978 resultados para Analise morfologica


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Airplane Motor Cradles have a complex geometry, since they require different conbinations between different tubes and TIG welded in several angles. In T-25 aircraft and Universal T-27 Tucano (EMBRAER / FAB), besides having to bear the engine balance, these components maintain fixed the nose landing gear in another extremity. They are considered critical to flight safety, and for this reason, the aviation standards are extremely rigid in their production, imposing a zero index” of defects on the final weld metal quality. These structures may be containing an historical of welding repairs, whose effects on their structural integrity are not computed. In this work we analyzed the standardised AISI 4130 steel and the raw steel of tubes to the Airplane Motor Cradles. First of all, microscopy and microanalysis of the base steel, then we analyzed the effects of the TIG weld. Tensile testing was conducted to measure the difference between the mechanical properties of standardised steel and without this treatment


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This work is quantified according to the ABEPRO areas, the number of works the Course Conclusion (TCCs) and Hours (CH) Course of Production Engineering, UNESP Guaratinguetá. Based on this quantification were found to be significant discrepancies between the TCCs and CH. Quality and Logistics observed for the larger discrepancies, with 26% and 17% of the number of TCCs, respectively. Both areas have only 6% of the time. They are also used data from researchers at the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in the areas of Production Engineering. In the area of Quality and Logistics, the researchers account for 8% and 5%, respectively, but are most prominent researchers in the field of Operations Research, with 37%. However, this view can help the department to organize the curriculum, with the development of teaching projects, methods and means of education, and visibility to help future hiring for the department


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Dengue é uma arbovirose que afeta cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas anualmente, em mais de 100 países situados nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Foi considerada a doença viral que mais cresceu no ultimo ano, repercutindo em impactos sociais e econômicos nas regiões endêmicas devido às altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade desencadeadas pela infecção. O principal vetor da dengue é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, presente em toda a faixa tropical e subtropical. Por apresentar hematofagia antropofílica, rápido desenvolvimento e características comportamentais especificas, é um excelente transmissor do vírus dengue. Medidas de controle da disseminação da dengue são restritas à eliminação do mosquito vetor, e um tratamento específico ainda não foi desenvolvido, bem como a criação de uma vacina que previna simultaneamente a infecção pelos quatro sorotipos do arbovírus. Uma característica que determina a disseminação de doenças é a alta competência vetorial de seus mosquitos transmissores, que tem sido associada à composição da microbiota intestinal do inseto. As bactérias presente no intestino do mosquito exercem funções relacionadas a sua nutrição, desenvolvimento e reprodução, e são também um importante fator na eliminação de patógenos, por interferirem diretamente na atividade viral, ou indiretamente a partir da ativação das vias antivirais pelos micro-organismos. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa estudar a diversidade microbiana intestinal do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes estágios de vida, através de sequenciamento de última geração com a plataforma MiSeq Illumina


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Baja SAE competitions challenge engineering students to design and build offroad vehicles, preparing them for the competitive job market. This monograph aims to study a part of the braking of a Baja SAE vehicle system, the brake disc. Giving attention to the wear suffered by discs of two different materials, steel 1045 and stainless steel 304, helping the team Piratas do Vale Bardahl in the best selection between them. Braking tests were performed on a test bench. Both discs have suffered the same braking conditions. Brake pads material, brake line pressure, braking time, number of braking, were parameters which were repeated in the testing of different types of disk, in order to ensure a high power comparison between the obtained data. Before and after the disk tests were weighed and measured, to make a comparison. After the brake tests, the disks were subjected to hardness and surface roughness testing. With the data collected and observations made in the worn parts, the comparison between these two materials was made, obtaining a selection of the best material for the team. The tests showed that steel 1045 has more advantages, compared to stainless steel 304, when applied to brake discs, on the tested conditions


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The aluminium alloys are used in many fields because of their versatility combined with the excellent aluminium’s properties, mentioned in the study. This study aims to compare the performance of polished Hard Metal, Hard Metal covered with TiB2 and High Speed Steel (HSS) tools, at the aluminium 2024 alloy’s turning, as a function of variation of some turning parameters such as: feed, depth of cut and cutting speed; and study the surface finish and the required power during turning by processing the output data, like analyze the chip’s features for each used tool. The results provide information of the tool’s material effects, when submitted to different turning conditions, about the output variable in question. In this way, it was possible to notice that although the Hard Metal covered with TiB2 tool has provided the better surface finish, the chip’s features were better when the turning was accomplished by the Polished Hard Metal tool. In relation to the required turning’s power, the lowest consumption occurred with the High Speed Steel tool


