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Previous developments in the opportunism-independent theory of the firm are either restricted to special cases or are derived from the capabilities or resource-based perspective. However, a more general opportunism-independent approach can be developed, based on the work of Demsetz and Coase, which is nevertheless contractual in nature. This depends on 'direction', that is, deriving economic value by permitting one set of actors to direct the activities of another, and of non-human factors of production. Direction helps to explain not only firm boundaries and organisation, but also the existence of firms, without appealing to opportunism or moral hazard. The paper also considers the extent to which it is meaningful to speak of 'contractual' theories in the absence of opportunism, and whether this analysis can be extended beyond the employment contract to encompass ownership of assets by the firm. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society. All rights reserved.
The imidazotetrazinones are clinically active antitumour agents, temozolomide currently proving successful in the treatment of melanomas and gliomas. The exact nature of the biological processes underlying response are as yet unclear.This thesis attempts to identify the cellular targets important to the cytotoxicity of imidazotetrazinones, to elucidate the pathways by which this damage leads to cell death, and to identify mechanisms by which tumour cells may circumvent this action. The levels of the DNA repair enzymes O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (O6-AGAT) and 3-methyladenine-DNA-glycosylase (3MAG) have been examined in a range of murine and human cell lines with differential sensitivity to temozolomide. All the cell lines were proficient in 3MAG despite there being 40-fold difference in sensitivity to temozolomide. This suggests that while 3-methyladenine is a major product of temozolomide alkylation of DNA it is unlikely to be a cytotoxic lesion. In contrast, there was a 20-fold variation in O6-AGAT levels and the concentration of this repair enzyme correlated with variations in cytotoxicity. Furthermore, depletion of this enzyme in a resistant, O6-AGAT proficient cell line (Raji), by pre-treatment with the free base O6-methylguanine resulted in 54% sensitisation to the effects of temozolomide. These observations have been extended to 3 glioma cell lines; results that support the view that the cytotoxicity of temozolomide is related to alkylation at the O6-position of guanine and that resistance to this drug is determined by efficient repair of this lesion. It is clear, however, the other factors may influence tumour response since temozolomide showed little differential activity towards 3 established solid murine tumours in vivo, despite different tumour O6-AGAT levels. Unlike mitozolomide, temozolomide is incapable of cross-linking DNA and a mechanism by which O6-methylguanine may exert lethality is unclear. The cytotoxicity of the methyl group may be due to its disruption of DNA-protein interactions, or alternatively cell death may not be a direct result of the alkyl group itself, but manifested by DNA single-strand breaks. Enhanced alkaline elution rates were found for the DNA of Raji cells treated with temozolomide following alkyltransferase depletion, suggesting a relationship between O6-methylguanine and the induction single-strand breaks. Such breaks can activate poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase (ADPRT) an enzyme capable of rapid and lethal depletion of cellular NAD levels. However, at concentrations of temozolomlde relevant in vivo little change in adenine nucleotides was detected in cell lines, although this enzyme would appear important in modulating DNA repair since inhibition of ADPRT potentiated temozolomide cytotoxicity in Raji cells but not O6-AGAT deficient GM892A cells. Cell lines have been reported that are O6-AGAT deficient yet resistant to methylating agents. Thus, resistance to temozolomide may arise not only by removal of the methyl group from the O6-position of guanine, but also from another mechanism involving caffeine-sensitive post-replication repair or mismatch repair activity. A modification of the standard Maxam Gilbert sequencing technique was used to determine the sequence specificity of guanine-N7 alkylation. Temozolomide preferentially alkylated runs of guanines with the intensity of reaction increasing with the number of adjacent guanines in the DNA sequence. Comparable results were obtained with a polymerase-stop assay, although neither technique elucidates the sequence specificity of O6-guanine alkylation. The importance of such specificity to cytotoxicity is uncertain, although guanine-rich sequences are common to the promoter regions of oncogenes. Expression of a plasmid reporter gene under the control of the Ha-ras proto~oncogene promoter was inhibited by alkylation with temozolomide when transfected into cancer cell lines, However, this inhibition did not appear to be related to O6~guanine alkylation and therefore would seem unimportant to the chemotherapeutic activity of temozolomide.
