983 resultados para 7-63


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The dissertation was divided in two studies. With the first, aimed to evaluate the occurrence of microorganisms present in the vulvovaginal region of cows that received intravaginal progesterone devices during the fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) programs, and correlate the results with pregnancy rates. Samples were collected from vulvovaginal region of 30 beef cows Guzerá and 30 crossbred dairy cows, and also intravaginal devices, randomly. Of the 120 samples of cows, 60 corresponded to the collections of the period prior to the introduction device (D0) and 60 to the subsequent withdrawal of it (D9); it yielded 100% of bacterial growth, whereas, in most samples, it was found more than one isolated. In D0, the most frequent agent was Escherichia coli (52%), and in D9, Proteus spp and E. coli were the most frequent (32% and 28%, respectively). Regarding intravaginal progesterone devices, in D0 were isolated 37 microorganisms, being predominant those of the genus Bacillus (35%); in D9, 41 colony forming units (CFU) were isolated, of which 36.6% corresponded to Proteus spp. For the analysis of the antimicrobial profile, susceptibility testing was performed by diffusion agar disk, and cows that did not became pregnant after FTAI program were selected, as a future treatment. There resistance 100% to penicillin, and sensitivity, approximately, 90% to gentamicin, both isolates obtained from samples of beef cows and obtained of dairy cows. Regarding pregnancy rate, the 30 beef cows, 11 were diagnosed pregnant (36.7%), 4 (36.4%) treated with reused devices and 7 (63.6%) with new devices, which showed more effective. Of the 30 dairy cows, 15 were pregnant (50%), 8 (53.3%) were implanted with reused devices and 7 (46.7%) with new devices, with no significant differences in pregnancy rates. Because it is a research, females were chosen at random, and factors such as body condition, nutritional management and health weren't priority. With the second study, aimed to analyze the similarity between strains, conducted by technical Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD -PCR). Presence of E. coli and the absence of pregnancy were selection criteria used. From the results, it was observed that most of the isolates wasn't phylogenetically similar, since they showed lower than 85% similarity. The study stressed the importance of E. coli in vulvovaginal microbiota of cows and the presence of phenotypic and genotypic characters of this bacterium on possible reproductive problems.


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BACKGROUND: No studies to date have investigated cumulative anticholinergic exposure and its effects in adults with intellectual disabilities. AIMS: To determine the cumulative exposure to anticholinergics and the factors associated with high exposure. METHOD: A modified Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) scale score was calculated for a representative cohort of 736 people over 40 years old with intellectual disabilities, and associations with demographic and clinical factors assessed. RESULTS: Age over 65 years was associated with higher exposure (ACB 1-4 odds ratio (OR) = 3.28, 95% CI 1.49-7.28, ACB 5+ OR = 3.08, 95% CI 1.20-7.63), as was a mental health condition (ACB 1-4 OR = 9.79, 95% CI 5.63-17.02, ACB 5+ OR = 23.74, 95% CI 12.29-45.83). Daytime drowsiness was associated with higher ACB (P<0.001) and chronic constipation reported more frequently (26.6% ACB 5+ v. 7.5% ACB 0, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Older people with intellectual disabilities and with mental health conditions were exposed to high anticholinergic burden. This was associated with daytime dozing and constipation.


