131 resultados para Agat-3612
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This paper provides an account of the way Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems change over time. These changes are conceptualized as a biographical accumulation that gives the specific ERP technology its present character, attributes and historicity. The paper presents empirics from the implementation of an ERP package within an Australasian organization. Changes to the ERP take place as a result of imperatives which arise during the implementation. Our research and evidence then extends to a different time and place where the new release of the ERP software was being 'sold' to client firms in the UK. We theorize our research through a lens based on ideas from actor network theory (ANT) and the concept of biography. The paper seeks to contribute an additional theorization for ANT studies that places the focus on the technological object and frees it from the ties of the implementation setting. The research illustrates the opportunistic and contested fabrication of a technological object and emphasizes the stability as well as the fluidity of its technologic. Copyright © 2007 SAGE.
The imidazotetrazinones are clinically active antitumour agents, temozolomide currently proving successful in the treatment of melanomas and gliomas. The exact nature of the biological processes underlying response are as yet unclear.This thesis attempts to identify the cellular targets important to the cytotoxicity of imidazotetrazinones, to elucidate the pathways by which this damage leads to cell death, and to identify mechanisms by which tumour cells may circumvent this action. The levels of the DNA repair enzymes O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (O6-AGAT) and 3-methyladenine-DNA-glycosylase (3MAG) have been examined in a range of murine and human cell lines with differential sensitivity to temozolomide. All the cell lines were proficient in 3MAG despite there being 40-fold difference in sensitivity to temozolomide. This suggests that while 3-methyladenine is a major product of temozolomide alkylation of DNA it is unlikely to be a cytotoxic lesion. In contrast, there was a 20-fold variation in O6-AGAT levels and the concentration of this repair enzyme correlated with variations in cytotoxicity. Furthermore, depletion of this enzyme in a resistant, O6-AGAT proficient cell line (Raji), by pre-treatment with the free base O6-methylguanine resulted in 54% sensitisation to the effects of temozolomide. These observations have been extended to 3 glioma cell lines; results that support the view that the cytotoxicity of temozolomide is related to alkylation at the O6-position of guanine and that resistance to this drug is determined by efficient repair of this lesion. It is clear, however, the other factors may influence tumour response since temozolomide showed little differential activity towards 3 established solid murine tumours in vivo, despite different tumour O6-AGAT levels. Unlike mitozolomide, temozolomide is incapable of cross-linking DNA and a mechanism by which O6-methylguanine may exert lethality is unclear. The cytotoxicity of the methyl group may be due to its disruption of DNA-protein interactions, or alternatively cell death may not be a direct result of the alkyl group itself, but manifested by DNA single-strand breaks. Enhanced alkaline elution rates were found for the DNA of Raji cells treated with temozolomide following alkyltransferase depletion, suggesting a relationship between O6-methylguanine and the induction single-strand breaks. Such breaks can activate poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase (ADPRT) an enzyme capable of rapid and lethal depletion of cellular NAD levels. However, at concentrations of temozolomlde relevant in vivo little change in adenine nucleotides was detected in cell lines, although this enzyme would appear important in modulating DNA repair since inhibition of ADPRT potentiated temozolomide cytotoxicity in Raji cells but not O6-AGAT deficient GM892A cells. Cell lines have been reported that are O6-AGAT deficient yet resistant to methylating agents. Thus, resistance to temozolomide may arise not only by removal of the methyl group from the O6-position of guanine, but also from another mechanism involving caffeine-sensitive post-replication repair or mismatch repair activity. A modification of the standard Maxam Gilbert sequencing technique was used to determine the sequence specificity of guanine-N7 alkylation. Temozolomide preferentially alkylated runs of guanines with the intensity of reaction increasing with the number of adjacent guanines in the DNA sequence. Comparable results were obtained with a polymerase-stop assay, although neither technique elucidates the sequence specificity of O6-guanine alkylation. The importance of such specificity to cytotoxicity is uncertain, although guanine-rich sequences are common to the promoter regions of oncogenes. Expression of a plasmid reporter gene under the control of the Ha-ras proto~oncogene promoter was inhibited by alkylation with temozolomide when transfected into cancer cell lines, However, this inhibition did not appear to be related to O6~guanine alkylation and therefore would seem unimportant to the chemotherapeutic activity of temozolomide.
La presente nota tiene como objetivo exponer de manera breve la metodología del filtro Baxter-King como herramienta útil para el análisis de ciclos económicos y de extracción de tendencia. También se repasan las propiedades matemáticas del filtro Hodrick-Prescott, para comprender en qué aspectos difiere del Baxter-King. Como aplicación del filtro, se analizan series con periodicidad mensual (IMAE, IPPI, Base Monetaria) trimestral (PIB) y anual (PIB e Importaciones) y se concluye que a pesar de que no difieren mucho sus resultados, el segundo es superior al Hodrick-Prescott por cuanto permite que el investigador determine el tipo de información que desea aislar de las series.
16 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
Diálogo con Luis Paulino Vargas: “EL TLC CA-EE.UU. más que un Tratado comercial es un Tratado sobre inversiones”
As elevadas taxas de analfabetismo entre certos grupos etários da população portuguesa em idade activa, nomeadamente nas regiões rurais e interiores do país, levou à criação do Ensino Recorrente (E.R.), uma modalidade de educação escolar vocacionada especialmente para a formação de adultos que abandonaram precocemente o sistema escolar e, ainda, para jovens que deixaram os cursos regulares, nomeadamente por razões de ordem laboral. Tendo desenvolvido, entre 1999 e 2004, a actividade profissional no concelho de Vila Nova de Paiva, no sector do E.R. ao nível da educação básica de adultos, 1º e 2º ciclos, procurámos averiguar se a frequência desta valência de educação de adultos trouxe algum contributo para o desenvolvimento socioeducativo e para a melhoria das condições económicas e laborais dos jovens e adultos deste concelho. Através de um estudo exploratório, de carácter descritivo, concluímos que a formação recebida constituiu uma mais-valia para os sujeitos que frequentaram o E.R., na medida em que contribuiu para a melhoria das suas condições de vida, traduzidas no aumento de conhecimentos úteis para o dia-a-dia, no desenvolvimento de comportamentos benéficos para a saúde e prevenção, numa maior consciência cívica, na sensibilizarão pelas questões ambientais, no incremento das condições económicas e da sua situação laboral, em geral.
El interés de este caso de estudio es reflexionar sobre los procesos participativos en la formulación de instrumentos de planeamiento urbano y sus efectos en la gestión de las ciudades, particularmente en el espacio público. Esto se realiza partir de una revisión normativa en el presente y de algunos aspectos históricos de los procesos de “Participación Ciudadana” y del concepto de “Espacio Público” como escenarios propicios para que la ciudadanía aporte en las decisiones de planificación. Además, se plantea una revisión de cómo estos se constituyen en elementos estructurantes de la ciudad que la dotan de identidad, referentes simbólicos y apropiación ciudadana. Para este efecto, se realizó un balance de la estrategia de gestión social y participativa propuesta por el Plan Maestro de Espacio Público de 2005, con el fin de resaltar la importancia de la participación ciudadana en la gestión de los instrumentos de planificación con los que cuenta la ciudad y sus resultados en la gestión de espacio público en Bogotá.
Apresentação geral sobre os serviços oferecidos pela Universidade Aberta do SUS e informações de acesso obtidos pelo uso das plataformas por profissionais de saúde.