873 resultados para Antidepressant Medication
Context There are no evidence syntheses available to guide clinicians on when to titrate antihypertensive medication after initiation. Objective To model the blood pressure (BP) response after initiating antihypertensive medication. Data sources electronic databases including Medline, Embase, Cochrane Register and reference lists up to December 2009. Study selection Trials that initiated antihypertensive medication as single therapy in hypertensive patients who were either drug naive or had a placebo washout from previous drugs. Data extraction Office BP measurements at a minimum of two weekly intervals for a minimum of 4 weeks. An asymptotic approach model of BP response was assumed and non-linear mixed effects modelling used to calculate model parameters. Results and conclusions Eighteen trials that recruited 4168 patients met inclusion criteria. The time to reach 50% of the maximum estimated BP lowering effect was 1 week (systolic 0.91 weeks, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.10; diastolic 0.95, 0.75 to 1.15). Models incorporating drug class as a source of variability did not improve fit of the data. Incorporating the presence of a titration schedule improved model fit for both systolic and diastolic pressure. Titration increased both the predicted maximum effect and the time taken to reach 50% of the maximum (systolic 1.2 vs 0.7 weeks; diastolic 1.4 vs 0.7 weeks). Conclusions Estimates of the maximum efficacy of antihypertensive agents can be made early after starting therapy. This knowledge will guide clinicians in deciding when a newly started antihypertensive agent is likely to be effective or not at controlling BP.
The Internet and new communication technologies are deeply affecting healthcare systems and the provision of care. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possibility that cyberhealth, via the development of widespread easy access to wireless personal computers, tablets and smartphones, can effectively influence intake of medication and long-term medication adherence, which is a complex, difficult and dynamic behaviour to adopt and to sustain over time. Because of its novelty, the impact of cyberhealth on drug intake has not yet been well explored. Initial results have provided some evidence, but more research is needed to determine the impact of cyberhealth resources on long-term adherence and health outcomes, its user-friendliness and its adequacy in meeting e-patient needs. The purpose of such Internet-based interventions, which provide different levels of customisation, is not to take over the roles of healthcare providers; on the contrary, cyberhealth platforms should reinforce the alliance between healthcare providers and patients by filling time-gaps between visits and allowing patients to upload and/or share feedback material to be used during the visits. This shift, however, is not easily endorsed by healthcare providers, who must master new eHealth skills, but healthcare systems have a unique opportunity to invest in the Internet and to use this powerful tool to design the future of integrated care. Before this can occur, however, important issues must be addressed and resolved, for example ethical considerations, the scientific quality of programmes, reimbursement of activity, data security and the ownership of uploaded data.
TERMINOLOGY AND PRINCIPLES OF COMBINING ANTIPSYCHOTICS WITH A SECOND MEDICATION: The term "combination" includes virtually all the ways in which one medication may be added to another. The other commonly used terms are "augmentation" which implies an additive effect from adding a second medicine to that obtained from prescribing a first, an "add on" which implies adding on to existing, possibly effective treatment which, for one reason or another, cannot or should not be stopped. The issues that arise in all potential indications are: a) how long it is reasonable to wait to prove insufficiency of response to monotherapy; b) by what criteria that response should be defined; c) how optimal is the dose of the first monotherapy and, therefore, how confident can one be that its lack of effect is due to a truly inadequate response? Before one considers combination treatment, one or more of the following criteria should be met; a) monotherapy has been only partially effective on core symptoms; b) monotherapy has been effective on some concurrent symptoms but not others, for which a further medicine is believed to be required; c) a particular combination might be indicated de novo in some indications; d) The combination could improve tolerability because two compounds may be employed below their individual dose thresholds for side effects. Regulators have been concerned primarily with a and, in principle at least, c above. In clinical practice, the use of combination treatment reflects the often unsatisfactory outcome of treatment with single agents. ANTIPSYCHOTICS IN MANIA: There is good evidence that most antipsychotics tested show efficacy in acute mania when added to lithium or valproate for patients showing no or a partial response to lithium or valproate alone. Conventional 2-armed trial designs could benefit from a third antipsychotic monotherapy arm. In the long term treatment of bipolar disorder, in patients responding acutely to the addition of quetiapine to lithium or valproate, this combination reduces the subsequent risk of relapse to depression, mania or mixed states compared to monotherapy with lithium or valproate. Comparable data is not available for combination with other antipsychotics. ANTIPSYCHOTICS IN