960 resultados para Aço inoxidável austenítico Cr-Mn (1.4376)
Hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTLcs) CoMAlCO3, where M stands for Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, or Fe, were synthesized by coprecipitation. After calcination at 450 degrees C, they became mixed oxides with spinel-like structure. The mixed oxides were characterized by XRD, BET, chemical analysis and the adsorption of NO. The catalytic decomposition of NO and its reduction by CO were studied over these mixed oxides. The study showed that the catalytic activity for removal of NO, was very high. The reaction mechanism is proposed and the effects of d-electrons of the transition metals on catalytic activity are elucidated.
本文详细研究了黄河口(五、八月)、长江口、龙口湾、日照近海以及冀东唐海近岸海域表层沉积物中元素Zn、Pb、Ni、Cu、Co、Fe、K、Corg、Cr、Mn、P的总量和元素Zn、Cu、Pb、Co、Cr、Li、Ni、Mn、Fe、K 、Al、P的可提取量。在此基础上,着重研究了沉积物中元素总量间的相关性、元素可提取量间的相关性、元素的含量与粒度组成之间的关系、元素的总量与可提取量的关系以及可提取部分背景值等几个方面的内容。通过对不同地区不同类型的大量沉积物的研究结果表明:沉积物中元素Cu、Zn、Ni、Fe、Corg、Cr的总量在不同河口、不同类型的沉积物中与其它元素存在着显著的正相关关系。考虑到参比元素的限制条件,可以利用Ni、Fe、Corg、Cr作为参比元素,这些参比元素在不同地区、不同类型的沉积物中具有普遍性。元素Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni、Fe、K、Cr、Corg、Mn的总量与粘土含量呈显著的正相关关系。用1N HCl或0.5N HCl+H_2O_2提取沉积物,元素Cu、Zn、Pb、Co、Li、Ni、Fe、K、Al的提取量之间以及与其它元素的可提取量存在显著的正相关关系。Li、Ni、Fe、Al、Co同样可以作为参比元素,这比用总量来评价环境质量具有更方便的特点。元素Zn、Cu、Pb、Co、Li、Ni、Fe、K的可提取量与粘土含量成显著的正相关关系。与1N HC1、0.5N HCl+H_2O_2两种提取方法相比较,25%(V/V) CH_3COOH只提取了部分结合松散的金属,元素的可提取量之间以及与粘土含量之间的相关关系较差。采用不同的提取方法,元素的提取率的大小顺序与提取方法是一致的,与沉积物的区域及类型关系不明显。元素的提取率与粘土之间相关性差,说明虽然随着颗粒变细,各元素含量的绝对值增加,但相对比例变化不明显。在以上内容研究的基础上,提出了沉积物中元素可提取部分背景值的概念,这个概念具有一定的普遍性,对今后环境质量的正确评价,特别是评价对生物体影响方面,更具有重要的意义。Li、Al、K三种元素在采用提取量进行环境质量评价时,可以作为参比元素。这在以前的文献中尚没有报道,是在前人工作的基础上的又一发展。初步发现了沉积物中部分元素可提取相的元素粒度控制规律。
对东太平洋海隆(EPR)13°N西侧2个沉积物岩芯进行了碳酸盐、常量和微量元素含量测定。E271站位沉积物中Fe含量在8.5~13.8%之间,Mn含量在1.7~3.17%之间;E272站位Fe 5.7~13%,Mn 0.12~3.31%,沉积物中高铁锰含量显示在热液柱颗粒物质在EPR13°N西翼沉降明显。E271站位CaCO3含量在5.9~27.6%之间,E272站位CaCO3含量在6.7~38.2%之间,在两个站位沉积物柱样中发现少量有孔虫化石。Cu、Pb和Zn因为热液柱颗粒物质沉降,在沉积物中富集。Cu/Fe,Pb/Fe和Zn/Fe比值比热液喷口处颗粒物中低,Pb表现出在海水中运移距离较短或者是只有少量Pb随热液柱扩散运移。热液柱沉降作用使Li,Mo和Ni在沉积物中富集。此外,铁锰氧化物颗粒在海水中吸附-共沉淀作用导致V在沉积物中富集。沉积物中Ti和Al有非常好的相关性,其Ti/Al比值为0.05左右。U在岩芯中含量与深海沉积相似。
有机锡化合物被广泛用作塑料制品中的稳定剂、船舶油漆的防污剂、工业催化剂、农林业杀虫杀菌剂以及用于木材的防腐保存等,已经引起严重的环境污染。世界上许多国家纷纷制定相应的法规对其使用加以禁止或限制。我国目前还没有明确的限制有机锡使用的法律法规,缺少有机锡污染的第一手资料,更没有长期的控制、监测与研究计划。由于有机锡的种类繁多,理化性质存在差别,所以在提取、分离和测定中均存在较大的困难。从我国这方面己有的工作来看,缺乏各种高选择性的分离方法和高灵敏度的检测方法是制约这项研究广泛开展的原因之一。有机锡的痕量与超痕量分析技术是当今环境和食品安全分析领域的前沿技术。 本论文利用高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术建立了海洋环境中多种有机化合物的同时快速检测方法;发展了多种海洋环境样品中有机锡的前处理技术;研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程中化学形态的变化;同时发展了海洋环境中多种痕量元素的快速检测方法。