319 resultados para Apomorphine hypothermia
Nitric oxide (NO) is thought to play a key role in the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in mammals, acting on the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus to activate autonomic heat loss responses. Regarding behavioral thermoregulation, no data exists for NO modulation/mediation of thermoregulatory behavior changes during hypoxia. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that NO is involved in the preferred body temperature (Tb) reduction in the hypoxic toad Chaunus schneideri (formerly Bufo paracnemis), a primarily behavioral thermoregulator. Toads equipped with a temperature probe were placed in a thermal gradient chamber, and preferred Tb was monitored continuously. We analyzed the effect of intracerebroventricular injections of the nonselective NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA (200, 400 and 800 microg per animal) or mock cerebrospinal fluid (mCSF, vehicle) on the preferred Tb of toads. No significant difference in preferred Tb was observed after L-NMMA treatments. Another group of toads treated with 2 mg kg(-1) (400 microg per animal) of L-NMMA or mCSF was submitted to hypoxia (3% inspired 02) for 8 h. The vehicle group showed a reduction of preferred Tb, a response that was inhibited by L-NMMA. A 3rd group of hypoxic animals was injected with Ringer or L-NMMA (2 mg kg(-1)) into the lymph sac and both treatments induced no change in the anapyretic response to hypoxia. These results indicate that NO acting on the central nervous system has an excitatory role for the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in toads. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Central heme oxigenase-carbon monoxide (HO-CO) pathway has been shown to play a pyretic role in the thermoregulatory response to restraint. However, the specific site in the central nervous system where CO may act modulating this response remains unclear. LC is rich not only in sGC but also in heme oxygenase (HO; the enzyme that catalyses the metabolism of heme to CO, along with biliverdin and free iron). Therefore, the possible role of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway in the restraint-induced-hypothermia by LC neurons was investigated. Body temperature dropped about 0.7 degrees C during restraint. ZnDPBG (a HO inhibitor; 5 nmol, intra-LC) prevented the hypothermic response during restraint. Conversely, induction of the HO pathway in the LC with heme-lysinate (7.6 nmol, intra-LC) intensified the hypothermic response to restraint, and this effect was prevented by pretreatment with ODQ (a sGC inhibitor; given intracerebroventricularly, 1.3 nmol). Taken together, these data suggest that CO in the LC produced by the HO pathway and acting via cGMP is implicated in thermal responses to restraint. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study, was to develop a newborn piglet model of hypoxia/ischaemia which would better emulate the clinical situation in the asphyxiated human neonate and produce a consistent degree of histopathological injury following the insult. One-day-old piglets (n = 18) were anaesthetised with a mixture of propofol (10 mg/kg/h) and alfentinal (5,5.5 mug/kg/h) i.v. The piglets were intubated and ventilated. Physiological variables were monitored continuously. Hypoxia was induced by decreasing the inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) to 3-4% and adjusting FiO(2) to maintain the cerebral function monitor peak amplitude at less than or equal to5 muV. The duration of the mild insult was 20, min while the severe insult was 30 min which included 10 min where the blood pressure was allowed to fall below 70% of baseline. Control piglets (n=4 of 18) were subjected to the same protocol except for the hypoxic/ischaemic insult. The piglets were allowed to recover from anaesthesia then euthanased 72 It after the insult. The brains were perfusion-fixed, removed and embedded in paraffin. Coronal sections were stained by haematoxylin/eosin. A blinded observer examined the frontal and parietal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum for the degree of damage. The total mean histology score for the five areas of the brain for the severe insult was 15.6 +/-4.4 (mean +/-S.D., n=7), whereas no damage was seen in either the mild insult (n=4) or control groups. This 'severe damage' model produces a consistent level of damage and will prove useful for examining potential neuroprotective therapies in the neonatal brain. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate cardiac electrical function in the Spectacled Flying Fox (bat) infested with Ixodes holocyclus. Design Prospective clinical investigation of bats treated for naturally occurring tick toxicity. Procedure ECGs were performed on bats with tick toxicity (n = 33), bats that recovered slowly (n = 5) and normally (n = 5) following treatment for tick toxicity, and on normal bats with no history of tick toxicity (n = 9). Results Bats with tick toxicity had significantly prolonged corrected QT intervals, bradycardia and rhythm disturbances which included sinus bradydysrhythmia, atrial standstill, ventricular premature complexes, and idioventricular bradydysrhythmia. Conclusions The QT prolongation observed on ECG traces of bats with tick toxicity reflected delayed ventricular repolarisation and predisposed to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death in response to sympathetic stimulation. The inability to document ventricular tachycardia in bats shortly before death from tick toxicity may be explained by a lack of sympathetic responsiveness attributable to the unique parasympathetic innervation of the bat heart, or hypothermiainduced catecholamine receptor down-regulation. Bradycardia and rhythm disturbances may be attributable to hypothermia.