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Dissertation, 2016


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En la presente investigaci?n se estudi? la din?mica de la generaci?n y captura de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en un humedal natural eutrofizado bajo condiciones tropicales denominado El Madrigal, ubicado en la vereda El Madrigal, del municipio de Riofr?o, Valle del Cauca. Con tal prop?sito se evalu? la variaci?n espacial de las emisiones de los GEI tales como metano (CH4), di?xido de carbono (CO2) y ?xido nitroso (N2O) y se estableci? su posible correlaci?n con par?metros de calidad de agua como pH, ox?geno disuelto, potencial de ?xido reducci?n, alcalinidad, fosfatos, nitratos entre otros y a su vez con el contenido de materia org?nica y nutrientes presente en los sedimentos. En este sentido, se determinaron y compararon las emisiones en cuatro puntos de muestreo establecidos en el humedal con caracter?sticas diferentes: P1 (Zona de intercambio de agua y sedimentos con R?o Cauca), P2 (Zona influenciada por actividades pisc?colas), P3 (Zona influenciada por vertimientos de aguas residuales y presencia de vegetaci?n) y P3A (Zona sin cobertura vegetal). En cada punto se realizaron mediciones de gases de efecto invernadero, par?metros in situ, calidad de agua y, sedimentos. Los valores de flux obtenidos evidenciaron que el humedal El Madrigal actu? como fuente y sumidero de gases de efecto invernadero durante todo el per?odo de muestreo. El punto P1 present? flux promedios de -1,96 ? 3,10 g.CH4.m-2 d-1; -0,12 ? 7,63 g.CO2.m-2 d-1 y 1,73 ? 5,75 mg.N2O.m-2 d-1. Para el caso del punto P2 se obtuvieron flux promedios de 0,898 ? 1,27 g.CH4.m-2 d-1; 1,03 ? 9,31 g.CO2.m-2 d-1 y -1,19 ? 5,08 mg.N2O.m-2 d-1. Por su parte el punto P3 evidenci? flux promedios de 3,08 ? 3,99 g.CH4.m-2 d-1; -2,74 ? 9,83 g.CO2.m-2 d-1 y 2,06 ? 5,20 mg.N2O.m-2 d-1. Por ?ltimo los flux promedios obtenidos para el punto P3A fueron 1,80 ? 6,89 g.CH4.m-2 d-1; 1,40 ? 8,40 g.CO2.m-2 d-1 y -1,24 ? 6,43 mg.N2O.m-2 d-1. Las pruebas estad?sticas indicaron que los flux de los gases de efecto invernadero estudiados presentaron una variaci?n espacial significativa entre los puntos muestreados. CH4 present? variaci?n entre los puntos P1, P2 y P3 (p<0.001 Mann-Whitney) y evidenci? similitudes entre los puntos P3A-P3 y P3A-P2 (p>0.05 Mann-Whitney). Para CO2 se evidenci? similitud para los flux obtenidos en los cuatro puntos (p>0.05 Mann-Whitney). Por su parte, para el ?xido nitroso tambi?n se present? un comportamiento similar en los cuatro puntos sin variaci?n significativa (p>0.05 Mann-Whitney). Con respecto a las relaciones entre los par?metros de calidad de agua, sedimentos y los flux de gases de efecto invernadero, se determin? que los par?metros con mayor influencia sobre la producci?n y consumo de CH4 CO2 y N2O fueron hierro f?rrico (Fe+3) Coeficiente Spearman = -73%), nitratos (NO3) (Coeficiente Spearman = -65%) y los nitritos (NO2) en sedimentos Coeficiente Spearman = 86%), respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio evidenciaron que la intervenci?n antr?pica contribuye al estado eutr?fico del ecosistema y este a su vez influencia la din?mica de producci?n y consumo de GEI favoreciendo el incremento en la generaci?n de estos, demandando medidas de manejo y control que permitan mitigar el impacto frente al cambio clim?tico


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Se realizó un estudio analítico cuasi- experimental PRECAPS Y POSTCAPS. El estudio se realizó en todos los estudiantes universitarios que conforman el Quinto Año de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad de Cuenca, en el año lectivo 2008- 2009. La muestra estuvo constituida por 88 estudiantes, teniendo como propósito determinar la modificación de los Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas sobre ITS y SIDA, luego de realizar una Intervención Educativa basada en las Teorías del Aprendizaje Cognoscitivo Social, Aprendizaje Significativo. La información fue recolectada en el cuestionario, con la misma se elaboró la Base de Datos en el Programa SPSS 13.0 para Windows. Se realizó contraste de Hipótesis Preintervención y Postintervención por medio de la Prueba T para muestras relacionadas de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. La escala deAutoeficacia fue analizada tomando en cuenta el nivel de Seguridad de muy Seguro o Totalmente Seguro de la misma; aplicando la Prueba Chi Cuadrado. Se aplicó además la Prueba Chi Cuadrado para el instrumento de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. Los cuadros y gráficos se realizaron en el Programa Excel. Resultados Los promedios de los Conocimientos se incrementaron de la Preintervención (6.4) a la Postintervención (8.38), con un incremento de 1.98, las actitudes se incrementaron de la preintervención(7.63) a la postintervención(8.48), con un incremento de 0.85, y las Prácticas disminuyeron de la preintervención(4.79) a la postintervención(2.38), con un descenso de 2.41. Conclusión: La intervención educativa si modificó los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en relación a ITS y VIH/SIDA se recomienda incluir en el currículo un módulo sobre Salud Sexual y reproductiva


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has a wide geographical distribution in tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, which is a protozoan parasite of the genus Leishmania. This pathogen is transmitted to the host through the sandflies bite, with its saliva, the immune response that leads to both. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, 85% of the sand flies captured is Lutzomyia longipalpis, but the second most abundant, Lutzomyia evandroi, it deserves emphasis because its wide distribution and eclectic behavior. The exposure of people living in endemic areas for the insect vector VL greatly increases the chances of infection. This study aimed to evaluate aspects of the epidemiological profile of VL in endemic areas of human and nonendemic in the metropolitan area of Natal, as well as verify the abundance and seasonal fluctuations of sandflies species in two counties endemic for VL. Were collected in the municipalities of Nísia Floresta, Parnamirim, São Gonçalo do Amarante and Macaíba, of which groups of females were separated for further dissection of the salivary glands and identification of species. The blood samples used were from individuals of two Natal s districts where it has never been reported cases of VL and neighborhoods of Parnamirim applicants who present cases of VL. In the municipality of Nísia Floresta, the most abundant species was L. evandroi with 38.39%, followed by L. longipalpis with 36.22%, L. walkeri 19.67% L. lenti 3.81%, L. wellcomei 1.39% and L. whitmani 0.52%. Already in Parnamirim the proportions were L. walkeri with 73.15%, L. evandroi with 10.55%, L. wellcomei 7.63%, L. longipalpis 6.37%, L. whitmani 1.46%, L. sordellii 0.52%, L. intermedia 0.21 and L. shanonni 0.1%. In both municipalities was observed higher abundance of species distributed in the initial months of the year, as February and March. The study showed that no difference in exposure to the vector of VL among individuals from endemic and non endemic area for this disease. But there are differences in exposure between individuals of L. longipalpis and L. evandroi, confirming the great powers of the first vector. It was also characterized as predominant phenotype in the population of endemic areas who had negative serologic responses to antigens of Leishmania and result in negative Montenegro skin test (DTH), indicating that much of the population hasn t been bitten by infected insects


