994 resultados para 499


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In space application the precision level measurement of cryogenic liquids in the storage tanks is done using triple redundant capacitance level sensor, for control and safety point of view. The linearity of each sensor element depends upon the cylindricity and concentricity of the internal and external electrodes. The complexity of calibrating all sensors together has been addressed by two step calibration methodology which has been developed and used for the calibration of six capacitance sensors. All calibrations are done using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) as a cryogenic fluid. In the first step of calibration, one of the elements of Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) level sensor is calibrated using 700mm eleven point discrete diode array. Four wire method has been used for the diode array. Thus a linearity curve for a single element of LH2 is obtained. In second step of calibration, using the equation thus obtained for the above sensor, it is considered as a reference for calibrating remaining elements of the same LH2 sensor and other level sensor (either Liquid Oxygen (LOX) or LH2). The elimination of stray capacitance for the capacitance level probes has been attempted. The automatic data logging of capacitance values through GPIB is done using LabVIEW 8.5.


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The authors studied the formation of a wafer-scale network of connected colloidal beads by reactive ion etching. The dimensions of the connections have been studied as a function of etching time for colloidal beads of different sizes, and could be well controlled. The authors have found that the nano-network forms and disappears for the same time of etching independent of the diameter of the polystyrene beads. With recent interest of connected colloidal networks in various optical sensing applications, such as photonic crystals, as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, the studies have potential uses in the development of wafer-scale nanophotonic sensors.


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We demonstrate electronic energy transfer between resonance states of 2 and 2.8 nm CdTe quantum dots in aqueous media using steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy without using any external linker molecule. With increasing concentration of larger dots, there is subsequent quenching of luminescence in smaller dots accompanied by the enhancement of luminescence in larger dots. Our experimental evidence suggests that there is long-range resonance energy transfer among electronic excitations, specifically from the electronically confined states of the smaller dots to the higher excited states of the larger dots.


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A comprehensive design flow is proposed for the design of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems that are fabricated using SOIMUMPs process. Many of the designers typically do not model the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient, as it is very cumbersome to create/incorporate the same in the existing FEM simulators. Capturing these dependencies is very critical particularly for structures that are electrically actuated. Lookup tables that capture the temperature dependency of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and convection coefficient are created. These look up tables are taken as inputs for a commercially available FEM simulator to model the semiconductor behavior. It is demonstrated that when temperature dependency for all the above mentioned parameters is not captured, then the error in estimation of the maximum temperature (for a given structure) could be as high as 30%. Error in the estimated resistance value under the same conditions is as high as 40%. When temperature dependency of the above mentioned parameters is considered then error w.r.t the measured values is less than 5%. It is evident that error in temperature estimates leads to erroneous results from mechanical simulations as well.


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Cocrystals and eutectics are different yet related crystalline multi-component adducts with diverse applications in pharmaceutical and materials fields. Recently, they were shown to be alternate products of cocrystallization experiments. Whereas a cocrystal shows distinct diffraction, spectroscopic and thermal signatures as compared to parent components, the hallmark of a eutectic is its low melting nature. However, in certain cases, there can be a problem when one resorts to design a cocrystal and assess its formation vis-A -vis a eutectic. In the absence of a gold standard method to make a cocrystal, it is often difficult to judge how exhaustive should the cocrystallization trials be to ensure the accomplishment of a desired/putative cocrystal. Further, a cocrystal can manifest with intermolecular interactions and/or crystal structure similar to that of its parent compounds such that the conventional diffraction and spectroscopic techniques will be of little help to conclusively infer the formation of cocrystal in the lack of single crystals. Such situations combined with low melting behavior of a combination brings the complication of resolving the combination as a cocrystal or eutectic since now both the adducts share common features. Based on the curious case of Caffeine-Benzoic acid combination, this study aims to unfold the intricate issues related to the design, formation and characterization of cocrystals and eutectics for a way forward. The utility of heteronuclear seeding methodology in establishing a given combination as a cocrystal-forming one or a eutectic-forming one in four known systems is appraised.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en el área experimental de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, municipio de Managua, departamento de Managua, localizada en el km. 12.5 Carretera Norte, entre las coordenadas 12º 8 ́ 36 ̈ latitud Norte y 86º 09 ́ 49 ́ ́ longitud Oeste, con una altitud de 56 m.s.n.m. El propósito fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de diferentes dosis de vermicompost sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento del nopal, para lo que se estableció un experimento en los meses de septiembre 2009 a enero 2010. El arreglo fue un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (BCA) con cuatro repeticiones y cuatro tratamientos, fertilizados con dosis de 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 y 1.25 kg por planta. Se evaluaron las variables: número, longitud, ancho de brotes y sobrevivencia. Las variables brotes a cosecha, brotes totales y rendimiento se evaluaron al momento de la cosecha. El área experimental fue de 64 m², correspondientes a 8 m de longitud y 8 m de ancho con una densidad poblacional de 20 000 plantas ha-1, de las cuales solamente 7 500 fueron evaluadas, correspondientes al total de las plantas consideradas como parcela útil. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separación de medias según Tukey, con un error de 5 %. Encontrándose que ninguno de los tratamientos presentaron significancia estadística. En número de brotes el T4 (1.25 kg.planta-1) obtuvo el mayor numero de brotes (17.37 brotes.planta -1) el menor número T1 (0.50 kg. planta-1) (12.41 brotes planta-1), la longitud de los brotes osciló entre 8.99 a 6.86 cm, el ancho de brotes obtuvo promedios de 4.55 a 3.37 cm. En brotes a cosecha el T3 (1.00 kg-1planta) obtuvo el mayor resultado (72 499 brotes.ha-1) y el menor (66 666 brotes ha-1) el T4 (1.25 kg.planta-1). El mayor rendimiento (6 825 kg ha-1) lo obtuvo el T1 (0.50 kg planta-1) y el menor rendimiento (4 050 kg.planta-1), el T4 (1.25 kg. planta-1). Se observó un porcentaje de sobrevivencia de 91.67 % del cultivo hasta los 120 días después de la siembra.


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