969 resultados para 4D Ultrasound
A major advance in our understanding of the natural history of Schistosoma haematobium-related morbidity has come through the introduction of the portable ultrasound machines for non-invasive examination of the kidneys and bladder. With the use of generators or battery packs to supply power in non-clinical field settings, and with the use of instant photography or miniaturized thermal printers to record permanent images, it is possible to examine scores of individuals in endemic communities every day. Broad-based ultrasound screening has allowed better definition of age-specific disease risks in urinary schistosomiasis. Results indicate that urinary tract abnormalities are common (18% overall prevalence) in S. haematobium transmission areas, with a 2-4% risk of either severe bladder abnormality or advanced ureteral obstruction. In longitudinal surveys, ultrasound studies have shown that praziquantel and metrifonate therapy are rapidly effective in reversing urinary tract abnormalities among children. The benefits of treating adults are less well known, but research in progress should help to define this issue. Similarly, the prognosis of specific ultrasound findings needs to be clarified, and the ease of sonographic examination will make such long-term follow-up studies feasible. In summary, the painless, quick, and reproducible ultrasound examination has become an essential tool in the study of urinary schistosomiasis.
In endemic areas with low prevalence and low intensity of infection, the diagnosis of hepatic pathology due to the Schistosoma mansoni infection is very difficult. In order to establish the hepatic morbidity, a double-blind study was achieved in Venezuelan endemic areas, with one group of patients with schistosomiasis and the other one of non-infected people, that were evaluated clinically and by abdominal ultrasound using the Cairo classification. Schistosomiasis diagnosis was established based on parasitologic and serological tests. The increase of the hepatic size at midclavicular and midsternal lines (in hepatometry) and the hard liver consistency were the clinical parameters able to differentiate infected persons from non infected ones, as well as the presence of left lobe hepatomegaly detected by abdominal ultrasound. The periportal thickening, especially the mild form, was frequent in all age groups in both infected and uninfected patients. There was not correlation between the intensity of infection and ultrasound under the current circumstances. Our data suggest that in Venezuela, a low endemic area of transmission of schistosomiasis, the hepatic morbidity is mild and uncommon. The Cairo classification seems to overestimate the prevalence of periportal pathology. The specificity of the method must be improved, especially for the recognition of precocious pathology. Other causes of hepatopathies must be investigated.
Purpose: Extension of retinoblastoma cells anterior to the vitreous surface is a criteria used to categorize retinoblastomas in Group E. In some cases, the assessment of anterior chamber invasion is readily visible by slit lamp examination, but in other cases, invasion of the posterior chamber is clinically difficult to determinate. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) allows high-resolution images of the anterior segment and structures normally hidden from clinical visualization such as ciliary body, zonule or posterior chamber. This prompted us to evaluate the value of UBM in the assessment of posterior and anterior chamber involvement in patients with peripheral extending retinoblastomas. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all retinoblastoma cases that underwent enucleation in our institution from 1.1996 till 12.2009 in which UBM ( 35-MHz or 50-MHz) evaluation was available. The UBM results were compared with the histopathological data. Results: From 1.1996 till 12.2009, 146 enucleations were performed in our institution. UBM information was available in 18 cases. There were 8 males and 10 females. The mean age was 4 years old. UBM allowed correct assessement of posterior chamber invasion in 15 cases (13 cases with retinoblastoma in the posterior chamber and 2 cases without retinoblastoma in the posterior chamber). There was a significant correlation between the presence of retinoblastoma cells in the posterior chamber detected by UBM and the histopathological confirmation of posterior chamber involvement (p=0,0008). The sensitivity of UBM in the assessment of posterior chamber invasion by retinoblastoma was 81% and the specificity 100%. UBM allowed correct assessment of anterior chamber invasion in 13 cases. The sensitivity of UBM for this purpose was 50% and the specificity 60 %. Conclusions: In selected cases of advanced retinoblastoma, UBM appears to represent a valuable tool in the evaluation of the precise extension of the disease. Although our series encompasses only a limited number of cases, the sensitivity and specificity of UBM in the assessment of retinoblastoma anterior extension is interesting. Further prospective multi-centered clinical studies would be necessary to better delineate the utility of this method in the precise categorization of retinoblastoma anterior extension
