123 resultados para Aglomeração


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Ramo: Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Especialização em Ecotoxicologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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The study of complex systems has become a prestigious area of science, although relatively young . Its importance was demonstrated by the diversity of applications that several studies have already provided to various fields such as biology , economics and Climatology . In physics , the approach of complex systems is creating paradigms that influence markedly the new methods , bringing to Statistical Physics problems macroscopic level no longer restricted to classical studies such as those of thermodynamics . The present work aims to make a comparison and verification of statistical data on clusters of profiles Sonic ( DT ) , Gamma Ray ( GR ) , induction ( ILD ) , neutron ( NPHI ) and density ( RHOB ) to be physical measured quantities during exploratory drilling of fundamental importance to locate , identify and characterize oil reservoirs . Software were used : Statistica , Matlab R2006a , Origin 6.1 and Fortran for comparison and verification of the data profiles of oil wells ceded the field Namorado School by ANP ( National Petroleum Agency ) . It was possible to demonstrate the importance of the DFA method and that it proved quite satisfactory in that work, coming to the conclusion that the data H ( Hurst exponent ) produce spatial data with greater congestion . Therefore , we find that it is possible to find spatial pattern using the Hurst coefficient . The profiles of 56 wells have confirmed the existence of spatial patterns of Hurst exponents , ie parameter B. The profile does not directly assessed catalogs verification of geological lithology , but reveals a non-random spatial distribution


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A cidade resulta de fatores sociais, das políticas urbanas, das dinâmicas económicas e dos valores ambientais, no espaço e no tempo. Compreender a complexidade do seu funcionamento permite ao arquiteto paisagista interagir com ela. O projeto de Clichy-Batignolles, objeto do presente estudo, surge como resposta às problemáticas da cidade, enquanto metrópole de dimensão mundial, de políticas urbanas associadas à competitividade e à atratividade de pessoas e atividades económicas. O projeto integra o parque Martin Luther King senda a referência de desenvolvimento urbano sustentável e ecológico de Paris. A visão metabólica, que o projeto integra, concilia habitação, mobilidade, ecologia, sustentabilidade e experiência de Natureza, que a extensão da aglomeração urbana transformou em necessidade básica. A cidade ecológica impõe-se às politicas urbanas. É neste contexto de crise ambiental, económica e social que a arquitetura paisagista se posiciona no centro dos grandes desafios contemporâneos da evolução das cidades; Abstract: Landscape Architecture Project: Clichy-Batignolles Paris, the answer to policies ambitions and urban new challenges The city is a result social factors, urban policies, economical dynamics and environmental values, in space and time. Understanding the complexity of its mechanism allows the landscape architect to interact with it. The Clichy-Batignolles urban project, the subject of the present study, is a response to the problematic issues of the metropolitan worldwide city, in which competitiveness and attractiveness urban policies are created to attract people and economical activities. The project incorporates the Martin Luther King park and is the reference of ecological and sustainable development in Paris. The metabolic vision of the project conciliates habitation, mobility, ecology, sustainability and Nature experience, which the urban concentration length as transformed in basic living needs. The ecological city is imposed to the megacities urban policies. In this environmental, economic and social crisis context, landscape architecture occupies a center position in the contemporary challenges of cities evolution.