990 resultados para Ambulatory Care
We know very little about the importance of history and physical examination compared to the importance of paraclinical tests in the diagnostic process in primary care. To answer this question, we examined prospectively 672 consecutive patients with chest pain in primary care. We recorded the timing and the clinical characteristics of the most frequent diagnosis. The resort to laboratory or other clinical tests and reference to specialist were influenced by: emergency consultation, potentially life-threatening aetiology, personal characteristics of the general practitioners' (GP) and patients' anxiety. GPs attributed the diagnosis to history and physical examination alone in 66% and to the association of history, physical examination and tests in 31% cases. This, clinical strategy remains the most important factor in the diagnostic process; even when they are insufficient, they allowed to generate hypotheses and guide investigations.
Background Medication adherence is a complex, dynamic and changing behaviour that is affected by a variety of factors, including the patient's beliefs and life circumstances. Studies have highlighted barriers to medication adherence (e.g., unmanaged side effects or a lack of social support), as well as facilitators of medication adherence (e.g., technical simplicity of treatment and psychological acceptance of the disease). Since August 2004, in Lausanne (Switzerland), physicians have referred patients who are either experiencing or are at risk of experiencing problems with their HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) to a routine interdisciplinary ART adherence programme. This programme consists of multifactorial intervention including electronic drug monitoring (MEMS(TM)). Objective This study's objective was to identify the barriers and facilitators encountered by HIV patients with suboptimal medication adherence (≤90 % adherence over the study period). Setting The community pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne (Switzerland). Method The study consisted of a retrospective, qualitative, thematic content analysis of pharmacists' notes that were taken during semi-structured interviews with patients and conducted as part of the ART adherence programme between August 2004 and May 2008. Main outcome measure Barriers and facilitators encountered by HIV patients. Results Barriers to and facilitators of adherence were identified for the 17 included patients. These factors fell into three main categories: (1) cognitive, emotional and motivational; (2) environmental, organisational and social; and (3) treatment and disease. Conclusion The pharmacists' notes revealed that diverse barriers and facilitators were discussed during medication adherence interviews. Indeed, the results showed that the 17 non-adherent patients encountered barriers and benefited from facilitators. Therefore, pharmacists should inquire about all factors, regardless of whether they have a negative or a positive impact on medication adherence, and should consider all dimensions of patient adherence. The simultaneous strengthening of facilitators and better management of barriers may allow healthcare providers to tailor care to a patient's specific needs and support each individual patient in improving his medication-related behaviour.
OBJECTIVE: The Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) evaluates patients' self-report of their ability to detect and correct misinterpretation. Our study aims to confirm the factor structure and the convergent validity of the original scale in a French-speaking environment. METHOD: Outpatients (n = 158) suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders fulfilled the BCIS. The 51 patients in Montpellier were equally assessed with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) by a psychiatrist who was blind of the BCIS scores. RESULTS: The fit indices of the confirmatory factor analysis validated the 2-factor solution reported by the developers of the scale with inpatients, and in another study with middle-aged and older outpatients. The BCIS composite index was significantly negatively correlated with the clinical insight item of the PANSS. CONCLUSIONS: The French translation of the BCIS appears to have acceptable psychometric properties and gives additional support to the scale, as well as cross-cultural validity for its use with outpatients suffering from schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. The correlation between clinical and composite index of cognitive insight underlines the multidimensional nature of clinical insight. Cognitive insight does not recover clinical insight but is a potential target for developing psychological treatments that will improve clinical insight.
