997 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f


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The Bohai Sea was the site of the Chinese national GLOBEC programme. During the June 1997 cruises of R/V Science No.1, observations and experiments on zooplankton feeding were conducted. At five 48 h time-series stations the following observations and measurements on zooplankton were carried out: (1) diurnal vertical migration, by collecting samples at different layers every 3 h with a closing net; (2) diurnal feeding rhythms, by gut pigment analysis; and (3) ingestion rate, by both gut pigment analysis and the dilution method. A classification by body size was used to deal with the diversity of species and developmental stages of zooplankton assemblages. Samples were separated into three size groups: small (200-500 mu m), medium (500-1000 mu m) and large (> 1000 mu m). The results showed that the copepods (Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa and Centropages mcmurrichi) performed clear diurnal vertical migrations. However, their behaviour was different at different stations. The variation in gut pigment content over the 24 h cycle showed strong diurnal feeding rhythms, particularly for the large size group. Gut pigment contents reached their daily maximum during the time from dusk to midnight (18:00-24:00). The peak value was about 10 times the minimum observed in the daytime. The in situ daily grazing rate, based on gut pigment contents and evacuation experiments, was 4.00-12.65 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the small size group, 5.99-66.58 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the medium size group and 31.31-237.13 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the large size group. The copepods consumed only a small part (2.90-13.52%) of the phytoplankton biomass hut about 77% of the daily production. The grazing mortality rate of phytoplankton by microzooplankton (<200 mu m) measured by the dilution method ranged from 0.43 to 0.69 day(-1) The calculated daily consumption of phytoplankton biomass was 35-50%, and 85-319% of the potential production.


