993 resultados para Anthropogenic activities


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o reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Upper Engadine, two continuous sediment cores from Lej da Champfèr and Lej da San Murezzan (Upper Engadine Valley, southeastern Switzerland) were analysed for pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal and kerogen. The chronologies of the cores are based on 38 radiocarbon dates. Pollen and macrofossil data suggest a rapid afforestation with Betula, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus cembra, and Larix decidua after the retreat of the glaciers from the lake catchments 11,000 cal years ago. This vegetation type persisted until ca. 7300 cal b.p. (5350 b.c.) when Picea replaced Pinus cembra. Pollen indicative of human impact suggests that in this high-mountain region of the central Alps strong anthropogenic activities began during the Early Bronze Age (3900 cal b.p., 1950 b.c.). Local human settlements led to vegetational changes, promoting the expansion of Larix decidua and Alnus viridis. In the case of Larix, continuing land use and especially grazing after fire led to the formation of Larix meadows. The expansion of Alnus viridis was directly induced by fire, as evidenced by time-series analysis. Subsequently, the process of forest conversion into open landscapes continued for millennia and reached its maximum at the end of the Middle Ages at around 500 cal b.p. (a.d. 1450).


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A diverse suite of geochemical tracers, including 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios, the rare earth elements (REEs), and select trace elements were used to determine sand-sized sediment provenance and transport pathways within the San Francisco Bay coastal system. This study complements a large interdisciplinary effort (Barnard et al., 2012) that seeks to better understand recent geomorphic change in a highly urbanized and dynamic estuarine-coastal setting. Sand-sized sediment provenance in this geologically complex system is important to estuarine resource managers and was assessed by examining the geographic distribution of this suite of geochemical tracers from the primary sources (fluvial and rock) throughout the bay, adjacent coast, and beaches. Due to their intrinsic geochemical nature, 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios provide the most resolved picture of where sediment in this system is likely sourced and how it moves through this estuarine system into the Pacific Ocean. For example, Nd isotopes confirm that the predominant source of sand-sized sediment to Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Central Bay is the Sierra Nevada Batholith via the Sacramento River, with lesser contributions from the Napa and San Joaquin Rivers. Isotopic ratios also reveal hot-spots of local sediment accumulation, such as the basalt and chert deposits around the Golden Gate Bridge and the high magnetite deposits of Ocean Beach. Sand-sized sediment that exits San Francisco Bay accumulates on the ebb-tidal delta and is in part conveyed southward by long-shore currents. Broadly, the geochemical tracers reveal a complex story of multiple sediment sources, dynamic intra-bay sediment mixing and reworking, and eventual dilution and transport by energetic marine processes. Combined geochemical results provide information on sediment movement into and through San Francisco Bay and further our understanding of how sustained anthropogenic activities which limit sediment inputs to the system (e.g., dike and dam construction) as well as those which directly remove sediments from within the Bay, such as aggregate mining and dredging, can have long-lasting effects.


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Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and iron availability in seawater show corresponding changes due to biological and anthropogenic activities. The simultaneous change in these factors precludes an understanding of their independent effects on the ecophysiology of phytoplankton. In addition, there is a lack of data regarding the interactive effects of these factors on phytoplankton cellular stoichiometry, which is a key driving factor for the biogeochemical cycling of oceanic nutrients. Here, we investigated the effects of pCO2 and iron availability on the elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si) of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima (Hasle) Hasle by dilute batch cultures under 4 pCO2 (~200, ~380, ~600, and ~800 µatm) and five dissolved inorganic iron (Fe'; ~5, ~10, ~20, ~50, and ~100 pmol /L) conditions. Our experimental procedure successfully overcame the problems associated with simultaneous changes in pCO2 and Fe' by independently manipulating carbonate chemistry and iron speciation, which allowed us to evaluate the individual effects of pCO2 and iron availability. We found that the C:N ratio decreased significantly only with an increase in Fe', whereas the C:P ratio increased significantly only with an increase in pCO2. Both Si:C and Si:N ratios decreased with increasing pCO2 and Fe'. Our results indicate that changes in pCO2 and iron availability could influence the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in future oceans with high- CO2 levels, and, similarly, during the time course of phytoplankton blooms. Moreover, pCO2 and iron availability may also have affected oceanic nutrient biogeochemistry in the past, as these conditions have changed markedly over the Earth's history.


