469 resultados para ADENYLYL-CYCLASE


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1 The L6 myocyte cell line expresses high affinity receptors for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) which are coupled to activation of adenylyl cyclase. The biochemical pharmacology of these receptors has been examined by radioligand binding or adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) accumulation. 2 In intact cells at 37 degrees C, human and rat alpha- and beta-CGRP all activated adenylyl cyclase with EC50s of about 1.5 nM. A number of CGRP analogues containing up to five amino acid substitutions showed similar potencies. In membrane binding studies at 22 degrees C in 1 mM Mg2+, the above all bound to a single site with IC50s of 0.1-0.4 nM. 3 The fragment CGRP(8-37) acted as a competitive antagonist of CGRP stimulation of adenylyl cyclase with a calculated Kd of 5 nM. The Kd determined in membrane binding assays was lower (0.5 nM). 4 The N-terminal extended human alpha-CGRP analogue Tyro-CGRP activated adenylyl cyclase and inhibited [125I]-iodohistidyl-CGRP binding less potently than human alpha-CGRP (EC50 for cyclase = 12 nM, IC50 for binding = 4 nM). 5 The pharmacological profile of the L6 CGRP receptor suggests that it most closely resembles sites on skeletal muscle, cardiac myocytes and hepatocytes. The L6 cell line should be a stable homogeneous model system in which to study CGRP mechanisms and pharmacology."


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Neuronal burst firing in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is one of the hallmarks of dopamine depletion in Parkinson's disease. Here, we have determined the postsynaptic effects of dopamine in the STN and the functional consequences of dopamine receptor modulation on burst firing in vitro. STN cells displayed regular spiking activity at a rate of 7.9 +/- 0.5 Hz. Application of dopamine (30 mu M) induced membrane depolarisations accompanied by an increase in firing rate of mean 12.0 +/- 0.6 Hz in all 69 cells. The dopamine effect was mimicked by the dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonist SKF38393 (10 mu M, 17 cells) and the dopamine D2-like receptor agonist quinpirole (10 mu M, 35 cells), partly reduced by D1/D5 antagonist SCH23390 (2 mu M, seven cells), but unaffected by the D2 antagonists sulpiride (10 mu M, seven cells) or eticlopride (10 mu M, six cells). Using voltage ramps, dopamine induced an inward current of 69 +/- 9.4 pA at a holding potential of -60 mV (n = 17). This current was accompanied by an increase in input conductance of 1.55 +/- 0.35 nS which reversed at -30.6 +/- 2.3 mV, an effect mimicked by SKF38393 (10 AM, nine cells). Similar responses were observed when measuring instantaneous current evoked by voltage steps and in the presence of the I-h blocker, ZD7288, indicating effects independent of I-h. The increase in conductance was blocked by SCH23390 (2 mu M, n = 4), mimicked by the activator of adenylyl cyclase forskolin (10 mu M, n = 7) and blocked by H-89, an inhibitor of cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A (10 PM, n = 6). These results indicate that the dopamine depolarisation is in part mediated by D1/D5 receptor mediated activation of a cyclic-nucleotide gated (CNG) non-specific cation conductance. This conductance contributes to the membrane depolarisation that changes STN neuronal bursting to more regular activity by significantly increasing burst duration and number of spikes per burst.


