958 resultados para Analog multipliers.
Repertorio de juegos dirigidos a padres y educadores para conseguir una estimulaci??n intelectual, ling????stica y creativa en ni??os con dificultades en el desarrollo. Se incluyen las tipolog??as siguientes: juegos de l??gica, juegos de creatividad, juegos con cuentos, juegos de matem??ticas, juegos de conocimientos, juegos de sociabilidad, m??mica y simb??licos, juegos de transformaciones y ordenaciones, juegos de memoria, juegos de vocabulario, juegos de pronunciaci??n, fluidez, morfolog??a y sintaxis, juegos metaling????sticos, juegos para el desarrollo ??tico y moral. Adjunta un anexo sobre la manera de hablar de los ni??os y recomendaciones de lo que no se debe hacer a la hora de educar a un ni??o desde la m??s temprana edad.
El test de circuits és una fase del procés de producció que cada vegada pren més importància quan es desenvolupa un nou producte. Les tècniques de test i diagnosi per a circuits digitals han estat desenvolupades i automatitzades amb èxit, mentre que aquest no és encara el cas dels circuits analògics. D'entre tots els mètodes proposats per diagnosticar circuits analògics els més utilitzats són els diccionaris de falles. En aquesta tesi se'n descriuen alguns, tot analitzant-ne els seus avantatges i inconvenients. Durant aquests últims anys, les tècniques d'Intel·ligència Artificial han esdevingut un dels camps de recerca més importants per a la diagnosi de falles. Aquesta tesi desenvolupa dues d'aquestes tècniques per tal de cobrir algunes de les mancances que presenten els diccionaris de falles. La primera proposta es basa en construir un sistema fuzzy com a eina per identificar. Els resultats obtinguts son força bons, ja que s'aconsegueix localitzar la falla en un elevat tant percent dels casos. Per altra banda, el percentatge d'encerts no és prou bo quan a més a més s'intenta esbrinar la desviació. Com que els diccionaris de falles es poden veure com una aproximació simplificada al Raonament Basat en Casos (CBR), la segona proposta fa una extensió dels diccionaris de falles cap a un sistema CBR. El propòsit no és donar una solució general del problema sinó contribuir amb una nova metodologia. Aquesta consisteix en millorar la diagnosis dels diccionaris de falles mitjançant l'addició i l'adaptació dels nous casos per tal d'esdevenir un sistema de Raonament Basat en Casos. Es descriu l'estructura de la base de casos així com les tasques d'extracció, de reutilització, de revisió i de retenció, fent èmfasi al procés d'aprenentatge. En el transcurs del text s'utilitzen diversos circuits per mostrar exemples dels mètodes de test descrits, però en particular el filtre biquadràtic és l'utilitzat per provar les metodologies plantejades, ja que és un dels benchmarks proposats en el context dels circuits analògics. Les falles considerades son paramètriques, permanents, independents i simples, encara que la metodologia pot ser fàcilment extrapolable per a la diagnosi de falles múltiples i catastròfiques. El mètode es centra en el test dels components passius, encara que també es podria extendre per a falles en els actius.
In an attempt to understand why the Greek economy is collapsing, this Commentary points out two key aspects that are often overlooked – the country’s large multiplier and a bad export performance. When combined with the need for a large fiscal adjustment, these factors help explain how fiscal consolidation in Greece has been associated with such a large drop in GDP.