El objetivo de este documento es obtener evidencia empírica acerca de la existencia de efectos asimétricos de la política monetaria sobre el nivel de actividad económica, con base en el comportamiento de la tasa de interés. Se observa un efecto asimétrico de la política monetaria cuando tasas de interés por encima de su nivel fundamental tienen un efecto sobre la actividad económica significativamente distinto del que tendría una tasa de interés por debajo de su nivel fundamental.La identificación de cambios en la tasa de interés que reflejan cambios de política se realiza por mínimos cuadrados en dos etapas. En la primera etapa, el nivel fundamental de la tasa de interés se estima con una regla de Taylor modificada y sus residuos son utilizados para identificar el estado de la política. La segunda etapa consiste en una regresión del producto real sobre una constante y los valores rezagados de los residuos positivos y negativos obtenidos en la primera etapa. La asimetría vendría determinada por la significancia estadística de los coeficientes individuales de los residuos positivos y negativos y de la diferencia entre estos.La evidencia empírica, para el periodo 1994:01-2002:11, sugiere la existencia de una asimetría débil de la política monetaria. Lo anterior debido a que aunque los incrementos y disminuciones en la tasa de interés afectan el nivel de producción significativamente, la diferencia del impacto no resulta significativa.AbstractThe objective of this paper is to obtain empirical evidence about the existence of asymmetric effects of monetary policy over economic activity, based on interest rate behavior. Monetary policy shows an asymmetric effect when an interest rate over their fundamental level have an impact on economic activity that is significantly different from that when interest rate are below its fundamental level.Changes in interest rate that reflect changes of policy are identified using two stage least squares. In the first stage, the fundamental level of the interest rate is estimated with a modified Taylor rule and residuals are used to identify the state of the policy. The second stage consists of a regression of the real output on a constant and lagged values of the positive and negative residuals obtained in the first stage. The asymmetry would come determined by the statistical significance of individual coefficients of positive and negative residuals and the difference between them.The empirical evidence, over the 1994:01-2002:11 period, suggests the existence of weak asymmetry of monetary policy. Although increases and reductions in interest rate affect the production level significantly, the difference of the impact is not significant.
Introducción Conforme se profundizaban en el Tercer Mundo los efectos funestos de la globalización, empezó a cobrar importancia en enfoque analítico denominado “Sustainable rual livelihoods”(Modos de Vida Rural Sostenibles). Sus proponentes lo definieron en la siguiente manera: ”Un modo de vida rural sostenible comprende las capacidades y bienes, tanto de orden material y social (tangibles e intangibles), que poseen las familias campesinas, así como las actividades que despliegan para desarrollar medios de vida que les permiten subsistir, sortear o recuperarse de adversidades, manteniendo o aumentando sus recursos productivos y sin afectar la base de recursos naturales”…
Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the contribution of traditional toys as catalysts for motivation and student commitment in the development of Technological Education projects and activities. Research Questions: To what extent do work units related to traditional toys promote student motivation and commitment in the subject of Technological Education. Purpose of Study: Technological Education requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys are assumed to be catalysts for motivation and student interest. Research Methods: In terms of methodology, an exploratory research of a qualitative nature was carried out, based on semi-structured interviews to teachers and students within a 2nd cycle of Basic Education environment, encompassing five state schools in the Viseu municipality, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five technological education pupils, aged between 10 and 12, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Findings: Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of work units involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to student motivation and commitment. Starting off with an initial idea, pupils are enabled to experience all the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process. Conclusions: The traditional toys constitute an added value in the subject of Technological Education, promoting student motivation and commitment in the development of projects and activities. Students acquire knowledge and skills, which will enable them to analyze and thus resolve specific situations and prepare them for an increasingly technological world.
