992 resultados para 755


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Between 1976 and 1991, we observed lesions of the small bowel or colon in 39 patients having sustained blunt abdominal trauma. 70% of the patients presented with concomitant injuries. Except for 3 cases, all the patients presented with abdominal pain on admission. All the patients were operated on. The delay between admission and operation varied between a few minutes and 48 hours. Indication was hemoperitoneum, peritonitis or progressive abdominal pain. Overall morbidity is high, often related to associated disease. 4 patients died (mortality 10%), including 2 patients with isolated intestinal trauma who were operated on after 20 and 36 hours. Due to the lack of specific laboratory or X-ray test, we suggest a high index of suspicion for bowel lesions in blunt abdominal trauma, especially in unconscious patients. Close observation is mandatory. Indication for laparotomy must not be delayed if any doubt exists regarding the integrity of hollow viscus.


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Objective: This study investigated patterns of the simultaneous use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis among young polydrug users, and whether use of one substance might be a cue for use of another and associations with the severity of substance dependence. Methods: The study focused on 3 subsamples from the ongoing Swiss Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF, N=5,990). It used 12 months of data on alcohol/tobacco co-users, alcohol/cannabis co-users and tobacco/cannabis co-users (N=2,660, 1,755 and 1,460 respectively. Simultaneous use, numbers of symptoms of substance dependence, and hazardous use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis were assessed. The effect of simultaneous polydrug use (SPU) on the numbers of symptoms of substance dependence was tested using analysis of variance. Results: Polydrug use was most common as SPU, and less common as non/occasional SPU. Moreover, when participants started to use one substance while using another, the severity of substance dependence was more strongly associated with the triggered substance than with cue. Conclusions: This study highlights the necessity to take SPU into account. First, SPU rather than separate drug use was the most common pattern for polydrug users. Second, frequent SPU was associated with increased numbers of symptoms of substance dependence compared to non/occasional SPU. Furthermore, SPU may reveal the severity of substance use dependence, when substance use is triggered by a cue substance. For these reasons, SPU should be a serious cause for concern for prevention and intervention purposes.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial de armazenagem de goiabas serranas em temperaturas de 23 ºC e 4 ºC. Os frutos foram colhidos em pomar comercial, localizado no município de São Joaquim-SC, e armazenados nas temperaturas de 23 ± 1 ºC (75±5% UR, durante quinze dias) e 4 ± 1 ºC (90±5% UR, durante quatro semanas). Durante o armazenamento, foram feitas avaliações de respiração, produção de etileno, teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), cor da epiderme (ângulo hue; hº) e ocorrência de escurecimento da polpa, manchas escuras na epiderme e podridões. Durante o armazenamento a 23 ºC, os frutos exibiram um padrão climatérico, com pico respiratório entre o 4º e o 5º dia. Nos frutos armazenados a 4 ºC, houve redução na respiração e na produção de etileno. Em frutos a 23 ºC, foi mais acentuada a redução nos valores de SS, AT e h° da epiderme, e aumento na incidência de manchas escuras na epiderme e de podridões, em relação aos frutos armazenados a 4 ºC. O armazenamento a 4 ºC mostrou-se eficiente na redução do metabolismo respiratório e de produção de etileno, na preservação dos atributos de qualidade (SS, AT e hº da epiderme) e na diminuição da severidade das manchas na epiderme e podridões sem, contudo, evitar o desenvolvimento de escurecimento da polpa. O potencial de armazenagem de goiabas serranas a 23 ºC é inferior a uma semana e limitado principalmente pelo desenvolvimento de distúrbios de escurecimento da polpa, manchas na epiderme, bem como podridões.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a conservação pós-colheita de manga Tommy Atkins tratada com diferentes concentrações de 1-MCP, armazenada sob refrigeração. Os tratamentos foram compostos de diferentes concentrações de 1-MCP: 0; 100; 300 e 600 nL.L-¹ sendo armazenados por 12 horas em câmaras isoladas vedadas à temperatura de 25°C; após abertura da câmara, os frutos foram armazenados nas temperaturas de 25°C com 75±5% de UR e 10°C com 70±5% de UR, por 28 dias. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 6 x 2. Foram utilizadas quatro repetições por tratamento, com cinco frutos por parcela. As variáveis analisadas foram: perda de massa, firmeza, vitamina C, açúcares totais e redutores e carotenoides. Nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido, pode-se concluir que: as aplicações em pós-colheita de 1-MCP em manga Tommy Atkins foi eficiente em retardar o metabolismo de maturação dos frutos; o 1-MCP associado à refrigeração foi eficiente em manter os frutos armazenados por 28 dias de vida útil; a concentração de 600 nL.L-1 de 1-MCP foi considerada a mais eficiente em retardar o amadurecimento do fruto nas temperaturas de 10 e 25°C.