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The suprascapular nerve (SSN) block is frequently performed for different shoulder pain conditions and for perioperative and postoperative pain control after shoulder surgery. Blind and image-guided techniques have been described, all of which target the nerve within the supraspinous fossa or at the suprascapular notch. This classic target point is not always ideal when ultrasound (US) is used because it is located deep under the muscles, and hence the nerve is not always visible. Blocking the nerve in the supraclavicular region, where it passes underneath the omohyoid muscle, could be an attractive alternative. METHODS: In the first step, 60 volunteers were scanned with US, both in the supraclavicular and the classic target area. The visibility of the SSN in both regions was compared. In the second step, 20 needles were placed into or immediately next to the SSN in the supraclavicular region of 10 cadavers. The accuracy of needle placement was determined by injection of dye and following dissection. RESULTS: In the supraclavicular region of volunteers, the nerve was identified in 81% of examinations (95% confidence interval [CI], 74%-88%) and located at a median depth of 8 mm (interquartile range, 6-9 mm). Near the suprascapular notch (supraspinous fossa), the nerve was unambiguously identified in 36% of examinations (95% CI, 28%-44%) (P < 0.001) and located at a median depth of 35 mm (interquartile range, 31-38 mm; P < 0.001). In the cadaver investigation, the rate of correct needle placement of the supraclavicular approach was 95% (95% CI, 86%-100%). CONCLUSIONS: Visualization of the SSN with US is better in the supraclavicular region as compared with the supraspinous fossa. The anatomic dissections confirmed that our novel supraclavicular SSN block technique is accurate.
Treball consistent en la construcció d'un exportador a format KML de mapes temàtics pel producte Geomedia PRO 6.1 possibilitant l'observació del component del temps sobre un globus virtual com és Google Earth. Mitjançant les dades de la xarxa XEMEC, es mostrarà un mapa temàtic d'exemple amb les dades d'intensitat i direcció del vent recollides en un període d'un any.
Abdominal ultrasound (US) has been widely used in the evaluation of patients with schistosomiasis mansoni. It represents an important indirect method of diagnosis and classification of the disease, and it has also been used as a tool in the evaluation of therapeutic response and regression of fibrosis. We describe the case of a man in whom US showed solid evidence of schistosomal periportal fibrosis and magnetic resonance imaging revealed that periportal signal alteration corresponded to adipose tissue which entered the liver togheter with the portal vein.
The best way to appraise the size of abdominal organs remains undefined. Herein we compare the size of liver and spleen in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis using clinical and ultrasound (US) examination, and the size of the organs measured by US with their visualization below the costal margin ("palpable by US"). For this study, 411 individuals from an endemic area for schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil have been selected. We found that palpable spleens and left liver lobes are larger than non palpable ones. Also, 23% of normal spleens measured by US were palpable on clinical examination, and 22% of spleens increased in size on US were non palpable. A total of 21% of normal spleens were "palpable by US". We also found 54% of normal sized right liver lobes palpable on clinical examination, whilst 54% of the increased livers, measured by US, were non palpable. About 76% of normal right liver lobes were "palpable by US". We conclude that the association of clinical, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, in the near future, should give the investigators the necessary tools to perform a more accurate clinical diagnosis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni.
Significant advances were made in the diagnosis of filariasis in the 1990s with the emergence of three new alternative tools: ultrasound and tests to detect circulating antigen using two monoclonal antibodies, Og4C3 and AD12-ICT-card. This study aimed to identify which of these methods is the most sensitive for diagnosis of infection. A total of 256 individuals, all male and carrying microfilariae (1-15,679 MF/mL), diagnosed by nocturnal venous blood samples, were tested by all three techniques. The tests for circulating filarial antigen concurred 100% and correctly identified 246/256 (96.69%) of the positive individuals, while ultrasound detected only 186/256 (73.44%). Of the circulating antigen tests, ICT-card was the most convenient method for identification of Wuchereria bancrofti carriers. It was easy to perform, practical and quick.