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Changes in the strength of signalling between neurones are thought to provide a cellular substrate for learning and memory. In the cerebellar cortex, raising the frequency and the strength of parallel fibre (PF) stimulation leads to a long-term depression (LTD) of the strength of signalling at the synapse between PFs and Purkinje cells (PCs), which spreads to distant synapses to the same cell via a nitric oxide (NO) dependent mechanism. At the same synapse, but under conditions of reduced post-synaptic calcium activity, raised frequency stimulation (RFS) of PFs triggers a long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission. The aims of the work described in this thesis were to investigate the conditions necessary for LTD and LTP at this synapse following RFS and to identify the origins and second messenger cascades involved in the induction and spread of LTP and LTD. In thin, parasagittal cerebellar slices whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from PCs and the effects of RFS of one of two, independent PF inputs to the same PC were examined under a range of experimental conditions. Under conditions designed to reduce post-synaptic calcium activity, RFS to a single PF input led to LTP and a decreases in paired pulse facilitation (PPF) in both pathways. This heterosynaptic potentiation was prevented by inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) or by inhibition of NO synthase with either 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) or NG Nitro-L-argenine methyl ester. Inhibition of guanylate cyclase (GC) or protein kinase G (PKG) had no effect. A similar potentiation was observed upon application of the adenylyl cyclase (AC) activator forskolin or the NO donor spermine NONOate. Both of these treatments also resulted in an increase in the frequency of mEPSCs, which provides further evidence for a presynaptic origin of LTP. Forskolin induced potentiation and the increase in mEPSC frequency were blocked by 7-NI. The styryl dye FM1-43, a fluorescent reporter of endo- and exocytosis, was also used to further examine the possible pre-synaptic origins of LTP. RFS or forskolin application enhanced FM1-43 de-staining and NOS inhibitors blocked this effect. Application of NONOate also enhanced FM1-43 de-staining. When post-synaptic calcium activity was less strictly buffered, RFS to a single PF input led to a transient potentiation that was succeeded by LTD in both pathways. This LTD, which resembled previously described forms, was prevented by inhibition of the NO/cGMP/PKG cascade. Modification of the AC/cAMP/PKA cascade had no effect. In summary, the direction of synaptic plasticity at the PF-PC synapse in response to RFS depends largely on the level of post-synaptic calcium activity. LTP and LTD were non-input specific and both forms of plasticity were dependent on NOS activity. Induction of LTP was mediated by a presynaptic mechanism and depended on NO and cAMP production. LTD on the other hand was a post-synaptic process and required activity of the NO/cGMP/PKG signalling cascade.


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Neurotransmitter release at CNS synapses occurs via both action potential-dependent and independent mechanisms, and it has generally been accepted that these two forms of release are regulated in parallel. We examined the effects of activation of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) on stimulus-evoked and spontaneous glutamate release onto entorhinal cortical neurones in rats, and found a differential regulation of action potential-dependent and independent forms of release. Activation of presynaptic mGluRs depressed the amplitude of stimulus-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents, but concurrently enhanced the frequency of spontaneous excitatory currents. Moreover, these differential effects on glutamate release were mediated by pharmacologically separable mechanisms. Application of the specific activator of adenylyl cyclase, forskolin, mimicked the effect of mGluR activation on spontaneous, but not evoked release, and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase with 9-tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-9H-purin-6-amine (SQ22536) blocked mGluR-mediated enhancement of spontaneous release, but not depression of evoked release. Occlusion studies with calcium channel blockers suggested that the group III mGluRs might depress evoked release through inhibition of both N and P/Q, but not R-type calcium channels. We suggest that the concurrent depression of action potential-evoked, and enhancement of action potential-independent glutamate release operate through discrete second messenger/effector systems at excitatory entorhinal terminals in rat brain. © 2007 IBRO.


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Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) are enzymes that generate cyclic GMP and regulate different physiologic and developmental processes in a number of organisms. GCs possess sequence similarity to class III adenylyl cyclases (ACs) and are present as either membrane-bound receptor GCs or cytosolic soluble GCs. We sought to determine the evolution of GCs using a large-scale bioinformatic analysis and found multiple lineage-specific expansions of GC genes in the genomes of many eukaryotes. Moreover, a few GC-like proteins were identified in prokaryotes, which come fused to a number of different domains, suggesting allosteric regulation of nucleotide cyclase activity Eukaryotic receptor GCs are associated with a kinase homology domain (KHD), and phylogenetic analysis of these proteins suggest coevolution of the KHD and the associated cyclase domain as well as a conservation of the sequence and the size of the linker region between the KHD and the associated cyclase domain. Finally, we also report the existence of mimiviral proteins that contain putative active kinase domains associated with a cyclase domain, which could suggest early evolution of the fusion of these two important domains involved in signa transduction.


