959 resultados para Adsorption process


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, use was made of tucumã cake, in natura (TCN) and thermally treated (TCT), as potential alternative adsorbents for the adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes. The effects of the parameters: contact time, adsorbent: adsorbate mass ratio, and initial concentration of dye were analyzed. The adsorption isotherms were established from optimized adsorption parameters. The best conditions for adsorption were: equilibrium time of 7 h, concentration of 25 mg L 1 and ratio of 1:200 for the methylene blue dye; and pH 6.5, concentration of 25 mg L 1 and ratio of 1:200 for the congo red dye. The adsorption process was best represented by the Dubinin–Radushkevich and Sips isotherms. The kinetics of adsorption of the dyes were best described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic and Elovich models. TCT showed the best maximum adsorption capacity (Qm) for the methylene blue dye (63.92 mg g 1 ).


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of nanoscale low-dimensional systems could boost the sensitivity of gas sensors. In this work we simulate a nanoscopic sensor based on carbon nanotubes with a large number of binding sites using ab initio density functional electronic structure calculations coupled to the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism. We present a recipe where the adsorption process is studied followed by conductance calculations of a single defect system and of more realistic disordered system considering different coverages of molecules as one would expect experimentally. We found that the sensitivity of the disordered system is enhanced by a factor of 5 when compared to the single defect one. Finally, our results from the atomistic electronic transport are used as input to a simple model that connects them to experimental parameters such as temperature and partial gas pressure, providing a procedure for simulating a realistic nanoscopic gas sensor. Using this methodology we show that nitrogen-rich carbon nanotubes could work at room temperature with extremely high sensitivity. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4739280]


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This article discusses the adsorption kinetics of a L-cysteine monolayer onto a gold surface by means of information obtained through the QCM technique. The results indicate that the adsorption process is rapid and follows the Langmuir isotherm, in which adsorption and desorption are considered. From these measurements the following parameter values were obtained: k d = (4.2 ± 0.4) x 10-3 s-1, k a = 75 ± 6 M-1 s-1, Keq=(1.8 ± 0.3) x 10(4) M-1 and ΔGads = - (5.8 ± 0.2) kcal mol-1.


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This thesis was driven by the ambition to create suitable model systems that mimic complex processes in nature, like intramolecular transitions, such as unfolding and refolding of proteins, or intermolecular interactions between different cell compo-nents. Novel biophysical approaches were adopted by employing atomic force mi-croscopy (AFM) as the main measurement technique due to its broad diversity. Thus, high-resolution imaging, adhesion measurements, and single-molecule force distance experiments were performed on the verge of the instrumental capabilities. As first objective, the interaction between plasma membrane and cytoskeleton, me-diated by the linker protein ezrin, was pursued. Therefore, the adsorption process and the lateral organization of ezrin on PIP2 containing solid-supported membranes were characterized and quantified as a fundament for the establishment of a biomimetic model system. As second component of the model system, actin filaments were coated on functionalized colloidal probes attached on cantilevers, serving as sensor elements. The zealous endeavor of creating this complex biomimetic system was rewarded by successful investigation of the activation process of ezrin. As a result, it can be stated that ezrin is activated by solely binding to PIP2 without any further stimulating agents. Additional cofactors may stabilize and prolong the active conformation but are not essentially required for triggering ezrin’s transformation into an active conformation. In the second project, single-molecule force distance experiments were performed on bis-loop tetra-urea calix[4]arene-catenanes with different loading rates (increase in force per second). These macromolecules were specifically designed to investigate the rupture and rejoining mechanism of hydrogen bonds under external load. The entangled loops of capsule-like molecules locked the unbound state of intramolecular hydrogen bonds mechanically, rendering a rebinding observable on the experimental time scale. In conjunction with Molecular Dynamics simulations, a three-well potential of the bond rupture process was established and all kinetically relevant parameters of the experiments were determined by means of Monte Carlo simulations and stochastic modeling. In summary, it can be stated that atomic force microscopy is an invaluable tool to scrutinize relevant processes in nature, such as investigating activation mechanisms in proteins, as shown by analysis of the interaction between F-actin and ezrin, as well as exploring fundamental properties of single hydrogen bonds that are of paramount interest for the complete understanding of complex supramolecular structures.


