857 resultados para 613.62


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Introducción: La minería es considerada uno de los sectores económicos más importantes por su capacidad para generar recursos en su propio sector y en otros sectores como metalmecánica, agricultura e informática entre otros, y por su contribución al desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible de las poblaciones. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los riesgos percibidos por los trabajadores que laboran en minería subterránea en 3 departamentos de Colombia y los Accidentes de Trabajo (AT) y Enfermedades Laborales (EL). Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 476 trabajadores de minería subterránea. Se incluyeron variables independientes (características sociodemográficas y laborales y percepción del riesgo) y variables dependientes (enfermedad laboral y accidente de trabajo), obtenidas a través de una entrevista directa aplicada por profesionales de la salud previamente capacitados. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la Prueba Exacta de Fisher, el Odds Ratio (OR) con el Intervalo de Confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados: En los trabajadores de minería subterránea en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Santander, se encontró relación estadística significativa entre la accidentalidad con la percepción de riesgo por iluminación (OR= 2.059, IC= 95%: 1.116, 3.798, p=0.013), percepción de riesgo por movimientos repetitivos (OR= 1.951, IC= 95%: 0.998, 3.815, p=0.034), percepción de riesgo por ruido (OR= 2.275, IC= 95%: 0.974, 5.312, p=0.039) y percepción de riesgo por manejo de cargas (OR= 1.778, IC= 95%: 0.969, 3.264, p=0.041). Conclusión: se encontró que existe una relación significativa entre la percepción de riesgo de los trabajadores de minería subterránea con accidentes de trabajo y que no existe relación entre esta percepción y las enfermedades laborales.


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ANTECEDENTES: Los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos DME son una de las alteraciones más frecuentes y una de las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en el continente americano, y Unión Europea, generando graves repercusiones económicas a nivel empresarial, de la salud pública, y del empleado. Esto es debido a una sobrecarga laboral causada por los trabajos repetitivos, posturas mantenidas, y requerimientos de fuerza muscular, por lo que se hace importante identificarlos a través de distintos métodos ergonómicos con el objeto de generar programas de prevención que permitan la mitigación de los mismos. OBJETIVO: Determinar los síntomas músculo-esqueléticos y su relación con las condiciones de trabajo de los docentes de instituciones educativas distritales de la localidad de Usme, Bogotá, D. C. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Estudio de corte transversal, efectuado en 192 docentes que se evaluaran con el cuestionario Nórdico estandarizado de síntomas musculo esqueléticos y preguntas sociodemográficas de la encuesta de condiciones de trabajo y salud (ECTS) para caracterizar la población estudio. Para el análisis estadístico se realizó distribución de frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. La evaluación de las posibles asociaciones se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson, con intervalos de confianza del 95%, la prevalencia fue ajustada por género con los intervalos de confianza. RESULTADOS: El 57,8% de los participantes era de sexo femenino, el 41,7% tenían edades entre los 30 y 39 años de edad, el 82,8% de los encuestados manejaban grupos de estudiantes que oscilan entre los 20 a 60 estudiantes, del total de los encuestados el 42,7% (IC95%: 35.9-49.5) presentan un DME ya diagnosticado por un médico o servicio de salud. El 77,1% respondieron afirmativamente a la presencia de esta variable con un IC95%: de 70,3-82,8. En cuanto a la localización del dolor, se observó que la región del cuello con el 51.6% (IC 44.3-58.9) y región lumbar con el 49% (IC95%: 42.2-56.3) fueron las dos regiones anatómicas valoradas con mayor presencia de dolor. Se encontró asociación entre la edad y el dolor (chi-cuadrado: 6,858), el sexo y dolor (chi-cuadrado: 0.250) y el número de estudiantes con el dolor (chi-cuadrado: 2,179) CONCLUSIONES: los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio confirman la relación existente entre la presencia de desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos (DME) y la actividad docente, pero se hace pertinente la realización de más estudios que permitan valorar los DME con el riesgo psicosocial, jornada laboral y tipo de asignatura que imparten los docentes en sus cátedras para este tipo de población.


