966 resultados para Alcohol abuse.


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To assess the impact of international consensus conference guidelines on the attitude of Swiss specialists when facing the decision to treat chronic hepatitis C patients. Questionnaires focusing on the personal situation and treatment decisions were mailed to 165 patients who were newly diagnosed with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and enrolled into the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study during the years 2002-2004. Survey respondents (n = 86, 52.1%) were comparable to non-respondents with respect to severity of liver disease, history of substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidities. Seventy percent of survey respondents reported having been offered antiviral treatment. Patients deferred from treatment had less advanced liver fibrosis, were more frequently infected with HCV genotypes 1 or 4 and presented more often with a history of depression. There were no differences regarding age, socio-economic background, alcohol abuse, intravenous drug abuse or methadone treatment when compared with patients to whom treatment was proposed. Ninety percent of eligible patients agreed to undergo treatment. Overall, 54.6% of respondents and 78.3% of those considered eligible had actually received antiviral therapy by 2007. Ninety-five percent of patients reported high satisfaction with their own hepatitis C management. Consistent with latest international consensus guidelines, patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort with a history of substance abuse were not withheld antiviral treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is warranted to provide antiviral treatment to patients suffering from depression.


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RESUME Objectifs: Etudier la prévalence des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoatives parmi des adolescents suicidaires; évaluer l'influence de la prise de substances psychoactives sur le geste suicidaire; analyser l'association entre les troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives et le risque de récidive de la conduite suicidaire. Méthode: 186 adolescents, âgés de 16 à 21 ans, hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, ont été inclus. Parmi eux, 148 ont été revus pour évaluation à 6 et/ou 18 mois. Des diagnostics psychiatriques, basés sur les critères du DSM-IV, ont été posés à l'aide d'un questionnaire, le MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Résultats: A l'inclusion, 39.2% des sujets avaient un trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Parmi eux, une proportion significativement plus élevée était sous l'influence d'alcool ou drogue au moment de la tentative de suicide (44.3% versus 25.4%). Des 148 adolescents suivis et revus à 6 ou 18 mois, 2 sont décédés par suicide et il y a eu 30 récidives de tentative de suicide durant l'étude. Une association significative a été trouvée entre les récidives de suicide et un diagnostic d'abus/dépendance à l'alcool à l'inclusion (OR=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). Des antécédents de plusieurs tentatives de suicide (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) et un âge supérieur à 19 ans (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) à l'inclusion étaient associés à la probabilité de mort par suicide ou de récidive de tentative de suicide. Conclusion: Parmi les adolescents hospitalisés pour tentative de suicide ou idées suicidaires envahissantes, le risque de décès ou de récidive est important. Ce risque est associé, entre autres, à des antécédents suicidaires et au diagnostic de trouble lié à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives. Le risque suicidaire ainsi que la consommation de substances psychoactives devrait être évalué chez les adolescents. De plus, les sujets jugés à risque devraient être suivis systématiquement après une hospitalisation pour conduite suicidaire. ABSTRACT Aim: To study the prevalence of psychoactive substance use disorder (PSUD) among suicidal adolescents, psychoactive substance intoxication at the moment of the attempt and the association between PSUD at baseline and either occurrence of suicide or repetition of suicide attempt(s). Methods: 186 adolescents aged 16 to 21 hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation were included (TO); 148 of them were traced again for evaluations after 6 months and/or 18 months. DSM-IV diagnoses were assessed each time using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Results: At TO, 39.2% of the subjects were found to have a PSUD. Among them, a significantly higher proportion was intoxicated at the time of the attempt than those without PSUD (44-.3% vs. 25.4%). Among the 148 adolescents who could be traced at either Ti or T2, two died from suicide and 30 repeated suicide attempt once or more time. A marginally significant association was found between death by suicide/repetition of suicide attempt and alcohol abuse/dependence at baseline (0R=3.3; CI 0.7-15.0; 0R=2.6, CI 0.7-9.3). More than one suicide attempt before admission to hospital at TO (OR=3.2; CI 1.1-10.0) and age over 19 at TO (0R=3.2; CI 1.1-9.2) were independently associated with the likelihood of death by suicide or repetition of suicide attempt. Conclusion: Among adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicidal ideation, the risk of death or repetition of attempt is high and is associated with previous suicide attempts - especially among older adolescents - and also marginally associated with PSUD; these adolescents should be carefully evaluated for such risks and followed up once discharged from the hospital.


