177 resultados para AK26A-2573


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The solubility of Re and Au in haplobasaltic melt has been investigated at 1673-2573 K, 0.1 MPa-2 GPa and IW-1 to +2.5, in both carbon-saturated and carbon-free systems. Results extend the existing, low pressure and temperature, dataset to more accurately predict the results of metal-silicate equilibrium at the base of a terrestrial magma ocean. Solubilities in run-product glasses were measured by laser ablation ICP-MS, which allows for the explicit assessment of contamination by metal inclusions. The Re and Au content of demonstrably contaminant-free glasses increases with temperature, and shows variation with oxygen fugacity (fO2) similar to previous results, although lower valence states for Re (1+, 2+) are suggested by the data. At 2 GPa, and Delta IW of +1.75 to +2, the metal-silicate partition coefficient for Re (DMet/Sil) is defined by the relation LogD[met/sil][Re] = 0.50(±0.022)*10**4/T(K)+3.73(±0.095) For metal-silicate equilibrium to endow Earth's mantle with the observed time-integrated chondritic Re/Os, (and hence 187Os/188Os), DMet/Sil for both elements must converge to a common value. Combined with previously measured DMet/Sil for Os, the estimated temperature at which this convergence occurs is 4500 (±900) K. At this temperature, however, the Re and Os content of the equilibrated silicate is ~100-fold too low to explain mantle abundances. In the same experiments, much lower Dmet/sil values have been determined for Au, and require the metal-silicate equilibration temperature to be <3200 K, as hotter conditions result in an excess of Au in the mantle. Thus, the large disparity in partitioning between Re or Os, and Au at core-forming temperatures argues against their mantle concentrations set solely by metal-silicate equilibrium at the base of a terrestrial magma ocean.


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On the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, reaction between upwelling basement fluid and sediment alters hydrothermal fluxes of Ca, SiO2(aq), SO4, PO4, NH4, and alkalinity. We used the Global Implicit Multicomponent Reactive Transport (GIMRT) code to model the processes occurring in the sediment column (diagenesis, sediment burial, fluid advection, and multicomponent diffusion) and to estimate net seafloor fluxes of solutes. Within the sediment section, the reactions controlling the concentrations of the solutes listed above are organic matter degradation via SO4 reduction, dissolution of amorphous silica, reductive dissolution of amorphous Fe(III)-(hydr)oxide, and precipitation of calcite, carbonate fluorapatite, and amorphous Fe(II)-sulfide. Rates of specific discharge estimated from pore-water Mg profiles are 2 to 3 mm/yr. At this site the basement hydrothermal system is a source of NH4, SiO2(aq), and Ca, and a sink of SO4, PO4, and alkalinity. Reaction within the sediment column increases the hydrothermal sources of NH4 and SiO2(aq), increases the hydrothermal sinks of SO4 and PO4, and decreases the hydrothermal source of Ca. Reaction within the sediment column has a spatially variable effect on the hydrothermal flux of alkalinity. Because the model we used was capable of simulating the observed pore-water chemistry by using mechanistic descriptions of the biogeochemical processes occurring in the sediment column, it could be used to examine the physical controls on hydrothermal fluxes of solutes in this setting. Two series of simulations in which we varied fluid flow rate (1 to 100 mm/yr) and sediment thickness (10 to 100 m) predict that given the reactions modeled in this study, the sediment section will contribute most significantly to fluxes of SO4 and NH4 at slow flow rates and intermediate sediment thickness and to fluxes of SiO2(aq) at slow flow rates and large sediment thickness. Reaction within the sediment section could approximately double the hydrothermal sink of PO4 over a range of flow rates and sediment thickness, and could slightly decrease (by