947 resultados para Amplify-and-Forward


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A construction of a new family of distributed space time codes (DSTCs) having full diversity and low Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity is provided for the two phase based cooperative diversity protocols of Jing-Hassibi and the recently proposed Generalized Non-orthogonal Amplify and Forward (GNAF) protocol of Rajan et al. The salient feature of the proposed DSTCs is that they satisfy the extra constraints imposed by the protocols and are also four-group ML decodable which leads to significant reduction in ML decoding complexity compared to all existing DSTC constructions. Moreover these codes have uniform distribution of power among the relays as well as in time. Also, simulations results indicate that these codes perform better in comparison with the only known DSTC with the same rate and decoding complexity, namely the Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Design (CIOD). Furthermore, they perform very close to DSTCs from field extensions which have same rate but higher decoding complexity.


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Distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) from complex orthogonal designs (CODs) (both square and nonsquare), coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs), and Clifford unitary weight designs (CUWDs) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using amplify and forward protocol. For such networks, in this paper, three new classes of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are constructed: TSE-CODs, TSE-CIODs, and TSE-CUWDs. The proposed codes include the training symbols inside the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain the SSD property along with the channel estimation capability. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations and the constellations for which TSE-CIODs and TSE-CUWDs offer full-diversity are characterized. It is shown that DSTBCs from nonsquare TSE-CODs provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) when compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks. Important from the practical point of view, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain any zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on/off transitions within every codeword, and, thus, avoid the antenna switching problem.


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An overview of space-time code construction based on cyclic division algebras (CDA) is presented. Applications of such space-time codes to the construction of codes optimal under the diversity-multiplexing gain (D-MG) tradeoff, to the construction of the so-called perfect space-time codes, to the construction of optimal space-time codes for the ARQ channel as well as to the construction of codes optimal for the cooperative relay network channel are discussed. We also present a construction of optimal codes based on CDA for a class of orthogonal amplify and forward (OAF) protocols for the cooperative relay network


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In this work, we construct a unified family of cooperative diversity coding schemes for implementing the orthogonal amplify-and-forward and the orthogonal selection-decode-and-forward strategies in cooperative wireless networks. We show that, as the number of users increases, these schemes meet the corresponding optimal high-SNR outage region, and do so with minimal order of signaling complexity. This is an improvement over all outage-optimal schemes which impose exponential increases in signaling complexity for every new network user. Our schemes, which are based on commutative algebras of normal matrices, satisfy the outage-related information theoretic criteria, the duplex-related coding criteria, and maintain reduced signaling, encoding and decoding complexities


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio (CR) network. However, unlike conventional relaying, the state of the links between the relay and the primary receiver affects the choice of the relay. Further, while the optimal amplify-and-forward (AF) relay selection rule for underlay CR is well understood for the peak interference-constraint, this is not so for the less conservative average interference constraint. For the latter, we present three novel AF relay selection (RS) rules, namely, symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal, inverse-of-affine (IOA), and linear rules. We analyze the SEPs of the IOA and linear rules and also develop a novel, accurate approximation technique for analyzing the performance of AF relays. Extensive numerical results show that all the three rules outperform several RS rules proposed in the literature and generalize the conventional AF RS rule.


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio network. We present a novel and optimal relay selection (RS) rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained underlay secondary system that uses amplify-and-forward relays. A key point that the rule highlights for the first time is that, for the average interference constraint, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) of the direct source-to-destination (SI)) link affects the choice of the optimal relay. Furthermore, as the SINR increases, the odds that no relay transmits increase. We also propose a simpler, more practical, and near-optimal variant of the optimal rule that requires just one bit of feedback about the state of the SD link to the relays. Compared to the SD-unaware ad hoc RS rules proposed in the literature, the proposed rules markedly reduce the SEP by up to two orders of magnitude.


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This paper elaborates on the ergodic capacity of fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop systems, which have recently attracted considerable research and industry interest. In particular, two novel capacity bounds that allow for fast and efficient computation and apply for nonidentically distributed hops are derived. More importantly, they are generic since they apply to a wide range of popular fading channel models. Specifically, the proposed upper bound applies to Nakagami-m, Weibull, and generalized-K fading channels, whereas the proposed lower bound is more general and applies to Rician fading channels. Moreover, it is explicitly demonstrated that the proposed lower and upper bounds become asymptotically exact in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Based on our analytical expressions and numerical results, we gain valuable insights into the impact of model parameters on the capacity of fixed-gain AF dual-hop relaying systems. © 2011 IEEE.


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In this paper, we investigate a multiuser cognitive relay network with direct source-destination links and multiple primary destinations. In this network, multiple secondary users compete to communicate with a secondary destination assisted by an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. We take into account the availability of direct links from the secondary users to the primary and secondary destinations. For the considered system, we select one best secondary user to maximize the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the secondary destination. We first derive an accurate lower bound of the outage probability, and then provide an asymptotic expression of outage probability in high SNR region. From the lower bound and the asymptotic expressions, we obtain several insights into the system design. Numerical and simulation results are finally demonstrated to verify the proposed studies.