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A caracterização ambiental da microbacia estudada foi realizada com o objetivo de criar um conjunto de planos de informação (PI's), de modo a permitir um conhecimento apropriado do local pela equipe do projeto, o planejamento de atividades de pesquisa e a identificação de áreas de risco. A microbacia do Córrego Espraiado está localizada entre os municípios de Ribeirão Preto e Cravinhos. As informações básicas utilizadas na caracterização ambiental foram: I) conjunto de cartas planialtimétricas, escala 1:10.000 (IGC, 1992); II) mapa de solos, escala 1:25.000 (MIKLOS, 1996); III) imagem de satélite LANDSAT TM 5, passagem 01/09/93, bandas 3, 4 e 5. A partir destas informações foram gerados os planos: limite da microbacia, redes de drenagem e viária, modelo numérico de terreno (MNT), classes de declive, uso da terra (1995) e solos. Outros planos foram gerados a partir do cruzamento dos anteriores: potencial de infiltração e escoamento superficial da água, potencial natural de erosão, perdas de solo e expectativa de erosão. A versão do IDRISI utilizada foi a 4.1 (DOS). Para a entrada de dados vetoriais foi utilizado o TOSCA 2.12. Na geração dos mapas foi utilizado o COREL DRAW 4. Os planos foram exportados do IDRISI para o COREL DRAW no formato TIF. O limite da microbacia foi traçado sobre as cartas planialtimétricas e posteriormente digitalizado. Com este PI foi construída uma máscara, utilizada para extrair as células que não pertenciam à microbacia em vários procedimentos posteriores. As redes de drenagem e viária foram digitalizadas a partir das informações contidas nas cartas planialtimétricas e rasterizadas pelo módulo LINERAS, gerando os PI's correspondentes. As informações de altimetria passaram por processo semelhante ao anterior, porém na rasterização foi também usado o módulo POINTRAS. Posteriormente as informações de altimetria, já rasterizadas foram interpoladas de modo a preencher todas as células (módulo INTERCON), gerando o MNT da microbacia. Para eliminar os defeitos nas bordas da microbacia, foram também digitalizadas algumas informações de altitude fora do limite da microbacia. Finalmente, para excluir os resultados da interpolação, fora da área de interesse, foi utilizada a máscara realizando-se uma multiplicação entre planos, função presente no módulo OVERLAY. As classes de declive foram obtidas após o calculo da declividade por meio de função presente no módulo SURFECE e o MNT, resultando em um PI intermediário com os valores de declividade em cada célula. Então, utilizou-se o módulo RECLASS para agrupar as células em 7 classes. A imagem em "falsa cor" (composição colorida) foi obtida usando-se o módulo COMPOSIT e posteriormente registrada por meio do módulo RESAMPLE. As coordenadas UTM dos pontos de controle foram extraídos das cartas planialtimetricas. O PI-Uso Atual, foi obtido das informações também retiradas das cartas planialtimetricas, análise da imagem de satélite e de visitas ao campo, realizadas no ano de 1995. O arquivo vetorial produzido foi editado no TOSCA e os polígonos gerados, com o uso do módulo CYCLE. Finalmente o arquivo com os polígonos foi rasterizado (POLYRAS). O PI-Solos foi gerado da digitalização do mapa de solos semidetalhado produzido por MIKLOS (1996). Novamente foi utilizado o TOSCA, seguido dos módulos CYCLE e POLYRAS para produzir o arquivo matricial correspondente. O PI-Potencial de infiltração e Escoamento Superficial da Água foi obtido pelo cruzamento das informações de condutividade hidráulica dos solos e da declividade do terreno. Este PI e um passo intermediário de um método proposto para a identificação das áreas de risco de contaminação por agrotóxicos, apresentado em LUIS (1996) e GOMES (1996). Foram também gerados alguns PI's relacionados com o estudo de erosão na microbacia, utilizando a Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo - EUPS. O IDRISI forneceu os recursos necessários aos objetivos do trabalho. As principais deficiências encontradas são a interface homem/máquina e a criação dos polígonos com a TOSCA, onde há necessidade de informar para cada arco digitado os identificadores dos polígonos por ele dividido. Esta operação consome um esforço considerável e está sujeita a freqüentes erros.