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Natural gas pays more important role in the society as clean fuel. Natural gas exploration has been enhanced in recent years in many countries. It also has prospective future in our country through "85" and "95" national research. Many big size gas fields have been discovered in different formations in different basins such as lower and upper Paleozoic in Erdos basin, Tertiary system in Kuche depression in Tarim basin, Triassic system in east of Sichuan basin. Because gas bearing basins had been experienced multiple tectogenesis. The characteristics of natural gases usually in one gas field are that they have multiple source rocks and are multiple maturities and formed in different ages. There has most difficult to research on the gas-rock correlation and mechanism of gas formation. Develop advanced techniques and methods and apply them to solve above problems is necessary. The research is focused on the critical techniques of geochemistry and physical simulation of gas-rock correlation and gas formation. The lists in the following are conclusions through research and lots of experiments. I 8 advanced techniques have been developed or improved about gas-rock correlation and gas migration, accumulation and formation. A series of geochemistry techniques has been developed about analyzing inclusion enclave. They are analyzing gas and liquid composition and biomarker and on-line individual carbon isotope composition in inclusion enclave. These techniques combing the inclusion homogeneous temperature can be applied to study on gas-rock correlation directly and gas migration, filling and formation ages. Technique of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in kerogen and bitumen thermal pyrolysis is developed. It is applied to determine the source of natural is kerogen thermal degradation or oil pyrolysis. Method of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in rock thermal simulation has being improved. Based on the "95"former research, on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in different type of maceral and rocks thermal pyrolys is has been determined. The conclusion is that carbon isotope composition of benzene and toluene in homogenous texture kerogen thermal degradation is almost same at different maturity. By comparison, that in mixture type kerogen thermal pyrolysis jumps from step to step with the changes of maturity. This conclusion is a good proof of gas-rock dynamic correlation. 3. Biomarker of rock can be determined directly through research. It solves the problems such as long period preparing sample, light composition losing and sample contamination etc. It can be applied to research the character of source rock and mechanism of source rock expulsion and the path of hydrocarbon migration etc. 4. The process of hydrocarbon dynamic generation in source rock can be seen at every stage applying locating observation and thermal simulation of ESEM. The mechanism of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in source rock is discussed according to the experiments. This technique is advanced in the world. 5. A sample injection system whose character is higher vacuum, lower leaks and lower blank has been built up to analyze inert gas. He,Ar,Kr and Xe can be determined continuously on one instrument and one injection. This is advanced in domestic. 7. Quality and quantity analysis of benzene ring compounds and phenolic compounds and determination of organic acid and aqueous gas analysis are applied to research the relationship between compounds in formation water and gas formation. This is another new idea to study the gas-rock correlation and gas formation. 8. Inclusion analysis data can be used to calculate the Paleo-fluid density, Paleo-geothermal gradient and Paleo-geopressure gradient and then to calculate the Paleo-fluid potential. It's also a new method to research the direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. 9. Equipment of natural gas formation simulation is produced during the research to probe how the physical properties of rock affect the gas migration and accumulation and what efficiency of gas migrate and factors of gas formation and the models of different type of migration are. II study is focused on that if the source rocks of lower Paleozoic generated hydrocarbon and what the source rocks of weathered formation gas pool and the mechanism of gas formation are though many advanced techniques application. There are four conclusions. 1.The maturity of Majiagou formation source rocks is higher in south than that in north. There also have parts of the higher maturity in middle and east. Anomalous thermal pays important role in big size field formation in middle of basin. 2. The amount of gas generation in high-over maturity source rocks in lower Paleozoic is lager than that of most absorption of source rocks. Lower Paleozoic source rocks are effective source rocks. Universal bitumen exists in Ordovician source rocks to prove that Ordovician source rocks had generated hydrocarbon. Bitumen has some attribution to the middle gas pool formation. 3. Comprehensive gas-rock correlation says that natural gases of north, west, south of middle gas field of basin mainly come from lower Paleozoic source rocks. The attribution ratio of lower Paleozoic source rocks is 60%-70%. Natural gases of other areas mainly come from upper Paleozoic. The attribution ratio of upper Paleozoic source rocks is 70%. 4. Paleozoic gases migration phase of Erdos basin are also interesting. The relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is quite low especially toluene that of which is divided by that of methyl-cyclohexane is less than 0.2 in upper Paleozoic gas pool. The migration phase of upper Paleozoic gas may be aqueous phase. By comparison, the relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is higher in lower Paleozoic gas. The distribution character of gasoline gas is similar with that in source rock thermal simulation. The migration phase of it may be free phase. IH Comprehensive gas-rock correlation is also processed in Kuche depression Tarim basin. The mechanism of gas formation is probed and the gas formation model has been built up. Four conclusions list below. 1. Gases in Kuche depression come from Triassic-Jurassic coal-measure source rocks. They are high-over maturity. Comparatively, the highest maturity area is Kelasu, next is Dabei area, Yinan area. 2. Kerogen thermal degradation is main reason of the dry gas in Kuche depression. Small part of dry gas comes from oil pyrolysis. VI 3.The K12 natural gas lays out some of hydro-gas character. Oil dissolved in the gas. Hydro-gas is also a factor making the gas drier and carbon isotope composition heavier. 4. The mechanism and genesis of KL2 gas pool list as below. Overpressure has being existed in Triassic-Jurassic source rocks since Keche period. Natural gases were expulsed by episode style from overpressure source rocks. Hetero-face was main migration style of gas, oil and water at that time. The fluids transferred the pressure of source rocks when they migrated and then separated when they got in reservoir. After that, natural gas migrated up and accumulated and formed with the techno-genesis. Tectonic extrusion made the natural gas overpressure continuously. When the pressure was up to the critical pressure, the C6-C7 composition in natural gas changed. The results were that relative abundance of alkane and aromatic decreased while cycloalkane and isoparaffin increased. There was lots of natural gas filling during every tectonic. The main factors of overpressure of natural gas were tectonic extrusion and fluid transferring pressure of source rocks. Well preservation was also important in the KL2 gas pool formation. The reserves of gas can satisfy the need of pipeline where is from west to east. IV A good idea of natural gas migration and accumulation modeling whose apparent character is real core and formation condition is suggested to model the physical process of gas formation. Following is the modeling results. 1. Modeling results prove that the gas accumulation rule under cap layer and gas fraction on migration path. 2. Natural gas migration as free phase is difficult in dense rock. 3. Natural gases accumulated easily in good physical properties reservoirs where are under the plugging layer. Under the condition of that permeability of rock is more than 1 * 10~(-3)μm~(-1), the more better the physical properties and the more bigger pore of rock, the more easier the gas accumulation in there. On the contrary, natural gas canonly migrate further to accumulate in good physical properties of rock. 4. Natural gas migrate up is different from that down. Under the same situation, the amount of gas migration up is lager than that of gas migration down and the distance of migration up is 3 times as that of migration down. 5. After gas leaks from dense confining layer, the ability of its dynamic plug-back decreased apparently. Gas lost from these arils easily. These confining layer can confine again only after geology condition changes. 6. Water-wetted and capillary-blocking rocks can't block water but gases generally. The result is that water can migrate continuously through blocking rocks but the gases stay under the blocking rocks then form in there. The experiments have proved the formation model of deep basin gas.


