898 resultados para AND replication
Chez les plantes, le génome plastidique est continuellement exposé à divers stress mutagènes, tels l’oxydation des bases et le blocage des fourches de réplication. Étonnamment, malgré ces menaces, le génome du plastide est reconnu pour être très stable, sa stabilité dépassant même celle du génome nucléaire. Néanmoins, les mécanismes de réparation de l’ADN et du maintien de la stabilité du génome plastidique sont encore peu connus. Afin de mieux comprendre ces processus, nous avons développé une approche, basée sur l’emploi de la ciprofloxacine, qui nous permet d’induire des bris d’ADN double-brins (DSBs) spécifiquement dans le génome des organelles. En criblant, à l’aide de ce composé, une collection de mutants d’Arabidopsis thaliana déficients pour des protéines du nucléoïde du plastide, nous avons identifié 16 gènes vraisemblablement impliqués dans le maintien de la stabilité génomique de cette organelle. Parmi ces gènes, ceux de la famille Whirly jouent un rôle primordial dans la protection du génome plastidique face aux réarrangements dépendants de séquences de microhomologie. Deux autres familles de gènes codant pour des protéines plastidiques, soit celle des polymérases de types-I et celle des recombinases, semblent davantage impliquées dans les mécanismes conservateurs de réparation des DSBs. Les relations épistatiques entre ces gènes et ceux des Whirly ont permis de définir les bases moléculaires des mécanismes de la réparation dépendante de microhomologies (MHMR) dans le plastide. Nous proposons également que ce type de mécanismes servirait en quelque sorte de roue de secours pour les mécanismes conservateurs de réparation. Finalement, un criblage non-biaisé, utilisant une collection de plus de 50,000 lignées mutantes d’Arabidopsis, a été réalisé. Ce criblage a permis d’établir un lien entre la stabilité génomique et le métabolisme des espèces réactives oxygénées (ROS). En effet, la plupart des gènes identifiés lors de ce criblage sont impliqués dans la photosynthèse et la détoxification des ROS. Globalement, notre étude a permis d’élargir notre compréhension des mécanismes du maintien de la stabilité génomique dans le plastide et de mieux comprendre l’importance de ces processus.
Les cellules myéloïdes incluant les monocytes, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques (DCs, dendritic cells) contribuent à la pathogénèse de l’infection à VIH-1 en participant à la dissémination du virus, mais également en représentant des réservoirs viraux potentiels. Leurs fonctions sont exploitées par le VIH-1 afin d’assurer sa propagation à travers l’organisme. Notamment, une infection à VIH-1 est associée à une altération de la présentation antigénique et la perte de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques à des antigènes. L’autophagie est un processus catabolique universel impliqué dans la régulation de la présentation antigénique subséquente à la neutralisation/destruction du pathogène. Des études récentes suggèrent que le VIH-1 altère le mécanisme d’autophagie afin d’assurer sa survie. Le premier volet de ce projet de maîtrise a visé la caractérisation des effets du VIH-1 sur l’autophagie dans les DCs dérivées de monocytes circulants (MDDC, monocyte-derived dendritic cells) et l’identification des stratégies thérapeutiques pour contrecarrer ces effets. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été de : (i) caractériser l’expression de marqueurs de maturation sur des MDDC exposées au VIH-1 in vitro, (ii) quantifier l’expression des protéines liées à la régulation positive (i.e., ATG5, LC3, p62) et négative (i.e., mTOR) de l’autophagie dans les MDDC exposées au VIH, (iii) déterminer le rôle de l’autophagie dans la trans infection du VIH-1 aux lymphocytes T CD4+ et (iv) explorer l’impact de l’autophagie sur la présentation antigénique par les MDDC infectées à VIH-1 in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une exposition des MDDC au VIH-1 in vitro altère dramatiquement leur maturation et leur habileté à induire la prolifération des cellules T autologues en réponse à Staphylococcus aureus et Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mais pas la réponse induite par Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Nous démontrons que l’exposition des MDDC au VIH s’associe à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine mTOR totale et de sa forme phosphorylée (phospho-mTOR) et de la protéine p62. Le traitement des MDDC à la rapamycine diminue l’expression de mTOR et réduit la capacité de trans infection du VIH-1 par les MDDC, sans toutefois restaurer leur potentiel immunogène. En effet, nous observons que la rapamycine réduit l’expression de CD83 par les MDDC et augmente l’expression de CCR7, indiquant ainsi que l’effet immunosuppresseur documenté de la rapamycine est associé à une défaillance de maturation des MDDC. Le second volet de ce projet de recherche s’est intéressé à la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale chez les sujets infectés par le VIH-1 sous thérapie antirétrovirale. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été : (i) d’évaluer la présence de différentes formes d’ADN viral dans les monocytes circulants de patients infectés par le VIH-1 et (ii) de mesurer l’intégration et la réplication virale dans des macrophages dérivés de monocytes (MDM) de patients infectés sous ART. Nos résultats indiquent que les monocytes portent des formes précoces de transcription virale inverse (ADN du VIH RU5) et que, malgré une charge virale plasmatique indétectable sous ART, les MDM supportent la réplication virale. Ces données très préliminaires apportent des évidences en faveur de la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale sous ART et représentent une ouverture pour un projet de recherche plus complexe dans le futur. En somme, nos résultats démontrent que le VIH-1 altère le potentiel immunogène des MDDC et que la rapamycine peut être employée pour limiter la trans infection des lymphocytes T CD4+ par les MDDC. Néanmoins, l’incapacité de la rapamycine à rétablir le potentiel immunogène des MDDC incite à identifier de nouvelles stratégies manipulant l’autophagie pour une restauration optimale de la compétence immunitaire chez les sujets infectés à VIH-1. Les cellules myéloïdes jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination et la persistance virale et doivent donc être ciblées par les stratégies actuelles d’éradication des réservoirs du VIH sous ART.
Many viruses, including human influenza A virus, have developed strategies for counteracting the host type I interferon (IFN) response. We have explored whether avian influenza viruses were less capable of combating the type I IFN response in mammalian cells, as this might be a determinant of host range restriction. A panel of avian influenza viruses isolated between 1927 and 1997 was assembled. The selected viruses showed variation in their ability to activate the expression of a reporter gene under the control of the IFN-beta promoter and in the levels of IFN induced in mammalian cells. Surprisingly, the avian NS1 proteins expressed alone or in the genetic background of a human influenza virus controlled IFN-beta induction in a manner similar to the NS1 protein of human strains. There was no direct correlation between the IFN-beta induction and replication of avian influenza viruses in human A549 cells. Nevertheless, human cells deficient in the type I IFN system showed enhanced replication of the avian viruses studied, implying that the human type I IFN response limits avian influenza viruses and can contribute to host range restriction.
The Earth's climate is undoubtedly changing; however, the time scale, consequences and causal attribution remain the subject of significant debate and uncertainty. Detection of subtle indicators from a background of natural variability requires measurements over a time base of decades. This places severe demands on the instrumentation used, requiring measurements of sufficient accuracy and sensitivity that can allow reliable judgements to be made decades apart. The International System of Units (SI) and the network of National Metrology Institutes were developed to address such requirements. However, ensuring and maintaining SI traceability of sufficient accuracy in instruments orbiting the Earth presents a significant new challenge to the metrology community. This paper highlights some key measurands and applications driving the uncertainty demand of the climate community in the solar reflective domain, e.g. solar irradiances and reflectances/radiances of the Earth. It discusses how meeting these uncertainties facilitate significant improvement in the forecasting abilities of climate models. After discussing the current state of the art, it describes a new satellite mission, called TRUTHS, which enables, for the first time, high-accuracy SI traceability to be established in orbit. The direct use of a ‘primary standard’ and replication of the terrestrial traceability chain extends the SI into space, in effect realizing a ‘metrology laboratory in space’.
Treatment of emerging RNA viruses is hampered by the high mutation and replication rates that enable these viruses to operate as a quasispecies. Declining honey bee populations have been attributed to the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and its affiliation with Deformed Wing Virus (DWV). In the current study we use next-generation sequencing to investigate the DWV quasispecies in an apiary known to suffer from overwintering colony losses. We show that the DWV species complex is made up of three master variants. Our results indicate that a new DWV Type C variant is distinct from the previously described types A and B, but together they form a distinct clade compared with other members of the Iflaviridae. The molecular clock estimation predicts that Type C diverged from the other variants ~319 years ago. The discovery of a new master variant of DWV has important implications for the positive identification of the true pathogen within global honey bee populations.
