913 resultados para Agribusiness cities
After publication of this work in 'International Journal of Health Geographics' on 13 january 2011 was wrong. The map of Barcelona in Figure two (figure 1 here) was reversed. The final correct Figure is presented here
This paper estimates the determinants of productivity differentials across urban areas in Spain. To do so we resort to Spanish Social Security administrative data (MCVL) matched with workers’ fiscal information. We use two-step approach that allows us to control for the confounding effects due to the sorting of more productive workers and more productive firms in bigger cities. Our results indicate that city size is a significant determinant of productivity differentials across Spanish urban areas. We estimate an elasticity of urban agglomeration of 3.3%, which is within the range of values already observed in other countries. We also find that the level of human capital, firm size and the level of industrial specialization also matters in order explain productivity differentials across Spanish cities. Keywords: Agglomeration, wages, productivity, city size. JEL codes: R10, R23, J31
Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities
Análisis del origen del concepto de smart cities que deriva de la gestión y ahorro energético, comparación de ejemplos de smart cities actuales y realización de un caso práctico sobre Lima analizando exhaustivamente qué componentes tenemos según las diferentes métricas e indicadores y qué componentes faltarían para poder ser una ciudad "smart".
Plato's attitude toward the poets and poetry has always been a flashpoint of debate, controversy and notoriety, but most scholars have failed to see their central role in the ideal cities of the Republic and the Laws, that is, Callipolis and Magnesia. In this paper, I argue that in neither dialogue does Plato "exile" the poets, but, instead, believes they must, like all citizens, exercise the expertise proper to their profession, allowing them the right to become full-fledged participants in the productive class. Moreover, attention to certain details reveals that Plato harnesses both positive and negative factors in poetry to bring his ideal cities closer to a practical realization. The status of the poet and his craft in this context has rarely to my knowledge been addressed.
A comparative study of elements deposited on tree bark was carried out for urban and periurban areas of two of the most important cities in Argentina. The content of Fe, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ba, Cr, Hg, Cu, Ni, Cd and Sb was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in Morus alba tree bark collected in the cities of Buenos Aires and Mendoza. The main air pollutants detected in the Buenos Aires urban area were Ba, Cr, Cu and Ni and indicate significative difference from the Mendoza urban and periurban areas. Significantly, higher concentrations of Zn, Ba, Cr and Cu were recorded in the periurban area of the city of Buenos Aires than in Mendoza. Bark samples were strongly influenced by dust and show Al, Fe, Mg and other element accumulations that indicate that soil particles were carried out by wind. Elements like Ba and Zn, commonly linked to traffic emissions, showed the highest concentrations in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, possibly due to more intensive vehicular traffic. Our results indicated that intensity of vehicular traffic and not city structure is responsible for air pollution.
To verify the occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats on farms of Pernambuco, Brazil, and in animals slaughtered in two Brazilian cities (Petrolina/PE and Juazeiro/BA), and to characterize the susceptibility profile of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis to disinfectants and antimicrobials, and its relationship with biofilm production were the objectives of this study. 398 samples were tested for sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, disinfectants, and biofilm production. Among the 108 samples collected on the properties, 75% were positive for C. pseudotuberculosis. Slaughterhouse samples indicated an occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in 15.66% and 6.31% for animals slaughtered in Petrolina and Juazeiro respectively. With respect to antimicrobials, the sensitivity obtained was 100% for florfenicol and tetracycline; 99.25% for enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and lincomycin; 98.99% for cephalothin; 98.74% for norfloxacin and sulfazotrim; 97.74% for gentamicin; 94.22% for ampicillin; 91.71% for amoxicillin; 91.21% for penicillin G; 89.19% for neomycin and 0% for novobiocin. In analyzes with disinfectants, the efficiency for chlorhexidine was 100%, 97.20% for quaternary ammonium, 87.40% for chlorine and 84.40% for iodine. 75% of the isolates were weak or non-biofilm producers. For the consolidated biofilm, found that iodine decreased biofilm formation in 13 isolates and quaternary ammonia in 11 isolates. The reduction of the biofilm formation was observed for iodine and quaternary ammonium in consolidated biofilm formation in 33% and 28% of the isolates, respectively. The results of this study highlight the importance of establishing measures to prevent and control the disease.
