854 resultados para Amplitude measurement
Purpose. To use 3-dimensional sonography (3DUS) to measure contralateral lung volume and evaluate the potential of this measurement to predict neonatal outcome in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods. Between January 2002 and December 2004, the contralateral lung volumes of 39 fetuses with isolated CDH were measured via 3DUS using rotational multiplanar imaging. The observed/expected contralateral fetal lung volume ratios (o/eContFLVR) were compared with the lung/head ratio (LHR), observed/expected total fetal lung volume ratio (o/e-TotFLVR), and postnatal outcome. Results. Contralateral lung volumes are less reduced than total lung volumes in CDH. The bias and precision of 3DUS in estimating contralateral lung volumes were 0.99 cm(3) and 1.11 cm(3), respectively, with absolute limits of agreement ranging from -1.19 cm(3) to + 3.17 cm(3). The o/e-ContFLVR was significantly lower in neonatal death cases (median, 0.49 cm(3); range, 0.22-0.99 cm(3)) than in survival cases (median, 0.58 cm(3); range, 0.42-0.92 cm(3) [p < 0.011). Overall accuracy of the o/e-ContFLVR, o/e-TotFLVR, and LHR in predicting neonatal death were 67.7% (21/31), 80.7% (25/31), and 77.4% (24/31), respectively. Conclusion. Although o/e-ContFLVR can be precisely measured with 3DUS and can be used to predict neonatal death in CDH, it is less accurate than LHR and o/e-TotFLVR for that purpose. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The magnitude Of functional impairment that may indicate the threshold between MCI and incipient Alzheimer`s disease (AD) has not been clearly defined. The objective was to examine the pattern of functional impairment in the continuum MCI-AD. Eighty-nine older adults (32 cognitively unimpaired, 31 MCI, and 26 AD patients) were examined with the Brazilian version of the Direct Assessment of Functional Status (DAFS-BR) at a University-based memory clinic. MCI patients were sub-divided according to the progression to AD upon follow-up, and had baseline cognitive, functional and biological variables analyzed. MCI patients displayed mild deficits in functional abilities, with intermediate scores as compared to controls and AD. The DAFS-BR items that differentiated MCI from controls involved the ability to deal with finances and shopping skills. At baseline, scores obtained by MCI patients who converted to AD were not significantly different from scores of nonconverters. The magnitude of functional deficits was associated with AD-like pathological findings in the CSF. In conclusion, MCI patients present with early functional changes in complex, instrumental abilities that require the integrity of memory and executive functions. The objective measurement of the functional state may help identify older adults with increased risk of developing dementia in the MCI-AD continuum. (JINS, 2010, 16, 297-305.)
Purpose: Several attempts to determine the transit time of a high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy unit have been reported in the literature with controversial results. The determination of the source speed is necessary to accurately calculate the transient dose in brachytherapy treatments. In these studies, only the average speed of the source was measured as a parameter for transit dose calculation, which does not account for the realistic movement of the source, and is therefore inaccurate for numerical simulations. The purpose of this work is to report the implementation and technical design of an optical fiber based detector to directly measure the instantaneous speed profile of a (192)Ir source in a Nucletron HDR brachytherapy unit. Methods: To accomplish this task, we have developed a setup that uses the Cerenkov light induced in optical fibers as a detection signal for the radiation source moving inside the HDR catheter. As the (192)Ir source travels between two optical fibers with known distance, the threshold of the induced signals are used to extract the transit time and thus the velocity. The high resolution of the detector enables the measurement of the transit time at short separation distance of the fibers, providing the instantaneous speed. Results: Accurate and high resolution speed profiles of the 192Ir radiation source traveling from the safe to the end of the catheter and between dwell positions are presented. The maximum and minimum velocities of the source were found to be 52.0 +/- 1.0 and 17.3 +/- 1:2 cm/s. The authors demonstrate that the radiation source follows a uniformly accelerated linear motion with acceleration of vertical bar a vertical bar = 113 cm/s(2). In addition, the authors compare the average speed measured using the optical fiber detector to those obtained in the literature, showing deviation up to 265%. Conclusions: To the best of the authors` knowledge, the authors directly measured for the first time the instantaneous speed profile of a radiation source in a HDR brachytherapy unit traveling from the unit safe to the end of the catheter and between interdwell distances. The method is feasible and accurate to implement on quality assurance tests and provides a unique database for efficient computational simulations of the transient dose. (C) 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3483780]