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La respuesta higroscópica de la madera varía a lo largo de la dirección radial del árbol. El aumento de corta de ejemplares jóvenes y el uso de troncos de pequeños diámetros en la industria de los productos forestales, hacen preciso estudiar el comportamiento higroscópico tanto de la madera juvenil como de la madura. Su determinación proporciona información para comprender los mecanismos de sorción. Asimismo, la obtención de las propiedades termodinámicas de ambos tipos de madera facilita la modelización de procesos industriales como el secado o el encolado. En el presente trabajo, se ha comparado el comportamiento higroscópico y las propiedades termodinámicas de la madera juvenil y madura de Abies pinsapo Boissier, Abies alba Mill., Pinus canariensis C. Sm. ex DC., Pinus nigra Arnold, Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb. y Pinus pinea L. Para este propósito se han utilizado las isotermas de sorción obtenidas mediante el método tradicional de sales saturadas descrito por COST Action E8 a 15, 35 y 50ºC en Abies pinsapo, Abies alba, Pinus nigra, Pinus uncinata y Pinus pinea, y a 35 y 50ºC en Pinus canariensis. Igualmente, se ha empleado el equipo dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) en la obtención de las isotermas de Pinus pinea a 35 y 50ºC. El ajuste de las curvas se ha realizado mediante el modelo Guggenheim, Anderson y de Boer-Dent (GAB), cumpliendo todas las muestras los criterios de aceptación establecidos. En el estudio de las isotermas se ha calculado el coeficiente y área de histéresis entre el proceso de adsorción y desorción para cada una de las muestras. Con el fin de comprender el comportamiento higroscópico experimentado por cada madera se ha determinado la composición química, espectros de infrarrojos (FTIR) y difractogramas de rayos X de cada una. Los parámetros termodinámicos - calor isostérico neto y total heat of wetting - se han obtenido a partir de las isotermas de sorción mediante el método de integración de la ecuación de Clausius-Clapeyron. Finalmente, se han comparado los datos obtenidos con el método tradicional de sales saturadas y con dynamic vapor sorption con el propósito de conocer la existencia de similitudes entre ambas metodologías. Los resultados mostraron que los puntos de equilibrio son, en la mayor parte de los casos, superiores en la madera madura frente a la juvenil, y por tanto las isotermas de la madera madura se encuentran siempre por encima de las de la juvenil, debido principalmente a la composición química. Respecto a las propiedades termodinámicas, se ha determinado que la energía involucrada en los procesos de sorción es superior en la madera madura que en la madera juvenil, siendo mayor en el proceso de desorción frente al de adsorción. En la comparación de las metodologías de sales saturadas y dynamic vapor sorption no se han detectado casi diferencias significativas en el proceso de adsorción, mientras que sí se han obtenido en el de desorción. ABSTRACT The hygroscopic response of wood varies throughout the radial direction of the tree. The longer cut of young trees and the use of small-diameter trunks in the forest product industry make it necessary to study the hygroscopic behaviour of both juvenile and mature wood. Determining this behaviour in both types of wood provides information for understanding the sorption mechanisms. Similarly, obtaining the thermodynamic properties of juvenile and mature wood facilitates modelling of industrial processes such as drying and bonding. In this study a comparison was made of the hygroscopic behaviour and thermodynamic properties of juvenile and mature wood of Abies pinsapo Boissier, Abies alba Mill., Pinus canariensis C. Sm. ex DC., Pinus nigra Arnold, Pinus uncinata Mill. ex Mirb. and Pinus pinea L. This was done by obtaining the sorption isotherms using the traditional saturated salt method described by COST Action E8 at 15, 35 and 50ºC in Abies pinsapo, Abies alba, Pinus nigra, Pinus uncinata and Pinus pinea, and at 35 and 50ºC in Pinus canariensis. In addition, dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) was used to obtain the isotherms of Pinus pinea at 35 and 50ºC. The curves were fitted using the Guggenheim, Anderson and de Boer- Dent (GAB) model and all samples met the established acceptance criteria. In the study of the isotherms, the hysteresis coefficient and area of the hysteresis loop between adsorption and desorption were calculated for each sample. To understand the hygroscopic behaviour of juvenile and mature wood, the chemical composition, infrared spectra (FTIR) and X-ray diffractograms of each type of wood were determined. The thermodynamic parameters - net isosteric heat and total heat of wetting - were obtained from the sorption isotherms by applying the integration method of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The data obtained using the traditional saturated salt method and with dynamic vapour sorption were compared to determine the similarities between the two methods. The results showed that the equilibrium points are greater in the mature wood than in the juvenile wood in most cases, and therefore the mature wood isotherms are always above the juvenile wood isotherms, mainly because of the chemical composition. As regards the thermodynamic properties, it was determined that the energy involved in the sorption processes is greater in the mature wood than in the juvenile wood, and is greater in the desorption process than in the adsorption process. On comparing the saturated salt and dynamic vapour sorption methods, almost no significant differences were detected in the adsorption process, but significant differences were obtained in the desorption process.


