975 resultados para 3D Imaging


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Radiographs are commonly used to assess articular reduction of the distal tibia (pilon) fractures postoperatively, but may reveal malreductions inaccurately. While Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) are potential 3D alternatives they generate metal-related artifacts. This study aims to quantify the artifact size from orthopaedic screws using CT, 1.5T and 3T MRI data. Three screws were inserted into one intact human cadaver ankle specimen proximal to and along the distal articular surface, then CT, 1.5T and 3T MRI scanned. Four types of screws were investigated: titanium alloy (TA), stainless steel (SS) (Ø = 3.5 mm), cannulated TA (CTA) and cannulated SS (CSS)(Ø = 4.0 mm, Ø empty core = 2.6 mm). 3D artifact models were reconstructed using adaptive thresholding. The artifact size was measured by calculating the perpendicular distance from the central screw axis to the boundary of the artifact in four anatomical directions with respect to the distal tibia. The artifact sizes (in the order of TA, SS, CTA and CSS) from CT were 2.0 mm, 2.6 mm, 1.6 mm and 2.0 mm; from 1.5T MRI they were 3.7 mm, 10.9 mm, 2.9 mm, and 9 mm; and 3T MRI they were 4.4 mm, 15.3 mm, 3.8 mm, and 11.6 mm respectively. Therefore, CT can be used as long as the screws are at a safe distance of about 2 mm from the articular surface. MRI can be used if the screws are at least 3 mm away from the articular surface except SS and CSS. Artifacts from steel screws were too large thus obstructed the pilon from being visualised in MRI. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found in the size of artifacts between all imaging modalities, screw types and material types, except 1.5T versus 3T MRI for the SS screws (P = 0.063). CTA screws near the joint surface can improve postoperative assessment in CT and MRI. MRI presents a favourable non-ionising alternative when using titanium hardware. Since these factors may influence the quality of postoperative assessment, potential improvements in operative techniques should be considered.


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Introduction A novel realistic 3D virtual reality (VR) application has been developed to allow medical imaging students at Queensland University of Technology to practice radiographic techniques independently outside the usual radiography laboratory. Methods A flexible agile development methodology was used to create the software rapidly and effectively. A 3D gaming environment and realistic models were used to engender presence in the software while tutor-determined gold standards enabled students to compare their performance and learn in a problem-based learning pedagogy. Results Students reported high levels of satisfaction and perceived value and the software enabled up to 40 concurrent users to prepare for clinical practice. Student feedback also indicated that they found 3D to be of limited value in the desktop version compared to the usual 2D approach. A randomised comparison between groups receiving software-based and traditional practice measured performance in a formative role play with real equipment. The results of this work indicated superior performance with the equipment for the VR trained students (P = 0.0366) and confirmed the value of VR for enhancing 3D equipment-based problem-solving skills. Conclusions Students practising projection techniques virtually performed better at role play assessments than students practising in a traditional radiography laboratory only. The application particularly helped with 3D equipment configuration, suggesting that teaching 3D problem solving is an ideal use of such medical equipment simulators. Ongoing development work aims to establish the role of VR software in preparing students for clinical practice with a range of medical imaging equipment.


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Collections of biological specimens are fundamental to scientific understanding and characterization of natural diversity - past, present and future. This paper presents a system for liberating useful information from physical collections by bringing specimens into the digital domain so they can be more readily shared, analyzed, annotated and compared. It focuses on insects and is strongly motivated by the desire to accelerate and augment current practices in insect taxonomy which predominantly use text, 2D diagrams and images to describe and characterize species. While these traditional kinds of descriptions are informative and useful, they cannot cover insect specimens "from all angles" and precious specimens are still exchanged between researchers and collections for this reason. Furthermore, insects can be complex in structure and pose many challenges to computer vision systems. We present a new prototype for a practical, cost-effective system of off-the-shelf components to acquire natural-colour 3D models of insects from around 3 mm to 30 mm in length. ("Natural-colour" is used to contrast with "false-colour", i.e., colour generated from, or applied to, gray-scale data post-acquisition.) Colour images are captured from different angles and focal depths using a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera rig and two-axis turntable. These 2D images are processed into 3D reconstructions using software based on a visual hull algorithm. The resulting models are compact (around 10 megabytes), afford excellent optical resolution, and can be readily embedded into documents and web pages, as well as viewed on mobile devices. The system is portable, safe, relatively affordable, and complements the sort of volumetric data that can be acquired by computed tomography. This system provides a new way to augment the description and documentation of insect species holotypes, reducing the need to handle or ship specimens. It opens up new opportunities to collect data for research, education, art, entertainment, biodiversity assessment and biosecurity control. © 2014 Nguyen et al.