The aim was to investigate inter-tester and intra-tester reliability and parallel reliability between a visual assessment method and a method using a pachymeter for locating the mid-point of the patella in determining the medial/lateral patella orientation. Fifteen asymptomatic subjects were assessed and the mid-point of the patella was determined by both methods on two separate occasions two weeks apart. Inter-tester reliability was obtained by ANOVA and by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC); intra-tester reliability was obtained by a paired t-test and ICC; and parallel reliability was obtained by Pearson`s Correlation and ICC, for the measurement on the first and second evaluations. There was acceptable inter-tester agreement (p = 0.490) and reliability for the visual inspection (ICC = 0.747) and for the pachymeter (ICC = 0.716) at the second evaluation. The inter-tester reliability in the first evaluation was unacceptable (visual ICC = 0.604; pachymeter ICC = 0.612). Although there was statistical similarity between measurements for the first and second evaluations for all testers, intra-tester reliability was not acceptable for both methods: visual (examiner 1 ICC = 0.175; examiner 2 ICC = 0.189; examiner 3 ICC = 0.155) and pachymeter (examiner 1 ICC = 0.214; examiner 2 ICC = 0.246; examiner 3 ICC = 0.069). Parallel reliability gave a perfect correlation at the first evaluation (r=0.828; p<0.001) and at the second (r=0.756; p<0.001) and reliability was between acceptable and very good (ICC = [0.748-0.813]). Both visual and pachymeter methods provide reliable and similar medial/lateral patella orientation and are reliable between different examiners, but the results between the two assessments at 2 weeks` interval demonstrated an unacceptable reliability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of mental disorders. Previous region-of-interest MRI studies that attempted to delineate this region adopted various landmarks and measurement techniques, with inconsistent results. We developed a new region-of-interest measurement method to obtain morphometric data of this region from structural MRI scans, taking into account knowledge from cytoarchitectonic postmortem studies and the large inter-individual variability of this region. MRI scans of 10 subjects were obtained, and DLPFC tracing was performed in the coronal plane by two independent raters using the semi-automated software Brains2. The intra-class correlation coefficients between two independent raters were 0.94 for the left DLPFC and 0.93 for the right DLPFC. The mean +/- S.D. DLPFC volumes were 9.23 +/- 2.35 ml for the left hemisphere and 8.20 +/- 2.08 ml for the right hemisphere. Our proposed method has high inter-rater reliability and is easy to implement, permitting the standardized measurement of this region for clinical research applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint makes the pelvic segment responsible for proper weight distribution between lower extremities; however, it is known to be susceptible to altered mobility. The objective of this study was to analyze baropodometric responses following thrust manipulation on subjects with sacroiliac joint restrictions. Twenty asymptomatic subjects were submitted to computerized baropodometric analysis before, after, and seven days following sacroiliac manipulation. The variables peak pressure and contact area were obtained at each of these periods as the average of absolute values of the difference between the right and left foot based on three trials. Data revealed significant reduction only in peak pressure immediately after manipulation and at follow-up when compared to pre-manipulative values (p < 0.05). Strong correlation was found between the dominant foot and the foot with greater contact area (r - 0.978), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater contact area (r = 0.884). Weak correlation was observed between the dominant foot and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.501), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.694). The results suggest that sacroiliac joint manipulation can influence peak pressure distribution between feet, but contact area does not seem to be related to the biomechanical aspects addressed in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Imbalance and weakness of the serratus anterior and upper trapezius force couple have been described in patients with shoulder dysfunction. There is interest in identifying exercises that selectively activate these muscles and including it in rehabilitation protocols. This study aims to verify the UT/SA electromyographic (EMG) amplitude ratio, performed in different upper limb exercises and on two bases of support. Twelve healthy men were tested (average age = 22.8 +/- 3.1 years), and surface EMG was recorded from the upper trapezius and serratus anterior using single differential surface electrodes. Volunteers performed isometric contractions over a stable base of support and on a Swiss ball during the wall push-up (WP), bench press (BP), and push-up (PU) exercises. All SEMG data are reported as a percentage of root mean square or integral of linear envelope from the maximal value obtained in one of three maximal voluntary contractions for each muscle studied. A linear mixed-effect model was performed to compare UT/SA ratio values. The WP, BP, and PU exercises showed UT/SA ratio mean +/- SD values of 0.69 +/- 0.72, 0.14 +/- 0.12, and 0.39 +/- 0.37 for stable surfaces, respectively, whereas for unstable surfaces, the values were 0.73 +/- 0.67, 0.43 +/- 0.39, and 0.32 +/- 0.30. The results demonstrate that UT/SA ratio was influenced by the exercises and by the upper limb base of support. The practical application is to show that BP on a stable surface is the exercise preferred over WP and PU on either surfaces for serratus anterior muscle training in patients with imbalance between the UT/SA force couple or serratus anterior weakness.
