982 resultados para Age, relative, number of years


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INTRODUCTION: Medical schools are charged with providing both a strong basic science and clinical curriculum for their students. In most institutions instruction in performing the core clinical procedures is part of the curriculum, but because of many constraints do medical students practice these procedures as many times as medical students in the past? Several studies have concluded that medical students today feel incompetent to perform basic clinical procedures at the time of graduation. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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We analyzed observations of interstellar neutral helium (ISN He) obtained from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) satellite during its first six years of operation. We used a refined version of the ISN He simulation model, presented in the companion paper by Sokol et al. (2015b), along with a sophisticated data correlation and uncertainty system and parameter fitting method, described in the companion paper by Swaczyna et al. We analyzed the entire data set together and the yearly subsets, and found the temperature and velocity vector of ISN He in front of the heliosphere. As seen in the previous studies, the allowable parameters are highly correlated and form a four-dimensional tube in the parameter space. The inflow longitudes obtained from the yearly data subsets show a spread of similar to 6 degrees, with the other parameters varying accordingly along the parameter tube, and the minimum chi(2) value is larger than expected. We found, however, that the Mach number of the ISN He flow shows very little scatter and is thus very tightly constrained. It is in excellent agreement with the original analysis of ISN He observations from IBEX and recent reanalyses of observations from Ulysses. We identify a possible inaccuracy in the Warm Breeze parameters as the likely cause of the scatter in the ISN He parameters obtained from the yearly subsets, and we suppose that another component may exist in the signal or a process that is not accounted for in the current physical model of ISN He in front of the heliosphere. From our analysis, the inflow velocity vector, temperature, and Mach number of the flow are equal to lambda(ISNHe) = 255 degrees.8 +/- 0 degrees.5, beta(ISNHe) = 5 degrees.16 +/- 0 degrees.10, T-ISNHe = 7440 +/- 260 K, nu(SNHe) = 25.8 +/- 0.4 km s(-1), and M-ISNHe = 5.079 +/- 0.028, with uncertainties strongly correlated along the parameter tube.


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A variety of studies indicate that the process of athrosclerosis begins in childhood. There was limited information on the association of the changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids in school age children and adolescents. Previous longitudinal studies of children typically with insufficient frequency of observation could not provide sound inference on the dynamics of change in blood lipids. The aims of this analysis are (1) to document the sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG); (2) to evaluate the relationship of changes in anthropometric variables, such as height, weight and BMI, to blood lipids from age 8 to 18 years. ^ Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study designed to examine the patterns of serial change in major cardiovascular risk factors. Cohort of three different age levels, 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline, with a total of 678 participants were enrolled. Each member of these cohorts was examined three times per year for up to four years. ^ Sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids; demonstrated the complex and polyphasic changes in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG longitudinally. The trajectory curves of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C with age showed curvilinear patterns of change. The velocity change in TC, HDL-C and LDL-C showed U-shaped curves for non-Blacks, and nearly linear lines in velocity of TG for both Blacks and non-Blacks. ^ The relationship of changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids was evaulated by adding height, weight, or BMI and associated interaction terms separately to the basic age-sex models. Height or height gain had a significant negative association with changes in TC, LDL-C and HDL-C. Weight or BMI gain showed positive associations with TC, LDL-C and TC, and a negative relationship with HDL-C. ^ Dynamic changes of blood lipids in school age children and adolescents observed from this analysis suggested that using fixed screening criteria under the current NCEP guidelines for all ages 2–19 may not be appropriate for this age group. The association of increasing BMI or weight to an adverse blood lipid profile found in this analysis also indicated that weight or BMI monitoring could be a future intervention to be implemented in the pediatric population. ^