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Heavy metals pollution in marine environments has caused great damage to marine biological and ecological systems. Heavy metals accumulate in marine creatures, after which they are delivered to higher trophic levels of marine organisms through the marine food chain, which causes serious harm to marine biological systems and human health. Additionally, excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has caused ocean acidification. Indeed, about one third of the CO2 released into the atmosphere by anthropogenic activities since the beginning of the industrial revolution has been absorbed by the world's oceans, which play a key role in moderating climate change. Modeling has shown that, if current trends in CO2 emissions continue, the average pH of the ocean will reach 7.8 by the end of this century, corresponding to 0.5 units below the pre-industrial level, or a three-fold increase in H+ concentration. The ocean pH has not been at this level for several millions of years. Additionally, these changes are occurring at speeds 100 times greater than ever previously observed. As a result, several marine species, communities and ecosystems might not have time to acclimate or adapt to these fast changes in ocean chemistry. In addition, decreasing ocean pH has the potential to seriously affect the growth, development and reproduction reproductive processes of marine organisms, as well as threaten normal development of the marine ecosystem. Copepods are an important part of the meiofauna that play an important role in the marine ecosystem. Pollution of the marine environment can influence their growth and development, as well as the ecological processes they are involved in. Accordingly, there is important scientific value to investigation of the response of copepods to ocean acidification and heavy metals pollution. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of simulated future ocean acidification and the toxicological interaction between ocean acidity and heavy metals of Cu and Cd on T. japonicus. To accomplish this, harpacticoids were exposed to Cu and Cd concentration gradient seawater that had been equilibrated with CO2 and air to reach pH 8.0, 7.7, 7.3 and 6.5 for 96 h. Survival was not significantly suppressed under single sea water acidification, and the final survival rates were greater than 93% in both the experimental groups and the controls. The toxicity of Cu to T. japonicus was significantly affected by sea water acidification, with the 96h LC50 decreasing by nearly threefold from 1.98 to 0.64 mg/L with decreasing pH. The 96 h LC50 of Cd decreased with decreasing pH, but there was no significant difference in mortality among pH treatments. The results of the present study demonstrated that the predicted future ocean acidification has the potential to negatively affect survival of T. japonicus by exacerbating the toxicity of Cu. The calculated safe concentrations of Cu were 11.9 (pH 7.7) and 10.5 (pH 7.3) µg/L, which were below the class I value and very close to the class II level of the China National Quality Standard for Sea Water. Overall, these results indicate that the Chinese coastal sea will face a


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This study states the potential trace elements (TE’s) content of red soils located at the centre region of Spain, characterized by low rainfall and slight acidity over prolonged weathering periods. For this purpose, three soil profiles from a catena were described, sampled and analyzed. The most notable characteristics are the low organic matter content and the predominantly acidic pH. Illite and kaolinite are the predominant clay minerals. The fertility of the soils is sufficient to provide most of the nutrients required, with very suitable potassium levels. The geochemical characters of this soil are: only few elements remain almost invariable across the profiles and over time, however the majority of them were directly linked with the clay content. These soils are characterized by relatively low levels of some trace elements such as Sr (64.35 mg?kg–1), Ba (303.67 mg?kg–1) and Sc (13.14 mg?kg–1); high levels of other trace elements such as V (103.92 mg?kg–1), Cr (79.9 mg?kg–1), Cu (15.18 mg?kg–1), Hf (10.26 mg?kg–1), Ni (38 mg?kg–1) and Zr (337 mg?kg–1); while the levels for rare earth elements (REE’s) such as La (48.36 mg?kg–1), Ce (95.07 mg?kg–1), Th (13.33 mg?kg–1) and Nd (42.65 mg?kg–1) are significantly high. The distribution of mayor and trace elements was directly re- lated to weathering processes, parent material and anthropogenic activities.


