871 resultados para Acyl-CoA


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Descreve-se um caso fatal de deficiência em 3-hidroxi-acil-CoA desidrogenase de cadeia longa (LCHAD) diagnosticado numa criança de 8 meses de idade, segunda filha de um casal jovem, saudável e consanguíneo. Os primeiros sintomas manifestaram-se aos 6,5 meses de idade ao entrar em coma hipoglicémico não cetótico do qual recupera após infusão i.v. de glucose. Detectou-se hepatomegália e posteriormente cardiomegália. A presença de acidúria 3-hidroxi-dicarboxílica foi confirmada após teste de jejum prolongado de 13th e o estudo enzimático efectuado em cultura de fibroblastos de biópsia de pele confirmou o déficit em LCHAD.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações obtidas no perfil lipídico de coronariopatas dislipidêmicos, após a adição de colestiramina, em pacientes tratados com inibidores da HMG-CoA redutase, e que não atingiram os valores ideais de LDL-colesterol. MÉTODOS: Vinte coronariopatas (12 submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio, 3 à angioplastia coronária e 5 mantidos sob tratamento clínico), com média de idade de 60,78 anos, que já realizavam dieta hipolipemiante e eram medicados com lovastatina 20mg/dia ou sinvastatina 10mg/dia, receberam também colestiramina na dose de 8 a 16g/dia durante 8 semanas, com o objetivo de reduzir LDL-colesterol para valores inferiores a 100mg/dl. RESULTADOS: Houve significante redução do colesterol total (valor médio inicial 239,52mg/dL e ao final 199,00mg/dL), obtendo-se um decréscimo percentual médio de 16,92%. O valor médio de LDL-colesterol também se reduziu, significantemente, de 172,73mg/dL para 118,26mg/dL, com decréscimo percentual médio de 31,53%. A trigliceridemia média aumentou, ainda dentro da faixa de referência normal, de 145,05mg/dL para 162,00mg/dL, (diferença percentual média de 11,69%). Houve significante aumento da fração HDL-colesterol de um valor médio inicial de 38,00mg/dL para um valor médio final de 48,21mg/dL (diferença média percentual 26,87%). Não houve efeitos adversos que impedissem a continuidade do tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: A associação de colestiramina a doses baixas de vastatinas em pacientes com hipercolesterolemia primária e de alto risco coronário é uma boa opção terapêutica, podendo atingir benefícios sobre o perfil lipídico semelhantes àqueles obtidos quando esses fármacos são utilizados, isoladamente, ou em associação, e em doses mais elevadas.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the differences between fluvastatin and pravastatin regarding LDL susceptibility to oxidation, plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) in hypercholesterolemic patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: A double-blind randomized parallel study was conducted that included 41 hypercholesterolemic outpatients with CHD treated at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. The inclusion criteria were LDL-C above 100 mg/dL and triglycerides below 400 mg/dL based on 2 measures. After 4 weeks on a low cholesterol diet, those patients that fullfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into 2 groups: the fluvastatin group (fluvastatin 40 mg/day) and the pravastatin group (pravastatin 20 mg/day), for 24 weeks of treatment. LDL susceptibility to oxidation was analyzed with copper-induced production of conjugated dienes (Cu2+) and water-soluble free radical initiator azo-bis (2'-2'amidinopropanil) HCl (AAPH). Spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance was used for determination of lipids. RESULTS: After 24 weeks of drug therapy, fluvastatin and pravastatin significantly reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation as demonstrated by the reduced rate of oxidation (azo and Cu) and by prolonged azo-induced lag time (azo lag). The TC, LDL-C, and TG reduced significantly and HDL-C increased significantly. No differences between the drugs were observed. CONCLUSION: In hypercholesterolemic patients with CHD, both fluvastatin and pravastatin reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation.


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Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH, EC deficiency, known as glutaric acidemia type I, is one of the more common organic acidurias. To investigate the role of this pathway in different organs we studied the tissue-specific expression pattern of rat Gcdh. The open reading frame cDNA of the rat Gcdh gene was cloned from rat brain mRNA by RT-PCR, allowing the synthesis of digoxigenin-labeled in situ hybridization (ISH) riboprobes. Gcdh mRNA expression was analyzed by ISH on cryosections of adult rat brain, kidney, liver, spleen and heart muscle, as well as on E15 and E18 rat embryos. Gcdh was found expressed in the whole rat brain, almost exclusively in neurons. Gcdh was absent from astrocytes but expressed in rare oligodendrocytes. Strong Gcdh expression was found in liver and spleen, where expression appears predominant to lymphatic nodules. In kidney, the highest Gcdh expression is found in the juxtamedullar cortex (but not in glomerula), and at lower levels in medulla. Heart muscle was negative. During embryonic development, Gcdh was found well expressed in liver, intestinal mucosa and skin, as well as at lower levels in CNS. Further studies are ongoing to provide evidence on the presence of the entire pathway in CNS in order to understand the mechanisms leading to neurotoxicity in glutaric aciduria. The high expression of Gcdh in kidney may explain why certain patients with residual enzyme activity are low excretors at the urine metabolite level.