Actively warming patients during surgery is considered the best method of preventing inadvertent hypothermia due to multiple causes: anaesthetic depression of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre, cutaneous vasodilatation, reduction of heat production by skeletal muscles, cold intravenous fluid administration and heat loss from opened body cavities. To compare the effects of active peripheral skin warming and trunk warming on body temperature during surgery, 15 dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy were studied using a prospective randomised trial design. Dogs were randomised into two groups: one group was warmed by compress leg pads (n=7) on limbs and the other group by a circulating warm water mattress (n=8), applied to the trunk. The rectal, oesophageal and room temperatures and relative humidity were measured. The results showed that the compress leg pads (active peripheral warming) were significantly (P
From January 1984 to May 1994, 17 of 239 children under 15 years old stung by Tityus serrulatus (15.1%) or Tityus bahiensis (84.9%) presented severe envenoming. Of these 17 patients (1-11 years old; median=2 yr) 14 were stung by T.serrulatus and three by T.bahiensis. All of them received scorpion antivenom i.v. at times ranging from 45 min. to 5 h after the accident (median=2h). On admission, the main clinical manifestations and laboratory and electrocardiographic changes were: vomiting (17), diaphoresis (15), tachycardia (14), prostration (10), tachypnea (8), arterial hypertension (7), arterial hypotension (5), tremors (5), hypothermia (4), hyperglycemia (17), leukocytosis (16/16), hypokalemia (13/17), increased CK-MB enzyme activity (>6% of the total CK, 11/12), hyperamylasemia (11/14), sinusal tachycardia (16/17) and a myocardial infarction-like pattern (11/17). Six patients stung by T.serrulatus had depressed left ventricular systolic function assessed by means of echocardiography. Of these, five presented pulmonary edema and four had shock. A child aged two-years old presented severe respiratory failure and died 65 h after being stung by T.serrulatus. Severe envenomations caused by T.serrulatus were 26.2 times more frequent than those caused by T.bahiensis (p<0.001).
In this paper the authors proceed to a revision of the three main methods employed for cerebral protection in aortic arch surgery, namely the deep hypothermia and total circulatory arrest, the retrograde cerebral perfusion and the selective anterograde cerebral perfusion. After a deep analysis on their advantages and disadvantages, they proposed the utilization of an association of methods (integrated approach) that has proved to be extremely well succeed in their clinical practice, specially in high-risks patients.
Fulminant myocarditis associated with influenza A virus is exceedingly rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. We describe a previously healthy 10-year-old boy, with a three-day history of flu-like symptoms without antiviral treatment. He was hospitalized with dehydration and hypothermia in the context of persistent vomiting, when he suddenly developed heart failure secondary to fulminant myocarditis. Despite aggressive management, including circulatory support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures, the patient died of cardiogenic shock. The postmortem histopathology was compatible with a multisystem viral infection with myocarditis and pulmonary involvement, and H1N1v polymerase chain reaction was positive. The prevalence of influenza-associated fulminant myocarditis remains unknown. Findings reported in the literature raise the possibility that the novel H1N1 influenza A virus is more commonly associated with a severe form of myocarditis than previously encountered influenza strains.