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En la presente tesis se estudian los contenidos geoquímicos de los sedimentos de llanura de inundación en diversas cuencas fluviales seleccionadas con el objetivo de contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de sus condiciones medioambientales. En cada cuenca, se ha muestreado un perfil vertical de llanura de inundación, dividiéndolo en tramos que generalmente corresponden a diferentes episodios de inundación. Estos sedimentos se depositan durante los episodios de crecidas una vez que la corriente sobrepasa los límites del canal. Se caracterizan normalmente por tener un tamaño de grano fino y una estructura en capas horizontales que corresponden a los sucesivos episodios de inundación. Muestran dos ventajas principales con respecto a otros medios de muestreo en geoquímica como suelos o sedimentos de corriente: • Pueden almacenar sedimento antiguo así como actual, con lo que se puede estudiar la historia geoquímica de una zona específica en un mismo punto de muestreo (perfil vertical). • Los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación son capaces de caracterizar grandes áreas de drenaje. El origen de los sedimentos es más diverso que en el sedimento de corriente, debido a las mayores áreas de donde proceden las aguas de las avenidas. Las cuencas han sido seleccionadas según las actividades antropogénicas que en ellas se llevan a cabo, en concreto, actividades urbanas e industriales, minería y agricultura. Así mismo, se han estudiado, como referencia, dos cuencas donde no se espera encontrar ningún tipo de actividad contaminante. Una vez hecha la selección, los sedimentos aluviales de las cuencas se han estudiado cuidadosamente para asegurar que no existen depósitos de acreción lateral en el punto seleccionado. Posteriormente se ha procedido al muestreo del perfil vertical. Las muestras han sido analizadas mediante ICP-MS (ataque total) e INAA para conocer los contenidos totales de los elementos traza y mayoritarios. Los análisis de la fracción extraíble se han llevado a cabo mediante ICP-MS (ataque con agua regia). Así mismo, algunas muestras seleccionadas han sido sometidas a una extracción secuencial para un estudio más detallado. La presencia de materia orgánica ha sido estimada mediante el análisis de Carbono Orgánico Total (TOC). Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de isótopos de Pb en muestras escogidas en los perfiles, con el objetivo de hacer una evaluación ambiental. Los contenidos metálicos aumentan hacia la superficie en algunos de los perfiles, mientras en otros muestran una distribución muy constante exceptuando algún nivel específico con un aumento de los contenidos de la mayoría de los metales. Ha sido posible determinar la influencia de las actividades antropogénicas en algunos de los perfiles. Aquellos que pertenecen a cuencas mineras, urbanas o industrializadas muestran generalmente altos contenidos en elementos metálicos. Es el caso de los perfiles muestreados en los ríos Odiel y Tinto, Besaya, Besós y Manzanares. Algunos de estos perfiles pueden incluso correlacionarse con periodos de tiempo en los que ha tenido lugar una actividad antropogénica más intensa. Los perfiles que mejor se correlacionan con la actividad antropogénica de la cuenca son el perfil de Rivas en el río Manzanares (Madrid), que refleja un crecimiento de la contaminación producida por las actividades urbana e industrial en las últimas décadas, y el río Tinto, que muestra un crecimiento llamativo de los contenidos en su mayoría metálicos que puede estar relacionado con el incremento de la actividad minera que tuvo lugar hace aproximadamente 125 años. El análisis de los isótopos de Pb ha resultado ser una herramienta útil en la evaluación ambiental de estos sedimentos. Con este estudio y mediante la comparación con fuentes naturales y antropogénicas, ha sido posible diferenciar las muestras afectadas por diferentes fuentes de plomo, así como detectar las más afectadas antropogénicamente. ABSTRACT The geochemical composition of overbank sediments of some selected river basins is studied in this thesis in order to contribute to a better knowledge of the environmental conditions surrounding them. In each basin a vertical overbank profile has been sampled, dividing it into stretches that usually correspond to different flood events. The overbank sediments are those deposited during a flood event once the flow spills over the channel banks. They are usually characterized by a very fine grain size and a structure of horizontal layers, which correspond to successive flood events. These sediments show two main advantages regarding other sampling media in geochemistry, like soils or stream sediments: • They can store sediment deposited in the past as well as in current times, so that the history of a specific location can be studied at the very same point (vertical profile). • The overbank sediments are able to characterize a large drainage area. The origin of the sediment is wider than in the stream sediments due to the larger areas where the flood water comes from. The basins have been selected depending on the anthropogenic activities developed in them, namely, urban and industrial activities, mining activities and agricultural activities. As well, two pristine basins have been studied as a reference. Afterwards, the alluvial sediments in the basins have been carefully studied in order to sample a vertical profile and make sure that lateral accretion materials are not present in the profile. The samples have been analysed by ICP-MS (total digestion) and INAA to know the total contents of trace and major elements. Analysis of the mobile fraction has been carried out by ICP-MS (aqua regia); as well some of the samples have been subjected to sequential extraction for a more detailed study. The presence of organic matter has been estimated by the analysis of the Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Finally, a lead isotope analysis of some of the samples in the profiles was carried out in order to make an environmental assessment. Metal contents grow towards the surface in some of the profiles, while others show a very steady distribution, except for some of them with a growth of most of the metals in a specific level. XI It has been possible to determine the influence of the anthropogenic activities in some of the profiles. The ones that belong to mining and urban or industrialized basins show generally high contents of metal elements. This is the case of the profiles sampled in the Odiel and Tinto Rivers, the Besaya River, the Besós River and the Manzanares River. Some of these profiles can even correlate with the periods of time when a more intense activity in their respective basins has taken place. The profiles which best correlate with the anthropogenic activity are the Rivas profile in the Manzanares River, which reflects a growth of the pollution produced by urban and industrial activities in the city of Madrid in the last decades and the Tinto profile, which shows a very dramatic growth of the elemental contents (mostly metals) which can be related to the increase of the mining activities that took place in the last 125 years. The analysis of lead isotopes has turned out to be a powerful tool in the environmental assessment in this type of sediments. With this study and through the comparison with natural and anthropogenic sources, it has been possible to determine samples affected by different sources of lead and to detect the most anthropogenicaly affected ones.