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Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase (ECI) is an enzyme that participates in the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids through the beta-oxidation cycle. Three genes encoding Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerases and named AtECI1, AtECI2 and AtECI3 have been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. When expressed heterologously in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, all three ECI proteins were targeted to the peroxisomes and enabled the yeast Deltaeci1 mutant to degrade 10Z-heptadecenoic acid, demonstrating Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase activity in vivo. Fusion proteins between yellow fluorescent protein and AtECI1 or AtECI2 were targeted to the peroxisomes in onion epidermal cells and Arabidopsis root cells, but a similar fusion protein with AtECI3 remained in the cytosol for both tissues. AtECI3 targeting to peroxisomes in S. cerevisiae was dependent on yeast PEX5, while expression of Arabidopsis PEX5 in yeast failed to target AtECI3 to peroxisomes. AtECI2 and AtECI3 are tandem duplicated genes and show a high level of amino acid conservation, except at the C-terminus; AtECI2 ends with the well conserved peroxisome targeting signal 1 (PTS1) terminal tripeptide PKL, while AtECI3 possesses a divergent HNL terminal tripeptide. Evolutionary analysis of ECI genes in plants revealed several independent duplication events, with duplications occurring in rice and Medicago truncatula, generating homologues with divergent C-termini and no recognizable PTS1. All plant ECI genes analyzed, including AtECI3, are under negative purifying selection, implying functionality of the cytosolic AtECI3. Analysis of the mammalian and fungal genomes failed to identify cytosolic variants of the Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerase, indicating that evolution of cytosolic Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl CoA isomerases is restricted to the plant kingdom


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To gain insight into the function and regulation of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) we have cloned rat MCD cDNA from a differentiated insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cell-line cDNA library. The full-length cDNA sequence shows 69% identity with the cDNA cloned previously from the goose uropygial gland, and predicts a 492 amino acid protein of 54.7 kDa. The open reading frame contains an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and the C-terminal part of the enzyme ends with a peroxisomal (Ser-Lys-Leu) targeting motif. Since the sequence does not reveal hydrophobic domains, MCD is most likely expressed in the mitochondrial matrix and inside the peroxisomes. A second methionine residue, located 3' of the mitochondrial presequence, might be the first amino acid of a putative cytosolic MCD, since the nucleotide sequence around it fits fairly well with a consensus Kozak site for translation initiation. However, primer extension detects the presence of only one transcript initiating upstream of the first ATG, indicating that the major, if not exclusive, transcript expressed in the pancreatic beta-cell encodes MCD with its mitochondrial presequence. The sequence also shows multiple possible sites of phosphorylation by casein kinase II and protein kinase C. mRNA tissue-distribution analysis indicates a transcript of 2.2 kb, and that the MCD gene is expressed over a wide range of rat tissues. The distribution of the enzyme shows a broad range of activities from very low in the brain to elevated in the liver and heart. The results provide the foundations for further studies of the role of MCD in lipid metabolism and metabolic signalling in various tissues.


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The degradation of fatty acids having cis- or trans-unsaturated bond at an even carbon was analyzed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by monitoring polyhydroxyalkanoate production in the peroxisome. Polyhydroxyalkanaote is synthesized by the polymerization of the beta-oxidation intermediates 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoAs via a bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase targeted to the peroxisome. The synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate in cells grown in media containing 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid was dependent on the presence of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase activity as well as on Delta3,Delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. The synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from 10-trans-heptadecenoic acid in mutants devoid of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase revealed degradation of the trans fatty acid directly via the enoyl-CoA hydratase II activity of the multifunctional enzyme (MFE), although the level of polyhydroxyalkanoate was 10-25% to that of wild type cells. Polyhydroxyalkanoate produced from 10-trans-heptadecenoic acid in wild type cells showed substantial carbon flux through both a reductase-dependent and a direct MFE-dependent pathway. Flux through beta-oxidation was more severely reduced in mutants devoid of Delta3,Delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase compared to mutants devoid of 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase. It is concluded that the intermediate 2-trans,4-trans-dienoyl-CoA is metabolized in vivo in yeast by both the enoyl-CoA hydratase II activity of the multifunctional protein and the 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase, and that the synthesis of the intermediate 3-trans-enoyl-CoA in the absence of the Delta3,Delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase leads to the blockage of the direct MFE-dependent pathway in vivo.


