173 resultados para AFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foram avaliados os dados de 1983 a 2005 de cinco rebanhos bubalinos das raças Jafarabadi, Murrah, Mediterrâneo, Carabao e Tipo Baio, bem como seus mestiços. Estudaram-se as características reprodutivas: Idade à Primeira Cria (IPC), Intervalo de Partos (IDP), Eficiência Reprodutiva (ER), Fertilidade Real Adaptada (FRA), Produtividade ao Primeiro Parto Adaptada (PPPA) e Produtividade Acumulada Adaptada (PACA). A média geral encontrada, não ajustada, para IPC foi de 1052,52 ± 120,45 dias (34,7 meses), com valor mínimo e máximo de 737 e 1271 dias, respectivamente, com um coeficiente de variação de 10,32%. O grau de sangue da fêmea e o ano do parto apresentaram efeito significativo (P<0,0001) sobre a idade ao primeiro parto. Para o IEP, a média geral encontrada, não ajustada, foi de 399,69 ± 23,78 dias ou 13,17 meses com um coeficiente de variação de 5,88%. Não foi observada influência significativa das fontes de variação (grau de sangue da fêmea, ano do parto e estação do parto) nos interpartos. A média geral encontrada, não ajustada, para ER, foi de 91,09 ± 1,89% com um coeficiente de variação de 2,05%. Não foi observada influência significativa das fontes de variação (grau de sangue da fêmea, ano do parto e estação do parto) na ER do rebanho. A FRA média encontrada, não ajustada, foi 29,30 ± 4,40 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano, com valor mínimo e máximo de 0,99 e 44,27 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano, respectivamente, com um coeficiente de variação de 11,89%. Dentre os fatores que afetam a FRA do rebanho estudado, o grau de sangue da fêmea e o ano do parto mostraram influência significativa (P<0,0001) constituindo-se, portanto, como fontes de variação para essa característica. Para a PPPA, a média geral encontrada, não ajustada, foi de 33,75 ± 6,89 quilogramas, com valor mínimo e máximo de 10 e 62 quilogramas, respectivamente, com um coeficiente de variação de 10,20%. Dentre os fatores que afetaram a PPPA do rebanho estudado, somente o ano do parto mostrou influência significativa (P<0,0001) constituindo-se, portanto, como fonte de variação para essa característica. No que diz respeito a PACA, a média geral encontrada, não ajustada, foi de 22,86 ± 6,55 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano, com valor mínimo e máximo de 2,08 e 55,35 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano, respectivamente, com um coeficiente de variação de 6,55%. Dentre os fatores que afetaram a PACA do rebanho estudado, o grau de sangue da fêmea e o ano do parto mostraram influência significativa (P<0,0001) constituindo-se, portanto, como fontes de variação para essa característica. Os parâmetros reprodutivos avaliados neste estudo mostraram-se dentro de uma variação compatível com a observada na literatura pertinente. De maneira geral, verificou-se influência do ano de parto, grau de sangue e grau de sangue da fêmea sobre as características estudadas, o que indica que tais efeitos devem ser levados em consideração na avaliação e seleção dos animais. Os índices produtivos utilizados mostraram-se de grande valia para a seleção, devendo ser melhor estudadas suas interações para com o desempenho geral do rebanho.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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The objective of the study was to estimate heritability for calving interval (CI) and age at first calving (AFC) and also calculate repeatability for CI in buffaloes using Bayesian inference. The Brazilian Buffaloes Genetic Improvement Program provided the database. Data consists on information from 628 females and four different herds, born between 1980 and 2003. In order to estimate the variance, univariate analyses were performed employing Gibbs sampler procedure included in the MTGSAM software. The model for CI included the random effects direct additive and permanent environment factors, and the fixed effects of contemporary groups and calving orders. The model for AFC included the direct additive random effect and contemporary groups as a fixed effect. The convergence diagnosis was obtained using Geweke that was implemented through the Bayesian Output Analysis package in R software. The estimated averages were 433.2 days and 36.7months for CI and AFC, respectively. The means, medians and modes for the calculated heritability coefficients were similar. The heritability coefficients were 0.10 and 0.42 for CI and AFC respectively, with a posteriori marginal density that follows a normal distribution for both traits. The repeatability for CI was 0.13. The low heritability estimated for CI indicates that the variation in this trait is, to a large extent, influenced by environmental factors such as herd management policies. The age at first calving has clear potential for yield improvement through direct selection in these animals.


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The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).