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Introducción: La construcción de megaproyectos hídricos implica una reconfiguración territorial donde se ven afectadas las fuentes de agua dulce, la biodiversidad terrestre y acuática, y los asentamientos humanos que colindan con dichas construcciones. Objetivo: estimar la asociación entre las conductas proambientales con la solastalgia entre las personas que se encuentran ejerciendo un proceso de resistencia social contra la Central Hidrosogamoso en el departamento de Santander, Colombia. Metodología: se utilizó un diseño de estudio transversal en el que se entrevistaron integrantes y no integrantes de grupos ambientalistas de las zonas de influencia del proyecto. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables sociodemográficas de los dos grupos de comparación presentando frecuencias absolutas y relativas y diferencias significativas por medio de la prueba ji cuadrado, exacta de Fisher y U de Mann Whitney. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple en el que la variable dependiente fue el puntaje de solastalgia y las variables independientes fueron las escalas de las conductas proambientales: altruismo, austeridad, equidad, conducta ecológica, deliberación, indignación y aprecio por lo natural, además, se ajustó por algunas variables sociodemográficas de interés. Resultados: los grupos comparados presentaron diferencias importantes en cuanto a la zona de procedencia, condiciones económicas y organización social. El incremento de 5 puntos en la escala del sentimiento de indignación incrementó 0.98 la escala de solastalgia (IC95%: 0.19; 1.78). Las personas sin pareja estable tuvieron 3.02 puntos menos de solastalgia comparadas con personas casadas o en unión libre (IC95%: -4.96; -1.44), mientras que aquellas con alto nivel educativo obtuvieron 2.02 puntos menos que las personas con primaria y bachillerato (IC95%: -3.99; -0.06). Un modelo alterno mostró que no pertenecer a un grupo ambientalista disminuye en 2.29 puntos la solastalgia, comparado con pertenecer a un grupo (IC95%: -4.31; -0.28),. Conclusión: posiblemente las motivaciones por las cuales los actores involucrados se resisten a las transformaciones territoriales ocasionadas por la construcción de las represas son más un reflejo de la condición socioeconómica que de la preocupación de los actores por el daño del medio ambiente y además, esta resistencia es un fenómeno que se limita a aquellos que están afectados directamente en el área de influencia del proyecto


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Eocene siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton, with emphasis on silicoflagellates, were studied in 62 samples from DSDP Sites 612 and 613 on the continental slope and rise off New Jersey. The mid-latitude assemblages correlate well with assemblages from California, Peru, and offshore of southern Brazil, but are distinctly different from high-latitude cold-water assemblages of the Falkland Plateau off southern Argentina. Coccoliths and silicoflagellates provide evidence for the presence of a fairly complete middle and upper Eocene sequence, represented by a composite of Sites 612 and 613. A major unconformity occurs at the middle Eocene to upper Eocene contact at Site 612. The genus Bachmannocena Locker is emended and proposed as a replacement for genus Mesocena Ehrenberg for ring silicoflagellates. Six new silicoflagellates and one new diatom are described: Bachmannocena apiculata monolineata Bukry, n. subsp., Corbisema amicula Bukry, n. sp., C. bimucronata elegans Bukry, n. subsp., C. hastata incohata Bukry, n. subsp., C. jerseyensis Bukry, n. sp., Dictyocha acuta Bukry, n. sp., and Coscinodiscus eomonoculus Bukry, n. sp. Also, one new replacement name, B. paulschulzn Bukry, nom. nov., and 24 new combinations are proposed for genus Bachmannocena.