Objective: To compare the frequency of nail biting in 4 settings (interventions) designed to elicit the functions of nail biting and to compare the results with a self-report questionnaire about the functions of nail biting. Design: Randomised allocation of participants to order of conditions. Setting: University Psychology Department. Subjects: Forty undergraduates who reported biting their nails. Interventions: Left alone (boredom), solving maths problems (frustration), reprimanded for nail biting (contingent attention), continuous conversation (noncontingent attention). Main Outcome measures: Number of times the undergraduates bit their nails. Results: Nail biting occurred most often in two conditions, boredom and frustration. Conclusion: Nail biting in young adults occurs as a result of boredom or working on difficult problems, which may reflect a particular emotional state. It occurs least often when people are engaged in social interaction or when they are reprimanded for the behavior. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magmas in volcanic conduits commonly contain microlites in association with preexisting phenocrysts, as often indicated by volcanic rock textures. In this study, we present two different experiments that inves- tigate the flow behavior of these bidisperse systems. In the first experiments, rotational rheometric methods are used to determine the rheology of monodisperse and polydisperse suspensions consisting of smaller, prolate particles (microlites) and larger, equant particles (phenocrysts) in a bubble‐free Newtonian liquid (silicate melt). Our data show that increasing the relative proportion of prolate microlites to equant pheno- crysts in a magma at constant total particle content can increase the relative viscosity by up to three orders of magnitude. Consequently, the rheological effect of particles in magmas cannot be modeled by assuming a monodisperse population of particles. We propose a new model that uses interpolated parameters based on the relative proportions of small and large particles and produces a considerably improved fit to the data than earlier models. In a second series of experiments we investigate the textures produced by shearing bimodal suspensions in gradually solidifying epoxy resin in a concentric cylinder setup. The resulting textures show the prolate particles are aligned with the flow lines and spherical particles are found in well‐organized strings, with sphere‐depleted shear bands in high‐shear regions. These observations may explain the measured variation in the shear thinning and yield stress behavior with increasing solid fraction and particle aspect ratio. The implications for magma flow are discussed, and rheological results and tex- tural observations are compared with observations on natural samples.
Both the (5,3) counter and (2,2,3) counter multiplication techniques are investigated for the efficiency of their operation speed and the viability of the architectures when implemented in a fast bipolar ECL technology. The implementation of the counters in series-gated ECL and threshold logic are contrasted for speed, noise immunity and complexity, and are critically compared with the fastest practical design of a full-adder. A novel circuit technique to overcome the problems of needing high fan-in input weights in threshold circuits through the use of negative weighted inputs is presented. The authors conclude that a (2,2,3) counter based array multiplier implemented in series-gated ECL should enable a significant increase in speed over conventional full adder based array multipliers.
The authors compare various array multiplier architectures based on (p,q) counter circuits. The tradeoff in multiplier design is always between adding complexity and increasing speed. It is shown that by using a (2,2,3) counter cell it is possible to gain a significant increase in speed over a conventional full-adder, carry-save array based approach. The increase in complexity should be easily accommodated using modern emitter-coupled-logic processes.
Apocynin, a methoxy-substituted catechol (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyacetophenone), originally extracted from the roots of Picrorhiza kurroa, has been extensively used as a non-toxic inhibitor of the multienzymatic complex NADPH oxidase. We discovered that the analogous methoxy-substituted catechol, 4-Fluoro-2-methoxyphenol (F-apocynin), in which the acetyl group present in apocynin was changed to a fluorine atom, was significantly more potent as an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase activity, myeloperoxidase (MPO) chlorinating activity and phagocytosis of microorganisms by neutrophils; it was also as potent as apocynin in inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. We attribute the increased potency of F-apocynin to its increased lipophilicity, which could facilitate the passage of the drug through the cell membrane. The inhibition of MPO chlorination activity, phagocytosis and TNF alpha release shows that apocynin and F-apocynin actions are not restricted to reactive oxygen species inhibition, but further studies are needed to clarify if these mechanisms are related. Like apocynin, F-apocynin did not show cell toxicity, and is a strong candidate for use in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose a discontinuous-Galerkin-based immersed boundary method for elasticity problems. The resulting numerical scheme does not require boundary fitting meshes and avoids boundary locking by switching the elements intersected by the boundary to a discontinuous Galerkin approximation. Special emphasis is placed on the construction of a method that retains an optimal convergence rate in the presence of non-homogeneous essential and natural boundary conditions. The role of each one of the approximations introduced is illustrated by analyzing an analog problem in one spatial dimension. Finally, extensive two- and three-dimensional numerical experiments on linear and nonlinear elasticity problems verify that the proposed method leads to optimal convergence rates under combinations of essential and natural boundary conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.