959 resultados para American film
In addition to particle size and surface chemistry, the shape of particles plays an important role in their wetting and displacement by the surfactant film in the lung. The role of particle shape was the subject of our investigations using a model system consisting of a modified Langmuir-Wilhelmy surface balance. We measured the influence of sharp edges (lines) and other highly curved surfaces, including sharp corners or spikes, of different particles on the spreading of a dipalmitoylphosphatidyl (DPPC) film. The edges of cylindrical sapphire plates (circular curved edges, 1.65 mm radius) were wetted at a surface tension of 10.7 mJ/m2 (standard error (SE) = 0.45, n = 20) compared with that of 13.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.20, n = 20) for cubic sapphire plates (straight linear edges, edge length 3 mm) (p < 0.05). The top surfaces of the sapphire plates (cubic and cylindrical) were wetted at 8.4 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.54, n = 20) and 9.1 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.50, n = 20), respectively, but the difference was not significant (p > 0.05). The surfaces of the plates showed significantly higher resistance to spreading compared to that of the edges, as substantially lower surface tensions were required to initiate wetting (p < 0.05). Similar results were found for talc particles, were the edges of macro- and microcrystalline particles were wetted at 7.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) and 8.2 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.30, n = 20) (p > 0.05), respectively, whereas the surfaces were wetted at 3.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.89, n = 20) and 5.8 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 20) (p < 0.05), respectively. Further experiments with pollen of malvaceae and maize (spiky and fine knobbly surfaces) were wetted at 10.0 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.52, n = 10) and 22.75 mJ/m2 (SE = 0.81, n = 10), respectively (p < 0.05). These results show that resistance to spreading of a DPPC film on various surfaces is dependent on the extent these surfaces are curved. This is seen with cubic sapphire plates which have at their corners a radius of curvature of about 0.75 microm, spiky malvaceae pollen with an even smaller radius on top of their spikes, or talc with various highly curved surfaces. These highly curved surfaces resisted wetting by the DPPC film to a higher degree than more moderately curved surfaces such as those of cylindrical sapphire plates, maize pollens, or polystyrene spheres, which have a surface free energy similar to that of talc but a smooth surface. The macroscopic plane surfaces of the particles demonstrated the greatest resistance to spreading. This was explained by the extremely fine grooves in the nanometer range, as revealed by electron microscopy. In summary, to understand the effects of airborne particles retained on the surfaces of the respiratory tract, and ultimately their pathological potential, not only the particle size and surface chemistry but also the particle shape should be taken in consideration.
Aids steht für die letzte grosse Krise der westlichen Welt im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. Heute hat sich die Situation normalisiert: Aus der verheerenden Seuche ist eine zwar ernste, doch einschätzbare Krankheit geworden. Im Rückblick zeigen sich die dreissig Jahre des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Aids als dicht gedrängte Zeit, in der der Umgang mit der neuen, höchst bedrohlich erscheinenden Krankheit ausgehandelt wurde. Der Band zeichnet die Entwicklung des Aids-Diskurses im deutschsprachigen Raum von den Anfängen in den 1980er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart nach. In der Rückschau werden die dominanten Strömungen und Gegenströmungen charakterisiert und die entscheidenden Drehpunkte des Diskurses akzentuiert. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dem Beitrag von Literatur, Theater und Film zur gesellschaftlichen Verarbeitung von Aids. Die systematische Analyse macht die komplexen Wechselverhältnisse zwischen den Massenmedien, den fiktionalen Gattungen sowie der medizinischen Kommunikation sichtbar. Die regelmässige Wiederkehr von epidemischen Szenarien – BSE, SARS, Vogel- und Schweinegrippe und jüngst EHEC – zeigt, dass ein prüfender Blick auf die sich wiederholenden dramaturgischen Muster der Auseinandersetzung mit ansteckenden Krankheiten nottut. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt das gleichermassen auf wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit wie auf Anschaulichkeit und Allgemeinverständlichkeit angelegte Buch zur kritischen Reflexion der jüngsten Zeitgeschichte bei.
Gegenstand / Untersuchungskorpus Die massenmediale Aufbereitung von Aids ist bereits seit den Anfängen der geisteswissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit diesem Thema ein zentraler Gegenstand kritischer Betrachtung. Demgegenüber stellt sich die systematische Erforschung des Beitrages von eher fiktionalen Gattungen zur gesellschaftlichen Verarbeitung von Aids ein Forschungsdesiderat dar. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ schliesst mit der Fokussierung auf Literatur, Theater und Film diese Lücke. Die dezidiert interdisziplinäre Auswahl des Untersuchungskorpus’ liefert eine Zusammenschau der Funktionen, die diese Gattungen im Laufe der Zeit innerhalb des Aids-Diskurses übernommen haben. Die Arbeit zeigt die komplexen Wechselverhältnisse zwischen den Massenmedien, den fiktionalen Gattungen sowie der medizinischen Kommunikation auf. Fragedesign auf der Höhe der aktuellen Forschung Gegenwärtig ist erneut ein Interesse kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen am Thema Aids zu beobachten. Eine junge Forschergeneration nimmt sich des Themas an und beleuchtet die Auseinandersetzung mit Aids an Hand neuer Fragestellungen und mit neuen Methoden. Im Mittelpunkt dieser wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung stehen die reflektierte Historisierung und Kontextualisierung des Aids-Diskurses seit den 1980er-Jahren. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ positioniert sich mit ihrer Frage nach der Struktur und der Entwicklung der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Aids seit den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart innerhalb dieses aktuellen Forschungsfeldes. Die Herangehensweise unterscheidet sich damit deutlich von den Forschungen der 1990er-Jahre, die eher von Betroffenheit und/oder unmittelbarer Kritik am Aids-Diskurs in den Massenmedien geprägt war. Zugleich verschafft die kritische Re-Lektüre der zentralen Publikationen zum Thema Aids, etwa von Susan Sontag oder Sander L. Gilman, diesen eine kritische Aktualisierung. Innovatives Methodendesign Um dem interdiszplinären Korpus und der kulturwissenschaftlich inspirierten Fragestellung gerecht zu werden, entwirft die Dissertation ein innovatives Methodendesign, das diskursanalytische und systemtheoretische Ansätze mit theater-, literatur- und filmwissenschaftlichen Analyseinstrumenten synthetisiert. Dieses leistet in der Anwendung sowohl eine präzise und adäquate Tiefenanalyse der untersuchten Texte, Bilder und Filme als auch eine Auswertung dieser Ergebnisse auf einer abstrakteren Ebene, die die komplexe Struktur der Entwicklung des Aids-Diskurses seit den 1980er-Jahren bis heute überzeugend und anschaulich darlegt. Das entworfene Methodendesign lässt sich auf andere Gegenstände anwenden und verspricht ebenso präzise wie innovative Ergebnisse. Ergebnisse: Nutzen für die Öffentlichkeit Die analytische Auseinandersetzung mit der letzten grossen Seuche innerhalb der westlichen Welt birgt nicht nur in der Rückschau auf die letzten Dekaden einen Mehrwert für die Öffentlichkeit. Die regelmässige Wiederkehr von epidemischen Szenarien – BSE, SARS, Vogel- und Schweinegrippe und jüngst EHEC – zeigt, dass ein kritischer Blick auf die sich wiederholenden dramaturgischen Muster des Redens über ansteckende Krankheiten nottut. Die Dissertation „Dramaturgie der Seuche“ trägt dazu bei, die Muster des Seuchendiskurses zu erkennen und reflektiert und kritisch mit der Berichterstattung in den Medien wie auch mit den kursierenden Urban Legends umzugehen. Der Aufbau der Argumentation und der sprachliche Stil verbinden wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit mit Allgemeinverständlichkeit. Dadurch wird die Arbeit breit rezipierbar.
This paper explores the works of German film-maker Rosa von Praunheim during the AIDS crisis. In the 1980ies and 1990ies he produced several films portraying the gay communities in Germany and the USA in the face of AIDS. First, this paper analyses the cinematic techniques von Praunheim uses to criticise the German gay community and present the American practices of performing community as a role model for AIDS-activism. In a second step, the focus is put on von Praunheim’s autobiography and the rhetoric strategies he uses to participate in New York’s HIV-community, while being HIV-negative himself.
We study the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), the catalytic process occurring at the cathode in fuel cells, on Pt layers prepared by electrodeposition onto an Au substrate. Using a nominal Pt layer by layer deposition method previously proposed, imperfect layers of Pt on Au are obtained. The ORR on deposited Pt layers decreases with increasing Pt thickness. In the submonolayer region, however, the ORR activity is superior to that of bulk Pt. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we correlate the observed activity trend to strain, ligand, and ensemble effects. At submonolayer coverage certain atom configurations weaken the binding energies of reaction intermediates due to a ligand and ensemble effect, thus effectively increasing the ORR activity. At higher Pt coverage the activity is governed by a strain effect, which lowers the activity by decreasing the oxidation potential of water. This study is a nice example of how the influence of strain, ligand, and ensemble effects on the ORR can be deconvoluted.
Time: 6 PM – 7:30 PM | Location: Page Library, Room #100 | RSVP via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1562714160720394/ Synopsis: In this 2012 Oscar-nominated short film, Alabama barber and civil rights veteran James Armstrong experiences the fulfillment of an unimaginable dream: the election of the first African-American president. An Official Selection of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Produced in association with American Documentary | POV. A co-presentation with the National Black Programming Consortia.
Film-based photographic collections of nitrate negatives pose major challenges to preservation and access because of unstable media and the lack of item-level indexing. Digitization offers an opportunity to capture the content of deteriorating negatives, to extend access to them, and to restore their usefulness as information resources. Digitization as a preservation strategy has been the subject of ongoing debate. This article contributes to the discussion by exploring access to and the preservation of film-based photographic collections and by presenting the digiti- zation project at the American Geographical Society Library as a case study. The project, Saving and Sharing the AGS Library’s Historic Nitrate Negative Images, was undertaken from 2010 to 2012 to preserve and provide access to over 69,000 nitrate negatives from its historic collections.
Annual report of the American High Commissioner at Port au Prince, Haiti, to the Secretary of State.
Vol. for 1922 has title: Report of the American High Commissioner at Port au Prince, Haiti.
Vols. for 1893-1894 combined in one issue.
The chemolithoautotrophic bacterium NT-26 (isolated from a gold mine in the Northern Territory of Australia) is unusual in that it acquires energy by oxidizing arsenite to arsenate while most other arsenic-oxidizing organisms perform this reaction as part of a detoxification mechanism against the potentially harmful arsenite [present as As(OH)(3) at neutral pH]. The enzyme that performs this reaction in NT-26 is the molybdoenzyme arsenite oxidase, and it has been previously isolated and characterized. Here we report the direct (unmediated) electrochemistry of NT-26 arsenite oxidase confined to the surface of a pyrolytic graphite working electrode. We have been able to demonstrate that the enzyme functions natively while adsorbed on the electrode where it displays stable and reproducible catalytic electrochemistry in the presence of arsenite. We report a pH dependence of the catalytic electrochemical potential of -33 mV/pH unit that is indicative of proton-coupled electron transfer. We also have performed catalytic voltammetry at a number of temperatures between 5 and 25 degrees C, and the catalytic current (proportional to the turnover number) follows simple Arrhenius behavior.
Effect of a commercially available warm compress on eyelid temperature and tear film in healthy eyes
Purpose: To evaluate eyelid temperature change and short-term effects on tear film stability and lipid layer thickness in healthy patients using a commercially available warm compress (MGDRx EyeBag) for ophthalmic use. Methods: Eyelid temperature, noninvasive tear film breakup time (NITBUT), and tear film lipid layer thickness (TFLLT) of 22 healthy subjects were measured at baseline, immediately after, and 10 minutes after application of a heated eyebag for 5 minutes to one eye selected at random. A nonheated eyebag was applied to the contralateral eye as a control. Results: Eyelid temperatures, NITBUT, and TFLLT increased significantly from baseline in test eyes immediately after removal of the heated eyebag compared with those in control eyes (maximum temperature change, 2.3 +/- 1.2[degrees]C vs. 0.3 +/- 0.5[degrees]C, F = 20.533, p < 0.001; NITBUT change, 4.0 +/- 2.3 seconds vs. 0.4 +/- 1.7 seconds, p < 0.001; TFLLT change, 2.0 +/- 0.9 grades vs. 0.1 +/- 0.4 grades, Z = -4.035, p < 0.001). After 10 minutes, measurements remained significantly higher than those in controls (maximum temperature change, 1.0 +/- 0.7[degrees]C vs. 0.1 +/- 0.3[degrees]C, F = 14.247, p < 0.001; NITBUT change, 3.6 +/- 2.1 seconds vs. 0.1 +/- 1.9 seconds, p < 0.001; TFLLT change, 1.5 +/- 0.9 vs. 0.2 +/- 0.5 grades, Z = -3.835, p < 0.001). No adverse events occurred during the study. Conclusions: The MGDRx EyeBag is a simple device for heating the eyelids, resulting in increased NITBUT and TFLLT in subjects without meibomian gland dysfunction that seem to be clinically significant. Future studies are required to determine clinical efficacy and evaluate safety after long-term therapy in meibomian gland dysfunction patients. © 2013 American Academy of Optometry
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the longitudinal changes in ocular physiology, tear film characteristics, and symptomatology experienced by neophyte silicone hydrogel (SiH) contact lens wearers in a daily-wear compared with a continuous-wear modality and with the different commercially available lenses over an 18-month period. Methods. Forty-five neophyte subjects were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to wear one of two SiH materials: lotrafilcon A or balafilcon A lenses on either a daily- (LDW; BDW) or continuous-wear (LCW; BCW) basis. Additionally, a group of noncontact lens-wearing subjects (control group) was also recruited and followed over the same study period. Objective and subjective grading of ocular physiology were carried out together with tear meniscus height (TMH) and noninvasive tear breakup time (NITBUT). Subjects also subjectively rated symptoms and judgments with lens wear. After initial screening, subsequent measurements were taken after 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months. Results. Subjective and objective grading of ocular physiology revealed a small increase in bulbar, limbal, and palpebral hyperemia as well as corneal staining over time with both lens materials and regimes of wear (p < 0.05). No significant changes in NITBUT or TMH were found (p > 0.05). Subjective symptoms and judgment were not material- or modality-specific. Conclusions. Daily and continuous wear of SiH contact lenses induced small but statistically significant changes in ocular physiology and symptomatology. Clinical measures of tear film characteristics were unaffected by lens wear. Both materials and regimes of wear showed similar clinical performance. Long-term SiH contact lens wear is shown to be a successful option for patients. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Optometry.
Effect of a commercially available warm compress on eyelid temperature and tear film in healthy eyes
PURPOSE: To evaluate eyelid temperature change and short-term effects on tear film stability and lipid layer thickness in healthy patients using a commercially available warm compress (MGDRx EyeBag) for ophthalmic use. METHODS: Eyelid temperature, noninvasive tear film breakup time (NITBUT), and tear film lipid layer thickness (TFLLT) of 22 healthy subjects were measured at baseline, immediately after, and 10 minutes after application of a heated eyebag for 5 minutes to one eye selected at random. A nonheated eyebag was applied to the contralateral eye as a control. RESULTS: Eyelid temperatures, NITBUT, and TFLLT increased significantly from baseline in test eyes immediately after removal of the heated eyebag compared with those in control eyes (maximum temperature change, 2.3 ± 1.2 °C vs. 0.3 ± 0.5 °C, F = 20.533, p <0.001; NITBUT change, 4.0 ± 2.3 seconds vs. 0.4 ± 1.7 seconds, p <0.001; TFLLT change, 2.0 ± 0.9 grades vs. 0.1 ± 0.4 grades, Z = -4.035, p <0.001). After 10 minutes, measurements remained significantly higher than those in controls (maximum temperature change, 1.0 ± 0.7 °C vs. 0.1 ± 0.3 °C, F = 14.247, p <0.001; NITBUT change, 3.6 ± 2.1 seconds vs. 0.1 ± 1.9 seconds, p <0.001; TFLLT change, 1.5 ± 0.9 vs. 0.2 ± 0.5 grades, Z = -3.835, p <0.001). No adverse events occurred during the study. CONCLUSIONS: The MGDRx EyeBag is a simple device for heating the eyelids, resulting in increased NITBUT and TFLLT in subjects without meibomian gland dysfunction that seem to be clinically significant. Future studies are required to determine clinical efficacy and evaluate safety after long-term therapy in meibomian gland dysfunction patients. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Optometry.
This flyer promotes the screening of the film "In Dreams Awake", A documentary film about artist Humberto Calzada directed and written by Anabel Leal and Reinaldo Cruz. This event A panel discussion with the artist, as well as the directors and writers of the documentary will followed the film screening. This event was cosponsored by the Frost Art Museum, the Center for the Humanities in an Urban Environment, and WPBT2.