994 resultados para Appalachian Regional Commission
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"July 1979."
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Audit report on the Regional Utility Service Systems Commission for the year ended June 30, 2015
ENGLISH: 1. Quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission at the surface and ten meters in the Gulf of Panama, as follows: a) 18-21 March, 1958 (31 stations)-during the height of the upwelling season, b) 10-12 July, 1957 (10 stations)-during the transition to the rainy season at a time when mild upwelling winds reappear, c) 7-8 November, 1957 (15 stations)-during the height of the rainy season. 2. Maximum phytoplankton populations occurred during the upwelling season, followed by a considerable decline during July, and a further Subsidence during November. 3. A remarkable regional uniformity in species composition was observed during the surveys despite regional differences in growth conditions. Diatoms overwhelmingly dominated the communities. 4. During all surveys, the innermost regions, generally north of 8°30'N, were the most productive. The least productive areas were in the offing of San Miguel Bay and Parita Bay, suggesting that nutrient accretion via runoff is inadequate to sustain sizeable autotrophic plant populations in those regions. 5. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be limited by nutrient availability. 6. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be related to depth of the water column. 7. Although below average rainfall contributed to unusually favorable growth conditions (reduced stability, increased transparency and, presumably, nutrient reserves) during the November survey relative to November 1955 and 1956 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W, the anticipated heightened phytoplankton response was not observed. 8. During the November survey, the local diatom responses and their regional fluctuations could be satisfactorily related to the accompanying surface salinity conditions. However, this correspondence is undoubtedly attributable to factors associated with the observed salinity levels, probably nutrients, rather than salinity directly. 9. Unusually warm conditions occurred during the March survey, attributable to considerably weaker upwelling winds than normally occurring then, which contributed to a considerably lower standing crop and a retardation in succession of three to five weeks relative to that observed during 1955-1957 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W in the Gulf of Panama. 10. During the March survey, a well defined inverse relationship existed between mean temperature and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters, and between transparency and mean diatom abundance. A direct relationship occurred between surface salinity and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters. These relationships are interpreted to indicate that diatom abundance primarily reflected the nutrient concentrations associated with a given upwelling intensity, rather than describing casual relationships. 11. The survey results indicate that the phytoplankton dynamics observed at 8°45'N, 79°23'W from November, 1954 through May, 1957 are generally representative of the Gulf of Panama. 12. The following new forms, to be described in a later publication, were observed during the surveys: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f. SPANISH: 1. La Comisión Interamericana del Atun Tropical recolectó en el Golfo de Panama muestras cuantitativas de fitoplancton en la superficie y a los diez metros, como sigue: a) Del 18 al 21 de marzo de 1958 (31 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación de afloramiento. b) Del 10 al 12 de julio de 1957 (10 estaciones)-durante la epóca de transición a la estación lluviosa cuando reaparecen los vientos ligeros que causan el afloramiento. c) Del 7 al 8 de noviembre de 1957 (15 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación lluviosa. 2. Las poblaciones maximas de fitoplancton aparecieron durante la estación de afloramiento, seguido por una considerable disminución durante el mes de julio y una calma durante noviembre. 3. Durante la investigación se observó una remarcable uniformidad regional en la composición de las especies a pesar de las diferencias regionales en las condiciones de crecimiento. Las diatomeas predominaban en gran numero en las comunidades. 4. Durante todas las investigaciones, las regiones mas cerca de la costa, generalmente al norte de los 8°30'N, eran las mas productivas. Las areas menos productivas fueron las mar afuera de las Bahias de San Miguel y Parita, lo que sugiere que el aumento en las sales nutritivas causado por las escorrentias es inadecuado para sostener poblaciones grandes de plantas autotróficas en estas regiones. 5. Durante todas las investigaciones, el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar limitado por la disponibilidad de las. sales nutritivas. 6. Durante todas las investigaciones el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar relacionado con la profundidad de la columna de agua. 7. Aunque las precipitacion por debajo del promedio normal contribuyo a condiciones desusadamente favorables de crecimiento (estabilidad reducida, aumento de la transparencia y, presumiblemente, de la reserva de sales nutritivas) durante la investigación de noviembre en relación a noviembre de 1955 y de 1956 en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, no se observo-la alta reacción de fitoplancton que se esperaba. 8. Durante la investigación de noviembre, las reacciones locales de las diatomeas y sus fluctuaciones regionales pudieron relacionarse en forma satisfactoria con condiciones asociadas con la salinidad de la superficie. Sin embargo, esta correspondencia puede atribuirse sin duda a factores asociados con los niveles observados de salinidad, probablemente con las sales nutritivas, en lugar de directamente con la salinidad. 9. Condiciones calurosas no comunes ocurrieron durante la investigación de marzo, las que pueden atribuirse a que los vientos que ocasionan el afloramiento fueran mas debiles que los normales, lo que contribuyó a que la cosecha estable fuera considerablemente mas baja y a la demora de tres a cinco semanas en la sucecion relativa a la que se observó durante 1955-1957 en los 8°45'N, 8°23'W, en el Golfo de Panama. 10. Durante la investigación de marzo, existió una relación inversa bien definida entre la temperatura y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores, y entre la transparencia y la abundancia media de las diatomeas. Una relación directa ocurrio entre la salinidad de superficie y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores. Estas relaciones se interpretan como indicadoras de que la abundancia de diatomeas refleja primeramente las concentraciones de las sales nutritivas asociadas con una intensidad de afloramiento dada, en lugar de describir relaciones causales. 11. Los resultados de la investigacion indican que la dinamica del fitoplancton observada en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, desde noviembre de 1954 a mayo de 1957, es generalmente representativa del Golfo de Panama. 12. Durante las investigaciones se observaron las siguientes formas nuevas, las que seran descritas en una publicación posterior: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f.