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Objectifs : Ce mémoire propose de répertorier par une revue systématique les instruments de mesure clinique des conduites addictives établies et émergentes; de les comparer au moyen d’une grille d’analyse afin de de déterminer si ces conduites sont cohésives au plan conceptuel. Méthode : La stratégie analytique employée s’est déroulée en trois étapes : 1) Via les moteurs de recherche Pubmed, Psychinfo, HAPI et Embase, nous avons cherché, pour l’ensemble des conduites addictives, les questionnaires ayant fait l’objet d’une étude de validation interne au plan psychométrique. 2) Une grille d’analyse a été développée et validée, couvrant 21 paramètres tirés de 4 catégories conceptuelles : les critères diagnostiques de dépendance (DSM-IVTR), le tempérament (Cloninger et Zuckerman), le processus de production du handicap social (Fougeyrollas) et une grille d’analyse cognitivo-comportementale (Beck). 3) tous les instruments ont été analysés et comparés au moyen de cette grille qui a été développée est validée par un accord inter-juge élevé. Résultats : Nous avons répertorié 191 questionnaires répartis sur 21 conduites addictives. On constate que les conduites les plus prévalentes sont également celles pour lesquelles on retrouve le plus grand nombre de questionnaires. Les catégories que les questionnaires évaluent le plus sont celles des critères de la dépendance et l’analyse cognitivo-comportementale, les catégories beaucoup moins bien représentées étant celles du tempérament et du processus de production du handicap social. On note des tendances semblables pour les paramètres entre les questionnaires portant sur la toxicomanie et ceux portant sur les addictions sans drogues. Conclusion : Ce mémoire confirme une cohésion clinique dans la mesure des addictions, tel que déterminé par une grille validée appliquée sur un ensemble exhaustif de questionnaires répertoriés par une revue systématique.


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L’objectif principal du présent mémoire réside dans l’exploration des liens concomitants existant entre les trois dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel telles que définies par Maslach (1981) et la consommation de substances psychoactives, plus précisément au niveau de la consommation épisodique excessive et hebdomadaire à risque d’alcool et de la consommation de médicaments psychotropes. À partir d’un échantillon composé de 1809 travailleurs provenant de 83 milieux de travail québécois, des profils-types correspondant à des formes particulières de comorbidité de santé mentale au travail sont identifiés grâce à la méthode d’analyse en classes latentes. Ainsi quatre profils-types sont dégagés: un premier regroupant les individus dits «sains», dont les scores aux différentes dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel sont faibles et dont la consommation de substances psychoactives est modérée; deux autres correspondant à des formes intermédiaires de risques; et un quatrième rassemblant des travailleurs dits «fragiles» dont les scores pour chacune des dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel se situent dans le quintile le plus élevé et dont les probabilités de consommation de substances psychoactives sont grandes. De plus, cette recherche s’est penchée sur l’identification de facteurs de risque et de protection associés à chacun des profils-types. À cet effet, les résultats des analyses corroborent la plupart des associations retrouvées au sein de la littérature quant aux facteurs du travail (composantes des modèles du stress professionnel de Karasek et Theorell (1990) ainsi que de Siegrist (1990)), hors travail (statut matrimonial, obligations parentales, revenu du ménage) et certaines caractéristiques individuelles (âge et genre). De faibles récompenses et un fort degré de surinvestissement de la part de l’individu se révèlent être des facteurs de risque particulièrement significatifs pour les formes intermédiaires et à risque de comorbidité de la santé mentale au travail. Dans une moindre mesure, une faible utilisation des compétences, des demandes psychologiques élevées, un soutien social inadéquat et le jeune âge expliquent une part de la variation observée entre les différents profils-types. Enfin, les résultats soutiennent une conceptualisation tridimensionnelle de l’épuisement professionnel.