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Background: Reducing rates of healthcare acquired infection has been identified by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as a national priority. One of the goals is the prevention of central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (CR-BSI). At least 3,500 cases of CR-BSI occur annually in Australian hospitals, resulting in unnecessary deaths and costs to the healthcare system between $25.7 and $95.3 million. Two approaches to preventing these infections have been proposed: use of antimicrobial catheters (A-CVCs); or a catheter care and management ‘bundle’. Given finite healthcare budgets, decisions about the optimal infection control policy require consideration of the effectiveness and value for money of each approach. Objectives: The aim of this research is to use a rational economic framework to inform efficient infection control policy relating to the prevention of CR-BSI in the intensive care unit. It addresses three questions relating to decision-making in this area: 1. Is additional investment in activities aimed at preventing CR-BSI an efficient use of healthcare resources? 2. What is the optimal infection control strategy from amongst the two major approaches that have been proposed to prevent CR-BSI? 3. What uncertainty is there in this decision and can a research agenda to improve decision-making in this area be identified? Methods: A decision analytic model-based economic evaluation was undertaken to identify an efficient approach to preventing CR-BSI in Queensland Health intensive care units. A Markov model was developed in conjunction with a panel of clinical experts which described the epidemiology and prognosis of CR-BSI. The model was parameterised using data systematically identified from the published literature and extracted from routine databases. The quality of data used in the model and its validity to clinical experts and sensitivity to modelling assumptions was assessed. Two separate economic evaluations were conducted. The first evaluation compared all commercially available A-CVCs alongside uncoated catheters to identify which was cost-effective for routine use. The uncertainty in this decision was estimated along with the value of collecting further information to inform the decision. The second evaluation compared the use of A-CVCs to a catheter care bundle. We were unable to estimate the cost of the bundle because it is unclear what the full resource requirements are for its implementation, and what the value of these would be in an Australian context. As such we undertook a threshold analysis to identify the cost and effectiveness thresholds at which a hypothetical bundle would dominate the use of A-CVCs under various clinical scenarios. Results: In the first evaluation of A-CVCs, the findings from the baseline analysis, in which uncertainty is not considered, show that the use of any of the four A-CVCs will result in health gains accompanied by cost-savings. The MR catheters dominate the baseline analysis generating 1.64 QALYs and cost-savings of $130,289 per 1.000 catheters. With uncertainty, and based on current information, the MR catheters remain the optimal decision and return the highest average net monetary benefits ($948 per catheter) relative to all other catheter types. This conclusion was robust to all scenarios tested, however, the probability of error in this conclusion is high, 62% in the baseline scenario. Using a value of $40,000 per QALY, the expected value of perfect information associated with this decision is $7.3 million. An analysis of the expected value of perfect information for individual parameters suggests that it may be worthwhile for future research to focus on providing better estimates of the mortality attributable to CR-BSI and the effectiveness of both SPC and CH/SSD (int/ext) catheters. In the second evaluation of the catheter care bundle relative to A-CVCs, the results which do not consider uncertainty indicate that a bundle must achieve a relative risk of CR-BSI of at least 0.45 to be cost-effective relative to MR catheters. If the bundle can reduce rates of infection from 2.5% to effectively zero, it is cost-effective relative to MR catheters if national implementation costs are less than $2.6 million ($56,610 per ICU). If the bundle can achieve a relative risk of 0.34 (comparable to that reported in the literature) it is cost-effective, relative to MR catheters, if costs over an 18 month period are below $613,795 nationally ($13,343 per ICU). Once uncertainty in the decision is considered, the cost threshold for the bundle increases to $2.2 million. Therefore, if each of the 46 Level III ICUs could implement an 18 month catheter care bundle for less than $47,826 each, this approach would be cost effective relative to A-CVCs. However, the uncertainty is substantial and the probability of error in concluding that the bundle is the cost-effective approach at a cost of $2.2 million is 89%. Conclusions: This work highlights that infection control to prevent CR-BSI is an efficient use of healthcare resources in the Australian context. If there is no further investment in infection control, an opportunity cost is incurred, which is the potential for a more efficient healthcare system. Minocycline/rifampicin catheters are the optimal choice of antimicrobial catheter for routine use in Australian Level III ICUs, however, if a catheter care bundle implemented in Australia was as effective as those used in the large studies in the United States it would be preferred over the catheters if it was able to be implemented for less than $47,826 per Level III ICU. Uncertainty is very high in this decision and arises from multiple sources. There are likely greater costs to this uncertainty for A-CVCs, which may carry hidden costs, than there are for a catheter care bundle, which is more likely to provide indirect benefits to clinical practice and patient safety. Research into the mortality attributable to CR-BSI, the effectiveness of SPC and CH/SSD (int/ext) catheters and the cost and effectiveness of a catheter care bundle in Australia should be prioritised to reduce uncertainty in this decision. This thesis provides the economic evidence to inform one area of infection control, but there are many other infection control decisions for which information about the cost-effectiveness of competing interventions does not exist. This work highlights some of the challenges and benefits to generating and using economic evidence for infection control decision-making and provides support for commissioning more research into the cost-effectiveness of infection control.