Background: Shrimp is a frequent cause of food allergy. Tropomyosin is the major allergen in shrimp, and it shares homology to tropomyosins from other crustaceans, dust mites, cockroach, and parasites. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the value of detection of IgE to shrimp tropomyosin in the diagnosis of shrimp allergy. Methods: We have studied 35 patients with asthma, rhinitis, or both who were sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. All subjects underwent skin prick testing in addition to double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC); oral open challenges; or both with shrimp. Measurements of IgE to shrimp and shrimp tropomyosin were carried out by means of CAP and chimeric ELISA, respectively. Results: Oral challenges confirmed the diagnosis of shrimp allergy in 7 patients. IgE measurement to shrimp tropomyosin was positive in 71.4% of the patients with shrimp allergy. Of the 28 patients without shrimp allergy, only 7.1% (2/28) had IgE to shrimp tropomyosin compared with 25% (7/28) who had IgE to shrimp and 35.7% (10/28) who had positive skin prick test responses to shrimp. Sensitivity was similar for all 3 methods (71.4%); in contrast, specificity of IgE to shrimp tropomyosin (92.8%) was greater than that of IgE to shrimp (75%) and skin prick testing (64.2%). With regard to diagnostic efficiency, measurement of IgE to shrimp tropomyosin was superior to measurement of IgE to shrimp and skin prick testing (88.5%, 74.2%, and 65.7%, respectively). Conclusion: Use of measurements of IgE to shrimp tropomyosin provided added value to the diagnosis of shrimp allergy. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;125:872-8.)
Principal cells of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) are simple round neurons that receive a large excitatory synapse (the calyx of Held) and many small inhibitory synapses on the soma. Strangely, these neurons also possess one or two short tufted dendrites, whose function is unknown. Here we assess the role of these MNTB cell dendrites using patch-clamp recordings, imaging and immunohistochemistry techniques. Using outside-out patches and immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate the presence of dendritic Na(+) channels. Current-clamp recordings show that tetrodotoxin applied onto dendrites impairs action potential (AP) firing. Using Na(+) imaging, we show that the dendrite may serve to maintain AP amplitudes during high-frequency firing, as Na(+) clearance in dendritic compartments is faster than axonal compartments. Prolonged high-frequency firing can diminish Na(+) gradients in the axon while the dendritic gradient remains closer to resting conditions; therefore, the dendrite can provide additional inward current during prolonged firing. Using electron microscopy, we demonstrate that there are small excitatory synaptic boutons on dendrites. Multi-compartment MNTB cell simulations show that, with an active dendrite, dendritic excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) elicit delayed APs compared with calyceal EPSCs. Together with high- and low-threshold voltage-gated K(+) currents, we suggest that the function of the MNTB dendrite is to improve high-fidelity firing, and our modelling results indicate that an active dendrite could contribute to a `dual` firing mode for MNTB cells (an instantaneous response to calyceal inputs and a delayed response to non-calyceal dendritic excitatory postsynaptic potentials).