984 resultados para Adverbs ending in -mente


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Vols. issued in 2 pts., each having also a separate title: Customs cases adjudged ... ; Patent cases adjudged ...


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Em 1966 o Brasil chegava ao término do primeiro governo do regime militar. Disputavam o poder dois grupos das Forças Armadas, a Sorbonne e a Linha Dura. Esta indicou o nome do Ministro da Guerra Arthur da Costa e Silva como candidato à sucessão do Presidente Castello Branco. Costa e Silva fez campanha, percorrendo o Brasil para conhecer os problemas nacionais e apresentar suas propostas. O inusitado está no fato de a eleição ser indireta e apenas os membros do Congresso Nacional ter direito a voto, estando a população à margem da escolha do novo mandatário do país. O objetivo do trabalho é traçar o perfil do Marechal Arthur da Costa e Silva levantando fatos históricos que o tornaram, em 1966, um candidato viável à Presidência da República do Brasil e compreender a estratégia de marketing eleitoral utilizada. O trabalho utilizou como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas semiestruturadas com personagens que viveram a época e análise de conteúdo dos jornais O Estado de São Paulo e Jornal do Brasil, para indicar suas posições na cobertura das eleições presidenciais de 1966.


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Dopo più di due secoli dalla nascita di Darwin e più di centocinquant’anni dalla pubblicazione della sua opera più importante, l’Origine delle specie, tenuta in debita considerazione l’importanza del concetto di evoluzione biologica come chiave esplicativa per tutta la Biologia, diviene fondamentale ripercorrere brevemente, per così dire, l’evoluzione dell’evoluzionismo. Il 12 febbraio del 1809 nasceva Charles Robert Darwin, mentre il 24 novembre 1859 veniva pubblicata la sua opera più importante l’Origine delle specie. Nonostante le conoscenze biologiche di duecento anni fa fossero inadeguate a fornire il sostrato adeguato per spiegare come effettivamente si ereditassero i caratteri dei genitori, le esplorazioni dei Paesi extraeuropei, con il corollario di importanti reperti biologici che affluivano in Europa, nonché l’accumulo di fatti e scoperte, coadiuvati dall’emergere di una nuova borghesia avida di conoscenza, rendevano sempre più problematica l’accettazione delle spiegazioni metafisiche dei fenomeni naturali. Ovviamente, il cambio di paradigma non è stato indolore: le gerarchie ecclesiastiche ed il potere politico non accettarono facilmente (e non lo fanno neanche adesso!) di vedere messo in discussione lo status quo. Mi torna in mente la frase che il Primo Ministro Britannico Disraeli disse, commentando l’uscita dell’Origine delle specie: “Il Signor Darwin discenderà dalle scimmie, ma io discendo dagli angeli”. A prescindere da ciò, attualmente gli strepitosi successi della Biologia, uniti alla necessità, sempre più impellente, di salvaguardare la diversità biologica, impongono di conoscere, almeno per sommi capi, l’evoluzionismo ed il suo sviluppo poiché, come affermato da Dobzhansky: “Nulla ha senso in Biologia, se non alla luce dell’Evoluzione”. Infatti, Con lo sviluppo della biologia moderna, e delle altre scienze ad essa collegate, si è profondamente modificato il concetto stesso del mondo naturale. Si è inserita una visione storica della natura. Di più, l’uomo è sceso da quel piedistallo su cui credeva di essere nel sistema naturale. Per questo Sigmund Freud ha definito l’Origine delle specie di Darwin, il “colpo biologico” alla presunzione umana. Il concetto di evoluzione ha anche contribuito allo sviluppo di una visione laica della realtà.


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Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univer, do Algarve, 2004


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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After the Congress, a six-day field trip, will be held through three southwestern provinces of Angola (Huíla, Namibe and Cunene), every day starting and ending in the city of Lubango, for overnight stay in Lubango, with the purpose to observe some of the main sites of geological interest in this zone of Angola. The itinerary of this field trip presents the geologic history of Southwestern Angola and its evolution in the scope of the Congo Craton, through a trip that begins in the first excursion days by the oldest geologic formations and phenomena until the recent geologic formations and phenomena on the last excursion days. On the first and second excursion days, September 5th and September 6th, the field trip will go along the Kunene Anorthosite Complex of Angola (KAC), to observe some petrographic features of the KAC that are important to understand the emplacement of this huge igneous massif of the early Kibarean age. These days of the field trip allow the observation of Earthen Construction, because this region of Cunene is privileged to appreciate a kind of Eco-construction, made of raw earth and in wattle and daub, built with ancient techniques, which constitute a real GeoHeritage. On September 7th, in the morning, the destination will be Tundavala, to visit Tundavala Gap, a huge escarpment of more than 1,000 m high cutted in Neo-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic igneous rocks, the Ruins of Tundavala (quartzite blocks with sedimentary structures) and Tundavala Waterfalls on a quartzitic scarp. After lunch, the field trip continues towards Humpata plateau to observe the panoramic view over Lubango city from the Statue of Cristo Rei, then the outcrops of dolomitic limestones with stromatolites and dolerites and finally the Leba passage, a huge escarpment and one of the most spectacular parts of the Serra da Chela, traversed by a mountain road built in the early 70s of the last century, that can be observed from the belvedere of the Serra da Chela. On September 8th, the destination is the carbonatite complexes of Tchivira and Bonga, belonging to the Mesozoic alkaline massifs of ultrabasic rocks, a rift valley system that occurs during the Early Cretaceous. In this forth excursion day, due to the huge dimensions of these two carbonatite structures it will be visited, only, the Complex of Bonga, namely the outcrops of the northern part of the structure and secondary deposits on the boundary on the southern part of the of the Complex. The last two excursion days, September 9th and September 10th, are to observe the Cretaceous Basin of Namibe. On September 9th, the northern part of Namibe Basin will be visited to observe the volcanic basic rocks of Namibe as well as the interesting paleontological site of Bentiaba. On September 10th, the destination is the southern and more recent part of Namibe Basin, where on the Namib Desert, the exotic plant Welwitschia mirabilis can be observed, as well as Arco, an oasis in the desert. This last excursion day, ends up at the dunes of Tombwa near the mouth of Curoca river and the beautiful bay of Tombwa, where can be observed heavy minerals in their beach sands.