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La nitrificación-desnitrificación es el proceso biológico tradicional para la remoción de nitrógeno de las aguas residuales (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), siendo fundamental ya que contribuye a controlar la eutroficación de los cuerpos receptores. Debido al deterioro que sobre la disponibilidad de los recursos han ejercido las actividades antropogénicas, es necesario orientar el tratamiento de las aguas residuales hacia tecnologías que ofrezcan el mayor grado de sustentabilidad, planteando innovaciones en el tratamiento. El presente proyecto de tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de la influencia de la relación C/N en la desnitrificación y metanogénesis de aguas residuales urbanas en un reactor anaeróbico de lecho fluidizado inverso (RLFI). Previamente a la realización de las pruebas experimentales de variación de la relación C/N, se llevó a cabo la etapa de arranque del RLFI la cual se inició en modo batch, favoreciendo la formación y adhesión de biopelícula al medio de soporte utilizado (Extendosphere). Después, sobrevino la operación en modo continuo desde una carga volumétrica aplicada (CVA) de 0.5 g DQOs/L⋅d hasta alcanzar 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, carga volumétrica a la cual se logró la plena estabilización del reactor, siendo la alta variabilidad de la concentración de DQOs en el agua residual urbana de alimentación, la principal problemática que ocasionó retrasos en la estabilidad del reactor. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d en estado estacionario, el valor mínimo de eficiencia de remoción de DQOs fue del 32.36% y el máximo de 66.99%. En estas condiciones el porcentaje de metano presente en el biogás producido tuvo un valor medio de 85.57 ± 2.93%, siendo un valor alto comparado con otros porcentajes de metano encontrados en la digestión anaerobia de aguas residuales urbanas. El YCH4 tuvo un valor medio de 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g DQOrem⋅día. Los porcentajes de metanización variaron en el rango de 20.50 a 100%, registrándose un valor medio de 73.42 ± 25.63%. La considerable variabilidad en el porcentaje de metanización se debió principalmente a que se presentaron eventos de lavado de soporte colonizado, lo cual propició que las actividades metabólicas fueran orientadas hacia formación de biopelícula (anabolismo) en vez de estar dirigidas hacia producción de metano (catabolismo). En relación a los ensayos con variación de la relación C/N, se manejaron relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 en el rango de 1.65 a 21.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. La tasa de remoción anaerobia de DQOs se incrementó con la concentración de sustrato en una relación casi lineal, ajustándose a una cinética de primer orden, lo que regularmente se presenta a concentraciones bajas de sustrato. La eficiencia del proceso de desnitrificación fue por lo regular alta, incrementándose ligeramente con la concentración de DQOs en el influente, con valores en el rango de 73.8 a 99.1%. Por otra parte, la tasa de remoción por metanogénesis se incrementó con la concentración relativa de sustrato (es decir, a mayores relaciones DQOs/N-NO3), siendo más sensitiva la metanogénesis a la concentración relativa de sustrato que la desnitrificación. Conforme aumentó la relación DQOs/N-NO3, la desnitrificación, de ser la ruta metabólica principal de utilización de la materia orgánica (comparada con la metanización), empezó a combinarse con la metanización. De manera evidente, a las relaciones DQOs/N-NO3 probadas, se manifestaron más las actividades desnitrificantes, quedando reflejadas por el alto porcentaje de utilización de la DQOs removida hacia la desnitrificación. La relación experimental DQOs/N-NO3 a la cual se pudiera haber cumplido con el requerimiento de materia orgánica (en términos de DQOs) para la desnitrificación de nitratos en las aguas residuales urbanas tratadas resultó aproximadamente ser igual a 7.1 g DQOs/g N-NO3. A una CVA de 4 g DQOs/L⋅d, se obtuvo un diámetro promedio máximo de soporte colonizado igual a 266.106 ± 69.279 μm aunque, hay que indicarlo, se presentaron fluctuaciones, las cuales se reflejaron también en el espesor de la biopelícula, el cual tuvo un valor máximo de 50.099 μm y un valor promedio de 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. Estas fluctuaciones pudieron deberse a la existencia de corrientes preferenciales dentro del reactor, las cuales no permitieron un acceso equitativo del sustrato a todo el lecho. Nitrification-denitrification is the traditional biological process for nitrogen removal from wastewaters (Ruiz G. et al., 2006a), being fundamental since it contributes to control the eutrophication of the receiving waters. Due to the deterioration that on the availability of the aquatic resources the anthropogenic activities have exerted, it is necessary to orient the treatment of wastewaters towards technologies that offer the greater degree of sustainability, raising innovations in the treatment. This work studied the influence of C/N ratio on denitrification and methanogenesis of urban wastewaters in an inverse fluidized bed reactor (IFBR). Previously to the accomplishment of the experimental tests with variation of C/N ratio, the start up of the IFBR was carried out in batch way, encouraging the formation and adhesion of biofilm to Extendosphere, which it was used as support. The operation in continuous way carried out from an organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.5 g CODs/L ∙ d to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, when the