975 resultados para Aneurysm, false
OBJECTIVES: in a retrospective study, attempts have been made to identify individual organ-dysfunction risk profiles influencing the outcome after surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. METHODS: out of 235 patients undergoing graft replacement for abdominal aortic aneurysms, 57 (53 men, four women, mean age 72 years [s.d. 8.8]) were treated for ruptured aneurysms in a 3-year period. Forty-eight preoperative, 13 intraoperative and 34 postoperative variables were evaluated statistically. A simple multi-organ dysfunction (MOD) score was adopted. RESULTS: the perioperative mortality was 32%. Three patients died intraoperatively, four within 48 h and 11 died later. A significant influence for pre-existing risk factors was identified only for cardiovascular diseases. Multiple linear-regression analysis indicated that a haemoglobin <90 g/l, systolic blood pressure <80 mmHg and ECG signs of ischaemia at admission were highly significant risk factors. The cause of death for patients, who died more than 48 h postoperatively, was mainly MOD. All patients with a MOD score >/=4 died (n=7). These patients required 27% of the intensive-care unit (ICU) days of all patients and 72% of the ICU days of the non-survivors. CONCLUSION: patients with ruptured aortic aneurysms from treatment should not be excluded. However, a physiological scoring system after 48 h appears justifiable in order to decide on the appropriateness of continual ICU support.
Fluorescence imaging for detection of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer is based on the selective production and accumulation of fluorescing porphyrins-mainly, protoporphyrin IX-in cancerous tissues after the instillation of Hexvix®. Although the sensitivity of this procedure is very good, its specificity is somewhat limited due to fluorescence false-positive sites. Consequently, magnification cystoscopy has been investigated in order to discriminate false from true fluorescence positive findings. Both white-light and fluorescence modes are possible with the magnification cystoscope, allowing observation of the bladder wall with magnification ranging between 30× for standard observation and 650×. The optical zooming setup allows adjusting the magnification continuously in situ. In the high-magnification (HM) regime, the smallest diameter of the field of view is 600 microns and the resolution is 2.5 microns when in contact with the bladder wall. With this cystoscope, we characterized the superficial vascularization of the fluorescing sites in order to discriminate cancerous from noncancerous tissues. This procedure allowed us to establish a classification based on observed vascular patterns. Seventy-two patients subject to Hexvix® fluorescence cystoscopy were included in the study. Comparison of HM cystoscopy classification with histopathology results confirmed 32/33 (97%) cancerous biopsies and rejected 17/20 (85%) noncancerous lesions.
INTRODUCTION: to assess the outcome of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) without angiography. MATERIALS/METHODS: eighty consecutive patients (median age 69 years (range 25-90): male 72 (90%), female 8 (10%)) underwent endovascular aneurysm repair (AAA 68 (85%), TAA 12 (15%)) using either angiography in 31/80 patients (39%) or IVUS in 49/80 patients (61%) in accordance to the surgeons preference. RESULTS: hospital mortality was 2/80 (3%), 1/68 for AAA (2%), 1/12 for TAA (8%), 2/31 for angiography (7%), and 0/49 for IVUS (0.0%: NS). Median quantity of contrast medium was 190 ml (range: 20-350) for angiography versus 0 ml for IVUS (p<0.01). Median X-ray exposure time 24 min (range 9-65 min) versus 8 min (range 0-60 min) for IVUS (p<0.05). No coverage of renal or suprarenal artery orifices occurred in either group. Conversion to open surgery was necessary in 4/80 patients (5%), 1/31 for angiography (3%) and 3/49 patients for IVUS (6%: NS). Early endoleaks were observed in 13/80 patients (16%): 8/31 patients for angiography (26%) versus 5/49 for IVUS (10%: p<0.05): 5/13 endoleaks resolved spontaneously (39%) whereas 8/13 (61%) required additional procedures. CONCLUSIONS: IVUS is a reliable tool for EVAR. In most cases, perprocedural angiography is not necessary.
OBJECTIVES: We report a new salvage technique for treating venous aneurysms (VAs) complicating vascular access arteriovenous fistula (AVF) using externally reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy. DESIGN: A retrospective study over a 20-month period from a single centre. PATIENTS: Patients presenting to the vascular surgery department, Bordeaux University Hospital for revision of a vascular access AVF were included. METHODS: Reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy consisted in removal of redundant vessel wall followed by reinforcement using an external prosthetic graft. Patency, diameter and flow were assessed by duplex ultrasound at 1, 6 and 12 months after salvage. RESULTS: Thirty-eight eligible patients were identified. Five were excluded because VA was associated with central vein stenosis; the remaining 33 underwent salvage. Indications were rapidly expanding or painful VA in seven cases; VA with frequent bleeding or damaged overlying skin in eight; VA in close relation to a stenosis in two; and VA associated with high-flow rate in 16. Cannulation was attempted after 30 days. Mean follow-up time was 12 S.D. 5 months (range: 4-22). Two repaired AVFs failed. Primary 1-year patency was 93%. No aneurysm or infection occurred. Reduction of high flow was successful in 12 of 16 patients. The remaining four required re-operation. CONCLUSIONS: Reinforced venous aneurysmorrhaphy is effective in controlling venous dilation and achieving patency. Reduction of high-flow rates was not always achieved. Further study is needed to evaluate long-term efficacy of this treatment.
