999 resultados para Animal anatomy


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LEITE, V. G., F. S. MARQUIAFAVEL, D. P. MORAES, AND S. P. TEIXEIRA (Departamento de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Av. do Cafe, s/n, 14040-903 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil). Fruit anatomy of Neotropical species of Indigofera (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) with functional and taxonomic implications. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 136: 203-211. 2009-This work reports on the fruit surface and anatomy of seven Neotropical species of Indigofera (I. campestris Bong. ex Benth., I. hirsuta L., I. lespedeziodes Kunth, I. microcarpa Desv., I. spicata Forssk., I. suffruticosa Mill., and I. truxillensis Kunth) to help species diagnosis and clarify the fruit type classification. Flowers and fruits at several stages of development were removed from living material, fixed, and examined with scanning electron (surface analyses) and light microscopies (histological analyses). Species showed differences in relation to the number of exocarp layers, secretory trichome morphology and distribution, presence of stomata, phenolic idioblast size and distribution in mesocarp, the number and arrangement of endocarp fibers, and the presence of it separation tissue. It is noteworthy that no separation tissue was observed in L microcarpa and I. suffruticosa, although they have dehiscent fruits, which indicates it delayed dehiscence. The present work confirms that fruit anatomical characters can be utilized as it tool for fruit type classification, especially in Indigofera, the third largest genus of Leguminosae.


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P>With the evidence showing the protection variability of bacille Calmette-Guerin, new potential vaccines for tuberculosis have been tested around the world. One of the general concerns in tuberculosis vaccine development is the possibility of priming the host immune system with prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria antigens, which can change the efficacy of subsequent vaccination. As there is a great homology between the species from Mycobacterium genera, the previous contact of experimental animals with environmental mycobacteria could sensitize the mice and, in this way, could influence subsequent vaccine research. The aim of our study was to investigate critical points in an animal facility to search for environmental mycobacteria that eventually could be in direct or indirect contact with the experimental animals. Samples were collected from surfaces of walls, floor, animal cages and shelves and analysed using the Ogawa-Kudoh decontamination method. Samples of drinking water, food and sawdust were collected for analysis by the NALC/NaOH decontamination method. Also, the samples were cultivated directly in broth medium, without any method for decontamination. After decontamination methods, we observed bacterial colony growth in 4.31% of the total of samples analysed. These samples were stained with Ziehl-Neelsen and we did not detect any acid-fast bacilli, suggesting that the animal facility analysed is free from contamination by environmental mycobacteria and is not a source of mycobacterial antigens. Furthermore, our study showed a new paradigm in tuberculosis vaccine development: concern about the animal facility environment in terms of immune system priming of experimental animals by nascent bacterial contaminants.


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We developed a new method for the quantification of parasites in tissue. Trypanosoma cruzi strain CL parasites were genetically engineered to express the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene, lacZ and this enzyme is able to catalyze a colorimetric reaction with chlorophenol red beta-d galactopyranoside (CPRG) as the substrate. The animals were infected with clone CL Brener strain B5 of T. cruzi and treated with benznidazole in order to verify the reduction in the number of parasites in tissue study by quantifying the enzyme beta-galactosidase. The assay demonstrates a reduction in the number of parasites in the groups treated. Thus, this test can be used to test other substances with the aim of verifying the effectiveness in the chronic phase of experimental Chagas` disease.


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The genus Cryptococcus includes free-developing species, a few of which are of medical importance. Some, such as C. neoformans and C. gattii, cause infections in man frequently and C. albidus and C. laurentii cause less so. The aims of this study were to evaluate organ colonization after inoculation of C. albidus and C. laurentii isolates in normal BALB/c mice, the virulence factors (growth at 37A degrees C, capsule, melanin, proteinase, and phospholipase production) and the molecular profile (PCR-fingerprinting) of the yeasts before and after infection. The importance of different profiles (virulence and molecular) was considered in relation to the distribution in different organs and to the time intervals of isolation from organs. C. albidus was isolated from animal organs 2 to 10 days after inoculation and C. laurentii from 2 to 120 days. Most isolates of the two species kept the virulence factors showed before inoculation. The high homogeneity of the molecular profile of C. albidus and the high heterogeneity of C. laurentii were kept through the passages in animals. It is concluded that most isolates of both species were recovered from the animal organs after 5 or more days, and phenotypes were not altered by inoculation. No molecular alteration was detected and the virulence factors were not related to the time intervals before isolation from organs.