The p53 protein is a key regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and it has been shown that It sensitizes glioma cells to the alkylating agent temozolomide by up-regulating the extrinsic apoptotic pathway, whereas it increases the resistance to chloroethylating agents, such as ACNU and BCNU, probably by enhancing the efficiency of DNA repair. However, because these agents induce a wide variety of distinct DNA lesions, the direct Importance of DNA repair is hard to access. Here, it is shown that the Induction of photoproducts by UV light (UV-C) significantly Induces apoptosis In a p53-mutated glioma background. This Is caused by a reduced level of photoproduct repair, resulting In the persistence of DNA lesions in p53-mutated glioma cells. UV-C-Induced apoptosis in p53 mutant glioma cells Is preceded by strong transcription and replication inhibition due to blockage by unrepaired photolesions. Moreover, the results Indicate that UV-C-induced apoptosis of p53 mutant glioma cells Is executed through the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, with Bcl-2 degradation and sustained Bax and Bak up-regulation. Collectively, the data Indicate that unrepaired DNA lesions Induce apoptosis In p53 mutant gliomas despite the resistance of these gliomas to temozolomide, suggesting that efficiency of treatment of p53 mutant gliomas might be higher with agents that Induce the formation of DNA lesions whose global genomic repair is dependent on p53. (Mol Cancer Res 2009;7(2):237-46)
Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is an essential component of mitochondrial nucleoids TFAM plays an important role in mitochondrial transcription and replication TFAM has been previously reported to inhibit nucleotide excision repair (NER) in vitro but NER has not yet been detected in mitochondria, whereas base excision repair (BER) has been comprehensively characterized in these organelles The BER proteins are associated with the inner membrane in mitochondria and thus with the mitochondrial nucleoid, where TFAM is also situated However, a function for TFAM in BER has not yet been investigated This study examines the role of TFAM in BER In vitro studies with purified recombinant TFAM indicate that it preferentially binds to DNA containing 8-oxoguanines, but not to abasic sites, uracils, or a gap in the sequence TFAM inhibited the in vitro incision activity of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1), uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), apurinic endonuclease 1 (APE1), and nucleotide incorporation by DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma) On the other hand, a DNA binding-defective TFAM mutant, L58A, showed less inhibition of BER in vitro Characterization of TFAM knockdown (KD) cells revealed that these lysates had higher 8oxoG incision activity without changes in alpha OGG1 protein levels TFAM KD cells had mild resistance to menadione and increased damage accumulation in the mtDNA when compared to the control cells In addition, we found that the tumor suppressor p53, which has been shown to interact with and alter the DNA binding activity of TFAM, alleviates TFAM-Induced inhibition of BER proteins Together, the results suggest that TFAM modulates BER in mitochondria by virtue of its DNA binding activity and protein interactions Published by Elsevier B V
The theme of this dissertation is social technology for self-management: a study in economic enterprise supportive of Rio Grande do Norte. The research aimed to obtain evidence that the reapplication of technology management, basic economic-financial and pricing, as production costs, has the potential to contribute to the self-management of APABV. The social technology and self-management are theoretical frameworks used and where workers are central figures in both the generation and replication of technologies that are compatible with their realities, as in the conduct and management approach adopted by them in their venture, they are makers decisions. To achieve the proposed objective was accomplished participatory research, which was used in addition to document analysis, participatory methodologies such as the construction of the DRP, group interview, experience in the production environment and family of entrepreneurs APABV. This research allowed the management technologies such as spreadsheets controls basic economic and financial costs, when socialized and understood by workers has the potential informational and become part of their daily decision-making process of the project, making up social technology
American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), caused by Leishmania infantum chagasi (L.i.chagasi), stands as a public health problem in Brazil, with human and canine cases related in all states..Lipid metabolism can be modified in several status of infection. For example, experimental studies show that the cholesterol is necessary to internalization and replication of L.i.chagasi in macrophages through caveolar domains. Patients with AVL present low levels of cholesterol and a visible triglycerides increase. This work aimed to evaluate the lipid metabolism in several post-infection status by L.i.chagasi, including individuals with symptomatic infection (AVL), and asymptomatic. The levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and reactive C protein, were measured. Individuals with AVL were compared with individuals with assymptomatic infection and presented low levels of total cholesterol (128 ± 6.180 mg/dL vs. 158 ±5.733 mg/dL, p=0.0001), HDL (29 ± 1.746 mg/dL vs. 37 ± 1.647 mg/dL, p=0.0001), increased levels of triglycerides (149.5 mg/dL ± 12.72 vs. 78.00 ± 10.43 mg/dL, p=0.0095) and higher levels of reactive C protein (1.750± 0.4939 mg/dL vs. 0.40 ± 0.1707 mg/dL; p=0.0001). The expression of genes related to lipid metabolism, such as LXR-a, LXR-b, PPAR-a, PPAR-d, PPAR-g and APOE was evaluated by real time PCR. A reduction in the expression of those genes was found in the group of AVL patients corroborating the serum levels of the metabolites earlier quantified. Our findings suggest a modulation of metabolism of lipids, in the chronic phase of AVL, this could facilitate the survival of leishmania, due to the known reduction on the ability of macrophages in presenting antigens efficiently to the T cells due to the reduction in the cholesterol available, it results in a subversion of the host immunity.