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ResumenEl presente artículo se propone como una disertación en torno al fenómeno del abuso sexual infantily el Backlash, comprendiendo a este último como un contra-movimiento social que buscalegitimar diversas manifestaciones de violencia en contra de las mujeres y las personas menoresde edad. En aras de alcanzar dicho propósito, el artículo parte de la conceptualización del términoabuso sexual infantil, resaltando sus principales características y consecuencias, continúa con unadiscusión conceptual en torno al Backlash y sus principales derivaciones y concluye con una reflexiónrespecto a la relación entre este y el abuso sexual infantil. Producto del recorrido emprendido seafirma que, si bien el Backlash nace como una respuesta contraria y contestataria al éxito obtenidopor el movimiento de mujeres, ha evolucionado e incursionado en otras áreas temáticas, como lo esel abuso sexual infantil, cuya comprensión y atención se ha visto influenciada por teorías “pseudocientíficas” como el síndrome de alienación parental y el síndrome de falsas memorias, desde lascuales se desacredita la revelación de las víctimas. En tanto el uso de teorías compatibles con elBacklash en procesos de custodia y juicios por denuncias de abuso sexual se encuentra en aumentovertiginoso, se concluye que el movimiento de derechos humanos debe fortalecer una respuestaconjunta y sólida frente a esta reacción extrema.AbstractThe present article is a dissertation proposal regarding the child sexual abuse phenomenon and the Backlash, being the last a social countermovement which pretends to legitimize various manifestations of violence towards women and underage people. The article starts from the conceptualization of the term child sexual abuse, highlighting its key characteristics and consequences, moving on to a conceptual discussion concerning Backlash and its main derivations, and ending in a reflection about its relationship with child sexual abuse. From the research undertaken it is stated that, while Backlash started out as a counter response to the success achieved by the women movement, it has evolved and moved into other thematic areas, such as child sexual abuse, which understanding and focus have been influenced by pseudoscientific theories like the parental alienation syndrome and the false memory syndrome, from which the victims’ declarations are discredited. While the use of Backlash compatible theories in custody processes and sexual abuse accusation trials shows an accelerated increase, it is concluded that the human rights movement needs to build up a solid and joint answer against this extreme response.Keywords:Backlash, child sexual abuse, parental alienation syndrome, false memories syndrome.


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Examines the state of current affairs television in Australia today by pondering the future, while drawing lessons from the past. The book questions the social and political value of what we now think of as current affairs journalism.