所建立的高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术可同时、快速分析5种有机锡的形态(三甲基锡TMT、二苯基锡DPhT、二丁基锡DBT、三丁基锡TBT和三苯基锡TPhT),其检出限均低于0.3μg/L。 用所建立方法对南海海洋生物样品中的有机锡污染进行了研究,利用SPSS软件对检测结果进行了探讨,发现在所研究海洋生物样品的97.2%中可检出丁基锡和苯基锡化合物,其浓度分布处于该化合物检出限~1487.8ng/g范围内。其中,贝类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度为416.9ng/g,远远高于鱼类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度(211.9ng/g)。海洋生物中存在高浓度的有机锡说明本海域有机锡污染严重,已经对生态环境造成了严重影响,危害到人类生活。其主要的污染源是防污涂料的应用,目前紧迫的问题是采取必要的措施来控制有机锡的使用。 本工作建立了海水样品和沉积物样品中五种有机锡的简单快速萃取方法。采用加入2%的环庚三烯酚(tropolone)的二氯甲烷CH2Cl2对海水中的有机锡进行萃取,大大提高了有机锡的萃取率,减少了萃取的时间,二苯基锡(DPhT)、二丁基锡(DBT)、三丁基锡(TBT)和三苯基锡(TPhT)的萃取率均在80%以上,仅三甲基锡(TMT)的萃取率较低(在50%左右),究其原因,可能是因为在萃取的过程中三甲基锡(TMT)产生了降解。采用流动相和0.2%环庚三烯酚酮(tropolone)对沉积物国际标准物质PACS-2进行超声萃取及高速离心后,用所建方法进行了分析。结果表明,测定值与标准值吻合。研究表明,所建立的方法可用于实际环境沉积物中有机锡的形态分析。 本文建立了流动注射与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术直接同时测定海水中多种痕量元素的方法。该方法采用痕量进样技术,能够有效地减少海水中Na,Mg, Ca和Cl等大量基体元素对待测痕量元素测定的干扰,减少这些元素在电感耦合等离子体采样锥上的盐沉积,可以同时测量海水中的V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Mo、Cd、Pb,Hg和U等痕量级元素。用所建的方法测定南海海域海水中的重金属元素,发现Cd,Cr,As等有毒有害元素的污染很轻,均符合Ⅰ级海水的限量。 在海洋沉积物样品处理研究中,本工作改进了不需要赶走HF酸就可以对沉积物消解完全的密闭容器消解法,由于减少了赶走HF酸的步骤,使消解的时间由原来的二十个小时降低为十个小时,大大降低了消解的时间。采用该样品消解方法,并用ICP-MS测定了南黄海海域沉积物中锡及其他重金属元素的含量。建立了微波消解-ICP-MS测定海洋生物中锡、砷、镉、汞及铅等有害重金属元素的分析方法,并用于南黄海7个及南海海域29个海产品中的测定。测定结果表明海洋生物中上述有毒有害元素有不同程度的超标问题;不同种类,不同产地的海洋生物中重金属元素的含量有一定的差别,这些研究结果为海产品安全质量控制提供了有价值的科学信息。 在上述各章工作的基础上,本文研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程,并初步建立了高效液相-电喷雾-飞行时间质谱(LC-APCI-TOF-MS)测定有机锡的方法,可对未知的有机锡化合物进行结构表征。有机锡在贝类中不同的组织显示,其内脏中有机锡的含量高于肌肉中有机锡含量。常规的煮、炸、蒸及微波的烹饪方式并不能降解海产品中的有机锡化合物。
红珍珠降糖胶囊是具有显著降低血糖水平, 促进糖尿病患者康复的绿色营养保健食品。通过红珍珠降糖胶囊中Cr、Mn、Cu、Zn、Mg 等微量元素的分析测试以及与青海小麦、膳食日摄取量等对比研究, 表明红珍珠降糖胶囊富含涉及糖尿病的微量元素, 在降低血糖水平方面具有十分重要的营养学、功效学作用和意义。
油源对比及有机质演化成熟度的研究是石油地质勘探中极为重要的部分。文中运用同步辐射X-射线荧光分析、离子控针和显微激光拉曼探针等多种现代微束分析技术,通过“单盲”测试性质的预研课题“微束分析在油源对比方面的应用”进行了方法研究,建立以有机质中微量元素(尤以过渡族元素V, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn为主)的分布模式和有机官能团组成作为主要判别指标,综合考虑个别特征元素来进行油源对比研究的方法,取得了良好的结果;应用显微激光拉曼控针研究有机质的演化成熟度,更为科学、准确地反映了有机质的演化程度,并与镜质体反射率 Ro 之间建立了良好的线性关系:S = 0.8511 + 0.4004Ro。通过研究证实了微束分析技术用以油源对比研究在方法上是可行的。并在此基础上又以广西十万大山盆地为例进行了应用研究,结果表明油源岩为采自盆地东部的G-7,不同于以往认为的G-5,为石油地质的研究提供了新的方向。