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Plumbogummite PbAl3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 is a mineral of environmental significance and is a member of the alunite-jarosite supergroup. The molecular structure of the mineral has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of different plumbogummite specimens differ although there are many common features. The Raman spectra prove the spectral profile consisting of overlapping bands and shoulders. Raman bands and shoulders observed at 971, 980, 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China sample) and 913, 981, 996 and 1026 cm−1 (Czech sample) are assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching modes of the (PO4)3−, at 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China) and 996 and 1026 cm−1 to the ν1 symmetric stretching vibrations of the (O3POH)2− units, and those at 1057, 1106 and 1182 (China) and at 1102, 1104 and 1179 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν3 (PO4)3− and ν3 (PO3) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands and shoulders at 634, 613 and 579 cm−1 (China) and 611 and 596 cm−1 (Czech) are attributed to the ν4 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations and those at 507, 494 and 464 cm−1 (China) and 505 and 464 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν2 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations. The Raman spectrum of the OH stretching region is complex. Raman bands and shoulders are identified at 2824, 3121, 3249, 3372, 3479 and 3602 cm−1 for plumbogummite from China, and at 3077, 3227, 3362, 3480, 3518 and 3601 cm−1 for the Czech Republic sample. These bands are assigned to the ν OH stretching modes of water molecules and hydrogen ions. Approximate O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths inferred from the Raman spectra vary in the range >3.2–2.62 Å (China) and >3.2–2.67 Å (Czech). The minority presence of some carbonate ions in the plumbogummite (China sample) is connected with distinctive intensity increasing of the Raman band at 1106 cm−1, in which may participate the ν1 (CO3)2− symmetric stretching vibration overlapped with phosphate stretching vibrations.


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Detailed spectroscopic and chemical investigation of matioliite, including infrared and Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis has been carried out on homogeneous samples from the Gentil pegmatite, Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The chemical composition is (wt.%): FeO 2.20, CaO 0.05, Na2O 1.28, MnO 0.06, Al2O3 39.82, P2O5 42.7, MgO 4.68, F 0.02 and H2O 9.19; total 100.00. The mineral crystallize in the monoclinic crystal system, C2/c space group, with a = 25.075(1) Å, b = 5.0470(3) Å, c = 13.4370(7) Å, β = 110.97(3)°, V = 1587.9(4) Å3, Z = 4. Raman spectroscopy coupled with infrared spectroscopy supports the concept of phosphate, hydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate units in the structure of matioliite. Infrared and Raman bands attributed to water and hydroxyl stretching modes are identified. Vibrational spectroscopy adds useful information to the molecular structure of matioliite.


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The mineral natrodufrénite a secondary pegmatite phosphate mineral from Minas Gerais, Brazil, has been studied by a combination of scanning electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Electron probe analysis shows the formula of the studied mineral as (Na0.88Ca0.12)∑1.00(Mn0.11Mg0.08Ca0.04Zr0.01Cu0.01)∑0.97(Al0.02)∑4.91(PO4)3.96(OH6.15F0.07)6.22⋅2.05(H2O). Raman spectroscopy identifies an intense peak at 1003 cm−1 assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands are observed at 1059 and 1118 cm−1 and are attributed to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. A comparison is made with the spectral data of other hydrate hydroxy phosphate minerals including cyrilovite and wardite. Raman bands at 560, 582, 619 and 668 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 bending modes and Raman bands at 425, 444, 477 and 507 cm−1 are due to the ν2 bending modes. Raman bands in the 2600–3800 cm−1 spectral range are attributed to water and OH stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of natrodufrénite to be assessed.


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The Valley Mountain 15’ quadrangle straddles the Pinto Mountain Fault, which bounds the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south against the Mojave Desert province in the north. The Pinto Mountains, part of the eastern Transverse Ranges in the south part of the quadrangle expose a series of Paleoproterozoic gneisses and granite and the Proterozoic quartzite of Pinto Mountain. Early Triassic quartz monzonite intruded the gneisses and was ductiley deformed prior to voluminous Jurassic intrusion of diorite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite, and granite plutons. The Jurassic rocks include part of the Bullion Mountains Intrusive Suite, which crops out prominently at Valley Mountain and in the Bullion Mountains, as well as in the Pinto Mountains. Jurassic plutons in the southwest part of the quadrangle are deeply denuded from midcrustal emplacement levels in contrast to supracrustal Jurassic limestone and volcanic rocks exposed in the northeast. Dikes inferred to be part of the Jurassic Independence Dike Swarm intrude the Jurassic plutons and Proterozoic rocks. Late Cretaceous intrusion of the Cadiz Valley Batholith in the northeast caused contact metamorphism of adjacent Jurassic plutonic rocks...