MAJOR DEPRESSION: Some atypical antipsychotics have been shown to induce remission when added to an antidepressant (usually a SSRI or SNRI) in unipolar patients in a major depressive episode unresponsive to the antidepressant monotherapy. Refractoriness is defined as at least 6 weeks without meeting an adequate pre-defined treatment response. Long term data is not yet available to support continuing efficacy. SCHIZOPHRENIA: There is only limited evidence to support the combination of two or more antipsychotics in schizophrenia. Any monotherapy should be given at the maximal tolerated dose and at least two antipsychotics of different action/tolerability and clozapine should be given as a monotherapy before a combination is considered. The addition of a high potency D2/3 antagonist to a low potency antagonist like clozapine or quetiapine is the logical combination to treat positive symptoms, although further evidence from well conducted clinical trials is needed. Other mechanisms of action than D2/3 blockade, and hence other combinations might be more relevant for negative, cognitive or affective symptoms. OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER: SSRI monotherapy has moderate overall average benefit in OCD and can take as long as 3 months for benefit to be decided. Antipsychotic addition may be considered in OCD with tic disorder and in refractory OCD. For OCD with poor insight (OCD with "psychotic features"), treatment of choice should be medium to high dose of SSRI, and only in refractory cases, augmentation with antipsychotics might be considered. Augmentation with haloperidol and risperidone was found to be effective (symptom reduction of more than 35%) for patients with tics. For refractory OCD, there is data suggesting a specific role for haloperidol and risperidone as well, and some data with regard to potential therapeutic benefit with olanzapine and quetiapine. ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND ADVERSE EFFECTS IN SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS: Cardio-metabolic risk in patients with severe mental illness and especially when treated with antipsychotic agents are now much better recognized and efforts to ensure improved physical health screening and prevention are becoming established.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the use of co-medication, the potential drug-drug interactions (PDDIs) and the effect on antiretroviral therapy (ART) tolerability and efficacy in HIV-infected individuals according to age, ≥ 50 years or <50 years. METHODS: All ART-treated participants were prospectively included once during a follow-up visit of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Information on any current medication was obtained by participant self-report and medical prescription history. The complete treatment was subsequently screened for PDDIs using a customized version of the Liverpool drug interaction database. RESULTS: Drug prescriptions were analysed for 1497 HIV-infected individuals: 477 age ≥ 50 and 1020 age <50. Older patients were more likely to receive one or more co-medications compared with younger patients (82% versus 61%; P < 0.001) and thus had more frequent PDDIs (51% versus 35%; P < 0.001). Furthermore, older patients tended to use a higher number of co-medications and certain therapeutic drug classes more often, such as cardiovascular drugs (53% versus 19%; P < 0.001), gastrointestinal medications (10% versus 6%; P = 0.004) and hormonal agents (6% versus 3%; P = 0.04). PDDIs with ART occurred mainly with cardiovascular drugs (27%), CNS agents (22%) and methadone (6%) in older patients and with CNS agents (27%), methadone (15%) and cardiovascular drugs (11%) in younger patients. The response to ART did not differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The risk for PDDIs with ART increased in older patients who take more drugs than their younger HIV-infected counterparts. However, medication use in older and younger patients did not differ in terms of effect on antiretroviral tolerability and response.
The antidepressant selective serotonin transporter inhibitors (SSRIs) are clinically active after a delay of several weeks. Indeed, the rapid increase of serotonin (5-HT) caused by SSRIs, stimulates the 5-HT1A autoreceptors, which exert a negative feedback on the 5-HT neurotransmission. Only when autoreceptors are desensitized, can SSRIs exert their therapeutic activity. The 5-HT1A receptor antagonist pindolol has been used to accelerate the clinical effects of antidepressant by preventing the negative feedback. Using the a-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan/positron emission tomography (PET), the goal of the present double-blind, randomized study was to compare the changes in a-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan trapping, an index of serotonin synthesis, in patients suffering from unipolar depression treated with the SSRI citalopram (20 mg/day) plus placebo versus patients treated with citalopram plus pindol (7.5 mg/day). PET and Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS-17) were performed at baseline, and after 10 and 24 days of antidepressant treatment. Results show that the combination citalopram plus pindol, compared to citalopram alone shows a more rapid and greater increase of an index of 5-HT synthesis in prefrontal cortex (BA 9). This research is the first human PET study demonstrating that, after 24 days, the combination SSRIs plus pindolol produces a greater increase of the metabolism of serotonin in the prefrontal cortex, an area associated to depressive symptoms.