Background and objective: Oral anti-cancer treatments have expanded rapidly over the last years. While taking oral tablets at home ensures a better quality of life, it also exposes patients to the risk of sub-optimal adherence. The objective of this study is to assess how well ambulatory cancer patients execute their prescribed dosing regimen while they are engaged with continuous anti-cancer treatments. Design: This is an on-going longitudinal study. Consecutive patients starting an oral treatment are proposed to enter the study by the oncologist. Then they are referred to the pharmacy, where their oral anticancer treatment is dispensed in a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMSTM), which records date and time of each opening of the drug container. Electronically compiled dosing history data from the MEMS are summarized and used as feedback during semistructured interviews with the pharmacist, which are dedicated to prevention and management of side effects. Interviews are scheduled before each medical visit. Report of the interview is available to the oncologist via an on-line secured portal. Setting: Seamless care approach between a Multidisciplinary Oncology Center and the Pharmacy of an Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine Department. Main outcome measures: For each patient, the comparison between the electronically compiled dosing history and the prescribed regimen was summarized using a daily binary indicator indicating whether yes or no the patient has taken the medication as prescribed. Results: Study started in March 2008. Among 22 eligible patients, 19 were included (11 men, median age 63 years old) and 3 (14%) refused to participate. 15 patients were prescribed a QD regimen, 3 patients a BID and 1 patient switched from QD to BID during follow-up. Median follow up was 182 days (IQR 72-252). Early discontinuation happened in four patients: side effects (n = 1), psychiatric reasons (n = 1), cancer progression (n = 1) and death (n = 1). On average, the daily number of medications was taken as prescribed in 99% of the follow-up days. Conclusions: Execution of the prescribed dosing regimens was almost perfect during the first 6 months. Maintaining this high degree of regimen execution and persistence over time might however be challenging in this population and need therefore to be confirmed in larger and longer follow-up cohort studies.
PURPOSE: To predict the risk of an adolescent patient to miss an appointment, based on the previous appointments and on the characteristics of the patient and the appointment. METHODS: Two thousand one hundred ninety-three (1873 females) patients aged 12 to 20 years having scheduled at least four appointments were included. We assessed the rate of missed nonexcused appointments of each patient. Second, a Markovian multilevel model was used to predict the risk of defaulting. RESULTS: Forty-five percent of the patients have not missed even once, and 14% of females and 17% of males have missed >25% of their appointments. Females show two types of behaviors (an abstract concept that groups individuals based on a combination of their appointment-keeping and their recorded type of healthcare need) depending on the diagnosis. Somatic, gynecology, violence, and counseling diagnoses are mostly grouped together. In this group, having already missed and having an appointment with a paramedical provider increases the risk of missing. In the second group (eating disorders and psychiatric diagnoses) having already missed and a longer delay between appointments influence the risk of missing, although the risk is lower for this latter group. Males only show one type of behavior regarding missed appointments. Having missed a previous appointment, being older, having cancelled the next to last appointment and the type of diagnosis explain the risk of missing. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have already defaulted have a higher risk of defaulting again. Means of control regarding missed appointments should consequently focus on defaulters, to decrease the associated workload. Reminders could be a solution for the follow-up appointments scheduled with a long delay.
Interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) can give indeterminate results. The prevalence of indeterminate test results (ITRs) among T-SPOT.TB tests was assessed. A retrospective analysis of samples processed in 2005 was performed. ITRs were assessed by age, sex, immunosuppression, distance to the laboratory and season. A subgroup of tests performed for specific indications (contact tracing, migrants with positive tuberculin skin test, TB suspects and immunosuppression) were analysed separately. Of a total of 1,429 tests, 49 (3.4%) were indeterminate. ITRs were significantly associated with old age (>75 versus 5-75 yrs; odds ratio (OR) 7.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.968-15.438) and the season during which samples were transported (autumn and winter versus spring and summer; OR 3.47, 95% CI 1.753-7.514). The incidence of ITR was 302 (2.0%) among TB contacts, 75 (1.6%) among immigrants, 156 (3.0%) in TB suspects and 32 (3.0%) among immunosuppressed patients. Sex, young age and distance to the laboratory were not associated with the rate of ITR. Of the 13 tests with ITR that were repeated, 10 gave a clear positive or negative result. Indeterminate test results with T-SPOT.TB under routine conditions were infrequent and more common in individuals aged >75 yrs than in children and younger adults. The incidence of indeterminate test results was low and similar among healthy tuberculosis contacts, immigrants with a positive tuberculin skin test, tuberculosis suspects and the immunosuppressed. The conditions of transportation may influence the incidence of indeterminate test results.