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The lower alkene production by the gas-phase oxidative cracking (GOC) or catalytic oxidative cracking (COC) of hexane (C6) with added syngas was investigated. The addition of syngas to the COC process could effectively enhance the selectivity to lower alkenes and decrease the selectivity to COx, because of the preferential reaction between O-2 with H-2 contained in the syngas, whereas it has little effect on the conversion of C6 and product distribution in the GOC process. The high selectivity to lower alkenes of 70% and low selectivity to CO, of 6% at C6 conversion of 66% were achieved over 0.1% Pt/MgAl2O4 catalyst. The COC process of C6 combined with the syngas in the feed could directly produce a gas mixture of lower alkenes, H-2, and CO, which usually is a suitable feedstock for the hydroformylation process.


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Colofón en v.1, v.2, v.5, v.6, y v.7.


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Macromolecular therapeutics and nano-sized drug delivery systems often require localisation to specific intracellular compartments. In particular, efficient endosomal escape, retrograde trafficking, or late endocytic/lysosomal activation are often prerequisites for pharmacological activity. The aim of this study was to define a fluorescence microscopy technique able to confirm the localisation of water-soluble polymeric carriers to late endocytic intracellular compartments. Three polymeric carriers of different molecular weight and character were studied: dextrin (Mw~50,000 g/mol), a N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer (Mw approximately 35,000 g/mol) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Mw 5000 g/mol). They were labelled with Oregon Green (OG) (0.3-3 wt.%; <3% free OG in respect of total). A panel of relevant target cells were used: THP-1, ARPE-19, and MCF-7 cells, and primary bovine chondrocytes (currently being used to evaluate novel polymer therapeutics) as well as NRK and Vero cells as reference controls. Specific intracellular compartments were marked using either endocytosed physiological standards, Marine Blue (MB) or Texas-red (TxR)-Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), TxR-Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), TxR-dextran, ricin holotoxin, C6-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl (NBD)-labelled ceramide and TxR-shiga toxin B chain, or post-fixation immuno-staining for early endosomal antigen 1 (EEA1), lysosomal-associated membrane proteins (LAMP-1, Lgp-120 or CD63) or the Golgi marker GM130. Co-localisation with polymer-OG conjugates confirmed transfer to discreet, late endocytic (including lysosomal) compartments in all cells types. The technique described here is a particularly powerful tool as it circumvents fixation artefacts ensuring the retention of water-soluble polymers within the vesicles they occupy.


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The seasonal variations in distribution and abundance of the common zooplankton species in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary were related to the salinity regimes observed over the period November 1973 to February 1975. The dominant constituents in all regions were the calanoid copepods, which reached maximum densities in July: approximately 100 times their winter levels. Four zooplankton assemblages were recognised using an objective classification program which computed similarity coefficients and used group-average sorting. The assemblages existed along the salinity gradient observed from the Severn Estuary to the Celtic Sea. The assemblages were classified as true estuarine, estuarine and marine, euryhaline marine and stenohaline marine and were characterized by the copepods Eurytemora affinis (Poppe) (<30‰S), Acartia bifilosa var. inermis (rose) (27 to 33.5‰S), Centropages hamatus (Lilljeborg) (31 to 35‰S) and Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) (>33‰S), respectively.


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We have performed a kinematically complete experiment and calculations on single ionization in 100 MeV/amu C6+ + He collisions. For electrons ejected into the scattering plane (defined by the initial and final projectile momentum vectors) our first- and higher-order calculations are in good agreement with the data. In the plane perpendicular to the scattering plane and containing the initial projectile axis a strong forward-backward asymmetry is observed. In this plane both the first-order and the higher-order calculations do not provide good agreement neither with the data nor amongst each other.