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La consommation de substances psychoactives débute généralement à l’adolescence. Cette pratique, bien qu’illégale, est répandue à cet âge. Toutefois, elle peut avoir de graves répercussions sur le développement de l’individu. Il est important de mieux connaître les facteurs pouvant influencer sa fréquence d’utilisation afin d’en diminuer les risques. Ce mémoire vise à examiner le rôle des amis déviants et de la pratique d’un sport organisé dans le développement de l’intoxication à l’alcool et la consommation de cannabis à l’adolescence. Plus précisément, l’étude vise à déterminer si la pratique d’un sport organisé a des effets modérateurs sur la relation entre les amis déviants et l’intoxication à l’alcool et la consommation de cannabis. Les analyses ont été réalisées séparément pour l’alcool et le cannabis. L’échantillon utilisé provient de l’étude longitudinale de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement et comprend 4219 adolescents. Des régressions probit ont été effectuées. Tel qu’attendu, les résultats montrent que la fréquentation d’amis déviants est associée au risque d’intoxication à l’alcool et de consommation de cannabis. De plus, les résultats ont démontré le rôle modérateur protecteur de la pratique d’un sport organisé pour l’alcool. Un jeune qui a des amis déviants et qui participe à un sport organisé consommerait généralement moins d’alcool qu’un jeune qui a des amis déviants et qui ne participe pas une activité sportive organisée. Les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche sont discutées.


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Background: People with schizophrenia are more violent than the general population, but this increased risk is attributable to the actions of a small subgroup. Identifying those at risk has become an essential part of clinical practice. Aims: To estimate the risk factors for assault in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: Two hundred seventy-one patients with schizophrenia were interviewed using an extensive battery of instruments. Assault was measured from multiple data sources over the next 2 years and criminal records were obtained. Multiple sociodemographic and clinical variables measured at baseline were examined as possible predictors of assault during follow-up. Results: Sixty-nine (25%) patients committed assault during the 2-year followup. The model that best predicted assault included a history of recent assault (OR 2.33, 95% CI 1.17-4.61), a previous violent conviction (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.04-3.87), having received special education (OR 2.76, 95% CI 1.22-6.26) and alcohol abuse (OR 3.55, 95% CI 1.24-10.2). Conclusions: Previously established risk factors including a history of violence and alcohol abuse are replicated in this study. Although low premorbid IQ did not predict violence, a need for special education did. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Repeated administration of low doses of ethanol gradually increases locomotor responses to ethanol in adult Swiss mice. This phenomenon is known as behavioral sensitization. However, we have shown that adolescent Swiss mice show either behavioral tolerance or no sensitization after repeated ethanol injections. Although the mesolimbic dopamine system has been extensively implicated in behavioral sensitization, several studies have demonstrated an important role of glutamatergic transmission in this phenomenon. In addition, relatively few studies have examined the role of developmental factors in behavioral sensitization to ethanol. To examine the relationship between age differences in behavioral sensitization to ethanol and the neurochemical adaptations related to glutamate within nucleus accumbens (NAc), in vivo microdialysis was conducted in adolescent and adult Swiss mice treated with ethanol (1.8 g/kg) or saline for 15 days and subsequently challenged with an acute dose (1.8 g/kg) of ethanol 6 days later. Consistent with previous findings, only adult mice demonstrated evidence of behavioral sensitization. However, ethanol-treated adolescent mice demonstrated a 196.1 +/- 40.0% peak increase in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge in comparison with the basal values, whereas ethanol-treated adult mice demonstrated a 52.2 +/- 6.2% reduction in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge. These observations suggest an age-dependent inverse relationship between behavioral and glutamatergic responses to repeated ethanol exposure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of a learning-theory approach to the intergenerational transmission of violence, researchers have focused almost exclusively on violent men's childhood experiences of physical abuse and witnessing family violence. Little consideration has been given to the coexistence of other forms of child maltreatment or the role of family dysfunction in contributing to violence. This study shows the relationships between the level of child maltreatment (physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence), childhood family characteristics, current alcohol abuse, trauma symptomatology, and the level of physical and psychological spouse abuse perpetrated by 36 men with a history of perpetrating domestic violence who had attended counseling. As hypothesized, a high degree of overlap between risk factors was found. Child maltreatment, low family cohesion and adaptability, and alcohol abuse was significantly associated with frequency of physical spouse abuse and trauma symptomatology scores, but not psychological spouse abuse. Rather than physical abuse or witnessing family violence, childhood neglect uniquely predicted the level of physical spouse abuse. Witnessing family violence (but not physical abuse) was found to have a unique association with psychological spouse abuse and trauma symptomatology. These results present a challenge to the understanding of domestic violence obtained from learning theory.


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Aim. The aim of this paper is to report the findings of a phenomenological study that explored hope in 10 young people in Australia.