steady-state was reached. The high variability of the CODs of the urban wastewaters caused delays in the stability of the reactor. Once stationary state was reached, the removal efficiency of CODs ranged from 32.36 to 66.99% to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d. In these conditions the percentage of methane in produced biogas had an average value of 85.57 ± 2.93%, being a high value compared with other studies treating anaerobically urban wastewaters. The YCH4 had an average value of 0.316 ± 0.110 LCH4/g CODrem ∙ d. The percentage of methanisation ranged from 20.50 to 100%, with an average value of 73.42 ± 25.63%. The considerable variability in the methanisation percentage occurred mainly due events of wash-out of colonized support, which caused that the metabolic activities were oriented towards formation of biofilm (anabolism) instead of methane production (catabolism). Concerning the tests with variation of C/N ratio, CODs/NO3-N ratios from 1.65 to 21.1 g CODs/g NO3-N were proved. The CODs anaerobic removal rate increased with the substrate concentration in an almost linear relation, adjusting to a kinetic of first order, which regularly appears to low concentrations of substrate. Efficiency of the denitrification process was regularly high, and it increased slightly with the CODs concentration in the influent, ranging from 73.8 to 99.1%. On the other hand, the CODs removal rate by methanogenesis increased with the substrate relative concentration (e.g., to greater CODs/NO3-N ratios), being more sensitive the methanogenesis to the substrate relative concentration that the denitrification. When the CODs/NO3-N ratio increased, the denitrification, of being the main metabolic route of use of the organic matter (compared with the methanogenesis), began to be combined with the methanogenesis. Definitively, to the proven CODs/NO3-N ratios the denitrification processes were more pronounced, being reflected by the high percentage of use of the removed CODs towards denitrification. The experimental CODs/NO3-N ratio to which it was possible to have been fulfilled the requirement of organic matter (in terms of CODs) for the denitrification of nitrates in urban wastewaters turned out to be approximately 7.1 g CODs/g NO3-N. It was obtained a maximum average diameter of colonized support of 266.106 ± 69.279 μm to 4 g CODs/L ∙ d, although it is necessary to indicate that appeared fluctuations in the thickness of biofilm, which had a maximum value of 50.099 μm and an average value of 37.294 ± 11.199 μm. These fluctuations could be due to the existence of preferential currents within the reactor, which did not allow an equitable access of the substrate to all the bed.


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Las obras de infraestructura que construye el ser humano para optimizar los recursos naturales y satisfacer sus necesidades, producen impactos tanto positivos como negativos en el ambiente. México cuenta con una gran cantidad de recursos naturales y lugares que han sido favorecidos por la naturaleza, donde la sobrecarga de las actividades antropogénicas genera problemas de impacto ambiental, especialmente en las zonas costeras y en su entorno. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aportar información acerca de las principales presiones que recibe el sistema y cómo esto afecta a las propuestas de soluciones integrales y a la capacidad para recuperar el estado de equilibrio en las zonas costeras. En la presente investigación, se desarrolló una metodología para la caracterización de zonas costeras, basada en un modelo sistémico, con el propósito de tener una herramienta de planificación para proyectos ambientalmente sustentables, integrando una base de datos con las mejores prácticas de planificación, lo que facilitará el diagnóstico y la evaluación de la capacidad adaptativa de recuperación del sistema. Asimismo, se utilizó un modelo sistémico como una metodología para organizar la gran complejidad que implica la interrelación e interconexión que existe entre los múltiples componentes, y con ello obtener el conocimiento para su caracterización. Con base en el modelo de Zachman, se realizó un análisis para la detección de las fortalezas y debilidades del sistema, lo que permitió visualizar el impacto de los riesgos a que está expuesta una zona costera. Las principales aportaciones de este trabajo fueron el desarrollo de la FICHA DE CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA ZONA COSTERA y la inclusión, en dicha ficha, de la estimación del nivel de la resiliencia física, ambiental, social, económica y política. La metodología propuesta, es una aportación que permite integrar los componentes, las relaciones e interconexiones que existen en el sistema costero. La metodología tiene la ventaja de ser flexible y se pueden agregar o desechar componentes de acuerdo a las particularidades de cada caso de estudio; adicionalmente, se propone utilizar esta herramienta como ayuda en el monitoreo periódico del sistema. Lo anterior como parte de un observatorio integrado al Sistema Nacional de Gestión Costera que se propone como parte de futuras líneas de investigación. Como caso de estudio, se realizó la caracterización del complejo sistema Banco Chinchorro, lo que resultó en la inclusión (en la FICHA DE CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA ZONA COSTERA), de las lecciones aprendidas con la detección de buenas y malas prácticas, esto redundó en la mejora de la metodología propuesta para la gestión de la zona costera. All infrastructures that build the human being to optimize natural resources and meet their needs, generate both, positive and negative