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RESUMO: Este estudo foi realizado com o objectivo de conhecer os efeitos da desinstitucionalização dos doentes psiquiátricos crónicos durante o processo de encerramento do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Este processo incluiu a fusão, em 2008, dos dois principais hospitais psiquiátricos de Lisboa- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) e Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), no Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). Foi criado um grupo controlo de pacientes ainda hospitalizados no CHPL (n=166) para comparação com o grupo de casos desinstitucionalizados (n=146). Desta amostra inicial (n=312) apenas 142 (76 casos e 66 controlos) foram incluídos, sendo as principais causas de exclusão: diagnóstico (patologia orgânica, demência ou debilidade mental, como diagnóstico primário) e transferência entre hospitais. A desinstitucionalização foi principalmente avaliada em termos de psicopatologia, utilização de serviços, satisfação, crime, condição de “sem abrigo” ou morte. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos doentes crónicos pode sair do hospital psiquiátrico para a comunidade sem agravamento da psicopatologia, aumento do crime ou da condição de “sem abrigo”. A satisfação parece estar aumentada na população desinstitucionalizada. A mortalidade, por outro lado, revelou-se uma questão problemática: apesar de não ter sido possível estabelecer uma comparação entre casos e controlos, a Taxa de Mortalidade Standard encontrada neste estudo foi muito superior ao esperado, de acordo com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Um estudo longitudinal da mesma população poderá ser objecto de futura investigação, possivelmente comparada com outra população similar de um programa de desinstitucionalização noutro país.--------- RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer les effets de la désinstitutionnalisation des patients chroniques lors de la fermeture de l'hôpital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Ce processus comprenait la fusion en 2008 de deux grands hôpitaux psychiatriques de Lisbonne: À savoir, Hôpital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) et Hôpital Julio de Matos (HJM), maintenant Centre de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de Lisbonne (CHPL). Il a été créé un groupe contrôle des patients toujours hospitalisés à CHPL (n = 166) pour comparer avec les cas désinstitutionnalisés (n = 146). De cet échantillon initial (n= 312) à peine 142 (76 cas et 66 contrôles) ont été inclus, les principales raisons d'exclusion: diagnostique (maladie organique, démence ou d'arriération mentale comme diagnostic primaire) et les transferts entre hôpitaux. La désinstitutionnalisation a été principalement évaluée en termes de psychopathologie, de l'utilisation des services, la satisfaction, la criminalité, les “sans abri” et de la mort. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des malades chroniques peuvent quitter l'hôpital psychiatrique et s´intégrer dans la communauté sans aggravation de la psychopathologie, augmentation de la criminalité ou du nombre de “sans-abri”. La satisfaction semble être en hausse dans la population désinstitutionnalisée. Toutefois, la mortalité s'est avéré être une question problématique, même si il n´a pas été possible d'établir une comparaison entre les cas et les contrôles, le Taux de Mortalité Standard estimé dans cette étude fut beaucoup plus élevé que prévu, en tenant compte des résultats établis dans la littérature. Une étude longitudinale de la même population pourra faire l'objet de futures recherches, peut-être comparé à une population similaire d'un programme de désinstitutionnalisation dans un autre pays. ----------- ABSTRACT:This study was conducted to assess the effects of deinstitutionalization of “long-stay” patients during the process of closing Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). This process included the fusion, in 2008, of the two main psychiatric hospitals in Lisbon- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) and Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), into Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). A control group of still institutionalized patients in CHPL (n=166) was used as a comparison with the deinstitutionalized population (n=146). Of this 312 initial sample only 142 (76 cases and 66 controls) were included, the main causes of exclusion being diagnoses (organic disease, dementia and mental retardation- as first diagnoses) and transference between hospitals. Deinstitutionalization is mainly evaluated in terms of psychopathology, use of services, satisfaction, crime, vagrancy and deaths. The results show that most long-stay patients can successfully leave psychiatric hospitals and be relocated in the community without an increase in psychopathology, crime or vagrancy. Satisfaction seems to be improved in those patients. On the other hand, mortality remains an issue of concern: Although there was no possibility of comparing it between cases and controls, the Standard Mortality Rate (SMR) in our study was found to be much higher than expected judging by other studies results. A longitudinal further study of this same population will be the matter for a future investigation, possibily compared with another similar population from a desinstitutionalization programme in another country.


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The Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation engages in research and development for two reasons: first, to find workable solutions to the many problems that require more than ordinary, routine investigation; second, to identify and implement improved engineering and management practices. This report, entitled Highway Division Highway Research and Development in Iowa, is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 312.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects, which were in progress on June 30, 2005; it is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available in the Research and Technology Bureau in the Highway Division of the Iowa Department of Transportation.


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Audit report on Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for the year ending June 30, 2006.


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An accumulation of years brings with it an accumulation of experiences. The revision of such experiences usually becomes more recurrent after retirement, a transition time from one period of life to another and, as such, a time in which we, human beings, have a tendency to take stock of our lives. This is actually one of the main issues present in Julian Barnes's last novel The Sense of an Ending (2011). When the main protagonist, a retired man quite comfortable and contented with his present life, receives an unexpected inheritance from the mother of a girlfriend from his university years, he is forced to track down a part of his life that he had left at the back of his mind a long time ago. As he explains his story, the protagonist and narrator of the novel raises a number of questions related to the quality and function of memory as one gets into old age. He experiments the unreliability of memory and questions to what extent memory is constructed through the remembered emotions that invaded him over that episode of his life rather than through the events as they actually took place. On the other hand, the act of revisiting and revising that specific episode, brings with it feelings of guilt and remorse as the protagonist realises that his past acts were not as noble as he remembered them to be. However, these acts are part of the past and they cannot be changed; thus, another question that the novel raises is how to account for those actions of which one does not feel proud and, more importantly, how to manage those bad memories as one gets older.


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Una de las ideas principales del proyecto fue analizar aspectos sobresalientes con que cuenta Colombia, como su gente y la manera como se planifica la proyección de su identidad, con el objetivo de trasmitir ciertos atributos de nuestros productos o servicios a los consumidores, logrando que sean recordados en sus mentes para una próxima acción de compra. También se analizó la forma como se puede lograr construir una imagen clara y fuerte “Colombiana” como marca sombrilla, la cual facilite cobertura en la presencia Internacional de los productos, empresas e instituciones colombianas donde se consiga potencializar los puntos fuertes del país. Para esto se quiso analizar la importancia y los beneficios aportados por la marca país colombiana buscando y encontrando estrategias para un buen desarrollo y seguimiento de una reconocida imagen de marca.