779 resultados para ANTIMONY


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We report photoinduced photo-darkening in SbPO4-WO3 glass by exposure to 532 nm light with a power density of 143 mW/cm(2). The time of exposure was varied between 0 and 256 min following which visible photo-darkening, peaking at 850 nm was observed. Spectrophotometer measurement of absorption was performed for both treated and untreated regions of the sample. Time exposure to below band-gap light results in a single exponent Gaussian absorption function over an exceptionally wide range of wavelengths (500 nm-1600 nm), with a 1/e width of 647.5 nm. Kramers-Kronig transform of the change in the absorption indicates a negative local change in the refractive index. The dispersed refractive index change at 1550 nm, Delta n, is calculated to be similar to -5 x 10(-8). The peak absorption increases with time of exposure and the photo-darkening remains irreversible at room temperature. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O processo pirometalúrgico convencional para a produção de chumbo metálico é comparado com dois novos processos ambientalmente não agressivos: o eletrohidrometalúrgico e fusão alcalina. O processo eletrohidrometalúrgico consiste em reduzir o tamanho das partículas dos compostos de chumbo e lixiviar os mesmos com uma solução ácida de fluoborato férrico. Neste ponto, o chumbo é dissolvido com os íons férricos sendo reduzidos a íons ferrosos. A solução resultante da lixiviação é bombeada para os compartimentos catódicos de uma célula eletrolítica de diafragma nos quais o chumbo metálico é depositado em catodos de aço inoxidável numa forma compacta e pura. A solução que é empobrecida em íons Pb2+ é então enviada aos compartimentos anódicos da mesma célula onde, nas superfícies de anodos ocorre a oxidação dos íons ferrosos a férricos, que retornam ao estágio de lixiviação. O processo de fusão alcalina consiste em se juntar soda cáustica fundida, enxofre e compostos de chumbo num reator a uma temperatura entre 600 °C e 700 °C. Como um resultado chumbo metálico é obtido juntamente com sais fundidos de sódio, sulfetos metálicos e borra. O fundido é processado, resultando em borra, sulfetos metálicos, soda cáustica e enxofre. Estes dois últimos retornam para o reator. Ambos os processos permitem a recuperação de metais como antimônio, estanho, enxofre e prata, que em processo convencional são perdidos na escória. Esses novos processos são ambientalmente corretos sem poluições severas de Pb e SO2. O chumbo metálico obtido é mais puro que aquele do processo convencional.


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Antimony based glasses have been investigated for the first time regarding the possibility of holographic data storage using visible lasers sources. Changes in both refractive index and the absorption coefficient were measured using a holographic setup. The modulation of the optical constants is reversible by heat treatment. Bragg gratings were written under visible light of an Ar laser and erased thermally.


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Electro-optical properties of sol-gel derived 2 mol% antimony or niobium doped tin dioxide films have been measured. The electron density has been calculated considering all the relevant scattering mechanisms and experimental conductivity data measured in the range -197 to 25 degrees C. The results support the hypothesis that both ionised impurity scattering and grain boundary scattering have comparable effects in the resistivity of coatings, for free electron density congruent to 5 x 10(18) cm(-3). We have measured variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength using xenon and deuterium lamp as light sources. Results show that the main band in the photoconductivity spectrum is dependent on the spectral light source emission, the excitation peak reaching 5 eV (deuterium lamp). This band is due to the recombination process involving oxygen species and photogenerated electron-hole pairs. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Changes occurring in absorption coefficients when glasses in the SbPO4-WO3 binary system were irradiated by light, at the edge of the absorption band, were measured in real time. These glasses present good thermal and optical properties and photoinduced changes in the absorption coefficients are reversible by heat treatment around 150 degrees C. Subsequent recording/erasing cycles could be made without sample degradation. The sensitivity of the induced optical changes was studied for different wavelengths, light powers and energy of light dose exposures, and for different compositions of the glasses. The changes in the absorption coefficients of the glass samples were accompanied by a color change from yellow to blue, and were also characterized by visible spectroscopy. The color changes occurred through the entire volume of the glass (similar to 2 mm thickness) for the Ar-ion laser lines at the edge of the absorption band. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The most popular handgun in Brazil is the single round-barrel caliber 0.38 revolver. In recent years, however, owing to the modernization of police arms and their availability on the legal and illicit markets, pistols have become increasingly popular and currently represent about 20% of police seizures. In a previous paper we presented a novel collection method for gunshot residues (GSR) using a sampling procedure based on ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent on moistened swabs with subsequent detection using sector field-high resolution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-HR-ICP-MS). In the present paper, we discuss the capability of this methodology to identify antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) on the hands of volunteers after shot tests with 9 mm and 0.40 in. caliber pistols. Two types of munitions were tested: 9 mm Taurus and clean range. The use of a technique with high sensitivity, such as SF-HR-ICP-MS, permits the identification of low concentrations (less than 1 mu g/L) of metals in firearm residue and constitutes a powerful tool in forensic science. We also discuss the importance of the sampling procedure, including collection from a different body part than the gun hand of the suspect. Comparison of the analytical data obtained allows clear discrimination between samples from the hands of shooters and non-shooters. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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The crystallographic and magnetic structure of sintered, polycrystalline samples of zinc-antimony spinel, Zn7-xNixSb2O12, have been investigated. The samples were prepared by the modified polymeric precursors method. The magnetic contributions of the Ni2+ ions distributed in three non-equivalent crystallographic sites were investigated, revealing the occurrence of different magnetic regimes. A hysteresis response in the magnetic susceptibility indicates a spin-glasslike behavior at low temperatures. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Sb doping in SnO2 thin films prepared by the sol-gel dip-coating (SGDC) process is investigated. Electronic and structural properties are evaluated through synchrotron radiation measurements by EXAFS and XANES. These data indicate that antimony is in the oxidation state W, and replaces tin atoms (Sn4+), at a grain surface site. Although the substitution yields net free carrier concentration, the electrical conductivity is increased only slightly, because it is reduced by the high grain boundary scattering. The overall picture leads to a shortening of the grain boundary potential, where oxygen vacancies compensate for oxygen adsorbed species, decreasing the trapped charge at grain boundary. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antimony doped tin oxide thin films were deposited on glass by a chemical route derived from Pechini method. Particular emphasis was given to the microstructure of crystallized films. Crystalline phase formation was studied by grazing incident X-ray diffraction and by thermal analyses. Scanning electron microscopy was carried out for microstructure characterization, surface roughness was observed using scanning tunneling microscope and the optical transmittance measurements were performed in the wavelength range of 200-800 nm. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The technological interest in transparent conductive oxide films (TCOs) has motivated several works in processing techniques, in order to obtain adequate routes to application. In this way, this work describes a new route to obtain antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) films, based in colloidal dispersions of oxide nanocrystals. The nanoparticles were obtained by a hydrolisis method, using SnCl2 and SbCl3 in ethanolic solutions. The residual halides were removed by dyalisis, obtaining a limpid and transparent colloidal suspension. By this, the method offers the advantage of producing ultrathin films without organic contaminants. This route was employed to produce films with 5, 10, 14, and 18 mol% Sb doping, with thickness ranging from 40 to 70 nm. The physical characterization of the samples showed a uniform layer deposition, resulting in good packing density and high transmittance. A preliminar electrical study confirmed the low electrical resistivity even in the ultrathin films, in such level similar of reported data. The method described is similar in some aspects to layer-by-layer (LbL) techniques, allowing fine control of thickness and interesting properties for ultrathin films, however, with low cost when compared to similar routes.