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Most of the experimental and theoretical studies of electron-impact ionization of atoms, referred to as (e, 2e), have concentrated on the scattering plane. The assumption has been that all the important physical effects will be observable in the scattering plane. However, very recently it has been shown that, for C6+-helium ionization, experiment and theory are in nice agreement in the scattering plane and in very bad agreement out of the scattering plane. This lack of agreement between experiment and theory has been explained in terms of higher-order scattering effects between the projectile and target ion. We have examined electron-impact ionization of magnesium and have observed similar higher-order effects. The results of the electron-impact ionization of magnesium indicate the possible deficiencies in the calculation of fully differential cross sections in previous heavy particle ionization work.


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A high-resolution crystal structure is reported for d(TpA)*, the intramolecular thymine–adenine photoadduct that is produced by direct ultraviolet excitation of the dinucleoside monophosphate d(TpA). It confirms the presence of a central 1,3-diazacyclooctatriene ring linking the remnants of the T and A bases, as previously deduced from heteronuclear NMR measurements by Zhao et al. (The structure of d(TpA)*, the major photoproduct of thymidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyadenosine. Nucleic Acids Res., 1996, 24, 1554–1560). Within the crystal, the d(TpA)* molecules exist as zwitterions with a protonated amidine fragment of the eight-membered ring neutralizing the charge of the internucleotide phosphate monoanion. The absolute configuration at the original thymine C5 and C6 atoms is determined as 5S,6R. This is consistent with d(TpA)* arising by valence isomerization of a precursor cyclobutane photoproduct with cis–syn stereochemistry that is generated by [2 + 2] photoaddition of the thymine 5,6-double bond across the C6 and C5 positions of adenine. This mode of photoaddition should be favoured by the stacked conformation of adjacent T and A bases in B-form DNA. It is probable that the primary photoreaction is mechanistically analogous to pyrimidine dimerization despite having a much lower quantum yield.


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A novel regime is proposed where, by employing linearly polarized laser pulses at intensities 10(21) W cm(-2) (2 orders of magnitude lower than discussed in previous work [T. Esirkepov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 175003 (2004)]), ions are dominantly accelerated from ultrathin foils by the radiation pressure and have monoenergetic spectra. In this regime, ions accelerated from the hole-boring process quickly catch up with the ions accelerated by target normal sheath acceleration, and they then join in a single bunch, undergoing a hybrid light-sail-target normal sheath acceleration. Under an appropriate coupling condition between foil thickness, laser intensity, and pulse duration, laser radiation pressure can be dominant in this hybrid acceleration. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that 1.26 GeV quasimonoenergetic C6+ beams are obtained by linearly polarized laser pulses at intensities of 10(21) W cm(-2).


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We present experimental studies on ion acceleration from ultrathin diamondlike carbon foils irradiated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses of energy 0.7 J focused to peak intensities of 5×1019  W/cm2. A reduction in electron heating is observed when the laser polarization is changed from linear to circular, leading to a pronounced peak in the fully ionized carbon spectrum at the optimum foil thickness of 5.3 nm. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations reveal that those C6+ ions are for the first time dominantly accelerated in a phase-stable way by the laser radiation pressure.


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Experiments on laser-induced ion acceleration from ultra-thin (nm) foil targets reveal a dramatic increase in the conversion efficiency and the acceleration of C6$+$ions in a phase stable way by the laser radiation pressure.


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(Chemical Equation Presented) The mechanisms and kinetics studies of the levoglucosan (LG) primary decomposition during cellulose pyrolysis have been carried out theoretically in this paper. Three decomposition mechanisms (C-O bond scission, C-C bond scission, and LG dehydration) including nine pathways and 16 elementary reactions were studied at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(D,P) level based on quantum mechanics. The variational transi-tion- state rate constants for every elementary reaction and every pathway were calculated within 298-1550 K. The first-order Arrhenius expressions for these 16 elementary reactions and nine pathways were suggested. It was concluded that computational method using transition state theory (TST) without tunneling correction gives good description for LG decomposition by comparing with the experimental result. With the temperature range of 667-1327 K, one dehydration pathway, with one water molecule composed of a hydrogen atom from C3 and a hydroxyl group from C2, is a preferred LG decomposition pathway by fitting well with the experimental results. The calculated Arrhenius plot of C-O bond scission mechanism is better agreed with the experimental Arrhenius plot than that of C-C bond scission. This C-O bond scission mechanism starts with breaking of C1-O5 and C6-O1 bonds with formation of CO molecule (C1-O1) simultaneously. C-C bond scission mechanism is the highest energetic barrier pathway for LG decomposition. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.