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Physical transceivers have hardware impairments that create distortions which degrade the performance of communication systems. The vast majority of technical contributions in the area of relaying neglect hardware impairments and, thus, assume ideal hardware. Such approximations make sense in low-rate systems, but can lead to very misleading results when analyzing future high-rate systems. This paper quantifies the impact of hardware impairments on dual-hop relaying, for both amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward protocols. The outage probability (OP) in these practical scenarios is a function of the effective end-to-end signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR). This paper derives new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic OPs, accounting for hardware impairments at the source, relay, and destination. A similar analysis for the ergodic capacity is also pursued, resulting in new upper bounds. We assume that both hops are subject to independent but non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading. This paper validates that the performance loss is small at low rates, but otherwise can be very substantial. In particular, it is proved that for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the end-to-end SNDR converges to a deterministic constant, coined the SNDR ceiling, which is inversely proportional to the level of impairments. This stands in contrast to the ideal hardware case in which the end-to-end SNDR grows without bound in the high-SNR regime. Finally, we provide fundamental design guidelines for selecting hardware that satisfies the requirements of a practical relaying system.


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We consider the problem of secure transmission in two-hop amplify-and-forward untrusted relay networks. We analyze the ergodic secrecy capacity (ESC) and present compact expressions for the ESC in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. We also examine the impact of large scale antenna arrays at either the source or the destination. For large antenna arrays at the source, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the relay and the destination. For very large antenna arrays at the destination, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the source and the relay.


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Hardware impairments in physical transceivers are known to have a deleterious effect on communication systems; however, very few contributions have investigated their impact on relaying. This paper quantifies the impact of transceiver impairments in a two-way amplify-and-forward configuration. More specifically, the effective signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratios at both transmitter nodes are obtained. These are used to deduce exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions for the outage probabilities (OPs), as well as tractable formulations for the symbol error rates (SERs). It is explicitly shown that non-zero lower bounds on the OP and SER exist in the high-power regime---this stands in contrast to the special case of ideal hardware, where the OP and SER go asymptotically to zero.


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We analyze the performance of dual-hop two-way amplify-and-forward relaying in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, two power allocation schemes, namely, fixed power allocation and instantaneous power allocation, are proposed to improve the system reliability and robustness against IQI under a total transmit power constraint. For each proposed scheme, the outage probability is investigated over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami- m fading channels, and exact closed-form expressions and bounds are derived. Our theoretical analysis indicates that, without IQI compensation, IQI can create fundamental performance limits on two-way relaying. However, these limits can be avoided by performing IQI compensation at source nodes. Compared with the equal power allocation scheme, our numerical results show that the two proposed power allocation schemes can significantly improve the outage performance, thus reducing the IQI effects, particularly when the total power budget is large.


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We analyze the performance of amplify-and-forward dual-hop relaying systems in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, an exact analytical expression for and tight lower bounds on the outage probability are derived over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels. Moreover, tractable upper and lower bounds on the ergodic capacity are presented at arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Some special cases of practical interest (e.g., Rayleigh and Nakagami-0.5 fading) are also studied. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the high SNR regime, where we observe that IQI results in a ceiling effect on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), which depends only on the level of I/Q impairments, i.e., the joint image rejection ratio. Finally, the optimal I/Q amplitude and phase mismatch parameters are provided for maximizing the SINR ceiling, thus improving the system performance. An interesting observation is that, under a fixed total phase mismatch constraint, it is optimal to have the same level of transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) phase mismatch at the relay node, while the optimal values for the TX and RX amplitude mismatch should be inversely proportional to each other.


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We study a two-way relay network (TWRN), where distributed space-time codes are constructed across multiple relay terminals in an amplify-and-forward mode. Each relay transmits a scaled linear combination of its received symbols and their conjugates,with the scaling factor chosen based on automatic gain control. We consider equal power allocation (EPA) across the relays, as well as the optimal power allocation (OPA) strategy given access to instantaneous channel state information (CSI). For EPA, we derive an upper bound on the pairwise-error-probability (PEP), from which we prove that full diversity is achieved in TWRNs. This result is in contrast to one-way relay networks, in which case a maximum diversity order of only unity can be obtained. When instantaneous CSI is available at the relays, we show that the OPA which minimizes the conditional PEP of the worse link can be cast as a generalized linear fractional program, which can be solved efficiently using the Dinkelback-type procedure.We also prove that, if the sum-power of the relay terminals is constrained, then the OPA will activate at most two relays.


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In this paper, we investigate half-duplex two-way dual-hop channel state information (CSI)-assisted amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase (I/Q) imbalance. A compensation approach for the I/Q imbalance is proposed, which employs the received signals together with their conjugations to detect the desired signal. We also derive the average symbol error probability of the considered half-duplex two-way dual-hop CSI-assisted AF relaying networks with and without compensation for I/Q imbalance in Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results are provided and show that the proposed compensation method mitigates the impact of I/Q imbalance to a certain extent.