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Two manganese nodules having a high clay content, a low Mn/Fe ratio, and low contents of valuable metals (Ni 0.25%, Cu 0.17%, Co 0.06%) were recovered in a grab sample during a short geological cruise in HMAS Kimbla in the southern Tasman Sea in May 1979. Five stations were occupied. Free-fall grabs recovered sediment or pumice from four stations; nothing was recovered from the fifth. The carbonate compensation depth in the region is about 4500 m. Reddish brown clay, but no manganese nodules, was recovered in the central southern Tasman Sea, from depths of 4900-5100 m. The nodules, together with grey calcareous mud, were obtained from a depth of 4300 m, farther to the northwest, near Gascoyne Seamount (250 n. miles SE of Sydney). The results suggest nodules with high metal values are likely to exist only in the broad and deep depression in the central southern Tasman Sea southeast of Gascoyne Seamount, where sedimentation rates are low and oxidising conditions prevail. Whether nodule fields are present or not will only be resolved by considerably more sampling.
We report on newly discovered mud volcanoes located at about 4500 m water depth 90 km west of the deformation front of the accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz, and thus outside of their typical geotectonic environment. Seismic data suggest that fluid flow is mediated by a >400-km-long strike-slip fault marking the transcurrent plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia. Geochemical data (Cl, B, Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, Delta18O, DeltaD) reveal that fluids originate in oceanic crust older than 140 Ma. On their rise to the surface, these fluids receive strong geochemical signals from recrystallization of Upper Jurassic carbonates and clay-mineral dehydration in younger terrigeneous units. At present, reports of mud volcanoes in similar deep-sea settings are rare, but given that the large area of transform-type plate boundaries has been barely investigated, such pathways of fluid discharge may provide an important, yet unappreciated link between the deeply buried oceanic crust and the deep ocean.
Background: Studies of oyster microbiomes have revealed that a limited number of microbes, including pathogens, can dominate microbial communities in host tissues such as gills and gut. Much of the bacterial diversity however remains underexplored and unexplained, although environmental conditions and host genetics have been implicated. We used 454 next generation 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing of individually tagged PCR reactions to explore the diversity of bacterial communities in gill tissue of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas stemming from genetically differentiated beds under ambient outdoor conditions and after a multifaceted disturbance treatment imposing stress on the host. Results: While the gill associated microbial communities in oysters were dominated by few abundant taxa (i.e. Sphingomonas, Mycoplasma) the distribution of rare bacterial groups correlated to relatedness between the hosts under ambient conditions. Exposing the host to disturbance broke apart this relationship by removing rare phylotypes thereby reducing overall microbial diversity. Shifts in the microbiome composition in response to stress did not result in a net increase in genera known to contain potentially pathogenic strains. Conclusion: The decrease in microbial diversity and the disassociation between population genetic structure of the hosts and their associated microbiome suggest that disturbance (i.e. stress) may play a significant role for the assembly of the natural microbiome. Such community shifts may in turn also feed back on the course of disease and the occurrence of mass mortality events in oyster populations.
Lake La Thuile, in the Northern French Prealps (874 m a.s.l.), provides an 18 m long sedimentary sequence spanning the entire Lateglacial/Holocene period. The high resolution multi-proxy (sedimentological, palynological, geochemical) analysis of the uppermost 6.2 meters reveals the Holocene dynamics of erosion in the catchment in response to landscape modifications. The mountain belt is at relevant altitude to study past human activities and the watershed is sufficiently disconnected from large valleys to capture a local sedimentary signal. From 12,000 to 10,000 cal. BP (10 to 8 ka cal. BC), the onset of hardwood species triggered a drop in erosion following the Lateglacial/Holocene transition. From 10,000 to 4500 cal. BP (8 to 2.5 ka cal. BC), the forest became denser and favored slope stabilization while erosion processes were very weak. A first erosive phase was initiated at ca . 4500 cal. BP without evidence of human presence in the catchment. Then, the forest declined at approximately 3000 cal. BP, suggesting the first human influence on the landscape. Two other erosive phases are related to anthropic activities: approximately 2500 cal. BP (550 cal. BC) during the Roman period and after 1600 cal. BP (350 cal. AD) with a substantial accentuation in the Middle Ages. In contrast, the lower erosion produced during the Little Ice Age, when climate deteriorations are generally considered to result in an increased erosion signal in this region, suggests that anthropic activities dominated the erosive processes and completely masked the natural effects of climate on erosion in the late Holocene.