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Brain oxidative processes play a major role in age-related cognitive decline, thus consumption of antioxidant-rich foods might help preserve cognition. Our aim was to assess whether consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in the Mediterranean diet relates to cognitive function in the elderly. In asymptomatic subjects at high cardiovascular risk (n = 447; 52% women; age 55-80 y) enrolled in the PREDIMED study, a primary prevention dietary-intervention trial, we assessed food intake and cardiovascular risk profile, determined apolipoprotein E genotype, and used neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive function.We also measured urinary polyphenols as an objective biomarker of intake. Associations between energy-adjusted food consumption, urinary polyphenols, and cognitive scores were assessed by multiple linear regression models adjusted for potential confounders. Consumption of some foods was independently related to better cognitive function. The specific associations [regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals)] were: total olive oil with immediate verbal memory [0.755 (0.151-1.358)]; virgin olive oil and coffee with delayed verbal memory [0.163 (0.010-0.316) and 0.294 (0.055-0.534), respectively];walnuts with working memory [1.191 (0.061-2.322)]; and wine with Mini-Mental State Examination scores [0.252 (0.006-0.496)]. Urinary polyphenols were associated with better scores in immediate verbal memory [1.208 (0.236-2.180)]. Increased consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in general and of polyphenols in particular is associated with better cognitive performance in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk. The results reinforce the notion that Mediterranean diet components might counteract age-related cognitive decline.


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Foi avaliada a manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita dos frutos em cultivares brasileiras de goiabeira-serrana. Frutos das cultivares Alcântara, Helena, Mattos e Nonante foram colhidos na maturação comercial, no município de São Joaquim-SC, e armazenados a 4±1 ºC (90±5% UR), durante 21 dias, seguido de 8 e 48 h a 23±1 ºC (75±5% UR). Foram avaliadas a composição mineral (N, K, Mg e Ca) na colheita e a qualidade dos frutos na colheita e após o armazenamento. Frutos da cultivar Nonante apresentaram na colheita maiores valores de acidez titulável (AT) pH e de atributos de textura, e menores valores de pH e da relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável (SS/AT), sendo que, após o armazenamento refrigerado, este comportamento foi reduzido, com menores diferenças em relação às demais cultivares. Frutos de 'Nonante' apresentaram também maiores teores de K na casca e polpa, e menores teores de N na polpa e, após o armazenamento refrigerado, cor verde menos intensa na casca e menor escurecimento de polpa. Em relação aos dados de colheita, após o armazenamento refrigerado, houve maior redução na AT (41%) do que no teor de SS (8,6%), o que ocasionou acentuado aumento na relação SS/AT (52,5%), considerando valores médios das quatro cultivares. Isto evidencia que, em goiaba-serrana, os ácidos orgânicos representam o principal substrato respiratório durante o armazenamento, o que compromete a qualidade sensorial pelo aumento na relação SS/AT. Frutos de 'Alcântara' foram também avaliados quanto aos efeitos do dano mecânico na colheita e do retardo no armazenamento refrigerado, na qualidade após o armazenamento. O dano mecânico na colheita (dano por queda, a uma altura de 50 cm, sobre uma superfície rígida) ocasionou mínimo comprometimento da qualidade após o armazenamento refrigerado. Frutos desta cultivar apresentaram redução na AT (31%), textura da periderme (33%) e força para a compressão (13%), e aumento no pH (20%) e na relação SS/AT (48%), com o retardo no armazenamento refrigerado (de 0h para 48h a 18±2 ºC/70±5% UR).