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The compounds [PdCl(2)L(2)] and [PdL(4)] (L=PPh(3), AsPh(3), SbPh(3)) were studied by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses in air. The residues of thermal decomposition consist of metallic palladium, except in the case of the complexes containing SbPh(3), when the residues are palladium and antimony mixtures in appropriate proportions with respect to the stoichiometry of the related complexes.


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A new method was developed for the simultaneous determination of As, Bi, Sb, and Se by flow injection hydride generation graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. An alternative two-step sample treatment procedure was used. The sample was heated (80degreesC) for 10 min in 6 M HCl to reduce Se(VI) to Se(IV), followed by the addition of 1% (m/v) thiourea solution to reduce arsenic and antimony from the pentavalent to the trivalent states.With this procedure, all analytes were converted to their most favorable and sensitive oxidation states to generate the corresponding hydrides. The pre-treated sample solution was then processed in the flow system for in situ trapping and atomization in a graphite tube coated with iridium. The impermanent modifier remained stable up to 300 firings and new coating out significant were possible wit changes in the analytical performance.The accuracy was checked for As, Bi, Sb, and Se determination in water standard reference materials NIST 1640 and 1643d and the results were in agreement with the certified values at a 95% confidence level. Good recoveries (94-104%.) of spiked mineral waters and synthetic As(V), Sb(Ill), mixtures of As(Ill), Sb(V), Se(VI), and Se(IV) were also found. Calculated characteristic masses were 32 mug As, 79 mug Bi, 35 mug Sb, and 130 pg Se, and the corresponding limits of detection were 0.06, 0.16, 0.19, and 0.59 mug L-1, respectively. The repeatability for a typical solution containing 5 mug L-1 As, Bi, Sb, and Se was in the 1-3% range.


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This work reports the preparation and characterization of (SnO2) thin films doped with 7 mol% Sb2O3. The films were prepared by the polymeric precursor method, and deposited by spin-coating, all of them were deposited on amorphous silica substrate. Then, we have studied the thickness effect on the microstrutural, optical and electric properties of these samples. The microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The electrical resistivity measurements were obtained by the van der Pauw four-probe method. UV-visible spectroscopy and ellipsometry were carried out for the optical characterization. The films present nanometric grains in the order of 13 nm, and low roughness. The electrical resistivity decreased with the increase of the film thickness and the smallest measured value was 6.5 x 10(-3) Omega cm for the 988 nm thick film. The samples displayed a high transmittance value of 80% in the visible region. The obtained results show that the polymeric precursor method is effective for the TCOs manufacturing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Different kinds of modifiers and coatings on the integrated platform of transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) have been tested for the simultaneous determination of two group of elements: the first, the more volatile, formed by arsenic, bismuth, lead, antimony and selenium; the second, the less volatile, formed by cobalt, chromium, cupper, iron and manganese in milk by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Different Rh-modifiers were studied, such as Rh-coated platforms (Rh), carbide plus rhodium coated platforms (W-Rh, Zr-Rh), carbide-coated platforms (W and Zr) with co-injection of RhCl3, solutions and uncoated platforms with injection of solutions of Pd(NO3)(2), Mg(NO3)(2), and RhCl3. Milk samples were diluted 1:10 in 1.0% HNO3 and injected into the tube. The mass of modifier deposited and co-injected in the tube and the use of end capped tubes were also evaluated in order to improve the electrothermal behavior of analytes. Integrated platform pretreated with W plus co-injection RhCl3 for first group and pretreated with W-Rh for second group were elected. For 20 mu L injected samples the analytical curves in the 5.0-20.0 mu g L-1 concentration range have good linear correlation coefficients (r > 0.998). Relative standard deviations (n = 12) are < 6% and the calculated characteristic masses are between 5 pg and 62 pg.