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A gene, named AtECH2, has been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana to encode a monofunctional peroxisomal enoyl-CoA hydratase 2. Homologues of AtECH2 are present in several angiosperms belonging to the Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon classes, as well as in a gymnosperm. In vitro enzyme assays demonstrated that AtECH2 catalyzed the reversible conversion of 2E-enoyl-CoA to 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA. AtECH2 was also demonstrated to have enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 activity in an in vivo assay relying on the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from the polymerization of 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA in the peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AtECH2 contained a peroxisome targeting signal at the C-terminal end, was addressed to the peroxisome in S. cerevisiae, and a fusion protein between AtECH2 and a fluorescent protein was targeted to peroxisomes in onion cells. AtECH2 gene expression was strongest in tissues with high beta-oxidation activity, such as germinating seedlings and senescing leaves. The contribution of AtECH2 to the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids was assessed by analyzing the carbon flux through the beta-oxidation cycle in plants that synthesize peroxisomal polyhydroxyalkanoate and that were over- or underexpressing the AtECH2 gene. These studies revealed that AtECH2 participates in vivo to the conversion of the intermediate 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA, generated by the metabolism of fatty acids with a cis (Z)-unsaturated bond on an even-numbered carbon, to the 2E-enoyl-CoA for further degradation through the core beta-oxidation cycle.


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BACKGROUND: Carnitine is a key molecule in energy metabolism that helps transport activated fatty acids into the mitochondria. Its homeostasis is achieved through oral intake, renal reabsorption and de novo biosynthesis. Unlike dietary intake and renal reabsorption, the importance of de novo biosynthesis pathway in carnitine homeostasis remains unclear, due to lack of animal models and description of a single patient defective in this pathway. CASE PRESENTATION: We identified by array comparative genomic hybridization a 42 months-old girl homozygote for a 221 Kb interstitial deletions at 11p14.2, that overlaps the genes encoding Fibin and butyrobetaine-gamma 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase 1 (BBOX1), an enzyme essential for the biosynthesis of carnitine de novo. She presented microcephaly, speech delay, growth retardation and minor facial anomalies. The levels of almost all evaluated metabolites were normal. Her serum level of free carnitine was at the lower limit of the reference range, while her acylcarnitine to free carnitine ratio was normal. CONCLUSIONS: We present an individual with a completely defective carnitine de novo biosynthesis. This condition results in mildly decreased free carnitine level, but not in clinical manifestations characteristic of carnitine deficiency disorders, suggesting that dietary carnitine intake and renal reabsorption are sufficient to carnitine homeostasis. Our results also demonstrate that haploinsufficiency of BBOX1 and/or Fibin is not associated with Primrose syndrome as previously suggested.


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The N-acylethanolamines (NAEs), oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and palmithylethanolamide (PEA) are known to be endogenous ligands of PPARα receptors, and their presence requires the activation of a specific phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD) associated with intracellular Ca(2+) fluxes. Thus, the identification of a specific population of NAPE-PLD/PPARα-containing neurons that express selective Ca(2+)-binding proteins (CaBPs) may provide a neuroanatomical basis to better understand the PPARα system in the brain. For this purpose, we used double-label immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy for the characterization of the co-existence of NAPE-PLD/PPARα and the CaBPs calbindin D28k, calretinin and parvalbumin in the rat hippocampus. PPARα expression was specifically localized in the cell nucleus and, occasionally, in the cytoplasm of the principal cells (dentate granular and CA pyramidal cells) and some non-principal cells of the hippocampus. PPARα was expressed in the calbindin-containing cells of the granular cell layer of the dentate gyrus (DG) and the SP of CA1. These principal PPARα(+)/calbindin(+) cells were closely surrounded by NAPE-PLD(+) fiber varicosities. No pyramidal PPARα(+)/calbindin(+) cells were detected in CA3. Most cells containing parvalbumin expressed both NAPE-PLD and PPARα in the principal layers of the DG and CA1/3. A small number of cells containing PPARα and calretinin was found along the hippocampus. Scattered NAPE-PLD(+)/calretinin(+) cells were specifically detected in CA3. NAPE-PLD(+) puncta surrounded the calretinin(+) cells localized in the principal cells of the DG and CA1. The identification of the hippocampal subpopulations of NAPE-PLD/PPARα-containing neurons that express selective CaBPs should be considered when analyzing the role of NAEs/PPARα-signaling system in the regulation of hippocampal functions.