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The GH-2000 and GH-2004 projects have developed a method for detecting GH misuse based on measuring insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and the amino-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen (P-III-NP). The objectives were to analyze more samples from elite athletes to improve the reliability of the decision limit estimates, to evaluate whether the existing decision limits needed revision, and to validate further non-radioisotopic assays for these markers. The study included 998 male and 931 female elite athletes. Blood samples were collected according to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) guidelines at various sporting events including the 2011 International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea. IGF-I was measured by the Immunotech A15729 IGF-I IRMA, the Immunodiagnostic Systems iSYS IGF-I assay and a recently developed mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. P-III-NP was measured by the Cisbio RIA-gnost P-III-P, Orion UniQ? PIIINP RIA and Siemens ADVIA Centaur P-III-NP assays. The GH-2000 score decision limits were developed using existing statistical techniques. Decision limits were determined using a specificity of 99.99% and an allowance for uncertainty because of the finite sample size. The revised Immunotech IGF-I - Orion P-III-NP assay combination decision limit did not change significantly following the addition of the new samples. The new decision limits are applied to currently available non-radioisotopic assays to measure IGF-I and P-III-NP in elite athletes, which should allow wider flexibility to implement the GH-2000 marker test for GH misuse while providing some resilience against manufacturer withdrawal or change of assays. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: HIV surveillance requires monitoring of new HIV diagnoses and differentiation of incident and older infections. In 2008, Switzerland implemented a system for monitoring incident HIV infections based on the results of a line immunoassay (Inno-Lia) mandatorily conducted for HIV confirmation and type differentiation (HIV-1, HIV-2) of all newly diagnosed patients. Based on this system, we assessed the proportion of incident HIV infection among newly diagnosed cases in Switzerland during 2008-2013. METHODS AND RESULTS: Inno-Lia antibody reaction patterns recorded in anonymous HIV notifications to the federal health authority were classified by 10 published algorithms into incident (up to 12 months) or older infections. Utilizing these data, annual incident infection estimates were obtained in two ways, (i) based on the diagnostic performance of the algorithms and utilizing the relationship 'incident = true incident + false incident', (ii) based on the window-periods of the algorithms and utilizing the relationship 'Prevalence = Incidence x Duration'. From 2008-2013, 3'851 HIV notifications were received. Adult HIV-1 infections amounted to 3'809 cases, and 3'636 of them (95.5%) contained Inno-Lia data. Incident infection totals calculated were similar for the performance- and window-based methods, amounting on average to 1'755 (95% confidence interval, 1588-1923) and 1'790 cases (95% CI, 1679-1900), respectively. More than half of these were among men who had sex with men. Both methods showed a continuous decline of annual incident infections 2008-2013, totaling -59.5% and -50.2%, respectively. The decline of incident infections continued even in 2012, when a 15% increase in HIV notifications had been observed. This increase was entirely due to older infections. Overall declines 2008-2013 were of similar extent among the major transmission groups. CONCLUSIONS: Inno-Lia based incident HIV-1 infection surveillance proved useful and reliable. It represents a free, additional public health benefit of the use of this relatively costly test for HIV confirmation and type differentiation.


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This article deals with Swiss nationalism and Swiss nation-building. Its main thesis is that Switzerland cannot accurately be described as either a nation or a non-nation but is something in between, and could thus best be characterised as a 'fractured' nation. Switzerland has experienced some powerful nationalist moments, from the creation of the Swiss state in 1848 to the last few decades. Yet this recurrent nationalism among the Swiss, considered alongside their more traditional reluctance to consider themselves a nation, make Switzerland a peculiar object: a 'fractured' nation. This flawed process of nation-building in turn reveals some basic characteristics of all nations - inherent artificiality, and the tremendous efforts undertaken to hide it. Switzerland could be considered an unfinished, incomplete nation, and this is precisely why its study can be interesting for scholars of nations and nationalism.


