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Background: During menopause occurs weight gain and bone loss occurs due to the hormone decline during this period and other factors such as nutrition. Magnesium deficiency suggests a risk factor for obesity and osteoporosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and nutritional magnesium status in a population of postmenopausal women, assessing intake and serum levels of magnesium in the study population and correlation with anthropometric parameters such as body mass index(BMI) and body fat, and biochemical parameters associated. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: The study involved 78 healthy women aged 44-76, with postmenopausal status, from the province of Grenade, Spain. The sample was divided into two age groups: group1, aged < 58, and group 2 aged >/= 58. Anthropometric parameters were recorded and nutritional intake was assessed by 72-hour recall, getting the RDAs through Nutriber(R) program. To assess the biochemical parameters was performed a blood sample was taken. Magnesium was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) in erythrocyte and plasma wet-mineralized samples. RESULTS: Our results show that 37.85% of the total subjects have an overweight status. Magnesium intake found in our population is insufficient in 36% of women,while plasma magnesium deficiency corresponds to 23% of the population and 72% of women have deficient levels of magnesium in erythrocyte. Positive correlations were found between magnesium intake and dietary intake of calcium, of phosphorus,and with prealbumin plasma levels, as well as with a lower waist / hip ratio Magnesium levels in erythrocyte were correlated with lower triglycerides and urea values. CONCLUSION: It is important to control and monitor the nutritional status of magnesium in postmenopausal women to prevent nutritional alterations and possible clinical and chronic degenerative diseases associated with magnesium deficiency and with menopause.
Investigating the factors affecting the strength of sexual selection is important for understanding the evolution of sex-specific morphological and behavioural traits. Traditionally, sexual selection studies focus on male ornaments, although recent evidence indicates that sexual selection mechanisms also target organismal performance. In the present study, we investigated the role of sexually dimorphic morphological and performance traits of the common (viviparous) lizard (Zootoca vivipara, Jacquin 1787) with respect to determining mating behaviour. Using an experimental set-up controlling for size differences, we found that males with longer tails had a higher probability of mating a female. Unexpectedly, males with lower bite forces had an advantage over males with higher bite forces, whereas males with bigger heads copulated for a longer time with the female. This shows that predicting mating success is not straightforward and is sometimes counterintuitive because a longer tail appears to be beneficial, whereas biting harder is not, for male Z. vivipara in a male-female interaction context
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by biochemical and immunocytochemical methods for their development-dependent expression of several cytoskeletal proteins, including the heavy- and medium-sized neurofilament subunits (H-NF and M-NF, respectively); brain spectrin; synapsin I; beta-tubulin; and the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) 1, 2, and 5 and tau protein. It was found that with time in culture the levels of most of these cytoskeletal proteins increased greatly, with the exceptions of the particular beta-tubulin form studied, which remained unchanged, and MAP 5, which greatly decreased. Among the neurofilament proteins, expression of M-NF preceded that of H-NF, with the latter being detectable only after approximately 3 weeks in culture. Furthermore, MAP 2 and tau protein showed a development-dependent change in expression from the juvenile toward the adult form. The comparison of these developmental changes in cytoskeletal protein levels with those observed in rat brain tissue revealed that protein expression in aggregate cultures is nearly identical to that in vivo during maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Aggregate cultures deprived of glial cells, i.e., neuron-enriched cultures prepared by treating early cultures with the antimitotic drug cytosine arabinoside, exhibited pronounced deficits in M-NF, H-NF, MAP 2, MAP 1, synapsin I, and brain spectrin, with increased levels of a 145-kDa brain spectrin breakdown product. These adverse effects of glial cell deprivation could be reversed by the maintenance of neuron-enriched cultures at elevated concentrations of KCl (30 mM). This chronic treatment had to be started at an early developmental stage to be effective, a finding suggesting that sustained depolarization by KCl is able to enhance the developmental expression and maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton.
BACKGROUND: Recent data indicate a slight decrease in the prevalence of smoking in Switzerland, but little is known regarding the intention and difficulty to quit smoking among current smokers. Hence, we aimed to quantify the difficulty and intention to quit smoking among current smokers in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including 607 female and 658 male smokers. Difficulty, intention and motivation to quit smoking were assessed by questionnaire. RESULTS: 90% of women and 85% of men reported being "very difficult" or "difficult" to quit smoking. Almost three quarters of smokers (73% of women and 71% of men) intended to quit; however, less than 20% of them were in the preparation stage and 40% were in the precontemplation stage. On multivariate analysis, difficulty to quit was lower among men (Odds ratio and 95% [confidence interval]: 0.51 [0.35-0.74]) and increased with nicotine dependence and number of previous quitting attempts (OR=3.14 [1.75-5.63] for 6+ attempts compared to none). Intention to quit decreased with increasing age (OR=0.48 [0.30-0.75] for ≥65 years compared to <45 years) and increased with nicotine dependence, the number of previous quitting attempts (OR=4.35 [2.76-6.83] for 6+ attempts compared to none) and among non-cigarette smokers (OR=0.51 [0.28-0.92]). Motivation to quit was inversely associated with nicotine dependence and positively associated with the number of previous quitting attempts and personal history of lung disease. CONCLUSION: Over two thirds of Swiss smokers want to quit. However, only a small fraction wishes to do so in the short term. Nicotine dependence, previous attempts to quit or previous history of lung disease are independently associated with difficulty and intention to quit.