During 2008, we selected 8 studies of interest. It seems important to continue to treat high tension for old patients. To give a good medication against pain, to maintain activity and to reassure patient is the treatment for acute back pain; surgery for spinal stenosis has better results than other treatments at two years of evolution. Pregabalin seems to provide clinically benefit to patients with fibromyalgia. Helicobacter pylori test and treat has the same results than proton pomp inhibitor in initial management of dyspepsia; extending triple therapy beyond 7 days is unlikely to be a clinical useful strategy. Syphilis testing algorithms using treponemal tests for initial screening could be inversed. Finally, selective reporting of clinical trials results for antidepressant are relatively frequent.
Stereochemistry is now influencing most areas of pharmacotherapy, with a growing awareness in the field of psychiatry and, more specifically, depression. This is due to the fact that the enantiomers of many chiral drugs may have distinct pharmacological, pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacogenetic profiles. Consequently, in some instances there may be an advantage in using a single enantiomer over the racemic form-thus providing a basis for the development of new therapeutic agents, as well as the potential to improve current treatments. This review highlights some of the potential advantages and disadvantages that using single enantiomers might offer. The principles are exemplified through reference to the stereoselective properties of several established chiral psychotropic drugs, including thioridazine, methadone, trimipramine, mianserin, mirtazapine, fluoxetine and citalopram. Emphasis is given to the treatment of depression and how the potential of one pure enantiomer-escitalopram, the S-enantiomer of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram-appears to be fulfilling its preclinical promise in the clinic.
Background and objectives: Polypharmacy (PP) is a typical con-sequence of multiple chronic conditions in elderly patients. PP is commonly defined as the use of multiple concurrent drug therapies although a standard definition is not used. The aims of this study were to assess the PP rate among nursing home (NH) residents using the data of the pharmacy medication records and to investigate the threshold level of PP as predictor of drug cost, length of hospital stay and mortality rate
INTRODUCTION: Psychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of disability in Western societies. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed antidepressant drugs during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Over the last decade, conflicting findings regarding the safety of SSRI drugs during pregnancy and lactation have questioned whether such treatments should be used during this period. AREAS COVERED: We discuss the main criteria that should be considered in the risk/benefit assessment of SSRI treatment in pregnant and/or breastfeeding patients (i.e., risks associated with SSRI use and with untreated depression as well as therapeutic benefits of SSRI and some alternative treatment strategies). For each criterion, available evidence has been synthesized and stratified by methodological quality as well as discussed for clinical impact. EXPERT OPINION: Currently, it is impossible for most of the evaluated outcomes to distinguish between the effects related to the mother's underlying disease and those inherent to SSRI treatment. In women suffering from major depression and responding to a pharmacological treatment, introduction or continuation of an SSRI should be encouraged in order to prevent maternal complications and to preserve maternal-infant bonding. The choice of the right drug depends above all on individual patient characteristics such as prior treatment response, diagnoses and comorbid conditions.
BACKGROUND: Antidepressants are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in primary care. The rise in use is mostly due to an increasing number of long-term users of antidepressants (LTU AD). Little is known about the factors driving increased long-term use. We examined the socio-demographic, clinical factors and health service use characteristics associated with LTU AD to extend our understanding of the factors that may be driving the increase in antidepressant use. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 789 participants with probable depression (CES-D≥16) recruited from 30 randomly selected Australian general practices to take part in a ten-year cohort study about depression were surveyed about their antidepressant use. RESULTS: 165 (21.0%) participants reported <2 years of antidepressant use and 145 (18.4%) reported ≥2 years of antidepressant use. After adjusting for depression severity, LTU AD was associated with: single (OR 1.56, 95%CI 1.05-2.32) or recurrent episode of depression (3.44, 2.06-5.74); using SSRIs (3.85, 2.03-7.33), sedatives (2.04, 1.29-3.22), or antipsychotics (4.51, 1.67-12.17); functional limitations due to long-term illness (2.81, 1.55-5.08), poor/fair self-rated health (1.57, 1.14-2.15), inability to work (2.49, 1.37-4.53), benefits as main source of income (2.15, 1.33-3.49), GP visits longer than 20min (1.79, 1.17-2.73); rating GP visits as moderately to extremely helpful (2.71, 1.79-4.11), and more self-help practices (1.16, 1.09-1.23). LIMITATIONS: All measures were self-report. Sample may not be representative of culturally different or adolescent populations. Cross-sectional design raises possibility of "confounding by indication". CONCLUSIONS: Long-term antidepressant use is relatively common in primary care. It occurs within the context of complex mental, physical and social morbidities. Whilst most long-term use is associated with a history of recurrent depression there remains a significant opportunity for treatment re-evaluation and timely discontinuation.