In order to assess the molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 in two neighboring cities located near the epicenter of the HIV-1 epidemics in Brazil (Santos and São Paulo), we investigated 83 HIV-1 strains obtained from samples collected in 1995 from intravenous drug users. The V3 through V5 region of the envelope of gp 120 was analyzed by heteroduplex mobility analysis. Of the 95 samples, 12 (12.6%) were PCR negative (6 samples from each group); low DNA concentration was the reason for non-amplification in half of these cases. Of the 42 typed cases from São Paulo, 34 (81%, 95% confidence limits 74.9 to 87.0%) were B and 8 (19%, 95% confidence limits 12.9 to 25.0%) were F, whereas of the 41 typed cases from Santos, 39 (95%, 95% confidence limits 91.6 to 98.4%) were B and 2 (5%, 95% confidence limits 1.6 to 8.4%) were C. We therefore confirm the relationship between clade F and intravenous drug use in São Paulo, and the presence of clade C in Santos. The fact that different genetic subtypes of HIV-1 are co-circulating indicates a need for continuous surveillance for these subtypes as well as for recombinant viruses in Brazil.
Yhdysvallat on toisen maailmansodan jälkeen osallistunut rakennetun alueen taisteluihin yhä useammin, mitä lähemmäs nykypäivää saavumme. Persianlahden sodan aikana merijalkaväen rakennetun alueen taistelut rajoittuivat kahden lentokentän valtaamiseen maahyökkäyksen aikana. Sen jälkeen sen joukkoja on käytetty taistelutehtävissä aina Mogadishun esikaupunkialueilta Fallujahin hallintokortteleihin. Rakennetun alueen taistelun yleistyminen sodankäynnin muotona käynnisti merijalkaväessä toiminnan kehittämisen 1990-luvun puolivälistä alkaen. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy Yhdysvaltain asevoimiin kuuluvan merijalkaväen joukkojen käyttöperiaatteiden kehittymiseen rakennetun alueen taistelussa 1990–2004. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus jossa tutkimusmenetelmänä on lähde-aineistoon perustuva aineistoanalyysi. Lähdemateriaalia tarkastellaan tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen sekä tutkimuskysymysten kautta. Muodostettujen havaintojen kautta tehdään lopuksi merkitystulkinta tutkittavasta ilmiöstä. Tutkimuksen primäärilähteinä toimivat Yhdysvaltain asevoimien sekä merijalkaväen julkaisemat doktriinit, oppaat sekä ohjesäännöt. Sekundaarilähteinä käytetään merijalkaväen toimintaa rakennetun alueen taisteluissa käsitteleviä yleisteoksia, aikalaiskirjallisuutta, tais-telukertomuksia, lehtiartikkeleja, opinnäytetöitä sekä tutkimuksia. Sodan kuvan muuttuminen on vaikuttanut osin merijalkaväen joukkojen käyttöperiaatteisiin rakennetulla alueella taisteltaessa. Jalkaväkijoukot ovat edelleen säilyneet taisteluiden kan-nalta keskeisimpänä joukkomuotona, mutta niiden tehtäväkenttä on samalla myös monipuo-listunut. Merijalkaväen luoma tehtäväkohtainen taisteluosasto konsepti on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi organisaatioksi eri suorituskykyjen yhdistämiseksi rakennetulle alueelle suun-nattujen operaatioiden aikana. Vihollisen toiminnan kehittyessä lähemmäs asymmetristä toimintatapaa – selkeästi havaittavan valtiojohtoisten asevoimien sijasta – on aiheuttanut sen, ettei selkeää rajaa ole enää muodostettavissa taistelun eri vaiheiden välille. Merijalka-väen komentajana 1990-luvulla toimineen kenraali Krulakin käyttöönottama termi ”three block war” on osoittautunut onnistuneeksi kielikuvaksi siitä, millaisia vaatimuksia raken-nettu alue taistelukenttänä asettaa joukkojen käyttöperiaatteille tulevaisuudessa.
Nosocomial dissemination of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci represents a major problem in hospitals worldwide. In Brazil, the dissemination among hospitals in the city of São Paulo of polyclonal DNA profiles was previously described for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. We describe here the dissemination of VanA phenotype E. faecalis between two hospitals located in different cities in the State of São Paulo. The index outbreak occurred in a tertiary care university hospital (HCUSP) in the city of São Paulo and three years later a cluster caused by the same strain was recognized in two patients hospitalized in a private tertiary care hospital (CMC) located 100 km away in the interior of the state. From May to July 1999, 10 strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from 10 patients hospitalized in the HCUSP. The DNA genotyping using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed that all isolates were originated from the same clone, suggesting nosocomial dissemination. From May to July 2002, three strains of vancomycin-resistant E. faecalis were isolated from two patients hospitalized in CMC and both patients were colonized by the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in skin lesions. All isolates from CMC and HCUSP were highly resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin. The three strains from CMC had minimum inhibitory concentration >256 µg/ml for vancomycin, and 64 (CMC 1 and CMC 2) and 96 µg/ml (CMC 3) for teicoplanin, characterizing a profile of VanA resistance to glycopeptides. All strains had the presence of the transposon Tn1546 detected by PCR and were closely related when typed by PFGE. The dissemination of the E. faecalis VanA phenotype among hospitals located in different cities is of great concern because E. faecalis commonly colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of patients and healthy persons for periods varying from weeks to years, which, together with the persistence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in hospital rooms after standard cleaning procedures, increases the risk of the dissemination and reservoir of the bacteria.