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The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and magnetic properties of an angular trinuclear copper(II) complex [Cu3(O2CMC)4(bpy)3(H2O)](PF6)2 (1), obtained from a reaction of Cu2(O2CMe)4(H2O)2 With 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and NH4PF6 in ethanol, are reported. Complex 1 crystallizes in triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 11.529(1) angstrom, b = 12.121(2) angstrom, c = 17.153(2) angstrom, alpha = 82.01(1)-degrees, beta = 79.42(1)-degrees, gamma = 89.62(1)-degrees, and Z = 2. A total of 6928 data with I > 2.5sigma(I) were refined to R = 0.0441 and R(w) = 0.0557. The structure consists of a trinuclear core bridged by four acetate ligands showing different bonding modes. The coordination geometry at each copper is distorted square-pyramidal with a CuN2O2...O chromophore. The Cu...Cu distances are 3.198(1) angstrom, 4.568(1) angstrom, and 6.277(1) angstrom. There are two monoatomic acetate bridges showing Cu-O-Cu angles of 93.1(1) and 97.5(1)-degrees. Magnetic studies in the temperature range 39-297 K show the presence of a strong ferromagnetically coupled dicopper(II) unit (2J = +158 cm-1) and an essentially isolated copper(II) center (2J' = -0.4 cm-1) in 1. The EPR spectra display an axial spectrum giving g(parallel-to) = 2.28 (A(parallel-to) = 160 X 10(-4) cm-1) and g(perpendicular-to) = 2.06 (A(perpendicular-to) = 12 X 10(-4) cm-1) for the normal copper and two intense isotropic signals with g values 2.70 and 1.74 for the strongly coupled copper pair. The structural features of 1 compare well with the first generation models for ascorbate oxidase.


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As deposited amorphous and crystallized thin films of Ti 37.5% Si alloy deposited by pulsed laser ablation technique were irradiated with 100 keV Xe(+) ion beam to an ion fluence of about 10(16) ions-cm(-2). Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the implanted Xe formed amorphous nanosized clusters in both cases. The Xe ion-irradiation favors nucleation of a fcc-Ti(Si) phase in amorphous films. However, in crystalline films, irradiation leads to dissolution of the Ti(5)Si(3) intermetallic phase. In both cases, Xe irradiation leads to the evolution of similar microstructures. Our results point to the pivotal role of nucleation in the evolution of the microstructure under the condition of ion implantation.


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Editorial -- Las Segundas Jornadas sobre Ley Natural llevadas a cabo en la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina -- Presentación y estudio preliminar / Gabriel Limodio -- Habermas / Eduardo Martín Quesada -- Iusnaturalismo vs. iuspositivismo (un alegato iusnaturalista) / Rodolfo L. Vigo -- Derecho Natural y Ciencia Jurídica / Carlos I. Massini Correas -- Ley natural y pluralismo cultural / Félix Adolfo Lamas -- La laicidad del derecho y la Encíclica “Deus caritas est” / Carlos Raúl Sanz -- Universalismo de derechos y asimilacionismo / Juan Cianciardo -- Ley natural y multiculturalismo: verdad y diálogo / Daniel Alejandro Herrera -- La falacia del Particularismo: sobre las condiciones de posibilidad de una Ética Global / Raúl Madrid Ramírez -- Homenaje a la Dra. María Josefa Méndez Costa. Encuentro Interuniversitario de Derecho de Familia. “Familia y Matrimonio hoy” -- Matrimonio y familia / Gabriel Limodio -- Palabras de la homenajeada / María Josefa Méndez Costa -- El concepto jurídico de familia. Matrimonio y familia / Catalina Elsa Arias de Ronchietto -- El principio jurídico de matrimonialidad y las políticas públicas. La familia: cordón umbilical de la humanidad / Catalina Elsa Arias de Ronchietto -- El concepto de familia, su juricidad y la querida profesora María Josefa Méndez Costa. Insinuaciones jurídicas de una tarde inolvidable / Úrsula Basset -- El consentimiento matrimonial sobre la necesidad de que sea prestado por un hombre y una mujer / Eduardo Sambrizzi -- Familia, matrimonio y la legislación sobre educación / Jorge Nicolás Lafferriere -- I Congreso de evangelización de la cultura -- Católicos y vida pública en América Latina / Guzmán M. Carriquiry Lecour -- Nota bibliográfica