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Abstract: Among the vertebrates, crocodilians have the most complex anatomy of the heart and outflow channels. Their cardiovascular anatomy may also be the most func­tionally sophisticated, combining as it does the best features of both reptilian and mammalian (and avian) systems. The puzzlingly complex "plumbing" of crocodilians has fascinated ana­tomists and physiologists for a very long time, the first paper being that by Panizza (1833). Gradually, with the application of successive techniques of investigation as they became available, its functional significance has become reasonably clear, and the complexity is now revealed as a cardiovascular system of considerable elegance. In this paper I will review the main anatomical features of the heart and outflow channels, discuss what is known about the way they work, and speculate about the probable functional significance.


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To aid in the development of artificial diets for mass rearing parasitioids, we investigated the anatomical changes in the digestive tract during feeding behaviour of larval Trichogramma australicum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Larvae begin to feed immediately upon eclosion and feed continuously for 4 h until replete. Feeding is characterised by rhythmic muscle contractions (ca 1 per s) of the pharynx. Contractions of the pharyngeal dilator muscles lift the roof of the lobe-shaped pharynx away from the floor of the chamber, opening the mouth and pumping food into the pharyngeal cavity. Another muscle contraction occurs about 0.5 s later, forcing the bolus of food through the oesophagus and into the midgut. The junction of fore- and midgut is marked by a cardiac valve. The midgut occupies most of the body cavity and is lined with highly vacuolated, flattened cells and a dispersed layer of muscle cells. In the centre of the midgut, food has the appearance of host egg contents. Food near the midgut epithelial cells has a finer, more homogeneous appearance. This change in the physical properties of the gut contents is indicative of the digestion process. In the prepupa, where digestion is complete, the entire gut contents have this appearance. After eclosion, the vitelline membrane remains attached to the posterior end of the larva. We believe this attachment to be adaptive in two ways: (1) to anchor the larva against the movements of its anterior portion, thereby increasing the efficiency of foraging within the egg, and (2) to prevent a free-floating membrane from clogging the mouthparts during ingestion. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Plants collected from diverse sites on subantarctic Macquarie Island varied by up to 30 parts per thousand in their leaf delta(15)N values. N-15 natural abundance of plants, soils, animal excrement and atmospheric ammonia suggest that the majority of nitrogen utilised by plants growing in the vicinity of animal colonies or burrows is animal-derived. Plants growing near scavengers and animal higher in the food chain had highly enriched delta(15)N values (mean = 12.9 parts per thousand), reflecting the highly enriched signature of these animals' excrement, while plants growing near nesting penguins and albatross, which have an intermediate food chain position, had less enriched delta(15)N values (> 6 parts per thousand). Vegetation in areas affected by rabbits had lower delta(15)N values (mean = 1.2 parts per thousand), while the highly depleted delta(15)N values (below -5 parts per thousand) of plants at upland plateau sites inland of penguin colonies, suggested that a portion of their nitrogen is derived from ammonia (mean N-15 = -10 parts per thousand) lost during the degradation of penguin guano. Vegetation in a remote area had delta(15)N values near -2 parts per thousand. These results contrast with arctic and subarctic studies that attribute large variations in plant N-15 values to nitrogen partitioning in nitrogen-limited environments. Here, plant N-15 reflects the N-15 Of the likely nitrogen sources utilised by plants.


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Members of the billfish family are highly visual predatory teleosts inhabiting the open ocean. Little is known about their visual abilities in detail, but past studies have indicated that these fishes were:ere likely to be monochromats. This study however, presents evidence of two anatomically distinct cone types in billfish. The cells are arranged in a regular mosaic pattern of single and twin cones as in many fishes, and this arrangement suggests that the different cone types also show different spectral sensitivity, which is the basis for colour vision. First measurements using microspectrophotometry (MSP) revealed a peak absorption of the rod pigment at 484 nm, indicating that MSP, despite technical difficulties, will be a decisive tool in proving colour vision in these offshore fishes. When hunting, billfish such as the sailfish flash bright blue bars on their sides. This colour reflects largely in ultraviolet (UV) light at 350 nm as revealed by spectrophotometric measurements. Billfish lenses block light of wavelengths below 400 nm, presumably rendering the animal blind to the UV component of its own body colour. Interestingly at least two prey species of billfish have lenses transmitting light in the UV waveband and are therefore likely to perceive a large fraction of the UV peak found in the blue bar of the sailfish. The possible biological significance of this finding is discussed.