Background. Evidence suggests many Australian young people are in crisis. Examination of key reports that detail the incidence of suicide, early drug-taking behaviours, homelessness, self-harm behaviours, joblessness, depressive disorders, crime statistics and alcohol abuse suggest that many of today's young people have lost resilience as well as vital connections to their community.

Method. Two methods were employed to encourage the participants to reflect on their experiences of hope – what it is and what it meant to them. The first was to supply participants with a disposable colour film camera and ask them to take pictures that, in their view, showed hope. The second was participation in an in-depth interview that was prompted in part, by their photographs. Interview audiotapes were transcribed verbatim and analysis of the text used the Turner method. The data were collected in 2002.

Findings. Four horizons of hope were revealed: at-one-with; a driving force; having choices; and connecting and being connected. These horizons are discussed, showing how, or if, the literature treats these dimensions of hope. Perspectives are offered on how they might be considered by nurses who are charged with caring for today's young people.

Conclusion. Registered Nurses who work with young people must understand the phenomenon of hope from their unique perspective before they can offer appropriate hope-facilitating strategies.


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Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety and alcohol or other drug (AOD) problems often remain undiagnosed and untreated despite their prevalence in the community. This paper reports on the implementation and evaluation of an AOD and depression/anxiety screening programme within two Community Health Services (CHS) in Australia. Study 1 examined results from 5 weeks of screening (March–April 2008) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (two- and nine-item, Kroenke et al. 2001, 2003), the Conjoint Screen for Alcohol and other Drug Problems (Brown et al. 2001) and the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (Humeniuk & Ali 2006). Of the 55 clients screened, 33% were at risk of depression or anxiety, 22% reporting moderate-severe depression. Thirteen per cent were at risk of substance use disorders. A substantial proportion of at-risk clients were not currently accessing help for these issues from the CHS and therefore screening can facilitate identification and treatment referral. However, the majority of eligible clients were not screened, limiting screening reach. A second study evaluated the screening implementation from a process perspective via thematic analysis of focus group data from six managers and 14 intake/assessment workers (April 2008). This showed that when screening occurred, it facilitated opportunities for education and intervention with at-risk clients, although cultural mores, privacy concerns and shame/stigma could affect accuracy of screen scores at times. Importantly, the evaluation revealed that most decisions not to screen were made by workers, not by clients. Reasons for non-screening related to worker discomfort in asking sensitive questions and/or managing client distress, and a reluctance to spend long periods of time screening in time-pressured environments. The evaluation suggested that these problems could be resolved by splitting screening responsibilities, enhancing worker training and expanding follow-up screening. Findings will inform any community-based health system considering introducing screening.