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O aumento no consumo energético e a crescente preocupação ambiental frente à emissão de gases poluentes criam um apelo mundial favorável para pesquisas de novas tecnologias não poluentes de fontes de energia. Baterias recarregáveis de lítio-ar em solventes não aquosos possuem uma alta densidade de energia teórica (5200 Wh kg-1), o que as tornam promissoras para aplicação em dispositivos estacionários e em veículos elétricos. Entretanto, muitos problemas relacionados ao cátodo necessitam ser contornados para permitir a aplicação desta tecnologia, por exemplo, a baixa reversibilidade das reações, baixa potência e instabilidades dos materiais empregados nos eletrodos e dos solventes eletrolíticos. Assim, neste trabalho um modelo cinético foi empregado para os dados experimentais de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para a obtenção das constantes cinéticas das etapas elementares do mecanismo da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), o que permitiu investigar a influência de parâmetros como o tipo e tamanho de partícula do eletrocatalisador, o papel do solvente utilizado na RRO e compreender melhor as reações ocorridas no cátodo dessa bateria. A investigação inicial se deu com a utilização de sistemas menos complexos como uma folha de platina ou eletrodo de carbono vítreo como eletrodos de trabalho em 1,2-dimetoxietano (DME)/perclorato de lítio (LiClO4). A seguir, sistemas complexos com a presença de nanopartículas de carbono favoreceu o processo de adsorção das moléculas de oxigênio e aumentou ligeiramente (uma ordem de magnitude) a etapa de formação de superóxido de lítio (etapa determinante de reação) quando comparada com os eletrodos de platina e carbono vítreo, atribuída à presença dos grupos laterais mediando à transferência eletrônica para as moléculas de oxigênio. No entanto, foi observada uma rápida passivação da superfície eletrocatalítica através da formação de filmes finos de Li2O2 e Li2CO3 aumentando o sobrepotencial da bateria durante a carga (diferença de potencial entre a carga e descarga > 1 V). Adicionalmente, a incorporação das nanopartículas de platina (Ptnp), ao invés da folha de platina, resultou no aumento da constante cinética da etapa determinante da reação em duas ordens de magnitude, o qual pode ser atribuído a uma mudança das propriedades eletrônicas na banda d metálica em função do tamanho nanométrico das partículas, e estas modificações contribuíram para uma melhor eficiência energética quando comparado ao sistema sem a presença de eletrocatalisador. Entretanto, as Ptnp se mostraram não específicas para a RRO, catalisando as reações de degradação do solvente eletrolítico e diminuindo rapidamente a eficiência energética do dispositivo prático, devido ao acúmulo de material no eletrodo. O emprego de líquido iônico como solvente eletrolítico, ao invés de DME, promoveu uma maior estabilização do intermediário superóxido formado na primeira etapa de transferência eletrônica, devido à interação com os cátions do líquido iônico em solução, o qual resultou em um valor de constante cinética da formação do superóxido de três ordens de magnitude maior que o obtido com o mesmo eletrodo de carbono vítreo em DME, além de diminuir as reações de degradação do solvente. Estes fatores podem contribuir para uma maior potência e ciclabilidade da bateria de lítio-ar operando com líquidos iônicos.


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Activated carbons prepared from petroleum pitch and using KOH as activating agent exhibit an excellent behavior in CO2 capture both at atmospheric (∼168 mg CO2/g at 298 K) and high pressure (∼1500 mg CO2/g at 298 K and 4.5 MPa). However, an exhaustive evaluation of the adsorption process shows that the optimum carbon structure, in terms of adsorption capacity, depends on the final application. Whereas narrow micropores (pores below 0.6 nm) govern the sorption behavior at 0.1 MPa, large micropores/small mesopores (pores below 2.0–3.0 nm) govern the sorption behavior at high pressure (4.5 MPa). Consequently, an optimum sorbent exhibiting a high working capacity for high pressure applications, e.g., pressure-swing adsorption units, will require a poorly-developed narrow microporous structure together with a highly-developed wide microporous and small mesoporous network. The appropriate design of the preparation conditions gives rise to carbon materials with an extremely high delivery capacity ∼1388 mg CO2/g between 4.5 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Consequently, this study provides guidelines for the design of carbon materials with an improved ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment at atmospheric and high pressure.


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The adsorption of As(III) from aqueous solutions using naturally occurring and modified Algerian montmorillonites has been investigated as a function of contact time, pH, and temperature. Kinetic studies reveal that uptake of As(III) ions is rapid within the first 3 h, and it slows down thereafter. Equilibrium studies show that As(III) shows the highest affinity toward acidic montmorillonite even at very low concentration of arsenic. The kinetics of As(III) adsorption on all montmorillonites used is well described by a pseudo-second-order chemical reaction model, which indicates that the adsorption process of these species is likely to be chemisorption. Adsorption isotherms of As(III) fitted the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models well. The adsorption of As(III) is pH-dependent obtaining an optimal adsorption at pH 5. From the thermodynamic parameters, it is concluded that the process is exothermic, spontaneous, and favorable. The results suggest that M1, M2, and acidic-M2 could be used as low-cost and effective filtering materials for removal of arsenic from water.