Hepatitis E is an inflammatory liver disease caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection, which is endemic in China, India, Nepal, and in several Asian and African countries, where the prevalence can be as high as 50%. In non-endemic countries, an increasing number of non-travel associated HEV has been reported in recent years, particularly in Europe. The authors describe the clinical case of a puerperal 24-year-old woman from Pakistan admitted to our Tertiary Care Medical Center with acute hepatic failure developed during the third trimester of her pregnancy. She was icteric with grade III encephalopathy and hypothermia. Laboratory values showed significant AST, ALT and LDH elevations of twelve times the upper normal limit, and total bilirubin was significantly elevated (41.20 mg/dL). Prothrombin time was prolonged (4 s) and factor V activity was diminished (15.1%). Extracorporeal albumin dialysis was initiated, but clinical deterioration occurred within 48 h, so she underwent OLT at day 4 post-admission. Severe forms of HEV are known to be more pronounced in pregnant women. Even though most of the described cases of acute hepatic failure associated to HEV during pregnancy had a favorable clinical course, some cases of fulminant liver failure and death are described. It is unknown whether liver transplant outcomes in this setting are different from other causes of acute liver failure. To our knowledge, this is the first case report in Portugal from a pregnant woman who developed hepatic failure due to fulminant hepatitis E that underwent successful liver transplantation.
RESUMO: O envelhecimento da população é um fenómeno à escala mundial, com tendência a aumentar, sendo cada vez mais os idosos e mais velhos. Esta propensão é notória nos utentes que recorrem aos cuidados de saúde. À medida que se envelhece maior vai sen-do a vulnerabilidade e riscos para a saúde, bem como a prevalência para doenças croni-cas, que se traduz num aumento de hospitalizações e consumo. As complicações ocorri-das em idosos aquando submetidos a intervenções cirúrgicas estão descritas na literatu-ra, havendo uma escassez de publicações nacionais relacionadas com o tema. O presente estudo teve por objectivo caracterizar idosos submetidos a correcção cirúrgi-ca de hérnias da parede abdominal, os procedimentos e as complicações ocorridas. O estudo, transversal e de natureza quantitativa, foi realizado no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, e teve como critério de inclusão os indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos submetidos a correcção cirúrgica de hérnias da parede abdominal, realizadas em 2009-2010, que tiveram um período de recobro na Unidade de Cuidados Anestésicos Pós-operatórios. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram analisados os processos clínicos do Arquivo Clínico da Instituição e registada informação sobre variáveis de caracterização sócio demográfi-ca, de saúde pré, intra e pós-operatória imediata e descritivas da cirurgia. Foram avaliadas as situações de 164 indivíduos, 78.7% eram homens e 21.3% mulheres e a média de idades era de 72.4 anos e desvio padrão 5.46. Em termos de hábitos de Vida, foi possível constatar um predomínio de baixo consumo de tabaco (13.4%) e álcool (6.7%). O valor médio de co-morbilidades foi de 2.6 e desvio padrão de 1.34 sendo a maior prevalência de 3-4 co-morbilidades com 48.8%. Salienta-se que todas as mulheres da amostra apresentaram doenças. As patologias mais prevalentes são as do foro cardiovascular: Hipertensão Arterial (75.0%), Dislipidémia (35.4%) e Insuficiência Venosa Periférica (14.6%), de forma menos expressiva, mas igualmente relevante a Diabetes Mellitus (23.8%). Nos mais idosos [75 ou mais], verificou-se uma expressivi-dade Hipertrofia benigna da próstata (18.2%). Das cirurgias ocorridas predominou a correcção cirúrgica de Hérnia Inguinal.Das complicações identificadas prevaleceu a dor (97.6%). A hipotermia (34.8%), HTA (24.4%) e bradicárdia (14.6%) encontram-se entre as complicações mais determinantes. Verificaram-se diferenças com significado estatístico entre os dois grupos etários