959 resultados para 711.1 Urbanistica – Aspetti procedurali e sociali (Pianificazione territoriale - Aspetti procedurali e sociali)


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目的 通过对比观察藏药1号与藏药7号水提液对大鼠离体胸动脉条收缩作用的影响,研究藏药1号与藏药7号的降压机制。方法 以生理盐水作为对照组,观察藏药1号与藏药7号水提液(6mg/ml)和维拉帕米(Ver 0.013 mg/ml)对高K~+液引起的主动脉条收缩的时效影响,观察对KCl,NE及CaCl_2引起的大鼠主动脉条收缩的量效曲线的影响,以及对NE引起的依赖于细胞内钙及细胞外钙的收缩的影响。结果 藏药1号与藏药7号水提液抑制高K~+液引起的主动脉收缩(P<0.001);而且可以使KCl,NE及CaCl_2引起的大鼠主动脉条收缩的量效曲线非平行右移,最大效应降低,呈非竞争性拮抗作用(P<0.05),与维拉帕米相似,并且对NE引起的依赖于细胞内钙及细胞外钙的收缩均有抑制作用(P<0.05)。从pD'2值分析,藏药1号的药效作用要强于藏药7号,但比Ver的弱。结论 提示藏药1号与藏药7号的降压机制与钙离子通道拮抗剂一致,而且其作用效果比Ver延迟、平缓,其最大作用与Ver相近。而且藏药1号药效更加显著。


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Se plantea la preocupación por la ausencia de una conciencia de la génesis transpositiva del saber histórico que incide en una deficiente enseñanza de la historia. La noción de transposición obliga a una nueva visión de la didáctica al considerar el saber histórico y el texto que lo comunica, como un problema y no como un supuesto previo.


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“La questione di Trieste”, ovvero la questione del confine italo-yugoslavo all’indomani della seconda guerra mondiale costituisce da lungo tempo oggetto di attenzione e di esame da parte della storiografia italiana e straniera. Con alcune importanti eccezioni, la ricostruzione complessiva di quelle vicende ha visto il più delle volte il prevalere di un approccio storico-diplomatico che ha reso difficile comprendere con chiarezza i rapporti e le interdipendenze fra contesto locale, contesto nazionale e contesto internazionale. Attraverso la lettura incrociata dell’ampia documentazione proveniente dai fondi dei National Archives Records Administration (NARA) questo studio tenta una rilettura delle varie fasi di sviluppo della questione nel periodo compreso tra il giugno del 1945 e l’ottobre del 1954 secondo una duplice prospettiva: nella prima parte si concentra sulla politica americana a Trieste, guardando nello specifico a due aspetti interni tra loro strettamente correlati, la gestione dell’ordine pubblico e la “strategia” del consenso da realizzarsi mediante il controllo dell’informazione da un lato e la promozione di una politica culturale dall’altro. Sono aspetti entrambi riconducibili al modello del direct rule, che conferiva al governo militare alleato (GMA) piena ed esclusiva autorità di governo sulla zona A della Venezia Giulia, e che ci appaiono centrali anche per cogliere l’interazione fra istituzioni e soggetti sociali. Nella seconda parte, invece, il modificarsi della fonte d’archivio indica un cambiamento di priorità nella politica estera americana relativa a Trieste: a margine dei negoziati internazionali, i documenti del fondo Clare Boothe Luce nelle carte dell’Ambasciata mostrano soprattutto come la questione di Trieste venne proiettata verso l’esterno, verso l’Italia in particolare, e sfruttata principalmente dall’ambasciatrice nell’ottica bipolare della guerra fredda per rinforzare il sostegno interno alla politica atlantica. Il saggio, dunque, si sviluppa lungo due linee: dentro e fuori Trieste, dentro 1945-1952, fuori 1953-1954, perché dalle fonti consultate sono queste ad emergere come aree di priorità nei due periodi. Abstract - English The “Trieste question”, or the question regarding the Italian - Yugoslav border after the Second World War, has been the object of careful examination in both Italian and foreign historiography for a long time. With a few important exceptions, the overall reconstruction of these events has been based for the most part on historic and diplomatic approaches, which have sometimes made it rather difficult to understand clearly the relationships and interdependences at play between local, national and international contexts. Through a comparative analysis of a large body of documents from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park MD, this essay attempts a second reading of the various phases in which the question developed between June 1945 and October 1954, following a twofold perspective: the first part focuses on American policy for Trieste, specifically looking at two internal and closely linked aspects, on the one hand, the management of ‘law and order’, as well as a ‘strategy’ of consent, to be achieved through the control of all the means of information , and, on the other, the promotion of a cultural policy. Both aspects can be traced back to the ‘direct rule’ model, which gave the Allied Military Government (AMG) full and exclusive governing authority over Venezia Giulia’s Zone A. These issues are also fundamental to a better understanding of the relationships between institutions and social subjects. In the second part of the essay , the change in archival sources clearly indicates a new set of priorities in American foreign policy regarding Trieste: outside any international negotiations for the settlement of the question, the Clare Boothe Luce papers held in the Embassy’s archives, show how the Trieste question was focused on external concerns, Italy in particular, and exploited above all by the ambassador within the bi-polar optic of the Cold War, in order to strengthen internal support for Atlantic policies. The essay therefore follows two main lines of inquiry: within and outside Trieste, within in 1945-1952, and outside 1953-1954, since, from the archival sources used, these emerge as priority areas in the two periods.


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Objective: To evaluate cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 at multiple sites in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of missed opportunities for prevention. Methods: Pregnant women infected with HIV-1 were eligible for inclusion if they were enrolled in either the NISDI Perinatal or LILAC protocols by October 20, 2009, and had delivered a live infant with known HIV-1 infection status after March 1, 2006. Results: Of 711 eligible mothers, 10 delivered infants infected with HIV-1. The transmission rate was 1.4% (95% CI, 0.7-2.6). Timing of transmission was in utero or intrapartum (n = 5), intrapartum (n = 2), intrapartum or early postnatal (n = 1), and unknown (n = 2). Possible missed opportunities for prevention included poor control of maternal viral load during pregnancy; late initiation of antiretrovirals during pregnancy; lack of cesarean delivery before labor and before rupture of membranes; late diagnosis of HIV-1 infection; lack of intrapartum antiretrovirals; and incomplete avoidance of breastfeeding. Conclusion: Early knowledge of HIV-1 infection status (ideally before or in early pregnancy) would aid timely initiation of antiretroviral treatment and strategies designed to prevent mother-to-child transmission. Use of antiretrovirals must be appropriately monitored in terms of adherence and drug resistance. If feasible, breastfeeding should be completely avoided. Presented in part at the XIX International AIDS Conference (Washington, DC; July 22-27, 2012); abstract WEPE163. (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. on behalf of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.


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