impacts on the environment, since the acquisition and transformation of resources in coastal areas affect their balance. Mexico has a large number of natural resources and places that have been favored by nature, whereas the overhead of anthropogenic activities leads to problems of environmental impact, especially in coastal areas and in its surroundings. The aim of this study was to provide information about the main pressures that a system receives and how this affects the proposed solutions and the ability to restore the state of balance in coastal areas. In this research, a methodology for the characterization of coastal zones, based on a systemic model, in order to develop a planning tool for environmentally sustainable projects, was developed, integrating a database with the best practices for planning, conservation and balance of coastal areas. This will facilitate the diagnosis and evaluation of the adaptive resilience of the system. A systemic model was used as a methodology to organize the vast complexity of the relationship and interconnection between the multiple components, and so thus gain knowledge for its characterization. Based on the Zachman model, an analysis to detect the strengths and weaknesses of the system was performed, allowing visualizing the impact of the risks that the coastal zone is exposed to. The main contributions of this study was the development of the COASTAL CHARACTERIZATION RECORD, and the inclusion, on that record, of the estimation of the physical, environmental, social, economic and political resilience. The proposed methodology is a contribution that allows integrating the components, relationships and interconnections existing in the coastal system. The methodology has the advantage of being flexible and components can be added or discarded according to the particularities of each case study; Additionally, this is not only a diagnostic tool, it is proposed to use it as an aid in monitoring periodically the system, this as part of an integrated monitoring into the National System of Coastal Management that is proposed as part of future research. As a case study, the characterization of the coastal zone “Banco Chinchorro” was done, resulting in the inclusion, in the COASTAL CHARACTERIZATION RECORD, of the documented lessons learned from the good and bad practices detection, improvement of the methodology proposed for the management of the coastal zone.


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O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores mundiais de mel, no qual sua produção é baseada principalmente na criação da espécie exótica Apis mellifera. A produção de mel da Apis mellifera é cerca de 10 vezes maior que das espécies de abelhas sem ferrão, contudo, o mel de abelhas nativas possui maior valor comercial. Embora pouco explorado, o mel de abelhas sem ferrão desperta interesse em indústrias de cosméticos e medicinas naturais. A sua produção se apresenta como uma ferramenta com grande potencial para agregar valor econômico aos ecossistemas brasileiros, em especial os florestais, de forma sustentável e com menor potencial de influências de contaminantes traços. A qualidade química do mel é um importante requisito comercial, principalmente o destinado à exportação. Como exemplo, a União Européia em 2006 decidiu suspender a importação do mel produzido no Brasil sob alegação de que o país não possuía equivalência ao bloco quanto as diretrizes para o controle de resíduos e qualidade do produto. Diante do potencial de produção comercial sustentável do mel de abelhas nativas brasileiras e a falta de conhecimento sobre possíveis resíduos encontrados em sua composição, em especial os elementos traços, como objetivo principal deste trabalho pretendeu-se caracterizar a composição de elementos químicos do mel de abelhas sem ferrão, comparar com o de Apis mellifera e verificar as possíveis variações causadas pelo ambiente. Este estudo investigou a composição química dos méis de abelhas sem ferrão de cinco estados brasileiros: Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina e São Paulo; compreendendo um total de 70 colméias de diferentes espécies: Melipona quadrifasciata, Melipona scutelaris, Melipona mandacaia, Melipona capixaba, Melipona rufiventris, Melipona compressipes, Melipona bicolor, Nannotrigona testaceicornis, Tetragona clavipes, Tetragonisca angustula e Scaptotrigona sp.. Pólen, a principal fonte de minerais para a colméia, e as próprias abelhas foram também coletadas para estudos de composição e correlação com os méis. A análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental permitiu a determinação de Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, La, Na, Rb, Sc e Zn nos méis, Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sc, Se e Zn nas amostras de pólen e As, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, La, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se e Zn em abelhas. Méis das abelhas da subtribo trigonina apresentaram maiores concentrações dos elementos alcalinos. Alta razão K/Na foram observadas nas amostras de mel e pólen. Pólen se apresentou como uma grande fonte de P e Se. Análises quimiométricas indicaram os méis e abelhas como bons indicadores de atividades antrópicas. Arsênio apareceu nas abelhas coletadas em áreas de maior atividade antrópica. Como resultado, este estudo tem demonstrado o potencial nutracêutico do mel e pólen meliponícola e o potencial das abelhas nativas como ferramentas de avaliação da qualidade ambiental. A proximidade a atividades antrópicas mostrou-se fator decisivo para concentrações mais elevadas de As mas abelhas


