863 resultados para Access to health
The effects of Medicaid physician fees on access to care for Medicaid enrollees: A systematic review
This thesis is concerned with conducting a systematic review of the literature into the effects of Medicaid physician fees on access to care for Medicaid beneficiaries. In general these fees are significantly lower than those provided by both Medicare and private insurance. A literature search was conducted via Medline and Sumsearch and seven articles were reviewed. Of these seven, only one showed that higher Medicaid physician fees resulted in higher acceptance rates of Medicaid enrollees among physicians. On the other hand, the other six articles did not show a significant effect of physician Medicaid fees on access to care. Although most of the articles did not show a significant association between physician fees and access to care, no definitive conclusions can be made until future studies are completed. ^
More than a quarter of patients with HIV in the United States are diagnosed in hospital settings most often with advanced HIV related conditions.(1) There has been little research done on the causes of hospitalization when the patients are first diagnosed with HIV. The aim of this study was to determine if the patients are hospitalized due to an HIV related cause or due to some other co-morbidity. Reduced access to care could be one possible reason why patients are diagnosed late in the course of the disease. This study compared the access to care of patients diagnosed with HIV in hospital and outpatient setting. The data used for the study was a part of the ongoing study “Attitudes and Beliefs and Steps of HIV Care”. The participants in the study were newly diagnosed with HIV and recruited from both inpatient and outpatient settings. The primary and the secondary diagnoses from hospital discharge reports were extracted and a primary reason for hospitalization was ascertained. These were classified as HIV-related, other infectious causes, non–infectious causes, other systemic causes, and miscellaneous causes. Access to care was determined by a score based on responses to a set of questions derived from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS) on a 6 point scale. The mean score of the hospitalized patients and mean score of the patients diagnosed in an outpatient setting was compared. We used multiple linear regressions to compare mean differences in the two groups after adjusting for age, sex, race, household income educational level and health insurance at the time of diagnosis. There were 185 participants in the study, including 78 who were diagnosed in hospital settings and 107 who were diagnosed in outpatient settings. We found that HIV-related conditions were the leading cause of hospitalization, accounting for 60% of admissions, followed by non-infectious causes (20%) and then other infectious causes (17%). The inpatient diagnosed group did not have greater perceived access-to-care as compared to the outpatient group. Regression analysis demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in access-to-care with advancing education level (p=0.04) and with better health insurance (p=0.004). HIV-related causes account for many hospitalizations when patients are first diagnosed with HIV. Many of these HIV-related hospitalizations could have been prevented if patients were diagnosed early and linked to medical care. Programs to increase HIV awareness need to be an integral part of activities aimed at control of spread of HIV in the community. Routine testing for HIV infection to promote early HIV diagnosis can prevent significant morbidity and mortality.^
The built environment is recognized as having an impact on health and physical activity. Ecological theories of physical activity suggest that enhancing access to places to be physically active may increase activity levels. Studies show that users of fitness facilities are more likely to be active than inactive and active people are more likely to report access to fitness facilities. The purpose of this study was to examine the ecologic relationship between density of fitness facilities and self-reported levels of physical activity in adults in selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in the United States.^ The 2007 MSA Business Patterns and the 2007 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) were used to gather fitness facility and physical activity data for 141 MSAs in the United States. Pearson correlations were performed between fitness facility density (number of facilities/100,000 people) and six summary measures of physical activity prevalence. Regional analysis was done using the nine U.S. Standard Regions for Temperature and Precipitation. ^ Direct correlations between fitness facility density and the percent of those physically active (r=0.27, 95% CI 0.11, 0.42, p=0.0012), those meeting moderate-intensity activity guidelines, (r=0.23, 95% CI 0.07, 0.38, p=0.006), and those meeting vigorous-intensity activity guidelines (r=0.30, 95% CI 0.14, 0.44, p=0.003) were found. An inverse correlation was found between fitness facility density and the percent of people physically inactive (r=-0.45, 95% CI -0.57, -0.31), p<0.0001). Regional analysis showed the same trends across most regions.^ Access to fitness facilities, defined here as fitness facility density, is related to physical activity levels. Results suggest the potential importance of the influence of the built environment on physical activity behaviors. Public health officials and city planners should consider the possible positive effect that increasing the number of fitness facilities in communities would have on activity levels.^
Background. Pharmaceutical-sponsored patient assistance programs (PAPs) are charity programs that provide free or reduced-priced medications to eligible patients. PAPs have the potential to improve prescription drug accessibility for patients but currently there is limited information about their use and effectiveness. ^ Objectives and methods. This dissertation described the use of PAPs in the U.S. through the conduct of two studies: (1) a systematic review of primary studies of PAPs from commercially-published and “grey” literature sources; and (2) a retrospective, cross-sectional study of cancer patients' use of PAPs at a tertiary care cancer outpatient center. ^ Results. (1) The systematic review identified 33 studies: 15 evaluated the impact of PAP enrollment assistance programs on patient healthcare outcomes; 7 assessed institutional costs of providing enrollment assistance; 7 surveyed stakeholders; 4 examined other aspects. Standardized mean differences calculated for disease indicator outcomes (most of which were single group, pre-posttest designs) showed significant decreases in glycemic and lipid control, and inconsistent results for blood pressure. Grey literature abstracts reported insufficient statistics for calculations. Study heterogeneity made weighted summary estimates inappropriate. Economic analyses indicated positive financial benefits to institutions providing enrollment assistance (cost) compared to the wholesale value of the medications provided (benefit); analyses did not value health outcomes. Mean quality of reporting scores were higher for observational studies in commercially-published articles versus full text, grey literature reports. (2) The cross-sectional study found that PAP outpatients were significantly more likely to be uninsured, indigent, and < 65 years old than non-PAP patients. Nearly all non-PAP and PAP prescriptions were for non-cancer conditions, either for co-morbidities (e.g., hypertension) or the management of treatment side effects (e.g., pain). Oral chemotherapies from PAPs were significantly more likely to be for breast versus other cancers, and be a newer, targeted versus traditional chemotherapy.^ Conclusions. In outpatient settings, PAP enrollment assistance plus additional medication services (e.g., counseling, reminders, and free samples) is associated with improved disease indicators for patients. Healthcare institutions, including cancer centers, can offset financial losses from uncompensated drug costs and recoup costs invested in enrollment assistance programs by procuring free PAP medications. Cancer patients who are indigent and uninsured may be able to access more outpatient medications for their supportive care needs through PAPs, than for cancer treatment options like oral chemotherapies. Because of the selective availability of drugs through PAPs, there may be more options for newer, oral, targeted chemotherapies for the treatment breast cancer versus other for other cancers.^
The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) play key roles in making Class III, medical devices available to the public, and they are required by law to meet statutory deadlines for applications under review. Historically, both agencies have failed to meet their respective statutory requirements. Since these failures affect patient access and may adversely impact public health, Congress has enacted several “modernization” laws. However, the effectiveness of these modernization laws has not been adequately studied or established for Class III medical devices. ^ The aim of this research study was, therefore, to analyze how these modernization laws may have affected public access to medical devices. Two questions were addressed: (1) How have the FDA modernization laws affected the time to approval for medical device premarket approval applications (PMAs)? (2) How has the CMS modernization law affected the time to approval for national coverage decisions (NCDs)? The data for this research study were collected from publicly available databases for the period January 1, 1995, through December 31, 2008. These dates were selected to ensure that a sufficient period of time was captured to measure pre- and post-modernization effects on time to approval. All records containing original PMAs were obtained from the FDA database, and all records containing NCDs were obtained from the CMS database. Source documents, including FDA premarket approval letters and CMS national coverage decision memoranda, were reviewed to obtain additional data not found in the search results. Analyses were conducted to determine the effects of the pre- and post-modernization laws on time to approval. Secondary analyses of FDA subcategories were conducted to uncover any causal factors that might explain differences in time to approval and to compare with the primary trends. The primary analysis showed that the FDA modernization laws of 1997 and 2002 initially reduced PMA time to approval; after the 2002 modernization law, the time to approval began increasing and continued to increase through December 2008. The non-combined, subcategory approval trends were similar to the primary analysis trends. The combined, subcategory analysis showed no clear trends with the exception of non-implantable devices, for which time to approval trended down after 1997. The CMS modernization law of 2003 reduced NCD time to approval, a trend that continued through December 2008. This study also showed that approximately 86% of PMA devices do not receive NCDs. ^ As a result of this research study, recommendations are offered to help resolve statutory non-compliance and access issues, as follows: (1) Authorities should examine underlying causal factors for the observed trends; (2) Process improvements should be made to better coordinate FDA and CMS activities to include sharing data, reducing duplication, and establishing clear criteria for “safe and effective” and “reasonable and necessary”; (3) A common identifier should be established to allow tracking and trending of applications between FDA and CMS databases; (4) Statutory requirements may need to be revised; and (5) An investigation should be undertaken to determine why NCDs are not issued for the majority of PMAs. Any process improvements should be made without creating additional safety risks and adversely impacting public health. Finally, additional studies are needed to fully characterize and better understand the trends identified in this research study.^
Healthcare for the Homeless—Houston (HHH) received a research grant from The Medallion Foundation, Inc. in March 2006 to pilot The Jail Inreach Project, an intensive “inreach” initiative to assess the impact of providing continuity of mental and primary health care services for homeless individuals who suffer from mental illness and/or substance abuse being released from jail. This pilot project was initiated by HHH, in collaboration with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County (MHMRA). Those who are flagged as “frequent flyers” and who are diagnosed with a mental illness are referred to the Jail Inreach Project. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the discharge plan, case managers offer the option of meeting the client at the time of release and bring them to the HHH clinic located four blocks from the jail. Participation in both the program and the option for direct release to the care of a case manager are voluntary.^ The purpose of this study is to determine the outcomes of the Jail Inreach Project and addresses the following objectives: (1) to evaluate the characteristics of inmates that chose to be released from jail to the direct care of an HHH case manager versus those who opt for self release and (2) to determine the number and percent of inmates that are linked to services and relationship with type of release (direct versus indirect), (3) to determine if there is a relationship between outcomes and characteristics and (4) to determine what outcomes are a function of release, controlling for characteristics. Statistical analysis, including frequencies, cross tabulations, chi-square and logistical regression, found that those who opt for self release are six times less likely to be successfully linked to services and that gender is the most significant predictor of choosing self release. Men are far more likely to opt for self release than women engaged in this program. These findings help inform policy and program design and development that addresses the difference in service utilization and successful linkage to services post-incarceration. Successful linkage to services, thus continuity of and access to care, further impact the effects of the revolving door phenomenon of mentally ill homeless individuals cycling between the streets, jails and hospital emergency centers.^
Children with cystic fibrosis are at increased risk of seasonal influenza associated complications, which makes them a judicious target of interventions designed to increase influenza vaccination rates. The Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis (BCM/TCH CF) Care Center implemented an enhanced multi-component initiative designed to increase influenza vaccination rates in its patient population during the 2011-2012 influenza season. We evaluated the impact of specific components of this intervention on vaccination rates among the clinic's patient population via a historical medical chart review and examined the relationship between vaccination status and the number of pulmonary exacerbations requiring hospital admission during the influenza season. The multi-component intervention was comprised of providing influenza free of charge in the CF Care Center, reminders via phone call and letters, and drive through influenza vaccine clinics on nights and weekends. The intervention to increase influenza vaccination rates led to overall improved vaccination rates among the patients at the BCM/TCH CF Care Center, increasing from 90% adherence observed during the 2010-2011 season to 94% adherence during the 2011-2012 season. The availability of free influenza vaccine in the CF Care Center, combined with reminders about being vaccinated early in the season proved to be the most effective practices for improving the vaccination rate in the CF Care Center.^
Over the past 30 years, states have expanded minors’ authority to consent to health care, including care related to sexual activity. This trend reflects U.S. Supreme Court rulings extending the constitutional right to privacy to a minor’s decision to obtain contraceptives and concluding that rights do not “come into being magically only when one attains the state-defined age of majority.” It also reflects the recognition that while parental involvement is desirable, many minors will remain sexually active but not seek services if they have to tell their parents. As a result, confidentiality is vital to ensuring minors’ access to contraceptive services. Even when a state has no relevant policy or case law, physicians may commonly provide medical care to a mature minor without parental consent, particularly if the state allows a minor to consent to related health services.
Funding A Health Systems Research Initiative Development Grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Medical Research Council (MRC (and the Wellcome Trust (MR/N005597/1) funds the research presented in this paper. Support for the Agincourt HDSS including verbal autopsies was provided by The Wellcome Trust, UK (grants 058893/Z/99/A; 069683/Z/02/Z; 085477/Z/08/Z; 085477/B/08/Z), and the University of the Witwatersrand and Medical Research Council, South Africa.
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