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Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is an obligate intracellular bacterium naturally infecting free-living amoebae. The role of this bacterium as an agent of pneumonia is suggested by sero-epidemiological studies and molecular surveys. Furthermore, P. acanthamoebae may escape macrophages microbicidal effectors. Recently, we demonstrated that intratracheal inoculation of P. acanthamoebae induced pneumonia in 100% of infected mice. However, the intratracheal route of infection is not the natural way of infection and we therefore developed an intranasal murine model. Mice inoculated with P. acanthamoebae by intranasal inoculation lost 18% of their weight up to 8 days post-inoculation. All mice presented histological signs of pneumonia at day 2, 4, 7, and 10 post-inoculation, whereas no control mice harboured signs of pneumonia. A 5-fold increase in bacterial load was observed from day 0 to day 4 post-inoculation. Lungs of inoculated mice were positive by Parachlamydia-specific immunohistochemistry 4 days post-inoculation, and P. acanthamoebae were localized within macrophages. Thus, we demonstrated that P. acanthamoebae induce a severe pneumonia in mice. This animal model (i) further supports the role of P. acanthamoebae as an agent of pneumonia, confirming the third Koch postulate, and (ii) identified alveolar macrophages as one of the initial cells where P. acanthamoebae is localized following infection.


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Seloste artikkelista: Jalkanen, R., Büttner, C. & von Bargen, S. 2007. Cherry leaf roll virus abundant on Betula pubescens in Finland. Silva Fennica 41 (4) : 755-762


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Simulation has traditionally been used for analyzing the behavior of complex real world problems. Even though only some features of the problems are considered, simulation time tends to become quite high even for common simulation problems. Parallel and distributed simulation is a viable technique for accelerating the simulations. The success of parallel simulation depends heavily on the combination of the simulation application, algorithm and message population in the simulation is sufficient, no additional delay is caused by this environment. In this thesis a conservative, parallel simulation algorithm is applied to the simulation of a cellular network application in a distributed workstation environment. This thesis presents a distributed simulation environment, Diworse, which is based on the use of networked workstations. The distributed environment is considered especially hard for conservative simulation algorithms due to the high cost of communication. In this thesis, however, the distributed environment is shown to be a viable alternative if the amount of communication is kept reasonable. Novel ideas of multiple message simulation and channel reduction enable efficient use of this environment for the simulation of a cellular network application. The distribution of the simulation is based on a modification of the well known Chandy-Misra deadlock avoidance algorithm with null messages. The basic Chandy Misra algorithm is modified by using the null message cancellation and multiple message simulation techniques. The modifications reduce the amount of null messages and the time required for their execution, thus reducing the simulation time required. The null message cancellation technique reduces the processing time of null messages as the arriving null message cancels other non processed null messages. The multiple message simulation forms groups of messages as it simulates several messages before it releases the new created messages. If the message population in the simulation is suffiecient, no additional delay is caused by this operation A new technique for considering the simulation application is also presented. The performance is improved by establishing a neighborhood for the simulation elements. The neighborhood concept is based on a channel reduction technique, where the properties of the application exclusively determine which connections are necessary when a certain accuracy for simulation results is required. Distributed simulation is also analyzed in order to find out the effect of the different elements in the implemented simulation environment. This analysis is performed by using critical path analysis. Critical path analysis allows determination of a lower bound for the simulation time. In this thesis critical times are computed for sequential and parallel traces. The analysis based on sequential traces reveals the parallel properties of the application whereas the analysis based on parallel traces reveals the properties of the environment and the distribution.


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Invocatio: Q.F.S.F.Q.


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Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) is one of the most important viruses infecting fruit trees. This study aimed at the molecular characterization of ASGV infecting apple (Malus domestica) plants in Santa Catarina (SC). RNA extracted from plants infected with isolate UV01 was used as a template for RT-PCR using specific primers. An amplified DNA fragment of 755 bp was sequenced. The coat protein gene of ASGV isolate UV01 contains 714 nucleotides, coding for a protein of 237 amino acids with a predicted Mr of approximately 27 kDa. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene showed identities of 90.9% and 97.9%, respectively, with a Japanese isolate of ASGV. Very high amino acid homologies (98.7%) were also found with Citrus tatter leaf capillovirus (CTLV), a very close relative of ASGV. These results indicate low coat protein gene variability among Capillovirus isolates from distinct regions. In a restricted survey, mother stocks in orchards and plants introduced into the country for large scale fruit production were indexed and shown to be infected by ASGV (20%), usually in a complex with other (latent) apple viruses (80%).


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Soitinnus: piano.