In order to determine the size-resolved chemical composition of single particles in real-time an ATOFMS was deployed at urban background sites in Paris and Barcelona during the MEGAPOLI and SAPUSS monitoring campaigns respectively. The particle types detected during MEGAPOLI included several carbonaceous species, metal-containing types and sea-salt. Elemental carbon particle types were highly abundant, with 86% due to fossil fuel combustion and 14% attributed to biomass burning. Furthermore, 79% of the EC was apportioned to local emissions and 21% to continental transport. The carbonaceous particle types were compared with quantitative measurements from other instruments, and while direct correlations using particle counts were poor, scaling of the ATOFMS counts greatly improved the relationship. During SAPUSS carbonaceous species, sea-salt, dust, vegetative debris and various metal-containing particle types were identified. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North African air masses the city was heavily influenced by Saharan dust. A regional stagnation was also observed leading to a large increase in carbonaceous particle counts. While the ATOFMS provides a list of particle types present during the measurement campaigns, the data presented is not directly quantitative. The quantitative response of the ATOFMS to metals was examined by comparing the ion signals within particle mass spectra and to hourly mass concentrations of; Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb. The ATOFMS was found to have varying correlations with these metals depending on sampling issues such as matrix effects. The strongest correlations were observed for Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb. Overall the results of this work highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS in providing composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution. However they also show its limitations in delivering quantitative information directly.
Let p(G)p(G) and q(G)q(G) be the number of pendant vertices and quasi-pendant vertices of a simple undirected graph G, respectively. Let m_L±(G)(1) be the multiplicity of 1 as eigenvalue of a matrix which can be either the Laplacian or the signless Laplacian of a graph G. A result due to I. Faria states that mL±(G)(1) is bounded below by p(G)−q(G). Let r(G) be the number of internal vertices of G. If r(G)=q(G), following a unified approach we prove that mL±(G)(1)=p(G)−q(G). If r(G)>q(G) then we determine the equality mL±(G)(1)=p(G)−q(G)+mN±(1), where mN±(1) denotes the multiplicity of 1 as eigenvalue of a matrix N±. This matrix is obtained from either the Laplacian or signless Laplacian matrix of the subgraph induced by the internal vertices which are non-quasi-pendant vertices. Furthermore, conditions for 1 to be an eigenvalue of a principal submatrix are deduced and applied to some families of graphs.