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The relative influence of race, income, education, and Food Stamp Program participation/nonparticipation on the food and nutrient intake of 102 fecund women ages 18-45 years in a Florida urban clinic population was assessed using the technique of multiple regression analysis. Study subgroups were defined by race and Food Stamp Program participation status. Education was found to have the greatest influence on food and nutrient intake. Race was the next most influential factor followed in order by Food Stamp Program participation and income. The combined effect of the four independent variables explained no more than 19 percent of the variance for any of the food and nutrient intake variables. This would indicate that a more complex model of influences is needed if variations in food and nutrient intake are to be fully explained.^ A socioeconomic questionnaire was administered to investigate other factors of influence. The influence of the mother, frequency and type of restaurant dining, and perceptions of food intake and weight were found to be factors deserving further study.^ Dietary data were collected using the 24-hour recall and food frequency checklist. Descriptive dietary findings indicated that iron and calcium were nutrients where adequacy was of concern for all study subgroups. White Food Stamp Program participants had the greatest number of mean nutrient intake values falling below the 1980 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs). When Food Stamp Program participants were contrasted to nonparticipants, mean intakes of six nutrients (kilocalories, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, and riboflavin) were below the 1980 RDA compared to five mean nutrient intakes (kilocalories, calcium, iron, thiamin and riboflavin) for the nonparticipants. Use of the Index of Nutritional Quality (INQ), however, revealed that the quality of the diet of Food Stamp Program participants per 1000 kilocalories was adequate with exception of calcium and iron. Intakes of these nutrients were also not adequate on a 1000 kilocalorie basis for the nonparticipant group. When mean nutrient intakes of the groups were compared using Student's t-test oleicacid intake was the only significant difference found. Being a nonparticipant in the Food Stamp Program was found to be associated with more frequent consumption of cookies, sweet rolls, doughnuts, and honey. The findings of this study contradict the negative image of the Food Stamp Program participant and emphasize the importance of education. ^


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Ocean circulation changes along the continental shelf of the Nordic and Barents Seas have been investigated in order to reconstruct regional changes in the inflow of Atlantic Water (AW) through the last 16,000 calibrated (cal) years (yr) B.P. We have selected five time-slices representing the late glacial (16,000-15,000 cal yr B.P.), the Bølling-Allerød warm interstadials (14,500-13,500 cal yr B.P.), the Younger Dryas cold stadial (12,500-11,500 cal yr B.P.), the early Holocene (9500-7500 cal yr B.P.) and the late Holocene (4000-2000 cal yr B.P.). Twelve previously published records of the distribution of benthic foraminifera faunas and ice-rafted debris have been compiled. The earliest sign of Atlantic Water inflow was recorded at the northern Iceland shelf at 16,000-15,000 cal yr B.P. The inflow of warm AW to the Nordic Seas shelf has been persistent since, but with variable strength and geographic pattern. An apparent zonal seesaw pattern in the strength of the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC) and the Irminger Current (IC) during the late glacial, Bølling-Allerød and Younger Dryas periods was found. During the Holocene, no zonal differences in the inflows of NwAC and IC were found. A strong meridional gradient with warmer conditions at lower latitudes and relatively cold conditions at high northern latitudes existed.


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Most species of Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera are believed to be cosmopolitan and therefore to exhibit only minor biogeographical differences. In this preliminary report, six Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites from different oceans, paleolatitudes, and paleodepths were analyzed for terminal Cretaceous abyssal-bathyal benthic foraminifera in order to investigate their assumed cosmopolitan distribution and the question of whether different faunal compositions are related to time, different paleolatitudes, and/or different paleodepths. The material studied was obtained from the low-latitude Site 465 (Pacific Ocean), and the intermediate-latitude Sites 384 (North Atlantic) and 356, 516, 525, and 527 (South Atlantic). The material analyzed represents a time slice encompassing the last 20-50 k.y. of the Cretaceous. The faunas contain numerous "Velasco-type" species, such as Gavelinella beccariiformis (White), Cibicidoides velascoensis (Cushman), Nuttallides truempyi (Nuttall), Gaudryina pyramidata Cushman, and various gyroidinoids and buliminids. The results contradict the general assumption of the cosmopolitan nature of Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera advocated in the literature. Only about 9% of the taxa identified were found to be truly "cosmopolitan" through their occurrence at all the sites analyzed. On the basis of correspondence analysis and relative abundance data, three assemblages and three subassemblages were recognized: (1) a bathyal-abyssal assemblage [Nuttallinella sp. A, Cibicidoides hyphalus (Fisher), Valvalabamina sp. evolute form, and Gyroidinoides spp.] at the South Atlantic Sites 356, 516, 525, and 527, divided into three subassemblages, namely (a) a middle bathyal subassemblage [Eouvigerina subsculptura McNeil and Caldwell, Truaxia aspera (Cushman), and G. pyramidata] at Sites 516 and 525, (b) a lower bathyal subassemblage [Osangularia? sp., Pyramidina rudita (Cushman and Parker), and Quadrimorphina camerata (Brotzen)] at Site 356, and (c) an abyssal subassemblage [Gyroidinoides sp. C, Hyperammina-Bathysiphon, Gyroidinoides beisseli (White), and Globorotalites sp. B] at Site 527; (2) an abyssal assemblage [Buliminella cf. plana (Cushman and Parker) and Bulimina incisa Cushman] at the North Atlantic Site 384; and (3) a middle bathyal assemblage [Vulvulina sp. A, Osangularia navarroana (Cushman), Alabamina? sp., Bulimina velascoensis (Cushman), Spiroplectammina spp. calcareous forms, and Bulimina trinitatensis Cushman and Jarvis] at the Pacific Site 465.