OBJECTIVES: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a high resource consumption, with considerable costs for the healthcare system. In a system with sparse resources, treatment is influenced not only by clinical judgement but also by resource consumption. We aimed to determine the resource consumption of IBD patients and to identify its significant predictors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from the prospective Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study were analysed for the resource consumption endpoints hospitalization and outpatient consultations at enrolment [1187 patients; 41.1% ulcerative colitis (UC), 58.9% Crohn's disease (CD)] and at 1-year follow-up (794 patients). Predictors of interest were chosen through an expert panel and a review of the relevant literature. Logistic regressions were used for binary endpoints, and negative binomial regressions and zero-inflated Poisson regressions were used for count data. RESULTS: For CD, fistula, use of biologics and disease activity were significant predictors for hospitalization days (all P-values <0.001); age, sex, steroid therapy and biologics were significant predictors for the number of outpatient visits (P=0.0368, 0.023, 0.0002, 0.0003, respectively). For UC, biologics, C-reactive protein, smoke quitters, age and sex were significantly predictive for hospitalization days (P=0.0167, 0.0003, 0.0003, 0.0076 and 0.0175 respectively); disease activity and immunosuppressive therapy predicted the number of outpatient visits (P=0.0009 and 0.0017, respectively). The results of multivariate regressions are shown in detail. CONCLUSION: Several highly significant clinical predictors for resource consumption in IBD were identified that might be considered in medical decision-making. In terms of resource consumption and its predictors, CD and UC show a different behaviour.
To assess religious coping in schizophrenia, we developed and tested a clinical grid, as no validated questionnaire exists for this population. One hundred fifteen outpatients were interviewed. Results obtained by 2 clinicians were compared. Religion was central in the lives of 45% of patients, 60% used religion extensively to cope with their illness. Religion is a multifaceted construct. Principal component analysis elicited 4 factors: subjective dimension, collective dimension, synergy with psychiatric treatment, and ease of talking about religion with psychiatrist. Different associations were found between these factors and psychopathology, substance abuse, and psychosocial adaptation. The high prevalence of spirituality and religious coping clearly indicates the necessity of addressing spirituality in patient care. Our clinical grid is suitable for this purpose. It proved its applicability to a broad diversity of religious beliefs, even pathological ones. Interjudge reliability and construct validity were high and specific training is not required.
Objectifs du guide de prévention: Offrir aux médecins de premier recours, et en particulier à ceux du groupe AMI [Association des médecins indépendants], un document sur la médecine préventive qui établit les modalités pratiques d'une approche individuelle au cabinet individuel, selon une perspective de standard de qualité. Offrir aux patients de 50 ans un contrôle de santé et un conseil médical aptes à leur donner les moyens d'acquérir des aptitudes pour mieux contrôler leur santé. [Table des matières] Préambule. Corpus scientifique (la prévention en pratique clinique et la médecine fondée sur les preuves; etc.). Illustration de quelques facteurs peu scientifiques qui influencent le choix des examens préventifs par le médecin traitant. Recommandations pour la prévention dans le bilan de santé à 50 ans. Annexes: Fiches de prévention (consommation à risque et alcoolo-dépendance; dépistage du cancer du sein; désaccoutumance au tabac: algorithmes; vaccinations de routine de l'adulte).
Les maladies rhumatismales sont fréquemment observées chez les personnes âgées et ont un impact considérable sur la qualité de vie des personnes en souffrant. Peu d'études suisses sur la situation épidémiologique et sur l'impact de ce type de maladies sur la consommation des services de santé existent. Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier les connaissances actuelles à partir de la littérature suisse et étrangère et d'établir un bilan en Suisse au moyen d'une enquête de population effectuée en 1997. Une revue systématique de littérature a été effectuée. En dépit d'une grande variété des approches méthodologiques rendant délicates les comparaisons géographiques et temporelles, la prévalence des maladies rhumatismales chez les personnes de 65 ans et plus semble être homogène entre pays et stable temporellement. particulièrement dès 1980. Celle-ci est élevée et augmente rapidement avec le très grand âge. De plus, les femmes sont plus fréquemment atteintes que les hommes. Notre revue montre que le recours aux soins ambulatoires (médecins, chiropraticiens, traitements ambulatoires des hôpitaux) lié aux maladies rhumatismales est important. L'impact de ces maladies sur les hospitalisations est, par contre, moins clairement établi. Les nouvelles générations de personnes en souffrant semblent avoir plus recours aux services de santé que les précédentes. Ces maladies sont aussi à l'origine d'une forte consommation d'anti-inflammatoires non-stéroïdiens avec comme conséquence une multitude de complications. En dépit de son efficacité et de son utilité, le recours à l'arthroplastie est sous- utilisé. Notre analyse se base sur une enquête réalisée auprès d'un échantillon représentatif des individus âgés de 15 ans et plus résidant de manière permanente en Suisse en 1997 : la prévalence des maladies rhumatismales en Suisse s'élève à 41 % chez les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus, dont 48 % chez les femmes et 31 % chez les hommes. Ces prévalences sont inférieures à celles relevées dans la littérature probablement en raison de notre définition relativement restrictive des maladies rhumatismales. Ces dernières augmentent de 50 % le nombre attendu de consultations chez un médecin ou un chiropraticien et de 30 % le nombre attendu d'hospitalisations. Les personnes souffrantes ont. en outre, une probabilité de recours aux services de Soins à domicile 1,7 fois plus élevé que les autres. Aucun impact sur le nombre de traitements ambulatoires en milieu hospitalier n'a été trouvé. Nos résultats sont comparables à ceux relevés dans la littérature internationale et suisse, sauf pour les traitements ambulatoires des hôpitaux. En 1990, sur les 983'400 personnes de 65 ans et plus (recensement fédéral de la population de 1990), 403'200 personnes souffraient de maladies rhumatismales. Quelque 5'334'900 consultations chez un médecin ou un chiropraticien, 4'959'300 consultations chez un médecin et 216'800 hospitalisations étaient imputables aux personnes de 65 ans et plus toutes causes de consultations confondues, dont 1'008'000 consultations chez un médecin/chiropraticien, 927'300 chez un médecin et 98'500 hospitalisations imputables aux maladies rhumatismales. Selon ie scénario (( tendance )) des projections démographiques publiées par l'Office Fédéral de la Statistique. d'ici 2040, le nombre de personnes souffrant de maladies rhumatismales en Suisse risque d'augmenter de 80 % (en supposant que la prévalence reste stable), affectant 726'500 sur 1'772'000 personnes de 65 ans et plus. Cette augmentation est la conséquence de l'accroissement prévu de la population de 65 ans et plus dans la population générale. Le nombre global de consultatiordhospitalisations risque d'augmenter dans les mêmes proportions si le recours aux services de santé reste stable. En effet. en 2040, quelque 9'613'100 consultations chez un médecinichiropraticien, 8'936'200 consultations chez un médecin et 390'700 hospitalisations pourraient être imputables aux personnes de 65 ans et plus. dont 1'8 16'300 consultations chez un médecin/chiropraticien, 1'67 1'000 consultations chez un médecin et 1 90'600 hospitalisations en raison de maladies rhumatismales. Une légère diminution du nombre de personnes atteintes de maladies rhumatismales. ainsi que du recours aux services de santé engendré par ces maladies. est attendue dès 3040. Le nombre de personnes souffrant de maladies rhumatismales et le nombre de consultations/ hospitalisations associées risquant d'augmenter de façon considérable, il est nécessaire de freiner cette progression. Des mesures préventives primaires, secondaires ou tertiaires peuvent diminuer la prévalence des maladies rhumatismales et l'impact de celles-ci sur la consommation des services de santé.