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Prolonged exposure of cells or tissues to drugs or hormones such as catecholamines leads to a state of refractoriness to further stimulation by that agent, known as homologous desensitization. In the case of the beta-adrenergic receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase, this process has been shown to be intimately associated with the sequestration of the receptors from the cell surface through a cAMP-independent process. Recently, we have shown that homologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model system is also associated with increased phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. We now provide evidence that the phosphorylation state of the beta-adrenergic receptor regulates its functional coupling to adenylate cyclase, subcellular translocation, and recycling to the cell surface during the process of agonist-induced homologous desensitization. Moreover, we show that the receptor phosphorylation is reversed by a phosphatase specifically associated with the sequestered subcellular compartment. At 23 degrees C, the time courses of beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation, sequestration, and adenylate cyclase desensitization are identical, occurring without a lag, exhibiting a t1/2 of 30 min, and reaching a maximum at approximately 3 hr. Upon cell lysis, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be partially recovered in a light membrane vesicle fraction that is separable from the plasma membranes by differential centrifugation. The increased beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is apparently reversed in the sequestered vesicle fraction as the sequestered receptors exhibit a phosphate/receptor stoichiometry that is similar to that observed under basal conditions. High levels of a beta-adrenergic receptor phosphatase activity appear to be associated with the sequestered vesicle membranes. The functional activity of the phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptor was examined by reconstituting purified receptor with its biochemical effector the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ns) in phospholipid vesicles and assessing the receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of Ns. Compared to controls, phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptors, purified from desensitized cells, were less efficacious in activating the Ns GTPase activity. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor leads to its functional uncoupling and physical translocation away from the cell surface into a sequestered membrane domain. In the sequestered compartment, the phosphorylation is reversed thus enabling the receptor to recycle back to the cell surface and recouple with adenylate cyclase.


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The composition of carotenoids, along with anthocyanins and chlorophyll, accounts for the distinctive range of colour found in the Actinidia (kiwifruit) species. Lutein and beta-carotene are the most abundant carotenoids found during fruit development, with beta-carotene concentration increasing rapidly during fruit maturation and ripening. In addition, the accumulation of beta-carotene and lutein is influenced by the temperature at which harvested fruit are stored. Expression analysis of carotenoid biosynthetic genes among different genotypes and fruit developmental stages identified Actinidia lycopene beta-cyclase (LCY-β) as the gene whose expression pattern appeared to be associated with both total carotenoid and beta-carotene accumulation. Phytoene desaturase (PDS) expression was the least variable among the different genotypes, while zeta carotene desaturase (ZDS), beta-carotene hydroxylase (CRH-β), and epsilon carotene hydroxylase (CRH-ε) showed some variation in gene expression. The LCY-β gene was functionally tested in bacteria and shown to convert lycopene and delta-carotene to beta-carotene and alpha-carotene respectively. This indicates that the accumulation of beta-carotene, the major carotenoid in these kiwifruit species, appears to be controlled by the level of expression of LCY-β gene.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) is the receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones, guanylin, and uroguanylin, in addition to the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins, which are one of the major causes of watery diarrhea the world over. GCC is expressed in intestinal cells, colorectal tumor tissue and tumors originating from metastasis of the colorectal carcinoma. We have earlier generated a monoclonal antibody to human GCC, GCC:B10, which was useful for the immunohistochemical localization of the receptor in the rat intestine (Nandi A et al., 1997, J Cell Biochem 66:500-511), and identified its epitope to a 63-amino acid stretch in the intracellular domain of GCC. In view of the potential that this antibody has for the identification of colorectal tumors, we have characterized the epitope for GCC:B10 in this study. Overlapping peptide synthesis indicated that the epitope was contained in the sequence HIPPENIFPLE. This sequence was unique to GCC, and despite a short stretch of homology with serum amyloid protein and pertussis toxin, no cross reactivity was detected. The core epitope was delineated using a random hexameric phage display library, and two categories of sequences were identified, containing either a single, or two adjacent proline residues. No sequence identified by phage display was identical to the epitope present in GCC, indicating that phage sequences represented mimotopes of the native epitope. Alignment of these sequences with HIPPENIFPLE suggested duplication of the recognition motif, which was confirmed by peptide synthesis. These studies allowed us not only to define the requirements of epitope recognition by GCC:B10 monoclonal antibody, but also to describe a novel means of epitope recognition involving topological mimicry and probable duplication of the cognate epitope in the native guanylyl cyclase C receptor sequence.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC), a member of the family of membrane bound guanylyl cyclases is the receptor for the heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) peptides and the guanylin family of endogenous peptides. GCC is activated upon ligand binding to increase intracellular cGMP levels, which in turn activates other downstream signalling events in the cell. GCC is also activated in vitro by nonionic detergents. We have used the T84 cell line as a model system to investigate the regulation of GCC activity by ATP. Ligand-stimulated GCC activity is potentiated in the presence of ATP, whereas detergent-stimulated activity is inhibited. The potentiation of GCC activity by ATP is dependent on the presence of Mg2+ ions, and is probably brought about by a direct binding of Mg-ATP to GCC. The protein kinase-like domain of GCC, which has earlier been shown to play a critical role in the regulation of GCC activity, may be a possible site for the binding of Mg-ATP to GCC.


