147 resultados para Appendages


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A new species of Cladorhizidac, front the Aleutian Islands is described and compared with all known species of Cladorhizza worldwide. Cladorhiza corona sp. now has a unique growth form with two planes of differently shaped appendages. Appendages are Inserted directly at the stalk; a spherical or conical body at the stalk is lacking. It is the only species reported where different spicule types occur in three morphologically different areas of the sponge. The spiculation of the basal plate is characterized by the occurrence of short, thick anisoxcas and the lack of anisochelae. Anisochelac arc found in the stalk and the basal appendages only. Flattened sigmancistras and (sub-)tylostyles are restricted to the crown. The arrangement of spicules is different in the basal plate, the stalk with the basal appendages, and in the distal append ages. The dimensions and combination of spicule types separate C. corona sp. nov. from all known members of the genus.


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Camillo Golgi's "Reazione Nera" led to the discovery of dendritic spines, small appendages originating from dendritic shafts. With the advent of electron microscopy (EM) they were identified as sites of synaptic contact. Later it was found that changes in synaptic strength were associated with changes in the shape of dendritic spines. While live-cell imaging was advantageous in monitoring the time course of such changes in spine structure, EM is still the best method for the simultaneous visualization of all cellular components, including actual synaptic contacts, at high resolution. Immunogold labeling for EM reveals the precise localization of molecules in relation to synaptic structures. Previous EM studies of spines and synapses were performed in tissue subjected to aldehyde fixation and dehydration in ethanol, which is associated with protein denaturation and tissue shrinkage. It has remained an issue to what extent fine structural details are preserved when subjecting the tissue to these procedures. In the present review, we report recent studies on the fine structure of spines and synapses using high-pressure freezing (HPF), which avoids protein denaturation by aldehydes and results in an excellent preservation of ultrastructural detail. In these studies, HPF was used to monitor subtle fine-structural changes in spine shape associated with chemically induced long-term potentiation (cLTP) at identified hippocampal mossy fiber synapses. Changes in spine shape result from reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. We report that cLTP was associated with decreased immunogold labeling for phosphorylated cofilin (p-cofilin), an actin-depolymerizing protein. Phosphorylation of cofilin renders it unable to depolymerize F-actin, which stabilizes the actin cytoskeleton. Decreased levels of p-cofilin, in turn, suggest increased actin turnover, possibly underlying the changes in spine shape associated with cLTP. The findings reviewed here establish HPF as an appropriate method for studying the fine structure and molecular composition of synapses on dendritic spines.


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The presence of congenital appendages (wattles) on the throat of goats is supposed to be under genetic control with a dominant mode of inheritance. Wattles contain a cartilaginous core covered with normal skin resembling early stages of extremities. To map the dominant caprine wattles (W) locus, we collected samples of 174 goats with wattles and 167 goats without wattles from nine different Swiss goat breeds. The samples were genotyped with the 53k goat SNP chip for a subsequent genome-wide association study. We obtained a single strong association signal on chromosome 10 in a region containing functional candidate genes for limb development and outgrowth. We sequenced the whole genomes of an informative family trio containing an offspring without wattles and its heterozygous parents with wattles. In the associated goat chromosome 10 region, a total of 1055 SNPs and short indels perfectly co-segregate with the W allele. None of the variants were perfectly associated with the phenotype after analyzing the genome sequences of eight additional goats. We speculate that the causative mutation is located in one of the numerous gaps in the current version of the goat reference sequence and/or represents a larger structural variant which influences the expression of the FMN1 and/or GREM1 genes. Also, we cannot rule out possible genetic or allelic heterogeneity. Our genetic findings support earlier assumptions that wattles are rudimentary developed extremities.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Knockout studies of the murine Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) transcription factor revealed abnormal skin wound healing and growth of its appendages, suggesting a role in controlling cell proliferation in adult regenerative processes. Liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy (PH) is a well-established regenerative model whereby changes elicited in hepatocytes lead to their rapid and phased proliferation. Although NFI-C is highly expressed in the liver, no hepatic function was yet established for this transcription factor. This study aimed to determine whether NFI-C may play a role in hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration. METHODS: Liver regeneration and cell proliferation pathways following two-thirds PH were investigated in NFI-C knockout (ko) and wild-type (wt) mice. RESULTS: We show that the absence of NFI-C impaired hepatocyte proliferation because of plasminogen activator I (PAI-1) overexpression and the subsequent suppression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) activity and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signalling, a potent hepatocyte mitogen. This indicated that NFI-C first acts to promote hepatocyte proliferation at the onset of liver regeneration in wt mice. The subsequent transient down regulation of NFI-C, as can be explained by a self-regulatory feedback loop with transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1), may limit the number of hepatocytes entering the first wave of cell division and/or prevent late initiations of mitosis. CONCLUSION: NFI-C acts as a regulator of the phased hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration.


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El complejo VIH-SIDA puede desarrollar clínicamente una gran variedad de manifestaciones dermatológicas, 90% de los pacientes presentan alguna manifestación en piel, mucosas o anexos. Las mismas han sido clasificadas en infecciosas y no infecciosas para su mayor comprensión. Se puede observar patología exclusiva asociada a la enfermedad y/o entidades dermatológicas comunes, como la dermatitis seborreica, las verrugas genitales o el herpes zoster pero con presentaciones atípicas, extensas y resistentes al tratamiento. Se comunica una serie de pacientes que presentaron manifestaciones dermatológicas no infecciosas en el contexto de infección por VIH.


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The tissue distribution and ontogeny of Na+/K+-ATPase has been examined as an indicator for ion-regulatory epithelia in whole animal sections of embryos and hatchlings of two cephalopod species: the squid Loligo vulgaris and the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. This is the first report of the immunohistochemical localization of cephalopod Na+/K+-ATPase with the polyclonal antibody alpha (H-300) raised against the human alpha1-subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase. Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactivity was observed in several tissues (gills, pancreatic appendages, nerves), exclusively located in baso-lateral membranes lining blood sinuses. Furthermore, large single cells in the gill of adult L. vulgaris specimens closely resembled Na+/K+-ATPase-rich cells described in fish. Immunohistochemical observations indicated that the amount and distribution of Na+/K+-ATPase in late cuttlefish embryos was similar to that found in juvenile and adult stages. The ion-regulatory epithelia (e.g., gills, excretory organs) of the squid embryos and paralarvae exhibited less differentiation than adults. Na+/K+-ATPase activities for whole animals were higher in hatchlings of S. officinalis (157.0 ± 32.4 µmol/g FM/h) than in those of L. vulgaris (31.8 ± 3.3 µmol/g FM/h). S. officinalis gills and pancreatic appendages achieved activities of 94.8 ± 18.5 and 421.8 ± 102.3 µmol ATP/g FM/h, respectively. High concentrations of Na+/K+-ATPase in late cephalopod embryos might be important in coping with the challenging abiotic conditions (low pH, high pCO2) that these organisms encounter inside their eggs. Our results also suggest a higher sensitivity of squid vs. cuttlefish embryos to environmental acid-base disturbances.


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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the behaviour of a controller designed using a parametric Eigenstructure Assignment method and to evaluate its suitability for use in flexible spacecraft. The challenge of this objective lies in obtaining a suitable controller that is specifically designated to alleviate the deflections and vibrations suffered by external appendages in flexible spacecraft while performing attitude manoeuvres. One of the main problems in these vehicles is the mechanical cross-coupling that exists between the rigid and flexible parts of the spacecraft. Spacecraft with fine attitude pointing requirements need precise control of the mechanical coupling to avoid undesired attitude misalignment. In designing an attitude controller, it is necessary to consider the possible vibration of the solar panels and how it may influence the performance of the rest of the vehicle. The nonlinear mathematical model of a flexible spacecraft is considered a close approximation to the real system. During the process of controller evaluation, the design process has also been taken into account as a factor in assessing the robustness of the system.


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Flexible spacecraft with attached solar panels may exhibit undesired vibrations and structural deformations. These types of vehicles show an intrinsic coupling of the elements of the structure. The attitude maneuvers performed by flexible spacecraft may cause non-desired deflections of attached flexible elements. Any attitude and orbit control system generally solves these problems using filters that are designed to attenuate the relative deflections of flexible appendages. In this paper, we propose a method for designing attitude static controllers using an eigenstructure assignment (EA) method. A set of requirements were specified from our understanding of the system modes in an open loop. Exhaustive theoretical and numerical simulations were performed on special cases to verify the controller design procedure. In the design of the controller, we considered all of the aspects that relate to the eigenstructure assignment. The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining a high degree of decoupling for some selected modes via the application of an EA method. Finally a robustness analysis is perform to the system together with the designed controller by means of a mu-analysis


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In this paper, the foundations of the beta method, widely used in todays ship appendage extrapolations, are explored. The present work pretends to validate the Beta Method using experimental and computational tools. The ship used is a rounded bow tugboat with two significant appendages, namely, a midship protective structure for the propulsion system and a stern keel. The experimental and computational data was obtained through Towing Tank trials and a RANSE CFD code, respectively.


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Sudamérica es una de las zonas con mayor cantidad de bosque seco tropical a nivel mundial. No obstante, estos bosques han sido poco conocidos y la mayoría de estudios han estado orientados hacia los bosques húmedos tropicales. Los bosques secos se han reducido drásticamente y siguen muy amenazados, corriendo el riesgo de desaparecer en los próximos años. Por ello, es fundamental, generar investigación aplicada para la conservación inmediata de los ecosistemas secos tropicales. En Ecuador, la situación no es diferente y las zonas secas catalogadas como biodiversas están en constante amenaza. Los pocos estudios realizados en Ecuador sobre zonas secas, han permitido mejorar nuestro conocimiento referente a la diversidad y abundancia de las especies, relaciones planta-planta y síndromes de dispersión. No existen estudios sobre caracteres morfológicos en frutos y semillas de las especies leñosas de bosque seco. Sin embargo, nuestra comprensión de la dinámica y estructura de las comunidades ecológicas de zonas secas poco estudiadas, puede mejorar rápidamente mediante el estudio y enfoque de rasgos morfofisiológicos funcionales. El objetivo general del presente estudio fue aportar al conocimiento de la ecología y biología de semillas de zonas secas tropicales mediante el análisis y evaluación de rasgos morfofisiológicos de frutos y semillas de una comunidad de especies leñosas. El estudio se realizó en una zona de bosque y matorral seco, ubicados al sur occidente del Ecuador, a una altitud comprendida entre los 250 a 1 200 m s.n.m. caracterizada por una marcada estacionalidad ambiental, con lluvias desde diciembre a abril y una estación seca de mayo a noviembre. Precipitación media anual de 500 mm con una temperatura media anual de 20° a 26 °C. La zona de estudio forma parte de la región Tumbesina compartida entre el sur del Ecuador y el norte del Perú con gran diversidad de especies vegetales endémicas. Para el estudio se colectaron frutos con semillas maduras previamente a su dispersión de entre ocho y diez individuos de 80 especies entre árboles y arbustos más representativos de los bosques secos ecuatorianos. De los frutos colectados se utilizó una muestra al azar de 50 frutos y semillas por especie para los diferentes análisis. Se midió y evaluó 18 rasgos morfológicos y fisiológicos cuantitativos y cualitativos de frutos, semillas y de la especie. Se realizaron diferentes análisis de asociación y correlación entre los rasgos evaluados, con cinco variables ambientales registradas de las 109 parcelas establecidas en el área de estudio, además analizamos el tipo de dormición y comparamos la respuesta germinativa a la deshidratación relacionada con dos comunidades secas, matorral y bosque seco. Los resultados mostraron que las especies presentan gran heterogeneidad en rasgos continuos de las semillas. La variabilidad fue más evidente en rasgos como tamaño, volumen, masa y número de semillas por fruto. Sin embargo, una alta proporción de las especies tiende a producir una semilla por fruto. Además, la mayoría de las especies de bosque seco se caracterizan por no poseer algún tipo de apéndices o areola en sus semillas, forma ovalada y sin endospermo. La reserva nutritiva de las semillas se encuentra especialmente en los cotiledones de los embriones. Se encontraron seis tipos diferentes de embriones y la mayoría de las especies presentó embriones gruesos e invertidos. La dispersión de semillas está dominada por zoocoria en un 38 %, con relación a anemocoria (22 %) y autocoria (19 %). Sin embargo, encontramos que el 70 % de las especies posee frutos secos. Los análisis de dormición en las semillas de bosque seco, mostraron que el 60 % de las especies de bosque seco presentaron semillas con algún tipo de latencia, menor a la encontrada en especies de bosque deciduo tropical y sabanas, sin embargo, la dormición de las especies de bosque seco fue mayor al porcentaje de especies con dormición de bosque semiperenne y selva lluviosa tropical. La dormición física constituyó el 35 % de las especies de bosque seco, seguido del 12 % con dormición fisiológica, mientras que solamente una especie tuvo dormición morfológica. Encontramos que la dormición de las semillas de las especies en estudio se relaciona significativamente con el tipo y función del embrión y con el endospermo. Existieron relaciones significativas entre los rasgos morfológicos de los frutos, semillas, embriones y atributos de los individuos de 46 especies, aunque en algunos casos con coeficientes de correlación bajos. Hubo pocas relaciones entre los rasgo morfológicos de las semillas con las variables ambientales registradas. Solamente el tipo de testa y la presencia de apéndices en las semillas mostraron relación con el pH y la temperatura media del suelo. No obstante usando el modelo fouth corner-RLQ, no se encontraron asociaciones claras ni significativas entre rasgos morfológicos de semillas y frutos con variables ambientales. Al medir el efecto de la deshidratación en las semillas de los dos hábitats secos tropicales: bosque y matorral seco, los resultados determinaron que tanto las semillas de las especies leñosas de ambientes más áridos (matorral seco) están en gran medida pre-adaptadas a la desecación que las especies de ambientes menos áridos (bosque seco). Los tratamientos de deshidratación ejercieron un efecto negativo en los porcentajes de germinación en todas las especies, excepto para C. platanifolia. Los resultados más sorprendentes se registraron para Senna alata que mostró germinación extremadamente baja o incluso sin germinación a contenidos de humedad de la semillas de 0,10 g H2O g de peso seco. Las curvas de germinación difirieron significativamente entre los tratamientos de deshidratación en cada especie. Aportar al conocimiento la fisiología de la deshidratación y los límites de tolerancia de las semillas de bosque y matorral seco ayudará a entender mejor el papel de este rasgo en la ecología de las semillas y dinámica de las comunidades áridas tropicales. El estudio demostró, que la adaptación ecológica de las semillas de las especies leñosas de bosque seco a factores ambientales extremos, puede verse reflejada en una red de interacciones y correlaciones complejas entre los propios rasgos morfológicos y fisiológicos continuos y cuantitativos, sobre todo en rasgos internos de las semillas, quienes ejercerían una mayor influencia en toda la red de interacciones. Si bien, los rasgos de las semillas no mostraron fuertes relaciones con las variables ambientales, posiblemente las asociaciones presentes entre rasgos morfológicos pudiesen predecir en cambio interacciones entre especies y comportamientos y procesos relacionados con la tolerancia a la deshidratación y dormición de las semillas. ABSTRACT South America is one of the areas with the largest number of tropical dry forest in the world. However, these forests have been poorly understood and most studies have been directed to tropical rainforests. Dry forests have been drastically reduced and are very threatened, risking desaparecerer in the next years. It is therefore essential, generate applied research for conservation of tropical dry ecosystems. In Ecuador the situation is no different and dry areas classified as biodiverse are under constant threat. The few studies made in Ecuador on drylands have improved our knowledge concerning the diversity and abundance of species, plant-plant relationships and dispersion syndromes. Morphological studies on fruits and seeds of woody dry forest species do not exist. However, our understanding of the dynamics and structure of ecological communities dryland little studied, may improve quickly through the study and functional approach morphophysiological traits. The overall objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the ecology and biology of tropical dry seeds through analysis and evaluation of morphophysiological traits of fruits and seeds of a community of woody species. The study was conducted in an area of dry scrub forest, located at the southwest of Ecuador, at an altitude between 250 to 1200 m asl. Environmental characterized by a marked seasonality, with rainfall from December to April and a dry season from May to November. Annual rainfall of 500 mm with an average annual temperature of 20° to 26 °C. The study area is part of the shared Tumbesina region between southern Ecuador and northern Peru with a great diversity of endemic plant species. For the study, we collected fruit and seed madure of eight and ten individuos of 80 species of trees and shrub most representated of the Ecuador dry forest. We selected a sample of 50 fruits and seeds for different analysis. We measure and evaluate 18 morphological and physiological traits of fruits, seeds and species. We perform analysis and correlation between traits associated with five environmental variables taken from the 109 plots established in the study area also analyze and compare the germination response to dehydration related to two dry communities, scrub and dry forest. The results showed that the species have great heterogeneity in continuous seed traits. Variability was more evident in features such as size, volume, mass, and number of seeds per fruit. However, a high proportion of species tends to produce a seed per fruit. In addition, most of the species of dry forest is characterized by not having some sort of ppendices or areola in its seeds, oval form and without endosperm. The nutrient reserves of seeds are especially in the cotyledons of the embryos. Six different embryos were found and most of the species presented thick and inverted embryos. Seed dispersal zoochory is dominated by 38 %, relative to anemochory (22 %) and autochory (19 %). However, we found that 70 % of the species has dried fruits. The analysis of dormancy from tropical dry forest, showed that 60 % of species showed seed dormancy, down from species found in tropical deciduous forest and savanna, however dormancy dry forest species was higher than the percentage of forest species dormancy semi-evergreen and tropical rain forest. Physical dormancy corresponds to 35 % of species, followed by 12 % with physiological dormancy, while only one species had morphological dormancy. We found that dormancy of the seeds was significantly related to the type and function of the embryo and the endospemo. There were significant relationships between morphological traits of fruits, seeds, embryos and attributes of individuals of 46 species, although in some cases with low correlation coefficients. There was little relationship between the morphologic traits of the seeds with the registered environmental variables. Only the type of tesla and the presence of appendages on the seeds showed relation to pH and the mean soil temperature. However, using the fourth corner-RLQ model, neither clear nor significant between morphological traits of seeds and fruits associations with environmental variables were found. The effect of dehydration on seeds of two tropical dry forest habitats was evident in dry scrub. The results determined that both the seeds of woody species forest and dry scrub are pre-adapted to drier conditions. Dehydration treatments exerted a negative effect on germination percentage in all species, except for C. platanifolia. However, all species germinated in treatments of extreme dryness, but in low percentages. The most striking results were recorded for Senna alata showed no germination when its moisture content was 0.10 g H2O g dry weight. Germination curves differ significantly between the treatments of dehydration in each species. Contribute to the knowledge of physiology and dehydration tolerance limits seeds dry scrub forest and help you better understand the role of this trait in seed ecology and dynamics of tropical arid communities. The study showed that the ecological adaptation of seeds of woody species of dry forest to extreme environmental factors may be reflected in a complex web of interactions and correlations between morphological and physiological traits continuous and quantitative themselves, especially in internal seed traits, who exerted a major influence on the entire network of interactions. While the seed traits showed strong relationships with environmental variables possibly present associations between morphological traits could predict interactions between species and change behaviors related to desiccation tolerance and seed dormancy processes.


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CS1 pili serve as the prototype of a class of filamentous appendages found on the surface of strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The four genes needed to synthesize functional CS1 pili in E. coli K12 are: cooA, which encodes the major pilin protein; cooD, which encodes a minor pilin protein found at the tip of the structure; cooC, which encodes a protein found in the outer membrane of piliated bacteria; and cooB. We show here that CooB, which is required for pilus assembly but is not part of the final structure, stabilizes CooA, CooC, and CooD. We previously reported that CooB is complexed with CooA in the periplasm and show here that CooB also is found complexed with CooD in the periplasm. CooB is associated with the membrane fraction only in the presence of CooC, suggesting that these two proteins also interact. This suggests that although it has no homology to known chaperone proteins, CooB serves a chaperone-like role for assembly of CS1.


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Teeth have been missing from birds (Aves) for at least 60 million years. However, in the chick oral cavity a rudiment forms that resembles the lamina stage of the mammalian molar tooth germ. We have addressed the molecular basis for this secondary loss of tooth formation in Aves by analyzing in chick embryos the status of molecular pathways known to regulate mouse tooth development. Similar to the mouse dental lamina, expression of Fgf8, Pitx2, Barx1, and Pax9 defines a potential chick odontogenic region. However, the expression of three molecules involved in tooth initiation, Bmp4, Msx1, and Msx2, are absent from the presumptive chick dental lamina. In chick mandibles, exogenous bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) induces Msx expression and together with fibroblast growth factor promotes the development of Sonic hedgehog expressing epithelial structures. Distinct epithelial appendages also were induced when chick mandibular epithelium was recombined with a tissue source of BMPs and fibroblast growth factors, chick skin mesenchyme. These results show that, although latent, the early signaling pathways involved in odontogenesis remain inducible in Aves and suggest that loss of odontogenic Bmp4 expression may be responsible for the early arrest of tooth development in living birds.