OBJECTIVES: We studied the value of ultrasound (US) to define shoulder pathology and guide local steroid injection in comparison with a standard injection in the management of the acute painful shoulder. METHODS: Seventy consecutive patients with acute shoulder pain were assessed clinically and by US. Patients were randomized to receive either a standard subacromial infiltration of 7 mg of betamethasone or a US-guided injection according to the US diagnosis. Follow-up evaluations were performed by an independent assessor who was blinded to the results of the initial US and clinical assessments. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients completed the study. Both groups showed a significant reduction in both daytime and night pain compared to baseline. The US injection group had significantly less pain at rest at 2 and 6 weeks (NRS: 1.6 vs 3.3, P<0.005; 3 vs 4.2, P<0.04). The percentage of good responders was significantly higher in US group at 2 weeks, (81% vs 54%, P<0.005) and 6 weeks (64% vs 38%, P<0.05). At 2 and 6 weeks, responder rate and activity pain scores as well as Constant score were in favour of US, though did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Local steroid injection for shoulder pain leads to significant improvements in pain and function for up to 12 weeks. An US examination to define the origin of shoulder pain as well as to guide injection provides significant additional benefits for up to 6 weeks. We recommend routine US examination as part of the management of acute shoulder pain.
A low digit ratio (2D:4D) and low 2D:4D in the right compared with the left hand (right-left 2D:4D) are thought to be determined by high in utero concentrations of testosterone, and are related to "masculine" traits such as aggression and performance in sports like running and rugby. Low right-left 2D:4D is also related to sensitivity to testosterone as measured by the number of cytosine-adenine-guanine triplet repeats in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene. Here we show that low right-left 2D:4D is associated with high maximal oxygen uptake (VO2(max)), high velocity at VO2(max), and high maximum lactate concentration in a sample of teenage boys. We suggest that low right-left 2D:4D is linked to performance in some sports because it is a proxy of high sensitivity to prenatal and maybe also circulating testosterone and high VO2(max).
The aim of this study was to assess interobserver agreement of ultrasound parameters for portal hypertension in hepatosplenic mansonic schistosomiasis. Spleen size, diameter of the portal, splenic and superior mesenteric veins and presence of thrombosis and cavernous transformation were determined by three radiologists in blinded and independent fashion in 30 patients. Interobserver agreement was measured by the kappa index and intraclass correlation coefficient. Interobserver agreement was considered substantial (κ = 0.714-0.795) for portal vein thrombosis and perfect (κ = 1) for cavernous transformation. Interobserver agreement measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent for longitudinal diameter of the spleen (r = 0.828-0.869) and splenic index (r = 0.816-0.905) and varied from fair to almost perfect for diameter of the portal (r = 0.622-0.675), splenic (r = 0.573-0.913) and superior mesenteric (r = 0.525-0.607) veins. According to the results, ultrasound is a highly reproducible method for the main morphological parameters of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis patients.
For the last two decades, ultrasound (US) has been considered a surrogate for the gold standard in the evaluation of liver fibrosis in schistosomiasis. The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not yet standardised for diagnosing and grading liver schistosomal fibrosis. The aim of this paper was to analyse MRI using an adaptation of World Health Organization (WHO) patterns for US assessment of schistosomiasis-related morbidity. US and MRI were independently performed in 60 patients (42.1 ± 13.4 years old), including 37 men and 23 women with schistosomiasis. Liver involvement appraised by US and MRI was classified according to the WHO protocol from patterns A-F. Agreement between image methods was evaluated by kappa index (k). The correlation between US and MRI was poor using WHO patterns [k = 0.14; confidence interval (CI) 0.02; 0.26]. Even after grouping image patterns as "A-D", "Dc-E" and "Ec-F", the correlation between US and MRI remained weak (k = 0.39; CI 0.21; 0.58). The magnetic resonance adaptation used in our study did not confirm US classification of WHO patterns for liver fibrosis.
We reviewed ultrasound features in patients with schistosomiasis mansoni. The alterations that we observed in acute and hepatosplenic schistosomiasis are described. The advantages and disadvantages of using ultrasound patterns in the evaluation of liver fibrosis are discussed. Other diseases that are important in the differential diagnosis of schistosomal liver fibrosis are presented. Ultrasound is an effective and flexible diagnostic tool in the evaluation of a variety of diseases. It presents no harmful effects to patients, allowing non-invasive studies in hospitalized patients and in other facilities.