The objective of the present study was to investigate factors associated with cesarean sections in two cities located in different regions of Brazil and to determine factors that explain the higher cesarean section rate in the more developed city, Ribeirão Preto, compared to the less developed one, São Luís. Data from two cohort studies comprising 2846 women in Ribeirão Preto in 1994, and 2443 women in São Luís in 1997/1998 were used. Adjusted and non-adjusted risk estimates were calculated using a Poisson regression model. The cesarean section rate was 33.7% in São Luís and 50.8% in Ribeirão Preto. Adjusted analysis in a joint sequential model revealed a 51% higher risk of cesarean section in Ribeirão Preto compared to São Luís (prevalence rate ratio (PRR) = 1.51). Adjustment for category of hospital admission reduced the PRR to 1.09, i.e., this variable explained 82% of the difference in the cesarean section rate between the two cities. Adjustment for the variable "the same physician for prenatal care and delivery" reduced the PRR to 1.07, with the "physician" factor explaining 86% of the difference between rates. When simultaneously adjusted for the two variables, the PRR decreased to 1.05, with these two variables explaining 90% of the difference in the cesarean section rate between the two cities, and the difference was no longer significant. The difference in the cesarean section rate between the two Brazilian cities, one more and one less developed, was mainly explained by the physician factor and, to a lesser extent, by the category of hospital admission.
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Alcohol is part of the history of humanity, seemingly as a result of countless factors including the easy production of alcoholic beverages in practically all regions of the world. The authors studied aspects of the use of and the dependence on alcohol in Brazil, through a household survey conducted by Centro Brasileiro de Informações sobre Drogas Psicotrópicas (CEBRID). A total of 8,589 interviews were held in 107 of the largest cities in Brazil, all of them with more than 200 thousand inhabitants. The study was planned to gather information within the household environment about a stratified probabilistic sample obtained in three selection phases: 1) the censitaire sectors for each municipality, 2) a systematic randomized sampling, and 3) drafting a respondent by lot in each household to provide information. Approximately 11.2% of the subjects were concerned with their own consumption of alcohol. The signs/symptoms of the syndrome of dependence evident in a greater percentage were the desire to stop or reduce the use of alcohol and to stop or reduce resorting to alcoholic beverages more often than desired, as reported by 14.5 and 9.4% of the respondents, respectively. The regions in Brazil with the highest percentage of dependents were the North (16.3%) and the Northeast (19.9%). According to the estimates obtained in the survey, 5.2% of the teenagers were concerned about the use of alcohol. The estimates obtained in this survey reveal a need to implant specific preventive programs for the problem of alcohol, especially for the very young.
Recent advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially those related to the Internet of Things (IoT), are facilitating smart regions. Among many services that a smart region can offer, remote health monitoring is a typical application of IoT paradigm. It offers the ability to continuously monitor and collect health-related data from a person, and transmit the data to a remote entity (for example, a healthcare service provider) for further processing and knowledge extraction. An IoT-based remote health monitoring system can be beneficial in rural areas belonging to the smart region where people have limited access to regular healthcare services. The same system can be beneficial in urban areas where hospitals can be overcrowded and where it may take substantial time to avail healthcare. However, this system may generate a large amount of data. In order to realize an efficient IoT-based remote health monitoring system, it is imperative to study the network communication needs of such a system; in particular the bandwidth requirements and the volume of generated data. The thesis studies a commercial product for remote health monitoring in Skellefteå, Sweden. Based on the results obtained via the commercial product, the thesis identified the key network-related requirements of a typical remote health monitoring system in terms of real-time event update, bandwidth requirements and data generation. Furthermore, the thesis has proposed an architecture called IReHMo - an IoT-based remote health monitoring architecture. This architecture allows users to incorporate several types of IoT devices to extend the sensing capabilities of the system. Using IReHMo, several IoT communication protocols such as HTTP, MQTT and CoAP has been evaluated and compared against each other. Results showed that CoAP is the most efficient protocol to transmit small size healthcare data to the remote servers. The combination of IReHMo and CoAP significantly reduced the required bandwidth as well as the volume of generated data (up to 56 percent) compared to the commercial product. Finally, the thesis conducted a scalability analysis, to determine the feasibility of deploying the combination of IReHMo and CoAP in large numbers in regions in north Sweden.