Cytogenetic investigations based on conventional and differential staining analysis (C-and replication R-banding and Ag-staining) were carried out on eight specimens of Phyllopezus periosus, 17 of P. pollicaris pollicaris, and one of P. pollicaris przewalskii collected from different localities of Brazil. P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris share the same diploid number of 2n = 40 chromosomes, and their karyotypes are very distinctive regarding to the number of biarmed and uniarmed chromosomes. After careful side-by-side comparison of R-banded chromosomes in both taxa, pronounced homology between, at least, eight pairs was revealed. The R-banding patterns allowed us to postulate that karyotype differentiation could be due to pericentric inversion events. P. p. przewalskii (2n = 38) exhibited a very similar karyotype to that found in P. p. pollicaris, except for the presence of one metacentric pair, which probably resulted from a Robertsonian rearrangement. Single and multiple pairs of NOR-bearing chromosomes, showing variation in number and location, were detected among the three forms of Phyllopezus. Similar C-banding patterns were found in P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris. Sex chromosomes were not positively identified.
The chromosomes of 173 specimens representing eleven species of the Tropidurus torquatus group, from 33 localities in Brazil, were analysed after Giemsa staining, C-banding, NORs, and replication banding techniques. A karyotype with 2n = 36, including 12 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes (12 M + 24 m), and sex determination of the XY:XX type were found in Tropidurus cocorobensis, T. erythrocephalus, T. etheridgei, T. hispidus, T. hygomi, T. montanus, T. mucujensis, T. oreadicus, and T. torquatus. The two other species, T. itambere and T. psammonastes, presented 2n = 36 (12 M + 23 m) karyotype only in females while males had 2n = 35 (12 M + 23 m), due to the sex determination of the X(1)X(2)Y:X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2) type. Other interspecific differences as well as some intraspecific variation regarding the NORs and C-banding patterns have been observed, mainly in the microchromosome set. on the contrary, the macrochromosomes were highly conservative. Although consistent karyotypic diversity occurred in the torquatus group, the cytogenetic data obtained up to now did not allow us to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the species. Nevertheless, the geographical distribution of the distinct cytotypes in T. hispidus and T. torquatus suggested that more than one species might be involved in each case.
The cytogenetic study of 182 river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L., 2n=50) of Murrah, Mediterranean and Jaffarabadi breeds, from the State of São Paulo, was carried out to characterize their chromosomes and to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities. The karyotypes were indistinguishable with conventional staining as well as with C and replication R banding techniques. In about 44% of the sample (8 males and 72 females), an X marker chromosome due to a fragile site was shown. The frequency of metaphases expressing the fragility site on the X was highly variable, from 2.86 to 41.03%. In females, the fragile site, rarely appeared on both X chromosomes. Most of the metaphases showed only 1 marker chromosome. In R-banded metaphases using 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) treatment, it corresponded in general to the late replicating X chromosome. No correlation between the X fragile site and altered phenotype was found. Structural and numerical chromosome rearrangements were ruled out in the present sample of buffalo. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