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The distribution and composition of Amphipoda assemblages were analysed off the coasts of Alicante (Spain, Western Mediterranean), a disturbed area affected by several co-occurring anthropogenic impacts. Although differences among sampled stations were mainly related to natural parameters, anthropogenic activities were linked with changes in amphipod assemblages. Expansion of the Port of Alicante, a sewage outfall and a high salinity brine discharge could be causing the disappearance of amphipods at stations closer to these disturbances. However, the completion of port enlargement works and mitigatory dilution of the brine discharge has led to the recovery of the amphipod assemblage. Among the natural parameters, depth determines the distribution of some of the species. While Siphonoecetes sabatieri was abundant at shallow stations, Ampelisca spp., Photis longipes, Pseudolirius kroyeri, Apherusa chiereghinii and Phtisica marina were more abundant at deeper stations. Grain size and percentage of organic matter also influenced amphipod distribution, resulting in changes in species composition and in the relative percentages of different trophic groups. Species such as Ampelisca brevicornis, Perioculodes longimanus, Urothoe hesperiae and Urothoe elegans were more abundant at stations with a high content of fine sand. Carnivorous species, mainly of the Oedicerotidae family, were more abundant at those stations with a low organic matter content, while detritivorous species were more abundant at stations with a higher mud content. Among 62 identified species, three were reported for the first time from the Spanish Mediterranean coast, two species were recorded for the second time and a new species of Siphonoecetes was found, Siphonoecetes (Centraloecetes) bulborostrum. These results confirm the need for further data on amphipods from the Mediterranean Spanish coast.


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The mineralogical compositions of 119 samples collected from throughout the San Francisco Bay coastal system, including bayfloor and seafloor, area beaches, cliff outcrops, and major drainages, were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Comparison of the mineral concentrations and application of statistical cluster analysis of XRD spectra allowed for the determination of provenances and transport pathways. The use of XRD mineral identifications provides semi-quantitative compositions needed for comparisons of beach and offshore sands with potential cliff and river sources, but the innovative cluster analysis of XRD diffraction spectra provides a unique visualization of how groups of samples within the San Francisco Bay coastal system are related so that sand-sized sediment transport pathways can be inferred. The main vector for sediment transport as defined by the XRD analysis is from San Francisco Bay to the outer coast, where the sand then accumulates on the ebb tidal delta and also moves alongshore. This mineralogical link defines a critical pathway because large volumes of sediment have been removed from the Bay over the last century via channel dredging, aggregate mining, and borrow pit mining, with comparable volumes of erosion from the ebb tidal delta over the same period, in addition to high rates of shoreline retreat along the adjacent, open-coast beaches. Therefore, while previously only a temporal relationship was established, the transport pathway defined by mineralogical and geochemical tracers support the link between anthropogenic activities in the Bay and widespread erosion outside the Bay. The XRD results also establish the regional and local importance of sediment derived from cliff erosion, as well as both proximal and distal fluvial sources. This research is an important contribution to a broader provenance study aimed at identifying the driving forces for widespread geomorphic change in a heavily urbanized coastal-estuarine system.


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A combination of physical and chemical measurements and biological indicators identified nutrient impacts throughout an Australian subtropical river estuary. This was a balance of sewage inputs in the lower river and agricultural inputs in the mid-upper river, the combined influence being greater in the wet season due to greater agricultural surface runoff. Field sampling in the region was conducted at 6 sites within the river, over 5 surveys to encapsulate both wet and dry seasonal effects. Parameters assessed were tissue nitrogen (N) contents and delta(15)N signatures of mangroves and macroalgae, phytoplankton nutrient addition bioassays, and standard physical and chemical variables. Strong spatial (within river) and temporal (seasonal) variability was observed in all parameters. Poorest water quality was detected in the middle (agricultural) region of the river in the wet season, attributable to large diffuse inputs in this region. Water quality towards the river mouth remained constant irrespective of season due to strong oceanic flushing. Mangrove and macroalgal tissue delta(15)N and %N proved a successful combination for discerning sewage and agricultural inputs. Elevated delta(15)N and %N represented sewage inputs, whereas low delta(15)N and elevated %N was indicative of agricultural inputs. Phytoplankton bioassays found the system to be primarily responsive to nutrient additions in the warmer wet season, with negligible responses observed in the cooler dry season. These results indicate that the Tweed River is sensitive to the different anthropogenic activities in its catchment and that each activity has a unique influence on receiving water quality.