consi-derados nas complicações bradicárdia (p=0.021) e a saturação de oxigénio <90% (p = 0.006), hemorragia (p=0.036) e retenção urinária (p = 0.038). Neste estudo constata-se que a cirúrgica de hérnias da parede abdominal em idosos é uma realidade prevalente. Dos factores que possam estar associados a propensão para complicações pós-cirúrgicas, a idade e a presença de co-morbilidade controlada não revelaram ter influência. Também os tempos de cirurgia e de anestesia não revelaram influências no surgimento de complicações. A monitorização dos sinais vitais deve ser constante, desde o período pré-operatório imediato de forma a permitir aos profissionais de saúde identificar uma propensão para vulnerabilidade, com vantagem em ser apre-sentado sob a forma de score. Este manifestou diferenças significativas a nível dos dois grupos etários considerados (p=0.001). Este score, vai possibilitar sinalizar quais os idosos com maior susceptibilidade de ocorrência de complicações.------------------ABSTRACT:Population aging has become a worldwide phenomenon with tendency to increase. This is particularly evident due to the amount of elderly that attend the medical services. As one gets older, more vulnerable and more risks to one’s health. Also chronic diseas-es are more likely to exist which lead to more hospitalizations and increase of consuma-bles. The complications after a surgery in older people are well documented in international scientific studies, however national studies are still lacking. The present study aims to characterize elderly patients after abdominal hernia surgical correction, the procedures and complications detected. This transversal and quantitative nature like study, was held in the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa-Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, and as inclusive criteria where patients with more than 65 or more years old, who undergone abdominal hernia surgical correction surgery in 2009-2010 and had the post-operation on the Unidade de Cuidados Anestésicos Pós-Operatorios. Data from the clinical files from the archive of the hospital where analyzed. Information was taken regarding social demographic variables; before, during and immediately after surgery variables and also descriptive of the surgery itself. Were evaluated 164 individuals, 78, 7% of which were men and 21, 3% women with an average age of 72, 4 years and standard deviation 5.46. Life habits analyzed detected low consumption of tobacco (13, 4%) and alcohol (6, 7%). The average of co-morblity was 2, 6 and standard deviation 1.34. The biggest prevalence of 3-4 co-morbilities was 48, 8%. Important to notice that, all women from the study presented illnesses. The illnesses more frequent were cardiovascular: High Blood Pressure (75%), Dyslipidemia (35, 4%), Deep Venous Insufficiency (14, 6%), less significant but also relevant, Diabetes Melli-tus (23, 8%). In the older (75 or more), was noticed Benign Prostatic (18, 2%). In the surgeries verified, the abdominal hernia correction was more frequent. From all thecomplications identified, pain was 97, 6%, Hypothermia 34, 8%, high Blood Pressure 24, 4% and Bradycardia 14, 6%, were higher prevalence. Was seen differences in the statistic meaning of the two groups in the Bradycardia com-plications (p=0.021), and the oxygen saturation < 90% (p=0.006), bleeding (p=0,036) and urine retention (p=0,038). In the present study it is evident that the abdominal hernia surgical correction in older population is a common procedure. Of all the factors that might be related with post-operatory complications, age and the presence of controlled co-morbility didn’t reveal relevant. Also, surgical times and duration of anesthesia didn´t seem to be related to complications incidence. Monitoring the vital signs must be constant since the immedi-ate post-operatory to ensure that the professionals can identify any possible vulnerabil-ity, presenting it in a score like way. The score has shown meaningful differences be-tween the two age groups analyzed (p=0,001). This score allows identifying which pa-tients are more likely to suffer complications.
