emplean una metodología que los oriente en el proceso. El reto de muchos profesores es plasmar su conocimiento en plataformas que faciliten la distribución, sean atractivas y confiables; así contribuir a la red de conocimiento y al mismo tiempo fortalecer los materiales didácticos de sus programas educativos. El presente trabajo genera una metodología que guía al docente en la creación de objetos de aprendizajes en video de calidad accesibles en línea. Se propone una metodología de desarrollo que basada el trabajo colaborativo donde interviene un docente experto en contenido, un diseñador instruccional y un desarrollador tecnológico.


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The need to address such a complex issue as doping is given by a concern, not only in the sport context, but also in the public arena. Numerous examples illustrate the growing scientific interest and greater media coverage. However, there are few studies with deep and rigorous treatment of historical perspective. Even fewer examples can be found in the Spanish context. The purpose of this text is to offer an analytical approach to the history of doping in Spain. The example of doping cases of Spanish athletes published in the sports newspapers will be used to define the evidences for establishing the analysis with historical and objective rigor and to question the vision of a ?pure? and ?good? sport.


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Several studies show that morphological changes of microglia over the course of inflammation are tightly coupled to function. However the progressive transformation into activated microglia is poorly characterized. AIMS: This study aimed to establish a spatiotemporal correlation between quantifiable morphological parameters of microglia and the spread of an acute ventricular inflammatory process. METHODS: Inflammation was induced by a single injection of the enzyme neuraminidase within the lateral ventricle of rats. Animals were sacrificed 2, 4 and 12 hours after injection. Coronal slices were immunostained with Iba1 to label microglia and with IL1β to delimit the spread of inflammation. Digital images were obtained by scanning the labelled sections. Single microglia images were randomly selected from periventricular areas of caudate putamen, hippocampus and hypothalamus. FracLac for ImageJ software was used to measure the following morphological parameters: fractal dimension, lacunarity, area, perimeter and density. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density of microglia cells of neuraminidase injected rats compared to sham animals. However no differences were found in the parameter “area”. In hipoccampus there was a delay in the significant change of the measured parameters. These morphological changes correlated with IL1β-expression in the same areas. CONCLUSIONS: Ventricular inflammation induced by neuraminidase provokes quantifiable morphological changes in microglia restricted to areas labelled with IL1β. Morphological parameters of microglia such as fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density are sensitive and valuable tools to quantify activation. However, the extensively used parameter “area” did not change upon microglia activation.


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A method for estimating the dimensions of non-delimited free parking areas by using a static surveillance camera is proposed. The proposed method is specially designed to tackle the main challenges of urban scenarios (multiple moving objects, outdoor illumination conditions and occlusions between vehicles) with no training. The core of this work is the temporal analysis of the video frames to detect the occupancy variation of the parking areas. Two techniques are combined: background subtraction using a mixture of Gaussians to detect and track vehicles and the creation of a transience map to detect the parking and leaving of vehicles. The authors demonstrate that the proposed method yields satisfactory estimates on three real scenarios while being a low computational cost solution that can be applied in any kind of parking area covered by a single camera.


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The diagnosis of Small Ruminant Lentivirus (SRLV) is based on clinical signs, pathological lesions and laboratory testing. No standard reference test for the diagnosis of maedi visna has been validated up to the present, and it is puzzling that tests which detect antibodies against the virus and tests which detect the proviral genome may render opposite results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence in milk throughout a lactation period of specific antibodies by ELISA and of SRLV proviral DNA by a PCR of the highly conserved pol region. A six-month study was conducted with the milk of 28 ewes and 31 goats intensively reared. The percentage of animals with antibodies against SRLV increased throughout the study period. Seroprevalence in sheep was 28% at the beginning of the study and by the end it had increased up to 52.4%. In goats, initial seroprevalence of 5.6% increased to 16%. The percentage of PCR positive ewes was stable throughout the study period. Of the positive sheep, 21.4% were PCR-positive before antibodies could be detected and most of them became PCR-negative shortly after the first detection of antibodies. This might suggest that antibodies have a neutralizing effect. In addition, an equal percentage of sheep were always PCR-negative but either became ELISA-positive or was always ELISA-positive, which might support this hypothesis. On the other hand, the PCR results in goats did not follow any pattern and oscillated between 35.3% and 55.6% depending on the month. Most goats positive by PCR failed to develop antibodies in the 6 months tested. We may conclude that the infection and the antibody response to it follow a different trend in sheep and goats.