Helianthus tuberosus L. presenta potencial para producir etanol, sustituto de la nafta, y que deberá incorporarse a la misma en un 5% a partir del 2010 en Argentina. Hay antecedentes que señalan que a partir de 50 toneladas de tubérculos pueden obtenerse 4500 l de etanol. En este trabajo se comparó el rendimiento de dos variedades de topinambur regado con agua residual urbana o cloacal (AC) y agua subterránea (AS). El ensayo se realizó en la planta de tratamiento de agua cloacal de Obras Sanitarias Mendoza en el Departamento Tunuyán (33°32’89’’ S y 69°00’80’’ O), Mendoza, Argentina. El potencial para producir bioetanol se estimó a partir de la cantidad de hidratos de carbono fermentables en los tubérculos. El rendimiento de tubérculos presentó diferencias entre los tratamientos de riego, siendo de 177750 kg/ha en AC y de 144000 kg/ha en AS. La estimación del potencial para producir etanol generó un valor de 15000 l de alcohol en las parcelas regadas con AC y 13000 l en las regadas con AS. Para obtener 1 l de alcohol a partir de los tubérculos serían necesarios alrededor de 11 kg, relacionado con un valor de sólidos solubles de 16% en los mismos.
El proyecto de investigación para el Ordenamiento Territorial del Valle de Lerma (Salta, Argentina), incluye tanto zonas de valle propiamente dicho como sectores altos (hasta la divisoria de cuencas – aproximadamente de 2000 msnm hacia E y 4500 msnm hacia O). Se plantea la necesidad de un diagnóstico socio-económico. El objetivo es una aproximación real al sistema, mediante la observación directa y la interacción con los pobladores locales. Interesa elaborar un modelo cognocitivo del escenario actual considerando las problemáticas y potencialidades asociadas a la calidad de vida, el uso del suelo y de los recursos naturales, las perspectivas de los pobladores locales y las tendencia de las actividades productivas. El fin último es llegar a elaborar propuestas que permitan la mejora de la calidad de vida y el desarrollo productivo, en un contexto de creatividad y respeto, si se pretende signar las bases para la “conservación" e impulso de estas áreas. La información secundaria disponible sobre las zonas altas es prácticamente inexistente, por lo cual se pretende efectuar salidas de campo a los sectores altos para la georeferenciación de recorridos, sitios de valor cultural y natural, accidentes geográficos, infraestructuras y comunidades dispersas, como así la observación y registro de problemáticas y potencialidades asociadas al uso de los recursos, visita a pobladores locales, entrevistas abiertas y participación en actividades cotidianas.
New pollen and radiocarbon data from the Bykovsky Peninsula document the Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental history of the Laptev Sea coast. More than 60 AMS-14C and conventional 14C dates indicate that the deposits accumulated during the last 60,000 radiocarbon yr BP. High concentration of green alga colonies (Pediustrum and Botryococcus) in the investigated sediment show that sedimentation was mostly in shallow water environments. Scarce grass and sedge communities dominated the vegetation 53-60 kyr BP. Climate was cold and dry. Open Poaceae and Cypcraccae associations with Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, and Cichoriaceac, dominated in the area about 48-42.5 kyr BP. Steppic communities with Artemisia and shrubby tundra communities with Salix and Betula sect. Nanae were also present. Climate was dry, but relatively warm. Vegetation cover became denser about 42.5-33.5 kyr BP, reflecting more favorable climate conditions. Scarce Poaceae communities with some Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, and Selaginella rupestris covered the Bykovsky Peninsula area during the Sartan (Late Weichselian) stage about 26-16 kyr BP. Disturbed, uncovered soils were very common in the area. Climate was extremely cold and dry. Poaceae and Cyperaceae associations with Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae dominated the vegetation in the late Sartan, ca 16-12.2 kyr BP. Climate was significantly warmer than in the early Sartan time. The lee Complex sedimentation was interrupted about 12 kyr BP; most likely it was connected with the beginning of the Allerod warnring. Shrubby (Betula sect. Nanae, Alnusfnuicosa, Salix, Ericales) tundra was widely distributed on the Bykovsky Peninsula during the early-middle Holacene. Climate was most favorable between 8200 and 4500 yr BP. Vegetation became similar to modern after 4500 yr BP, suggesting a deterioration of climate.