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The process of steel production emits a large quantity of greenhouse gases, specifically carbon dioxide (CO2), and the reduction of such emissions is one of the main challenges for the industry in the 21st. Century. To quantify these emissions, the Worldsteel Association (association of the 170 large steel manufacturers of the world) published a methodology (CO2 Emission Data Collection) for calculation and comparison of CO2 emissions among its members. After that, in 2010, this methodology became an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) norm. Today, the calculation of the CO2 emissions in steel making companies follow the ISO 14404-1 for units with blast furnaces and the ISO 14404-2 for units with electric furnaces. In the last years, new technologies were and continue to be developed for the steel making sector aiming at energetic improvements and greenhouse gas reductions (mainly CO2) by the several processes involved in the production of steel. This work had the objective of producing a tool to calculate the CO2 emissions for the steel making sector. An Excel spreadsheet was developed to calculate the emission intensities of CO2 of a steel plant, the Usina Presidente Vargas, of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). The spreadsheet furnishes results of CO2 emissions and energetic fluxes, and simulates the benefits that some of the new technologies can give to the company. The spreadsheet calculates the emissions in two ways: a) based on the carbon fluxes that enter the unit, and b) based on the emissions of each specific process within the unit (coking, sinterization, blast furnace, among others)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In 2001, it was estimated that pesticide used worldwide exceeded 2.27 billion kilograms, over 35%, of which, were herbicides. Brazil is considered one of the leaders in the production of sugarcane and mainly ethanol as fuel. The monoculture of sugarcane requires the usage of a range of pesticides, among these, the herbicides diuron and tebuthiuron. The degradation products most studied (DCA and DCPU) are diuron's, especially for toxicological characteristics of this herbicide that is identified as carcinogen and suspected to be endocrine disruptor in mammals. After optimization of the chromatographic separation using HPLC-UV, the analytical curve was constructed in solvent and subsequently in the matrix (surface water). The extraction method contains the usage of SPE (solid phase extraction) (Strata-X, 200 mg/6 mL), applicating 1L of sample and elution with 5 mL of acetonitrile / methanol (50:50, v/v). Analysis by HPLC/UV was performed in gradient mode, acetonitrile/water (70/30-74/26 by 1 min, 74/26 - 78/22 till 3.2 min, returning to initial conditions and remaining this way until 10 min), 018 column (Phenomenex, 4.6 mm diameter, 250 mm long and 5pm particle size) and detection at 254 nm. Tests F and t were performed to verify the presence of the matrix effect. There was matrix effect to all analytes, ranging from -33% (DCA) and 38% (tebuthiuron). Thereby the method was optimized and validated for analysis of diuron, tebuthiuron, and DCPU DCA in surface water using HPLC/UV. The data obtained show that in order to assure the analytical reliability desired the use of the analytical curves in the matrix for the quantification of these analytes in water is required.


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In un periodo di tre anni è stato svolto un lavoro mirato alla valutazione delle complicanze correlate all’utilizzo dello stenting carotideo. Dopo la preparazione di un protocollo con definizione di tutti i fattori di rischio sono stati individuati i criteri di inclusione ed esclusione attraverso i quali arruolare i pazienti. Da Luglio 2004 a Marzo 2007 sono stati inclusi 298 pazienti e sono state valutate le caratteristiche della placca carotidea, con particolare riferimento alla presenza di ulcerazione e/o di stenosi serrata, la tortuosità dei vasi e il tipo di arco aortico oltre a tutti i fattori di rischio demografici e metabolici. E’ stato valutato quanto e se questi fattori di rischio incrementino la percentuale di complicanze della procedura di stenting carotideo. I pazienti arruolati sono stati suddivisi in due gruppi a seconda della morfologia della placca: placca complicata (placca con ulcera del diametro > di 2 mm e placca con stenosi sub occlusiva 99%) e placca non complicata. I due gruppi sono stati comparati in termini di epidemiologia, sintomatologia neurologica preoperatoria, tipo di arco, presenza di stenosi o ostruzione della carotide controlaterale, tipo di stent e di protezione cerebrale utilizzati, evoluzione clinica e risultati tecnici. I dati sono stati valutati mediante analisi statistica di regressione logistica multipla per evidenziare le variabili correlate con l’insuccesso. Dei 298 pazienti consecutivi sottoposti a stenting, 77 hanno mostrato una placca complicata (25,8%) e 221 una placca non complicata (74,2%). I due gruppi non hanno avuto sostanziali differenze epidemiologiche o di sintomatologia preoperatoria. Il successo tecnico si è avuto in 272 casi (91,2%) e sintomi neurologici post-operatosi si sono verificati in 23 casi (23.3%). Tutti i sintomi sono stati temporanei. Non si sono avute differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi in relazione alle complicanze neurologiche e ai fallimenti tecnici. L’età avanzata è correlata ad un incremento dei fallimenti tecnici. I risultati dello studio portano alla conclusione che la morfologia della placca non porta ad un incremento significativo dei rischi correlati alla procedura di stenting carotideo e che l’indicazione alla CAS può essere posta indipendentemente dalla caratteristica della placca.


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The cytotoxicity of dental composites has been attributed to the release of residual monomers from polymerized adhesive systems due to degradation processes or the incomplete polymerization of materials. 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) is one of the major components released from dental adhesives. Cytotoxic effects due to high concentrations of HEMA have already been investigated, but the influence of minor toxic concentrations for long-term exposition on specific proteins such as type I collagen and tenascin has not been studied in depth. The objective of this project was to study the effect of minor toxic concentrations of HEMA on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) and human pulp fibroblasts (HPFs), investigating modification in cell morphology, cell viability, and the influence on type I collagen and tenascin proteins. Different concentrations of the resin monomer and different times of exposition were tested on both cell lines. The cell vitality was determined by MTT assay, and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy analysis was performed to evaluate differences in cell morphology before and after treatment. To evaluate the variability in the expression and synthesis of procollagen α1 type I and tenascin proteins on HGFs and HPFs treated with HEMA at different concentrations immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and western blot analysis, were carried out. The treatments on HGFs with 3mmol/L HEMA, showed a strong reduction of procollagen α1 type I protein at 72h and 96h, demonstrating that HEMA interferes both with the synthesis of the procollagen α1 type I protein and its mRNA expression. The results obtained on HPFs treated with different concentrations of HEMA ranging from 0,5mmol/L to 3mmol/L and for different exposition times showed a strong reduction in cell viability in specimens treated for 96h and 168h, while immunofluorescence and western blotting analysis demonstrated a reduction of procollagen α1 type I and an overexpression of tenascin protein. In conclusion, our results showed that the concentrations of HEMA we tested, effect the normal cell production and activity, such as the synthesis of some dental extracellular matrix proteins.