Abdominal tumors that can grow through vascular lumen and spread to the right heart are rare. Although these tumors have different histologic aspects, they may cause similar abdominal and cardiac symptoms and are a serious risk factor for pulmonary embolism and sudden death when they reach the right atrium and tricuspid valve. The best treatment is radical surgical resection of the entire tumor using cardiopulmonary bypass with or without deep hypothermia and total circulatory arrest. We report the cases of two patients, the first with leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava and the other with intravenous leiomyomatosis of the uterus that showed intravascular growth up to right atrium and ventricle, who underwent successful radical resection in a one-stage procedure with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. We discuss the clinical and histologic aspects and imaging diagnosis and review the literature.
The best surgical approach for the treatment of patients with severe cerebral artery disease and simultaneous serious coronary artery disease still remains controversial. In this report we present a case of a 72-year-old female patient admitted to the hospital with unstable angina. Triple coronary artery obstructive disease and severe bilateral carotid artery stenosis were diagnosed. A combined, simultaneous surgical procedure was performed. After total circulatory by-pass with a membrane oxygenator, the patient's body temperature was lowered to 32°C. During the cool-down period, three proximal anastomoses of segments of autologous saphenous veins were performed in the ascending aorta. Immediately afterwards, bilateral carotid endarterectomy was performed, followed by three distal anastomoses to coronary arteries. The patient showed a satisfactory post-operative outcome. It was concluded that the combination of moderate hypothermia, hemodilution with appropriate hemodynamic control, as used in this patient, was an effective method of cerebral protection. The simultaneous approach of carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery by-pass surgery should be seen as a safe option for the treatment of this type of patient.
We report the case of a patient with a pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aortic clinically diagnosed 5 months after surgical replacement of the aortic valve. Diagnosis was confirmed with the aid of two-dimensional echocardiography and helicoidal angiotomography. The corrective surgery, which consisted of a reinforced suture of the communication with the ascending aorta after opening and aspiration of the cavity of the pseudoaneurysm, was successfully performed through a complete sternotomy using extracorporeal circulation, femorofemoral cannulation, and moderate hypothermia, with no aortic clamping.
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that short periods of ischemia may increase the myocardial protection obtained with intermittent crossclamping of the aorta. METHODS: In the control group (18 patients), surgery was performed with systemic hypothermia at 32ºC and intermittent crossclamping of the aorta. Extracorporeal circulation was used. In the preconditioning group (17 patients), 2 crossclampings of the aorta lasting 3min each were added prior to the intermittent crossclamping of the conventional technique with an interval of 2min of reperfusion between them. Blood samples for analyses of pH, pCO2, pO2, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were obtained from the coronary sinus at the beginning of extracorporeal circulation (time 1), at the end of the first anastomosis (time 2), and at the end of extracorporeal circulation (time 3). RESULTS: No difference was observed in the results of the 2 groups, except for a variation in the ionic values in the different times of blood withdrawal; sodium values, however, remained stable. All patients had a good clinical outcome. CONCLUSION: The results of intermittent crossclamping of the aorta with moderate hypothermia were not altered by the use of ischemic preconditioning.
Humans can recognize categories of environmental sounds, including vocalizations produced by humans and animals and the sounds of man-made objects. Most neuroimaging investigations of environmental sound discrimination have studied subjects while consciously perceiving and often explicitly recognizing the stimuli. Consequently, it remains unclear to what extent auditory object processing occurs independently of task demands and consciousness. Studies in animal models have shown that environmental sound discrimination at a neural level persists even in anesthetized preparations, whereas data from anesthetized humans has thus far provided null results. Here, we studied comatose patients as a model of environmental sound discrimination capacities during unconsciousness. We included 19 comatose patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) during the first 2 days of coma, while recording nineteen-channel electroencephalography (EEG). At the level of each individual patient, we applied a decoding algorithm to quantify the differential EEG responses to human vs. animal vocalizations as well as to sounds of living vocalizations vs. man-made objects. Discrimination between vocalization types was accurate in 11 patients and discrimination between sounds from living and man-made sources in 10 patients. At the group level, the results were significant only for the comparison between vocalization types. These results lay the groundwork for disentangling truly preferential activations in response to auditory categories, and the contribution of awareness to auditory category discrimination.