Il a été montré que l'adhérence à un traitement antidépresseur varie entre 30 et 70%. Le but de cette étude était de comparer, dans un groupe de 144 patients ambulatoires avec un trouble de l'humeur et/ou un trouble anxieux traités avec des antidépresseurs, l'auto- estimation de l'adhérence avec l'estimation de l'adhérence par le médecin, ainsi qu'avec l'alliance thérapeutique. Les scores d'adhérence estimés par les patients et par les médecins étaient significativement différents, les médecins sous-estimant l'adhérence dans 29% des cas et la surestimant dans 31% des cas en comparaison avec l'évaluation des patients. L'adhérence mesurée par les taux plasmatiques des médicaments, malgré qu'elle soit plus élevée que prévue si on se réfère à des études publiées précédemment, était en accord avec les scores auto-estimés par les patients mais pas avec les scores estimés par les médecins. Finalement les scores d'alliance thérapeutique estimés par les patients et par les médecins n'étaient pas liés à l'auto-déclaration d'adhérence.
OBJECTIVES: Intercountry comparability between studies on medication use in pregnancy is difficult due to dissimilarities in study design and methodology. This study aimed to examine patterns and factors associated with medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, web-based study performed within the period from 1 October 2011 to 29 February 2012. Uniform collection of drug utilisation data was performed via an anonymous online questionnaire. SETTING: Multinational study in Europe (Western, Northern and Eastern), North and South America and Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant women and new mothers with children less than 1 year of age. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of and factors associated with medication use for acute/short-term illnesses, chronic/long-term disorders and over-the-counter (OTC) medication use. RESULTS: The study population included 9459 women, of which 81.2% reported use of at least one medication (prescribed or OTC) during pregnancy. Overall, OTC medication use occurred in 66.9% of the pregnancies, whereas 68.4% and 17% of women reported use of at least one medication for treatment of acute/short-term illnesses and chronic/long-term disorders, respectively. The extent of self-reported medicated illnesses and types of medication used by indication varied across regions, especially in relation to urinary tract infections, depression or OTC nasal sprays. Women with higher age or lower educational level, housewives or women with an unplanned pregnancy were those most often reporting use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders. Immigrant women in Western (adjusted OR (aOR): 0.55, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.87) and Northern Europe (aOR: 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.83) were less likely to report use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders during pregnancy than non-immigrants. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the majority of women in Europe, North America, South America and Australia used at least one medication during pregnancy. There was a substantial inter-region variability in the types of medication used.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the compliance to medication among newly diagnosed hypertensive patients screened from the general population of the Seychelles, a rapidly developing country. METHODS: Among the 1067 participants to a population-based survey for cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension was discovered in 50 (previously unaware of having hypertension and having blood pressure > or = 160/95 mmHg over 3 visits). These 50 patients were placed on a daily one-pill regimen of medication (bendrofluazide, atenolol, or a combination of hydrochlorothiazide and atenolol) and compliance to the regimen was assessed over 12 months using electronic pill containers. Satisfactory compliance was defined as taking the medication on 6 or 7 days a week on average (which corresponds to a mean compliance level of > or = 86%). FINDINGS: In the first month, fewer than half (46%) of the new hypertension patients achieved satisfactory compliance, and only about one-quarter (26%) achieved this level by the twelfth month. Compliance was better among the 23 participants who regularly attended medical follow-up, with nearly three-quarters of these patients (74%) achieving satisfactory compliance during the first month and over one-half (55%) by the twelfth month. There was a direct association between mean 12-month compliance level and having a highly skilled occupation; having good health awareness; and regularly attending medical appointments. In contrast, there was an inverse relationship between mean compliance level and heavy drinking. CONCLUSION: The low proportion of people selected from the general population who were capable of sustaining satisfactory compliance to antihypertension medication may correspond to the maximum effectiveness of medication interventions based on a screening and treatment strategy in the general population. The results stress the need for both high-risk and population approaches to improve hypertension control.