City Audit Report
In hybrid zones, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism known as Haldane's rule. This phenomenon often leads to a differential of gene flow between sex-linked markers. Here, we address the possibility of a differential gene flow for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers across the hybrid zone between the genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species Sorex antinorii and Sorex araneus race Vaud. Intermarker comparison clearly revealed coincidental centre and very abrupt clines for all three types of markers. The overall level of genetic differentiation between the two species must be strong enough to hinder asymmetric introgression. Cyto-nuclear mismatches were also observed in the centre of hybrid zone. The significantly lower number of mismatches observed in males than in females possibly results from Y chromosome-mtDNA interactions. Results are compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone between S. antinori and S. araneus race Cordon.
With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Various end-stage organ failures have now become common co-morbidities and are primary causes of mortality in HIV-infected patients. Solid-organ transplantation therefore has been proposed to these patients, as HIV infection is not anymore considered an absolute contraindication. The initial results of organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients are encouraging with no differences in patient and graft survival compared with non-HIV-infected patients. The use of immunosuppressive drug therapy in HIV-infected patients has so far not shown major detrimental effects, and some drugs in combination with HAART have even demonstrated possible beneficial effects for specific HIV settings. Nevertheless, organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients remains a complex intervention, and more studies will be required to clarify open questions such as long-term effects of drug interactions between antiretroviral and immunosuppressive drugs, outcome of recurrent HCV infection in HIV-infected patients, incidence of graft rejection, or long-term graft and patient survival. In this article, we first review the immunological pathogenesis of HIV infection and the rationale for using immunosuppression combined with HAART. We then discuss the most recent results of solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.
Kirje 8.9.1970
A large body of published work shows that proton (hydrogen 1 [(1)H]) magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy has evolved from a research tool into a clinical neuroimaging modality. Herein, the authors present a summary of brain disorders in which MR spectroscopy has an impact on patient management, together with a critical consideration of common data acquisition and processing procedures. The article documents the impact of (1)H MR spectroscopy in the clinical evaluation of disorders of the central nervous system. The clinical usefulness of (1)H MR spectroscopy has been established for brain neoplasms, neonatal and pediatric disorders (hypoxia-ischemia, inherited metabolic diseases, and traumatic brain injury), demyelinating disorders, and infectious brain lesions. The growing list of disorders for which (1)H MR spectroscopy may contribute to patient management extends to neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, and stroke. To facilitate expanded clinical acceptance and standardization of MR spectroscopy methodology, guidelines are provided for data acquisition and analysis, quality assessment, and interpretation. Finally, the authors offer recommendations to expedite the use of robust MR spectroscopy methodology in the clinical setting, including incorporation of technical advances on clinical units. © RSNA, 2014 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
For severe obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m2), bariatric surgery is not only the best, but often the only means of obtaining sufficient and durable weight loss. This article aims to review the available bariatric procedures. Gastric bypass remains the reference when it comes to the risk/benefit ratio. Gastric banding is declining rapidly due to the high prevalence of long-term complications. Primary malabsorptive procedures remain largely unpopular because of their potential nutritional complications. Sleeve gastrectomy, although it is not reversible as it includes a significant gastric resection, increases currently in popularity because of its apparent simplicity and the fact that early results regarding weight loss mimic those obtained with gastric bypass.
Fat balance plays an important role in fat mass regulation. The mechanisms by which fat intake and fat oxidation are controlled are poorly understood. In particular, no data are available on the origin, i.e. exogenous (meal intake) or endogenous (adipose tissue lipolysis), of fat oxidized during the postprandial period in children and the proportion between these two components. In this study we tested the hypothesis that there is a relationship between adiposity and the oxidative fate of fat taken with a mixed meal in a group of 15 children with a wide range of fat mass (9-64%). The combination of stable isotope analysis ([13C] enriched fatty acids added to a mixed meal) and indirect calorimetry allowed us to differentiate between the exogenous and endogenous resting fat oxidation rate over the 9-h postprandial period. During the 9 hours of the postprandial period, the children oxidized an amount of fat comparable to that ingested with the meal [26.8 (+/-2.31) g vs. 26.4 (+/-2.3) g, respectively, P = ns]. On average, exogenous fat oxidation [2.99 (+/-3.0) g/9 h] represented 10.8% (+/-0.9) of total fat oxidation. Endogenous fat oxidation, calculated as the difference between total fat oxidation and exogenous fat oxidation, averaged 23.4 (+/-1.9) g/9 h and represented 88.2% (+/-0.9) of total fat oxidation. Endogenous fat oxidation as well as exogenous fat oxidation were highly correlated to total fat oxidation (r = 0.83, P < 0.001; r = 0.84, P < 0.001, respectively). Exogenous fat oxidation expressed as a proportion of total fat oxidation was directly related to fat mass (r = 0.56, P < 0.03), while endogenous fat oxidation expressed as a proportion of total fat oxidation was inversely related (r = -0.57, P < 0.03) to the degree of adiposity. The enhanced exogenous fat oxidation observed when adiposity increases in the dynamic phase of obesity may be viewed as a protective mechanism to prevent further increase in fat mass and hence to maintain fat oxidation at a sufficient rate when the body is exposed to a high amount of dietary fat, as typically encountered in obese children.