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The process of wing patterning involves precise molecular mechanisms to establish an organizing center at the dorsal–ventral boundary, which functions to direct the development of the Drosophila wing. We report that misexpression of dLMO, a Drosophila LIM-only protein, in specific patterns in the developing wing imaginal disc, disrupts the dorsal–ventral (D-V) boundary and causes errors in wing patterning. When dLMO is misexpressed along the anterior–posterior boundary, extra wing outgrowth occurs, similar to the phenotype seen when mutant clones lacking Apterous, a LIM homeodomain protein known to be essential for normal D-V patterning of the wing, are made in the wing disc. When dLMO is misexpressed along the D-V boundary in third instar larvae, loss of the wing margin is observed. This phenotype is very similar to the phenotype of Beadex, a long-studied dominant mutation that we show disrupts the dLMO transcript in the 3′ untranslated region. dLMO normally is expressed in the wing pouch of the third instar wing imaginal disc during patterning. A mammalian homolog of dLMO is expressed in the developing limb bud of the mouse. This indicates that LMO proteins might function in an evolutionarily conserved mechanism involved in patterning the appendages.


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X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) is a heritable disorder of the ED-1 gene disrupting the morphogenesis of ectodermal structures. The ED-1 gene product, ectodysplasin-A (EDA), is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member and is synthesized as a membrane-anchored precursor protein with the TNF core motif located in the C-terminal domain. The stalk region of EDA contains the sequence -Arg-Val-Arg-Arg156-Asn-Lys-Arg159-, representing overlapping consensus cleavage sites (Arg-X-Lys/Arg-Arg↓) for the proprotein convertase furin. Missense mutations in four of the five basic residues within this sequence account for ≈20% of all known XLHED cases, with mutations occurring most frequently at Arg156, which is shared by the two consensus furin sites. These analyses suggest that cleavage at the furin site(s) in the stalk region is required for the EDA-mediated cell-to-cell signaling that regulates the morphogenesis of ectodermal appendages. Here we show that the 50-kDa EDA parent molecule is cleaved at -Arg156Asn-Lys-Arg159↓- to release the soluble C-terminal fragment containing the TNF core domain. This cleavage appears to be catalyzed by furin, as release of the TNF domain was blocked either by expression of the furin inhibitor α1-PDX or by expression of EDA in furin-deficient LoVo cells. These results demonstrate that mutation of a functional furin cleavage site in a developmental signaling molecule is a basis for human disease (XLHED) and raise the possibility that furin cleavage may regulate the ability of EDA to act as a juxtacrine or paracrine factor.


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To optimize photosynthesis, cyanobacteria move toward or away from a light source by a process known as phototaxis. Phototactic movement of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 is a surface-dependent phenomenon that requires type IV pili, cellular appendages implicated in twitching and social motility in a range of bacteria. To elucidate regulation of cyanobacterial motility, we generated transposon-tagged mutants with aberrant phototaxis; mutants were either nonmotile or exhibited an “inverted motility response” (negative phototaxis) relative to wild-type cells. Several mutants contained transposons in genes similar to those involved in bacterial chemotaxis. Synechocystis PCC6803 has three loci with chemotaxis-like genes, of which two, Tax1 and Tax3, are involved in phototaxis. Transposons interrupting the Tax1 locus yielded mutants that exhibited an inverted motility response, suggesting that this locus is involved in controlling positive phototaxis. However, a strain null for taxAY1 was nonmotile and hyperpiliated. Interestingly, whereas the C-terminal region of the TaxD1 polypeptide is similar to the signaling domain of enteric methyl-accepting chemoreceptor proteins, the N terminus has two domains resembling chromophore-binding domains of phytochrome, a photoreceptor in plants. Hence, TaxD1 may play a role in perceiving the light stimulus. Mutants in the Tax3 locus are nonmotile and do not make type IV pili. These findings establish links between chemotaxis-like regulatory elements and type IV pilus-mediated phototaxis.