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Tissue samples of liver and blubber were salvaged from fifty-three dugong (Dugong dugon) carcasses stranded along the Queensland coast between 1996 and 2000. Liver tissue was analysed for a range of heavy metals and blubber samples were analysed for organochlorine compounds. Metal concentrations were similar in male and female animals and were generally highest in mature animals. Liver concentrations of arsenic, chromium, iron, lead, manganese, mercury and nickel in a number of individual animals were elevated in comparison to concentrations previously reported in Australian dugong. Dieldrin, DDT (and its breakdown products) and/or heptachlor epoxide were detected in 59% of dugong blubber samples. In general, concentrations of organochlorines were similar to those reported in dugong 20 years earlier, and were low in comparison to concentrations recorded from marine mammal tissue collected elsewhere in the world. With the exception of lead, the extent of carcass decomposition, the presence of disease or evidence of animal starvation prior to death did not significantly affect dugong tissue concentrations of metals or organochlorines. The results of the study suggest that bioaccumulation of metals and organochlorine compounds (other than dioxins) does not represent a significant risk to Great Barrier Reef dugong populations, particularly in the context of other pressures associated with coastal development and other anthropogenic activities. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Airborne particulate matter (PM) is of environmental concern not only in urban but also rural areas that are easily inhalable and have been considered responsible, together with gaseous pollutants, for possible health effects. The objectives of this research study is to generate an extensive data set for ambient PM collected at Belle Glade and Delray Beach that ultimately was used together with published source profiles to predict the contributions of major sources to the overall airborne particle burden in Belle Glade and Delray Beach. ^ The size segregated particle sampling was conducted for one entire year. The samples collected during the months of January and May were further subjected to chemical analysis for organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Additional, PM10 sampling was conducted simultaneously with size segregated particle sampling during January and May to analyze for trace elements using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique. Elements and organic marker compounds were used in Chemical Mass Balance modeling to determine the major source contribution to the ambient fine particle matter burden. ^ Size segregated particle distribution results show bimodal in both sampling sites. Sugarcane pre-harvest burning in the rural site elevated PM10 concentration by about 30% during the sugarcane harvest season compared to sugarcane growing season. Sea salt particles and Saharan dust particles accounted for the external sources. ^ The results of trace element analysis show that Al, Ca, Cs, Eu, Lu, Nd, Sc, Sm, Th, and Yb are more abundant at the rural sampling site. The trace elements Ba, Br, Ce, Cl, Cr, Fe, Gd, Hf, Na, Sb, Ta, V, and W show high abundance at the urban site due to anthropogenic activities except for Na and Cl, which are from sea salt spray. On the other hand, size segregated trace organic compounds measurements show that organic compounds mainly from combustion process were accumulated in PM0.95. ^ In conclusion, major particle sources were determined by the CMB8.2 software as follows: road dust, sugarcane leaf burning, diesel-powered and gasoline powered vehicle exhaust, leaf surface abrasion particles, and a very small fraction of meat cooking. ^


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Efforts that are underway to rehabilitate the Florida Bay ecosystem to a more natural state are best guided by a comprehensive understanding of the natural versus human-induced variability that has existed within the ecosystem. Benthic foraminifera, which are well-known paleoenvironmental indicators, were identified in 203 sediment samples from six sediment cores taken from Florida Bay, and analyzed to understand the environmental variability through anthropogenically unaltered and altered periods. In this research, taxa serving as indicators of (1) seagrass abundance (which is correlated with water quality), (2) salinity, and (3) general habitat change, were studied in detail over the past 120 years, and more generally over the past ~4000 years. Historical seagrass abundance was reconstructed with the proportions of species that prefer living attached to seagrass blades over other substrates. Historical salinity trends were determined by analyzing brackish versus marine faunas, which were defined based on species’ salinity preferences. Statistical methods including cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, analysis of variance and Fisher’s α were used to analyze trends in the data. The changes in seagrass abundance and salinity over the last ~120 years are attributed to anthropogenic activities such as construction of the Flagler Railroad from the mainland to the Florida Keys, the Tamiami Trail that stretches from the east to west coast, and canals and levees in south Florida, as well as natural events such as droughts and increased rainfall from hurricanes. Longer term changes (over ~4000 years) in seagrass abundance and salinity are mostly related to sea level changes. Since seawater entered the Florida Bay area around ~4000 years ago, only one probable sea level drop occurring around ~3000 years was identified.