Objective: To demonstrate successful in situ aortoiliac reconstruction of an infected infrarenal aneurysm using one single superficial femoral vein (SFV). Methods: In situ reconstruction using the right SFV sutured in end-to-end anastomosis with the aorta and distally with the right common iliac artery and in end-to-side anastomosis with the left common iliac artery. Results: The operating time was less than reported for aortic in situ reconstruction with bilateral SFV harvesting. The duplex scan 3 months postoperatively showed permeability of the bypass without any anastomotic stenosis or pseudoaneurysm. The right common femoral, popliteal, and greater saphenous veins were patent without thrombus, and the patient did not complain about peripheral edema. Conclusions: The use of only one instead of both the SFVs for aortobiiliac in situ reconstruction might be a way to reduce operating time and allow autogenous venous reconstruction even in patients with limited availability of venous material.
BACKGROUND: Aortoplasty has been advocated for moderate dilatation of the ascending aorta associated with aortic valve disease. We report our results with this conservative approach. METHODS: Seventeen consecutive patients with unsupported aortoplasty were reviewed. Twelve patients had aortic valve regurgitation and 5 had stenosis. The aortic wall was analyzed histologically in 14 patients. Follow-up was complete, with a mean time of 6 years (range, 2.3 to 10.5 years). RESULTS: Two patients among the 15 hospital survivors died during follow-up of causes unrelated to aortic pathology. Survival at 7 years was 86.7% (+/- 8.8%). Recurring aortic aneurysms developed in 4 patients after a mean time of 63 months, with an event-free survival at 7 years of 41% (+/- 21%). All of these 4 patients had aortic valve regurgitation and cystic medial necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The recurrence rate of aneurysms after unsupported aortoplasty and aortic valve replacement is high in patients with aortic regurgitation. This strongly suggests that in these patients, the aortic dilatation is related to an underlying wall deficiency, associated with the aortic valve pathology, rather than to the hemodynamic stress imposed by the aortic valve disease.
BACKGROUND: To identify patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage for whom CT angiography alone can exclude ruptured aneurysms. METHODS: An observational retrospective review was carried out of all consecutive patients with non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage who underwent both CT angiography and catheter angiography to exclude an aneurysm. CT angiography negative cases (no aneurysm) were classified according to their CT hemorrhage pattern as "aneurismal", "perimesencephalic" or as "no-hemorrhage." RESULTS: Two hundred and forty-one patients were included. A CT angiography aneurysm detection sensitivity and specificity of 96.4% and 96.0% were observed. All 35 cases of perimesencephalic or no-hemorrhage out of 78 CT angiography negatives also had negative angiography findings. CONCLUSIONS: CT angiography is self-reliant to exclude ruptured aneurysms when either a perimesencephalic hemorrhage or no-hemorrhage pattern is identified on the CT within a week of symptom onset.
Open surgery is still the main treatment of complex abdominal aortic aneurysm. Nevertheless, this approach is associated with major complications and high mortality rate. Therefore the fenestrated endograft has been used to treat the juxtarenal aneurysms. Unfortunately, no randomised controlled study is available to assess the efficacy of such devices. Moreover, the costs are still prohibitive to generalise this approach. Alternative treatments such as chimney or sandwich technique are being evaluated in order to avoid theses disadvantages. The aim of this paper is to present the endovascular approach to treat juxtarenal aneurysm and to emphasize that this option should be used only by highly specialized vascular centres.
Some practitioners ask on which criteria vertigo can be considered as "true" or "false". The goal of this paper is to explain why such a concept is misleading. Vertigo and imbalance are subjective symptoms caused by many possible factors, somatic or psychologic, which may cause, in turn, psychological distress in some patients. In all cases, the complain is "true", even in case of psychological disorder. To evaluate patients suffering from vertigo, knowledge in anatomy and physiology are necessary as well as knowledge of the interface between neuro-totologic and psychiatric conditions.
We describe two cases of true dorsalis pedis artery aneurysms in men referred for pulsatile mass of the dorsal part of the foot. Both aneurysms were resected and grafted with interposition of a short segment of saphenous vein. Histological analysis showed true aneurysm associated with atherosclerosis. To our knowledge, only 12 cases of true dorsalis pedis artery aneurysm have been reported previously. On the basis of our experience and after reviewing the literature, the management of this uncommon pathology was discussed.
Contexte : Identifier les patients avec une hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne spontanée chez qui l'angio-CT suffit pour exclure des anévrysmes rompus.Méthodes : Une étude rétrospective a été effectuée de tous les patients avec une hémorragie sous-arachnoïdienne qui ont eu un angio-CT ainsi qu'une angiographie par cathéter dans le but d'exclure un anévrysme. Les cas négatifs de l'angio-CT (sans anévrysmes) ont été classés d'après leur schéma hémorragique au CT dans les catégories suivantes : « anévrysmale », « périmésencéphalique » puis « sans hémorragie ».Résultats : Deux-cent-quarante-et-un patients ont été inclus. Une sensibilité de 96.4% et une spécificité de 96.0% ont été observée pour l'exclusion d'anévrysmes par l'angio-CT. Parmi les 78 cas négatifs de l'angio-CT, chacun des 35 cas avec un motif hémorragique périmésencéphalique ou sans hémorragie au CT n'ont pas eu d'anévrysmes démontrés à l'angiographie par cathéter.Conclusions: L'angio-CT est fiable pour exclure les anévrysmes rompus lorsqu'un motif hémorragique périmésencéphalique ou pas d'hémorragie sont visibles au CT à une semaine depuis le début des symptômes.