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Sob condicoes de campo, e adotando-se um delineamento estatistico de blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e quatro repeticoes, estudou-se o efeito do deficit de agua no solo sobre a incidencia de "podridao-cinzenta-do-caule" causada pelo fungo Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. em feijao. Os tratamentos de 1 a 7 constaram, respectivamente, de 0, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16 e 18 dias sem irrigacao, a partir do inicio da floracao. O solo, antes e apos cada periodo de deficit, foi mantido em condicoes otimas de umidade. As contagens de plantas mortas forma feitas aos 49 dias (final do periodo de deficit do tratamento 7), 63 e 84 dias apos o plantio. No que se refere a mortandade de plantas, causada pelo ataque do fungo, os tratamentos diferiram significativamente ao nivel de 1% de probabilidade. O ataque foi intensificado, a medida que se prolongou o deficit de agua, resultando em 63,9% de plantas mortas apos 18 dias de deficit, e somente 8,6%, nos solos em condicoes otimas de umidade.


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This project measured population salt intake in Samoa by integrating urinary sodium analysis into the World Health Organization's (WHO's) STEPwise approach to surveillance of noncommunicable disease risk factors (STEPS). A subsample of the Samoan Ministry of Health's 2013 STEPS Survey collected 24-hour and spot urine samples and completed questions on salt-related behaviors. Complete urine samples were available for 293 participants. Overall, weighted mean population 24-hour urine excretion of salt was 7.09 g (standard error 0.19) to 7.63 g (standard error 0.27) for men and 6.39 g (standard error 0.14) for women (P=.0014). Salt intake increased with body mass index (P=.0004), and people who added salt at the table had 1.5 g higher salt intakes than those who did not add salt (P=.0422). A total of 70% of the population had urinary excretion values above the 5 g/d cutoff recommended by the WHO. A reduction of 30% (2 g) would reduce average population salt intake to 5 g/d, in line with WHO recommendations. While challenging, integration of salt monitoring into STEPS provides clear logistical and cost benefits and the lessons communicated here can help inform future programs.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrencia, isolar e identificar fungos micorrízicos carbunculares associados a cultura da mandioca (Manihot esculenta). Amostras de solo rizosférico e de varias partes da planta (raízes, tubérculos, manivas e folhas) de locais nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná, foram inoculadas nos meios LGI-P, NFb-malato e NFb-GOC, avaliando-se o numero mais provável de células e a atividade de redução de acetileno. Bactérias diazotróficas foram isoladas de todas as partes da planta, com exceção das folhas, sendo identificadas como Klebsiella sp., Azospirillum lipoferum e uma bactéria denominada "E", provavelmente pertencente ao gênero Burkholderia. A bactéria E acumulou de 7,63 mg a 14,84 mg de N/g de C em meio semi-solido, isento de N, e conseguiu manter a capacidade de fixação biológica de N, mesmo apos uma dezena de repicagens consecutivas. A colonização micorrízica variou de 31% a 69%, e a densidade de esporos de 10 a 384 esporos/100 mL de solo, predominando as espécies Entrophospora colombiana e Acaulospora scrobiculata no Rio de Janeiro, A. scrobiculata e Scutellospora heterogama no Paraná e em Piracicaba (São Paulo) e A. appendicula e S. pellucida em Campinas (São Paulo). This study was performed to evaluate the occurrence and to isolate and identify diazotrophic bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with the cassava (Manihot esculenta) crop. Samples from rhizosperical soil, roots, tubers, stems and leaves from several localities of the States of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Parana, in Brazil, were inoculated in three media specific for diazotrophic associative bacteria, LG1-P, NFb-malate and NFb-GOC, evaluating the most probable number of cells and the acetylene-reducing activity. Diazotrophic bacteria were detected in all plant parts except for the leaves, and were identified as Klebsiella sp., Azospirillum lipoferum and a bacterium called "E", probably belonging to the Burkholderia genus. Bacterium E was able to accumulate, in the N-free semi-solid media, from 7.63 to 14.84 mg of N/g of C and to maintain N fixation capacity after ten consecutive transferences. Mycorrhizal root colonization varied from 31% to 69% and spore density from 10 to 384 spores/100 mL of soil, predominanting the species Entrophospora colombiana and Acaulospora scrobiculata in Rio de Janeiro, A. scrobiculata and Scutellospora heterogama in Parana and in Piracicaba (Sao Paulo), and A. appendicula and S. pellucida in Campinas (Sao Paulo).


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