<br/><br/>Rheumatic diseases are frequently observed in elderly people and have an important impact on tlieir life qurlity. There are fe1.v Swiss stuciies on the epiciemio!ogica! situttien and on the impact of such diseases on the use of health services. This thesis aims at studying the current knowledge based on Swiss and international literature and at establishing the situation in Switzerland from a population survey conducted in 1997. A systeinatic literature review lias been carried out. Despite a large range of methods making a comparisoii diffcult, the prevalence of rheumatic diseases seems to be homogeneous in different countries and stable. especially since 1980. It is high and increases rapidly with age. Furthermore, \niorneil suffer more frequently thaii men. Our review shows that the use of ambulatory care linked to rheumatic diseases is important. On the contrary, the impact of such diseases on hospitalization is less clearly established. New generations seem to consult more. Rheumatic diseases are also at the origin of a strong consumptioii of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs \vitIl potential severe consequences. Despite its effectiveness and efficiency, arthroplasty is underused. Our analysis is based 011 a survey of Swiss permanent residents aged 15 or more in 1997. Based on Our analysis, the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in Switzerland is 41 % for elderly people (48 96 for women and 31 % for men). Theses prevalences are smaller than those found in the literature because of our relatively strict definition of rheumatic diseases. The latter diseases increase of about 50 o/o the expected number of consultations (chiropractor included or not) and of about 30 960 the expected number of hospitalizations. The affected persons have a probability of home care use 1.7 times higlier than the others. No impact on the number of outpatient care provided by hospitals has been found. Our results are comparable to those found in the international and Swiss literature, except for hospital outpatient care. In 1990, of 983,400 perçons aged 65 and older, 403,200 persons suffered from rheumatic diseases. 5,334,900 consultations by a physician or a chiropractor, 4,959,300 consultations by a physician and 2 16,800 hospitalizations were attributed to the elderly whatever, the reason of consultation, of which 1,008,000 consultations by a physicianlchiropractor, 927,300 by a physician, and 98,500 hospitalizations are due to rheumatic diseases. According to the "tendance" scenario of demographic projections published by the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, until 2040 the number of persons suffering from rheumatic diseases will increase of 80 % if the prevalence stays stable, affecting 736,500 of 1,772,000 perçons of 65 and older. This increase is due to the increase of the percentage of persons 65 and older in the population. The global number of consultationshospitalizations will increase similarly if the use of health services stays stable. In 2040, 9,613,l 00 consultations by a physiciaidchiropractor, 8,936,200 Consultations by a physician and 390,700 hospitalizations could be attributed to the persons aged 65 and older, of which 1,816,300 consultations by a physician, 1,671,000 consultations by a physician/chiropractor and 109,600 hospitalizations will be due to the rheumatic diseases. However a small decrease of the number of affected perçons and of the subsequent use of health services is expected after 2040. The number of affected elderly people and the volume of conçultations/hospitalizations are expected to increase and it ir necessx-y to slow down this progression. Preventive interventions, primary, secondary or tertiary, can decrease the prevalence of rheumatic diseases and the impaci on the consumption of health services.
Background: Emergency department frequent users (EDFUs) account for a disproportionally high number of emergency department (ED) visits, contributing to overcrowding and high health-care costs. At the Lausanne University Hospital, EDFUs account for only 4.4% of ED patients, but 12.1% of all ED visits. Our study tested the hypothesis that an interdisciplinary case management intervention red. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, we allocated adult EDFUs (5 or more visits in the previous 12 months) who visited the ED of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland between May 2012 and July 2013 either to an intervention (N=125) or a standard emergency care (N=125) group and monitored them for 12 months. Randomization was computer generated and concealed, and patients and research staff were blinded to the allocation. Participants in the intervention group, in addition to standard emergency care, received case management from an interdisciplinary team at baseline, and at 1, 3, and 5 months, in the hospital, in the ambulatory care setting, or at their homes. A generalized, linear, mixed-effects model for count data (Poisson distribution) was applied to compare participants' numbers of visits to the ED during the 12 months (Period 1, P1) preceding recruitment to the numbers of visits during the 12 months monitored (Period 2, P2).
Few studies have examined the workload or clinical spectrum of non-HIV infectious diseases outpatient consultations (IDOC). This retrospective study aims to describe IDOC referrals over the past 5 years. In total, 483 patients were referred (with an increase of 63% between 2009 and 2013). Most referrals were received from primary care clinicians (45%). Median patient age was 47 years, 57% of patients were men and 17% were immunosuppressed. Of the diagnoses retained, 74% were infectious, 20% were non-infectious and 6% were of unknown aetiology. Two community outbreaks were identified (tattoo-related mycobacterial infection and Q fever). In conclusion, the infectious diseases outpatient clinic, which has expanded progressively in the past 5 years, provides a specialised service for primary health clinicians and for public health.
La méconnaissance des maladies rares, définies par une prévalence inférieure à 1/2000, a été à l'origine de situations parfois très invalidantes pour les patients. Les développements de ces dernières années, tant sur le plan de la clinique que de la biologie moléculaire et de la génétique, permettent de jeter un regard neuf sur ces pathologies et d'aborder leur prise en charge en se basant sur une approche multidisciplinaire. L'angiologie n'y fait pas exception et la collaboration entre l'angiologue et les autres spécialistes concernés est essentielle pour une démarche évolutive visant à optimaliser la prise en charge de ces pathologies Little is known about the effects of smoking on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However the co-occurrence of smoking and IBD often happens in ambulatory care. Smokers have a doubled risk of developing a Crohn's disease with a more active disease course. After quitting, a decrease in risk can be observed after only one year. An inverse relationship is found between smoking and ulcerative colitis. Smoking seems protective for the development of the disease and its course is less active among smokers. Smoking cessation transitorily increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. Nevertheless, continuing smoking cannot be justified among those patients given the risks of long-term extra-digestive effects. It is thus important to counsel all smokers with an IBD to quit smoking.
The Community Pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine (Policlinique Médicale Universitaire, PMU), University of Lausanne, developed and implemented an interdisciplinary medication adherence program. The program aims to support and reinforce medication adherence through a multifactorial and interdisciplinary intervention. Motivational interviewing is combined with medication adherence electronic monitors (MEMS, Aardex MWV) and a report to patient, physician, nurse, and other pharmacists. This program has become a routine activity and was extended for use with all chronic diseases. From 2004 to 2014, there were 819 patient inclusions, and 268 patients were in follow-up in 2014. This paper aims to present the organization and program's context, statistical data, published research, and future perspectives.
It is important to identify characteristics related to poor disease control and frequent visits to the emergency department (ED). The objective of the present study was to compare the characteristics of patients attending the adult ED for treatment of asthma exacerbation with those attending an asthma specialist clinic (AC) in the same hospital, and to determine the factors associated with frequent visits to the ED. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of consecutive patients (12 years and older) attending the ED (N = 86) and the AC (N = 86). Significantly more ED patients than AC patients reported ED visits in the past year (95.3 vs 48.8%; P < 0.001) and had difficulty performing work (81.4 vs 49.4%; P < 0.001. Significantly more AC than ED patents had been treated with inhaled corticosteroids (75.6 vs 18.6%; P < 0.001) used to increase or start steroid therapy when an attack was perceived (46.5 vs 20.9%; P < 0.001) and correctly used a metered-dose inhaler (50.0 vs 11.6%; P < 0.001). The history of hospital admissions (odds ratio, OR, 4.00) and use of inhaled corticosteroids (OR, 0.27) were associated with frequent visits to the ED. In conclusion, ED patients were more likely than AC patients to be dependent on the acute use of the ED, were significantly less knowledgeable about asthma management and were more likely to suffer more severe disease. ED patients should be considered an important target for asthma education. Facilitating the access to ambulatory care facilities might serve to reduce asthma morbidity.