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The colour of papaya fruit flesh is determined largely by the presence of carotenoid pigments. Red-fleshed papaya fruit contain lycopene, whilst this pigment is absent from yellow-fleshed fruit. The conversion of lycopene (red) to beta-carotene (yellow) is catalysed by lycopene beta-cyclase. This present study describes the cloning and functional characterization of two different genes encoding lycopene beta-cyclases (lcy-beta1 and lcy-beta2) from red (Tainung) and yellow (Hybrid 1 B) papaya cultivars. A mutation in the lcy-beta2 gene, which inactivates enzyme activity, controls lycopene production in fruit and is responsible for the difference in carotenoid production between red and yellow-fleshed papaya fruit. The expression level of both lcy-beta1 and lcy-beta2 genes is similar and low in leaves, but lcy-beta2 expression increases markedly in ripe fruit. Isolation of the lcy-beta2 gene from papaya, that is preferentially expressed in fruit and is correlated with fruit colour, will facilitate marker-assisted breeding for fruit colour in papaya and should create possibilities for metabolic engineering of carotenoid production in papaya fruit to alter both colour and nutritional properties.


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Increased activation of c-src seen in colorectal cancer is an indicator of a poor clinical prognosis, suggesting that identification of downstream effectors of c-src may lead to new avenues of therapy. Guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) is a receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones guanylin and uroguanylin and the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxin. Though activation of GC-C by its ligands elevates intracellular cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels and inhibits cell proliferation, its persistent expression in colorectal carcinomas and occult metastases makes it a marker for malignancy. We show here that GC-C is a substrate for inhibitory phosphorylation by c-src, resulting in reduced ligand-mediated cGMP production. Consequently, active c-src in colonic cells can overcome GC-C-mediated control of the cell cycle. Furthermore, docking of the c-src SH2 domain to phosphorylated GC-C results in colocalization and further activation of c-src. We therefore propose a novel feed-forward mechanism of activation of c-src that is induced by cross talk between a receptor GC and a tyrosine kinase. Our findings have important implications in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression and treatment of colorectal cancer.


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Receptor guanylyl cyclases are multidomain proteins, and ligand binding to the extracellular domain increases the levels of intracellular cGMP. The intracellular domain of these receptors is composed of a kinase homology domain (KHD), a linker of similar to 70 amino acids, followed by the C-terminal guanylyl cyclase domain. Mechanisms by which these receptors are allosterically regulated by ligand binding to the extracellular domain and ATP binding to the KHD are not completely understood. Here we examine the role of the linker region in receptor guanylyl cyclases by a series of point mutations in receptor guanylyl cyclase C. The linker region is predicted to adopt a coiled coil structure and aid in dimerization, but we find that the effects of mutations neither follow a pattern predicted for a coiled coil peptide nor abrogate dimerization. Importantly, this region is critical for repressing the guanylyl cyclase activity of the receptor in the absence of ligand and permitting ligand-mediated activation of the cyclase domain. Mutant receptors with high basal guanylyl cyclase activity show no further activation in the presence of non-ionic detergents, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions in the basal and inactive conformation of the guanylyl cyclase domain are disrupted by mutation. Equivalent mutations in the linker region of guanylyl cyclase A also elevated the basal activity and abolished ligand-and detergent-mediated activation. We, therefore, have defined a key regulatory role for the linker region of receptor guanylyl cyclases which serves as a transducer of information from the extracellular domain via the KHD to the catalytic domain.


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Receptor guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) is the target for the gastrointestinal hormones, guanylin, and uroguanylin as well as the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins. The major site of expression of GC-C is in the gastrointestinal tract, although this receptor and its ligands play a role in ion secretion in other tissues as well. GC-C shares the domain organization seen in other members of the family of receptor guanylyl cyclases, though subtle differences highlight some of the unique features of GC-C. Gene knock outs in mice for GC-C or its ligands do not lead to embryonic lethality, but modulate responses of these mice to stable toxin peptides, dietary intake of salts, and development and differentiation of intestinal cells. It is clear that there is much to learn in future about the role of this evolutionarily conserved receptor, and its properties in intestinal and extra-intestinal tissues.