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The Livistona rotundifolia species is native to Oceania, and has a high potential for landscaping use and as a pot plant. This work aimed to study the effects of the maturation stage, pulp removal and storage on the germination of L. rotundifolia seeds. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 5x2x2 (five storage periods: 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days; two maturation stages: green and ripe; and the presence or absence of the pulp - exocarp and mesocarp) with four replications of 25 seeds each. After sorting out the fruits by the maturity stage and removing the pulp out of half of the fruits from each plot, the seeds were placed in closed bottles, which were sealed and stored in a cold chamber at 10 degrees C. The seeds were removed from the cold chamber and left to germinate in plastic boxes (gerbox type) with sphagnum. The boxes were kept at 25-35 degrees C and photoperiod of 12 hours. The germination rate was determined when seed germination was steady. The highest germination rate was found when green fruits had their pulp removed. The germination rate gradually decreased with the increase of the storage period regardless the maturation stage and the presence or absence of the pulp.


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Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook is largely used as ornamental. The propagation is done almost exclusively by seeds; however, there is a great variation in the germination process influenced by many factors. The objective of this work was to study the effects of the temperature and maturation stages on the germination of R. regia seeds. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 6x3 (six temperatures: constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C and alternated at 20-30 and 25-35 degrees C, with a photoperiod of 12 hours; and three fruit maturation stages: brown, yellow and black), with four replications of 25 disseminules (seed with stucked endocarp) each. The disseminules had their mesocarp and exocarp were removed and shade dried. Their moisture content was determined, and then they were placed in plastic boxes (gerbox type) containing vermiculite. The disseminules, with the germinative intumescence, were daily noted until germination was steady. The germination rate and the germination speed index were calculated, and the data were submitted to the variance analysis. The means were compared by the Tukey test. It was concluded that the highest germination rate (99.7%) and germination speed were obtained by seeds from mature (black) fruits at the temperature of 35 degrees C.


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This work aimed to study the effect of the temperature on the seed germination and to describe the morphology and germination process of disseminules (seeds with stucked endocarp) of R. borinquena species. The fruits were harvested and had their pulp (exocarp and mesocarp) removed and the disseminules were shade dried. The experimental design was entirely randomized and six treatments were performed (temperature conditions: constant at 25, 30 and 35 degrees C; alternated at 25-35 and 20-30 degrees C; and room temperature) with four replications with 25 disseminules per plot, placed in plastic boxes (gerbox) containing vermiculite. The germination rate and germination speed index were calculated, and the data were submitted to the variance analysis, and the means compared by the Tukey test. For the morphological studies, the external and internal sides of the disseminules, the embryo and the representative germination stages were sketched. The samples were fixed in FAA (formalin - acetic acid - ethyl alcohol). It was concluded that the highest germination rate and faster germination were at the constant temperature of 35 degrees C and alternated of 25-35 degrees C. The seeds are albuminous, with a hard endosperm that takes almost the entire interior of the disseminules; the embryo is lateral, peripheral and poorly differentiated; the germination is adjacent.


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The palm collection of UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, was created in 1966 with the aim to keep different palm species for research purposes and conservation of native species, especially those threatened. Native and exotic species comprise the collection, which is held at the institution, where several studies with different species and in different areas are undertaken. Nevertheless, palm seeds and seedlings are also distributed to other research centers. The botanical review of the collection began in 2003 and there are, currently, 143 species or hybrids, in a total of 331 specimens. Considering the most ancient species, the immediate identification of many of them was possible; however, for others, such as the Attalea, Orbignya, Syagrus and Scheelea genera, future morphological studies is required, like the karyotype one or using molecular markers. Many species have been introduced and many seeds have been currently investigated regarding their germination process for future inclusion in the collection. Some of the palms do not bloom; others, however, bloom, but do not bear fruits; and others bear fruits, but their seeds do not germinate. They are either young plants, fruits which are constantly attacked by insects, like the Syagrus species and hybrids, or dioecious plants.


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Knowing the genetic parameters of productive and reproductive traits in milking buffaloes is essential for planning and implementing of a program genetic selection. In Brazil, this information is still scarce. The objective of this study was to verify the existence of genetic variability in milk yield of buffaloes and their constituents, and reproductive traits for the possibility of application of the selection. A total of 9,318 lactations records from 3,061 cows were used to estimate heritabilities for milk yield (MY), fat percentage (%F), protein percentage (%P), length of lactation (LL), age of first calving (AFC) and calving interval (CI) and the genetic correlations among traits MY, %F and %P. The (co) variance components were estimated using multiple-trait analysis by Bayesian inference method, applying an animal model, through Gibbs sampling. The model included the fixed effects of contemporary groups (herd-year and calving season), number of milking (2 levels), and age of cow at calving as (co) variable (quadratic and linear effect). The additive genetic, permanent environmental, and residual effects were included as random effects in the model. Estimated heritability values for MY, % F, % P, LL, AFC and CI were 0.24, 0.34, 0.40, 0.09, 0.16 and 0.05, respectively. The genetic correlation estimates among MY and % F, MY and % P and % F and % P were -0.29, -0.18 and 0.25, respectively. The production of milk and its constituents showed enough genetic variation to respond to a selection program. Negative estimates of genetic correlations between milk production and its components suggest that selection entails a reduction in the other.