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Oxalate catabolism, which can have both medical and environmental implications, is performed by phylogenetically diverse bacteria. The formyl-CoA-transferase gene was chosen as a molecular marker of the oxalotrophic function. Degenerated primers were deduced from an alignment of frc gene sequences available in databases. The specificity of primers was tested on a variety of frc-containing and frc-lacking bacteria. The frc-primers were then used to develop PCR-DGGE and real-time SybrGreen PCR assays in soils containing various amounts of oxalate. Some PCR products from pure cultures and from soil samples were cloned and sequenced. Data were used to generate a phylogenetic tree showing that environmental PCR products belonged to the target physiological group. The extent of diversity visualised on DGGE pattern was higher for soil samples containing carbonate resulting from oxalate catabolism. Moreover, the amount of frc gene copies in the investigated soils was detected in the range of 1.64x10(7) to 1.75x10(8)/g of dry soil under oxalogenic tree (representing 0.5 to 1.2% of total 16S rRNA gene copies), whereas the number of frc gene copies in the reference soil was 6.4x10(6) (or 0.2% of 16S rRNA gene copies). This indicates that oxalotrophic bacteria are numerous and widespread in soils and that a relationship exists between the presence of the oxalogenic trees Milicia excelsa and Afzelia africana and the relative abundance of oxalotrophic guilds in the total bacterial communities. This is obviously related to the accomplishment of the oxalate-carbonate pathway, which explains the alkalinization and calcium carbonate accumulation occurring below these trees in an otherwise acidic soil. The molecular tools developed in this study will allow in-depth understanding of the functional implication of these bacteria on carbonate accumulation as a way of atmospheric CO(2) sequestration.


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Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) and propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) are the key enzymes of the catabolic pathway of propionate metabolism and are mainly expressed in liver, kidney and heart. Deficiency of these enzymes leads to two classical organic acidurias: methylmalonic and propionic aciduria. Patients with these diseases suffer from a whole spectrum of neurological manifestations that are limiting their quality of life. Current treatment does not seem to effectively prevent neurological deterioration and pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. In this article we show evidence for the expression of the catabolic pathway of propionate metabolism in the developing and adult rat CNS. Both, MCM and PCC enzymes are co-expressed in neurons and found in all regions of the CNS. Disease-specific metabolites such as methylmalonate, propionyl-CoA and 2-methylcitrate could thus be formed autonomously in the CNS and contribute to the pathophysiological mechanisms of neurotoxicity. In rat embryos (E15.5 and E18.5), MCM and PCC show a much higher expression level in the entire CNS than in the liver, suggesting a different, but important function of this pathway during brain development.


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The long-chain acyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS) gene gives rise to three transcripts containing different first exons preceded by specific regulatory regions A, B, and C. Exon-specific oligonucleotide hybridization indicated that only A-ACS mRNA is expressed in rat liver. Fibrate administration induced liver C-ACS strongly and A-ACS mRNA to a lesser extent. B-ACS mRNA remained undetectable. In primary rat hepatocytes and Fa-32 hepatoma cells C-ACS mRNA increased after treatment with fenofibric acid, alpha-bromopalmitate, tetradecylthioacetic acid, or alpha-linolenic acid. Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that fenofibric acid and alpha-bromopalmitate act at the transcriptional level. Transient transfections showed a 3.4-, 2.3-, and 2.2-fold induction of C-ACS promoter activity after fenofibric acid, alpha-bromopalmitate, and tetradecylthioacetic acid, respectively. Unilateral deletion and site-directed mutagenesis identified a peroxisome proliferator activator receptor (PPAR)-responsive element (PPRE) mediating the responsiveness to fibrates and fatty acids. This ACS PPRE contains three imperfect half sites spaced by 1 and 3 oligonucleotides and binds PPAR.retinoid X receptor heterodimers in gel retardation assays. In conclusion, the regulation of C-ACS mRNA expression by fibrates and fatty acids is mediated by PPAR.retinoid X receptor heterodimers interacting through a PPRE in the C-ACS promoters. PPAR therefore occupies a key position in the transcriptional control of a pivotal enzyme controlling the channeling of fatty acids into various metabolic pathways.