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To address growing concern over the effects of fisheries non-target catch on elasmobranchs worldwide, the accurate reporting of elasmobranch catch is essential. This requires data on a combination of measures, including reported landings, retained and discarded non-target catch, and post-discard survival. Identification of the factors influencing discard vs. retention is needed to improve catch estimates and to determine wasteful fishing practices. To do this we compared retention rates of elasmobranch non-target catch in a broad subset of fisheries throughout the world by taxon, fishing country, and gear. A regression tree and random forest analysis indicated that taxon was the most important determinant of retention in this dataset, but all three factors together explained 59% of the variance. Estimates of total elasmobranch removals were calculated by dividing the FAO global elasmobranch landings by average retention rates and suggest that total elasmobranch removals may exceed FAO reported landings by as much as 400%. This analysis is the first effort to directly characterize global drivers of discards for elasmobranch non-target catch. Our results highlight the importance of accurate quantification of retention and discard rates to improve assessments of the potential impacts of fisheries on these species.


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Many marine radiogenic isotope records show both spatial and temporal variations, reflecting both the degree of mixing of distinct sources in the oceans and changes in the distribution of chemical weathering on the continents. However, changes in weathering and transport processes may themselves affect the composition of radiogenic isotopes released into seawater. The provenance of physically weathered material in the Labrador Sea, constrained through the use of Ar-Ar ages of individual detrital minerals, has been used to estimate the relative contributions of chemically weathered terranes releasing radiogenic isotopes into the Labrador Sea. A simple box-model approach for balancing observed Nd-isotope variations has been used to constrain the relative importance of localised input in the Labrador Sea, and the subsequent mixing of Labrador Sea Water into North Atlantic Deep-Water. The long-term pattern of erosion and deep-water formation around the North Atlantic seems to have been a relatively stable feature since 1.5 Ma, although there has been a dramatic shift in the nature of physical and chemical weathering affecting the release of Hf and Pb isotopes. The modelled Nd isotopes imply a relative decrease in water mass advection into the Labrador Sea between 2.4 and 1.5 Ma, accompanied by a decrease in the rate of overturning, possibly caused by an increased freshwater input into the Labrador Sea.


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The coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi is characterized by a wide range of sizes, which can be easily distinguished in the light microscope. In this study we have quantified the abundance of large (coccoliths > 4 µm in maximum length) E. huxleyi specimens during the last 25 kyr in sedimentary records from eleven cores and drill sites in the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean Sea, to prove its usefulness in the reconstruction of water mass dynamics and biostratigraphic potential. During the Last Glacial Maximum this large form, a cold-water indicator, was common in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, and its regional variation in abundance indicates a displacement of the climatic zones southwards in agreement with the development of ice sheets and sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere during this period. On the other hand, the gradient between northern and southern surface water masses in the Subtropical Gyre appears to have been more pronounced than at present, while the Portugal and Canary Currents were more intense. In the western Mediterranean basin temperatures were cooler than in the adjacent Atlantic, provoking a quasi-endemism of these specimens until the end of Heinrich Event 1. This may have been due to a restriction in the communication between the Atlantic and Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar, the arrival of cold surface water and the amplification of cooling after the development of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. During the deglaciation, large E. huxleyi specimens decreased in abundance at medium and low latitudes, but were still numerous close to the Subarctic region during the Holocene. In transitional waters this decrease to present day abundances occurred after Termination Ib. The abrupt change in abundance of this large E. huxleyi form is proposed as a new biostratigraphic event to characterize the Holocene in mid- to low-latitude water masses in the North Atlantic, although this horizon seems to be diachronous by 5 kyr from tropical to subarctic regions, in agreement with the gradual onset of warm conditions.