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Background: Published clinical trials of the treatment of HCV are largely multicentre prospective pharmaceutical trials. Patients in clinical trials tend to have more favorable outcomes than patients in the 'real-world', due to strict patient selection and differences in treatment conditions and available resources. Objectives: To assess the outcomes of Hepatitis C infected patients treated at the Barwon Health Liver Clinic with combination Pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and Ribavirin (RBV) therapy and to determine factors associated with a treatment response. Methods: Retrospective review of patients who received treatment for Hepatitis C at our institution's Liver Clinic from January 2001-September 2011. Patient demographics, comorbidities, treatment-related parameters and side effects were extracted from medical records and analyzed. Results: A total of 190 patients (120 male, 70 female) with a mean age of 42.8 years (range 20-68 years) commenced treatment. The most common genotype was genotype 3 (48.9%), followed by genotype 1 (42.6%). 150 of 190 patients (78.9%) completed treatment and had end of treatment data available. 107 of 182 patients, (58.8%) for whom sustained virologic response (SVR) rate data was available achieved an SVR. Overall response rates were; 46.9%, 68.8% and 62.4% in genotypes 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The response rate was significantly lower in 29 patients with documented cirrhosis (20.7%). Age, diabetes and alcohol abuse did not predict treatment response in our cohort. Side effects reported in 81.6% of patients included general malaise, hematological disturbance and psychiatric issues, and necessitated cessation of therapy in 16 patients (8.4%) and dose reduction in 26 patients (13.7%). Conclusions: Response rates to combination PEG-IFN and RBV therapy at our institution are comparable to other 'real-world' and pharmaceutical registration trials. Side effects of combination therapy were prominent but resulted in fewer discontinuations of therapy compared to pharmaceutical trials.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper was to systematically review and meta-analyse the prevalence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders (DSM-IV Axis I disorders) among treatment-seeking problem gamblers. METHODS: A systematic search was conducted for peer-reviewed studies that provided prevalence estimates of Axis I psychiatric disorders in individuals seeking psychological or pharmacological treatment for problem gambling (including pathological gambling). Meta-analytic techniques were performed to estimate the weighted mean effect size and heterogeneity across studies. RESULTS: Results from 36 studies identified high rates of co-morbid current (74.8%, 95% CI 36.5-93.9) and lifetime (75.5%, 95% CI 46.5-91.8) Axis I disorders. There were high rates of current mood disorders (23.1%, 95% CI 14.9-34.0), alcohol use disorders (21.2%, 95% CI 15.6-28.1), anxiety disorders (17.6%, 95% CI 10.8-27.3) and substance (non-alcohol) use disorders (7.0%, 95% CI 1.7-24.9). Specifically, the highest mean prevalence of current psychiatric disorders was for nicotine dependence (56.4%, 95% CI 35.7-75.2) and major depressive disorder (29.9%, 95% CI 20.5-41.3), with smaller estimates for alcohol abuse (18.2%, 95% CI 13.4-24.2), alcohol dependence (15.2%, 95% CI 10.2-22.0), social phobia (14.9%, 95% CI 2.0-59.8), generalised anxiety disorder (14.4%, 95% CI 3.9-40.8), panic disorder (13.7%, 95% CI 6.7-26.0), post-traumatic stress disorder (12.3%, 95% CI 3.4-35.7), cannabis use disorder (11.5%, 95% CI 4.8-25.0), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (9.3%, 95% CI 4.1-19.6), adjustment disorder (9.2%, 95% CI 4.8-17.2), bipolar disorder (8.8%, 95% CI 4.4-17.1) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (8.2%, 95% CI 3.4-18.6). There were no consistent patterns according to gambling problem severity, type of treatment facility and study jurisdiction. Although these estimates were robust to the inclusion of studies with non-representative sampling biases, they should be interpreted with caution as they were highly variable across studies. CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight the need for gambling treatment services to undertake routine screening and assessment of psychiatric co-morbidity and provide treatment approaches that adequately manage these co-morbid disorders. Further research is required to explore the reasons for the variability observed in the prevalence estimates.


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O abscesso de pulmão continua sendo hoje, em plena era dos antibióticos, um importante problema médico. O presente trabalho se propõe mostrar aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos da doença em uma série de pacientes coletada nos últimos 34 anos em um hospital universitário especializado em doenças pulmonares. No período de 1968 a 2002 foram reunidos e estudados 241 casos de abscesso pulmonar de aspiração - 199 em homens e 42 em mulheres, com média de idade de 41,3 anos. Em 69,0% dos pacientes esteve presente a ingestão de álcool e em 64,0% o hábito tabágico. Tosse, expectoração, febre e comprometimento do estado geral foram os achados clínicos mais freqüentes, encontrados na quase totalidade dos casos; 62,5% tinham dor torácica e 30,0% hipocratismo digital. Verificaram-se dentes em mau estado de conservação em 81,7 % dos pacientes, episódio de perda de consciência em 78,0% e presença de odor fétido em 66,0%. Em 85,5% das vezes as lesões localizaram-se em segmento posterior de lobo superior ou segmento superior de lobo inferior, 97,1% delas unilaterais, ocorrendo com igual freqüência tanto no pulmão direito como no esquerdo. A maioria das lesões (66,0%) mediram entre 4,0 e 8,0 cm de diâmetro. Em 25 pacientes (10,4%) houve a associação de empiema pleural. Flora mista, indicativa da presença de germes anaeróbios, foi identificada em secreções broncopulmonares ou pleurais em 172 pacientes (71,4 %). Estreptococos e Gram negativos aeróbios foram também algumas vezes encontrados. Todos os pacientes foram inicialmente tratados com antibióticos (penicilina em 78,0% das vezes) e submetidos a sessões de drenagem postural. Em 51 (21,2%) acabou sendo necessário algum procedimento cirúrgico (24 drenagens de empiema, 21 ressecções pulmonares e 6 pneumostomias). Cura foi obtida em 231 pacientes (95,8%) e 10 (4,2%) foram ao óbito, estes em geral com grandes abscessos, três dos quais também com empiema.