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), in continued partnership with the San Francisco Bay Long Term Management Strategies (LTMS) Agencies, is undertaking the development of a Regional Sediment Management Plan for the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed (estuary). Regional sediment management (RSM) is the integrated management of littoral, estuarine, and riverine sediments to achieve balanced and sustainable solutions to sediment related needs. Regional sediment management recognizes sediment as a resource. Sediment processes are important components of coastal and riverine systems that are integral to environmental and economic vitality. It relies on the context of the sediment system and forecasting the long-range effects of management actions when making local project decisions. In the San Francisco Bay estuary, the sediment system includes the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta, the bay, its local tributaries and the near shore coastal littoral cell. Sediment flows from the top of the watershed, much like water, to the coast, passing through rivers, marshes, and embayments on its way to the ocean. Like water, sediment is vital to these habitats and their inhabitants, providing nutrients and the building material for the habitat itself. When sediment erodes excessively or is impounded behind structures, the sediment system becomes imbalanced, and rivers become clogged or conversely, shorelines, wetlands and subtidal habitats erode. The sediment system continues to change in response both to natural processes and human activities such as climate change and shoreline development. Human activities that influence the sediment system include flood protection programs, watershed management, navigational dredging, aggregate mining, shoreline development, terrestrial, riverine, wetland, and subtidal habitat restoration, and beach nourishment. As observed by recent scientific analysis, the San Francisco Bay estuary system is changing from one that was sediment rich to one that is erosional. Such changes, in conjunction with increasing sea level rise due to climate change, require that the estuary sediment and sediment transport system be managed as a single unit. To better manage the system, its components, and human uses of the system, additional research and knowledge of the system is needed. Fortunately, new sediment science and modeling tools provide opportunities for a vastly improved understanding of the sediment system, predictive capabilities and analysis of potential individual and cumulative impacts of projects. As science informs management decisions, human activities and management strategies may need to be modified to protect and provide for existing and future infrastructure and ecosystem needs. (PDF contains 3 pages)
Ocean observing has been recognized by the US Commission on Ocean Policy, the Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel, the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, and many other ocean policy entities and initiatives as foundational to meeting the nation’s need for more effective coastal and ocean management. The Interim Report of the Interagency Task Force on Ocean Policy (September 2009) has called for strengthening the nation’s capacity for observing the nation’s ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes systems. (PDF contains 3 pages)
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: We investigated the origins of 252 Southern Appalachian woody species representing 158 clades to analyze larger patterns of biogeographic connectivity around the northern hemisphere. We tested biogeographic hypotheses regarding the timing of species disjunctions to eastern Asia and among areas of North America. METHODS: We delimited species into biogeographically informative clades, compiled sister-area data, and generated graphic representations of area connections across clades. We calculated taxon diversity within clades and plotted divergence times. KEY RESULTS: Of the total taxon diversity, 45% were distributed among 25 North American endemic clades. Sister taxa within eastern North America and eastern Asia were proportionally equal in frequency, accounting for over 50% of the sister-area connections. At increasing phylogenetic depth, connections to the Old World dominated. Divergence times for 65 clades with intercontinental disjunctions were continuous, whereas 11 intracontinental disjunctions to western North America and nine to eastern Mexico were temporally congruent. CONCLUSIONS: Over one third of the clades have likely undergone speciation within the region of eastern North America. The biogeographic pattern for the region is asymmetric, consisting of mostly mixed-aged, low-diversity clades connecting to the Old World, and a minority of New World clades. Divergence time data suggest that climate change in the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene generated disjunct patterns within North America. Continuous splitting times during the last 45 million years support the hypothesis that widespread distributions formed repeatedly during favorable periods, with serial cooling trends producing pseudocongruent area disjunctions between eastern North America and eastern Asia.
The Celtic, Regional and Minority Languages Abroad
Project (CRAMLAP) is funded by the European Commission
to research the provision and pedagogy of regional
and minority languages outside their national borders in
Europe. The teaching of Celtic languages across Europe
was the focus in year one (2003-2004). This article summarizes
the qualitative data received in response to
questionnaires sent to institutions across Europe offering
Celtic Studies. Responses indicated that Celtic Studies
are quite widely available across Europe. The languages
are taught in comparative linguistics, linguistics and English
departments, with few dedicated Celtic departments
or sections outside the Celtic countries. Irish is supported
abroad by Irish government grant aid which will
become more widely available in the immediate future.
Many of the teachers have considerable experience, but
limited pedagogic training. The lack of suitable teaching
resources is the most commonly expressed concern.
The emergence of the so-called “European Paradox” shows that R&D investment is not maximally effective and that increasing the scale of public R&D expenditures is not sufficient to generate employment and sustained economic growth. Increasing Governmental R&D Investment is far from being a “panacea” for stagnant growth. It is worth noting that Government R&D Investment does not have a statistically significant impact on employment, indicating the need to assess the trade-offs of policies that could lead to significant increases in government expenditure. Surprisingly, Governmental R&D Employment does not contribute to “mass-market” employment, despite its quite important role in reducing Youth-Unemployment. Despite the negative side-effects of Governmental R&D Employment on both GVA and GDP, University R&D Employment appears to have a quite important role in reducing Unemployment, especially Youth-Unemployment, while it also does not have a downside in terms of economic growth. Technological Capacity enhancement is the most effective instrument for reducing Unemployment and is a policy without any downside regarding sustainable economical development. In terms of wider policy implications, the results reinforce the idea that European Commission Research and Innovation policies must be restructured, shifting from a transnational framework to a more localised, measurable and operational approach.