This work was focused on the analysis of transport, thermomechanical and electrochemical properties of a series of perovskite-like oxide materials and composites for potential applications as anodes of intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with lanthanum gallate and silicate solid electrolytes. The primary attention was centered on A(Mn,Nb)O3-δ (A = Sr, Ca) and (La,Sr)(Mn,Ti)O3-based systems, lanthanum chromite substituted with acceptor-type and variable-valence cations, and various Ni-containing cermets. Emphasis was given to phase stability of the materials, their crystal structure, microstructure of porous electrode layers and dense ceramics, electronic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, oxygen permeability, thermal and chemical induced expansion, and anodic overpotentials of the electrodes deposited onto (La,Sr)(Ga,Mg)O3- and La10(Si,Al)6O27- based electrolyte membranes. In selected cases, roles of oxygen diffusivity, states of the transition metal cations relevant for the electronic transport, catalytically active additives and doped ceria protective interlayers introduced in the model electrochemical cells were assessed. The correlations between transport properties of the electrode materials and electrochemical behavior of porous electrodes showed that the principal factors governing anode performance include, in particular, electronic conduction of the anode compositions and cation interdiffusion between the electrodes and solid electrolytes. The latter is critically important for the silicatebased electrolyte membranes, leading to substantially worse anode properties compared to the electrochemical cells with lanthanum gallate solid electrolyte. The results made it possible to select several anode compositions exhibiting lower area-specific electrode resistivity compared to known analogues, such as (La,Sr)(Cr,Mn)O3-δ.
The main purpose of this PhD thesis was to provide convincing demonstration for a breakthrough concept of pyroelectrolysis at laboratory scale. One attempted to identify fundamental objections and/or the most critical constraints, to propose workable concepts for the overall process and for feasible electrodes, and to establish the main requirements on a clearer basis. The main effort was dedicated to studying suitable anode materials to be developed for large scale industrial units with molten silicate electrolyte. This concept relies on consumable anodes based on iron oxides, and a liquid Fe cathode, separated from the refractory materials by a freeze lining (solid) layer. In addition, one assessed an alternative concept of pyroelectrolysis with electron blocking membranes, and developed a prototype at small laboratory scale. The main composition of the molten electrolyte was based on a magnesium aluminosilicate composition, with minimum liquidus temperature, and with different additions of iron oxide. One studied the dynamics of devitrification of these melts, crystallization of iron oxides or other phases, and Fe2+/Fe3+ redox changes under laser zone melting, at different pulling rates. These studies were intended to provide guidelines for dissolution of raw materials (iron oxides) in the molten electrolyte, to assess compatibility with magnetite based consumable anodes, and to account for thermal gradients or insufficient thermal management in large scale cells. Several laboratory scale prototype cells were used to demonstrate the concept of pyroelectrolysis with electron blocking, and to identify the most critical issues and challenges. Operation with and without electron blocking provided useful information on transport properties of the molten electrolyte (i.e., ionic and electronic conductivities), their expected dependence on anodic and cathodic overpotentials, limitations in faradaic efficiency, and onset of side electrochemical reactions. The concept of consumable anodes was based on magnetite and derived spinel compositions, for their expected redox stability at high temperatures, even under oxidising conditions. Spinel compositions were designed for prospective gains in refractoriness and redox stability in wider ranges of conditions (T, pO2 and anodic overpotentials), without excessive penalty for electrical conductivity, thermomechanical stability or other requirements. Composition changes were also mainly based on components of the molten aluminosilicate melt, to avoid undue contamination and to minimize the dissolution rate of consumable anodes. Additional changes in composition were intended for prospective pyroelectrolysis of Fe alloys, with additions of different elements (Cr, Mn, Ni, Ti).
Dissertação de mest., Promoção e Mediação da Leitura, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2012
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica