205 resultados para Aby Warburg


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Rochas contendo metálicos disseminados ou partículas de argila em ambiente natural onde soluções eletrolíticas normalmente preenchem os poros das rochas, exibem um tipo de polarização em baixas freqüências conhecido como polarização induzida. Nesta tese foi desenvolvido um novo modelo para descrever o fenômeno de polarização das rochas, não apenas em baixas freqüências, mas compreendendo todo o espectro eletromagnético, possível de utilização na prospecção geoelétrica. Este novo modelo engloba a maioria dos modelos utilizados até o momento como casos especiais, além de superar as limitações dos mesmos. Seu circuito analógico inclui uma impedância não linear do tipo r (iwtf)-n que simula o efeito das superfícies rugosas das interfaces entre os grãos bloqueadores (partículas metálicas e/ou de argilas) e o eletrólito. A impedância de Warburg generalizada está em série com a resistência dos grãos bloqueadores da passagem de corrente e em paralelo com a impedância da dupla camada associada a essas interfaces. Esta combinação está em série com a resistência do eletrólito nas passagens dos poros bloqueados. Os canais não bloqueados são representados por uma resistência que corresponde à resistividade normal CC da rocha. A combinação desta resistência com a capacitância "global" da rocha é finalmente conectada em paralelo ao resto do circuito mencionado acima. Os parâmetros deste modelo incluem a resistividade CC (p0), a cargueabilidade (m), três tempos de relaxação (t, Tf and T2), um fator de resistividade de grãos (δr), e o expoente de freqüência (η). O tempo de relaxação fractal (Tf), e o expoente de frequencia (η) estão relacionados à geometria fractal das interfaces rugosas entre os minerais condutivos (grãos metálicos e/ou partículas de argila bloqueando os canais dos poros) e o eletrólito. O tempo de relaxação (T) é um resultado da relaxação em baixa freqüência das duplas camadas elétricas formadas nas interfaces eletrólito-cristais, enquanto (T0) é o tempo de relaxação macroscópico da amostra como um todo. O fator de resistividade dos grãos (δr) relaciona a resistividade dos grãos condutivos com o valor de resistividade CC da rocha. A resistividade CC da rocha (p0), e δr estão relacionados à porosidade, à condutividade do eletrólito e às relações mineralógicas entre a matriz e os grãos condutivos. O modelo foi testado sobre um intervalo largo de freqüências contra dados experimentais de amplitude e fase da resistividade bem como para dados de constante dielétrica complexa. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho foram obtidos a partir da digitalização de dados experimentais publicados, obtidos por diversos autores e englobando amostras de rochas sedimentares, ígneas e metam6rficas. É mostrado neste trabalho que os parâmetros deste modelo permitem identificar diferenças texturais e mineralógicas nas rochas. Bote modelo foi introduzido, primeiramente, como propriedade intrínseca de um semiespaço homogêneo sendo demonstrado, neste trabalho, que a resposta observada em superfície reflete as propriedades intrínsecas do meio polarizável, sendo o acoplamento eletromagnético desprezível em freqüências menores que 104 Hz. Em seguida, o meio polarizável foi embebido em um pacote de N camadas sendo demonstrado que os parâmetros fractais do meio polarizável podem ser obtidos do levantamento em superfície para diferentes espessuras dessa camada. Isto justifica a utilização pura e simples de modelos de polarização desenvolvidos para amostras em laboratório para ajustar dados de campo, o que vem sendo feito sem uma justificativa bem fundamentada. Estes resultados demonstram a importância para a prospecção geolétrica do modelo proposto nesta tese.


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Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The identification of new cancer biomarkers is necessary to reduce the mortality rates through the development of new screening assays and early diagnosis, as well as new target therapies. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of noncardia gastric neoplasias of individuals from Northern Brazil. The proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. For the identification of differentially expressed proteins, we used statistical tests with bootstrapping resampling to control the type I error in the multiple comparison analyses. We identified 111 proteins involved in gastric carcinogenesis. The computational analysis revealed several proteins involved in the energy production processes and reinforced the Warburg effect in gastric cancer. ENO1 and HSPB1 expression were further evaluated. ENO1 was selected due to its role in aerobic glycolysis that may contribute to the Warburg effect. Although we observed two up-regulated spots of ENO1 in the proteomic analysis, the mean expression of ENO1 was reduced in gastric tumors by western blot. However, mean ENO1 expression seems to increase in more invasive tumors. This lack of correlation between proteomic and western blot analyses may be due to the presence of other ENO1 spots that present a slightly reduced expression, but with a high impact in the mean protein expression. In neoplasias, HSPB1 is induced by cellular stress to protect cells against apoptosis. In the present study, HSPB1 presented an elevated protein and mRNA expression in a subset of gastric cancer samples. However, no association was observed between HSPB1 expression and clinicopathological characteristics. Here, we identified several possible biomarkers of gastric cancer in individuals from Northern Brazil. These biomarkers may be useful for the assessment of prognosis and stratification for therapy if validated in larger clinical study sets.


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Glutamine is an essential nutrient for cancer cell proliferation, especially in the context of citric acid cycle anaplerosis. In this manuscript we present results that collectively demonstrate that, of the three major mammalian glutaminases identified to date, the lesser studied splice variant of the gene gls, known as Glutaminase C (GAC), is important for tumor metabolism. We show that, although levels of both the kidney-type isoforms are elevated in tumor vs. normal tissues, GAC is distinctly mitochondrial. GAC is also most responsive to the activator inorganic phosphate, the content of which is supposedly higher in mitochondria subject to hypoxia. Analysis of X-ray crystal structures of GAC in different bound states suggests a mechanism that introduces the tetramerization-induced lifting of a "gating loop" as essential for the phosphate-dependent activation process. Surprisingly, phosphate binds inside the catalytic pocket rather than at the oligomerization interface. Phosphate also mediates substrate entry by competing with glutamate. A greater tendency to oligomerize differentiates GAC from its alternatively spliced isoform and the cycling of phosphate in and out of the active site distinguishes it from the liver-type isozyme, which is known to be less dependent on this ion.


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Cancer cells acquire drug resistance as a result of selection pressure dictated by unfavorable microenvironments. This survival process is facilitated through efficient control of oxidative stress originating from mitochondria that typically initiates programmed cell death. We show this critical adaptive response in cancer cells to be linked to uncoupling protein-2 (UCP2), a mitochondrial suppressor of reactive oxygen species (ROS). UCP2 is present in drug-resistant lines of various cancer cells and in human colon cancer. Overexpression of UCP2 in HCT116 human colon cancer cells inhibits ROS accumulation and apoptosis after exposure to chemotherapeutic agents. Tumor xenografts of UCP2-overexpressing HCT116 cells retain growth in nude mice receiving chemotherapy. Augmented cancer cell survival is accompanied by altered NH(2)-terminal phosphorylation of the pivotal tumor suppressor p53 and induction of the glycolytic phenotype (Warburg effect). These findings link UCP2 with molecular mechanisms of chemoresistance. Targeting UCP2 may be considered a novel treatment strategy for cancer.


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During the last decade, the development of anticancer therapies has focused on targeting neoplastic-related metabolism. Cancer cells display a variety of changes in their metabolism, which enable them to satisfy the high bioenergetic and biosynthetic demands for rapid cell division. One of the crucial alterations is referred to as the "Warburg effect", which involves a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation towards the less efficient glycolysis, independent of the presence of oxygen. Although there are many examples of solid tumors having altered metabolism with high rates of glucose uptake and glycolysis, it was only recently reported that this phenomenon occurs in hematological malignancies. This review presents evidence that targeting the glycolytic pathway at different levels in hematological malignancies can inhibit cancer cell proliferation by restoring normal metabolic conditions. However, to achieve cancer regression, high concentrations of glycolytic inhibitors are used due to limited solubility and biodistribution, which may result in toxicity. Besides using these inhibitors as monotherapies, combinatorial approaches using standard chemotherapeutic agents could display enhanced efficacy at eradicating malignant cells. The identification of the metabolic enzymes critical for hematological cancer cell proliferation and survival appears to be an interesting new approach for the targeted therapy of hematological malignancies.


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The emergent discipline of metabolomics has attracted considerable research effort in hepatology. Here we review the metabolomic data for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), alcoholic liver disease (ALD), hepatitis B and C, cholecystitis, cholestasis, liver transplantation, and acute hepatotoxicity in animal models. A metabolomic window has permitted a view into the changing biochemistry occurring in the transitional phases between a healthy liver and hepatocellular carcinoma or cholangiocarcinoma. Whether provoked by obesity and diabetes, alcohol use or oncogenic viruses, the liver develops a core metabolomic phenotype (CMP) that involves dysregulation of bile acid and phospholipid homeostasis. The CMP commences at the transition between the healthy liver (Phase 0) and NAFLD/NASH, ALD or viral hepatitis (Phase 1). This CMP is maintained in the presence or absence of cirrhosis (Phase 2) and whether or not either HCC or CCA (Phase 3) develops. Inflammatory signalling in the liver triggers the appearance of the CMP. Many other metabolomic markers distinguish between Phases 0, 1, 2 and 3. A metabolic remodelling in HCC has been described but metabolomic data from all four Phases demonstrate that the Warburg shift from mitochondrial respiration to cytosolic glycolysis foreshadows HCC and may occur as early as Phase 1. The metabolic remodelling also involves an upregulation of fatty acid β-oxidation, also beginning in Phase 1. The storage of triglycerides in fatty liver provides high energy-yielding substrates for Phases 2 and 3 of liver pathology. The metabolomic window into hepatobiliary disease sheds new light on the systems pathology of the liver.


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von Max Nordau ; Otto Warburg ; Israel Zangwill. Mit e. Vorw. d. Hrsg. Davis Erdtracht


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Otto Warburg


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Otto Warburg


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Otto Warburg


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Otto Warburg