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Purpose: To determine the extent to which the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based virtual 3-dimensional (3D) models of the intact orbit can approach that of the gold standard, computed tomography (CT) based models. The goal was to determine whether MRI is a viable alternative to CT scans in patients with isolated orbital fractures and penetrating eye injuries, pediatric patients, and patients requiring multiple scans in whom radiation exposure is ideally limited. Materials and Methods: Patients who presented with unilateral orbital fractures to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital from March 2011 to March 2012 were recruited to participate in this cross-sectional study. The primary predictor variable was the imaging technique (MRI vs CT). The outcome measurements were orbital volume (primary outcome) and geometric intraorbital surface deviations (secondary outcome)between the MRI- and CT-based 3D models. Results: Eleven subjects (9 male) were enrolled. The patients’ mean age was 30 years. On average, the MRI models underestimated the orbital volume of the CT models by 0.50 0.19 cm3 . The average intraorbital surface deviation between the MRI and CT models was 0.34 0.32 mm, with 78 2.7% of the surface within a tolerance of 0.5 mm. Conclusions: The volumetric differences of the MRI models are comparable to reported results from CT models. The intraorbital MRI surface deviations are smaller than the accepted tolerance for orbital surgical reconstructions. Therefore, the authors believe that MRI is an accurate radiation-free alternative to CT for the primary imaging and 3D reconstruction of the bony orbit. �


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The development of whole-body imaging at single-cell resolution enables system-level approaches to studying cellular circuits in organisms. Previous clearing methods focused on homogenizing mismatched refractive indices of individual tissues, enabling reductions in opacity but falling short of achieving transparency. Here, we show that an aminoalcohol decolorizes blood by efficiently eluting the heme chromophore from hemoglobin. Direct transcardial perfusion of an aminoalcohol-containing cocktail that we previously termed CUBIC coupled with a 10 day to 2 week clearing protocol decolorized and rendered nearly transparent almost all organs of adult mice as well as the entire body of infant and adult mice. This CUBIC-perfusion protocol enables rapid whole-body and whole-organ imaging at single-cell resolution by using light-sheet fluorescent microscopy. The CUBIC protocol is also applicable to 3D pathology, anatomy, and immunohistochemistry of various organs. These results suggest that whole-body imaging of colorless tissues at high resolution will contribute to organism-level systems biology.


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Aims: The Medical Imaging Training Immersive Environment(MITIE) Computed Tomography(CT) system is an innovative virtual reality (VR) platform that allows students to practice a range of CT techniques. The aim of this pilot study was to harvest user feedback about the educational value of teh application and inform future pedagogical development. This presentation explores the use of this technology for skills training. Background: MITIE CT is a 3D VR environment that allows students to position a patient,and set CT technical parameters including IV contrast dose and dose rate. As with VR initiatives in other health disciplines the software mimics clinical practice as much as possible and uses 3D technology to enhance immersion and realism. The software is new and was developed by the Medical Imaging Course Team at a provider University with funding from a Health Workforce Australia 'Simulated Learning Environments' grant Methods: Current third year medical imaging students were provided with additional 1 hour MITIE laboratory tutorials and studnet feedback was collated with regard to educational value and performance. Ethical approval for the project was provided by the university ethics panel Results: This presentation provides qualitative analysis of student perceptions relating to satisfaction, usability and educational value. Students reported high levels of satisfaction and both feedback and assessment results confirmed the application's significance as a pre-clinical tool. There was a clear emerging theme that MITIE could be a useful learning tool that students could access to consolidate their clinical learning, either on campus or during their clinical placement. Conclusion: Student feedback indicates that MITIE CT has a valuable role to play in the clinial skills training for medical imaging students both in the academic and clinical environment. Future work will establish a framework for an appropriate supprting pedagogy that can cross the boundary between the two environments


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Progression of spinal deformity in children was studied with Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to identify how gravity affects the deformity and to determine the full three-dimensional character of the deformity. The CT study showed that gravity is significant in deformity progression in some patients which has implications for clinical patient management. The world first MRI study showed that the standard clinical measure used to define the extent of the deformity is inadequate and further use of three-dimensional MRI should be considered by spinal surgeons.


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We developed an analysis pipeline enabling population studies of HARDI data, and applied it to map genetic influences on fiber architecture in 90 twin subjects. We applied tensor-driven 3D fluid registration to HARDI, resampling the spherical fiber orientation distribution functions (ODFs) in appropriate Riemannian manifolds, after ODF regularization and sharpening. Fitting structural equation models (SEM) from quantitative genetics, we evaluated genetic influences on the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD), a novel measure of fiber spatial coherence, and on the generalized fiber anisotropy (GFA) a measure of fiber integrity. With random-effects regression, we mapped regions where diffusion profiles were highly correlated with subjects' intelligence quotient (IQ). Fiber complexity was predominantly under genetic control, and higher in more highly anisotropic regions; the proportion of genetic versus environmental control varied spatially. Our methods show promise for discovering genes affecting fiber connectivity in the brain.


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We report the first 3D maps of genetic effects on brain fiber complexity. We analyzed HARDI brain imaging data from 90 young adult twins using an information-theoretic measure, the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD), to gauge the regional complexity of the white matter fiber orientation distribution functions (ODF). HARDI data were fluidly registered using Karcher means and ODF square-roots for interpol ation; each subject's JSD map was computed from the spatial coherence of the ODFs in each voxel's neighborhood. We evaluated the genetic influences on generalized fiber anisotropy (GFA) and complexity (JSD) using structural equation models (SEM). At each voxel, genetic and environmental components of data variation were estimated, and their goodness of fit tested by permutation. Color-coded maps revealed that the optimal models varied for different brain regions. Fiber complexity was predominantly under genetic control, and was higher in more highly anisotropic regions. These methods show promise for discovering factors affecting fiber connectivity in the brain.


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We developed and validated a new method to create automated 3D parametric surface models of the lateral ventricles, designed for monitoring degenerative disease effects in clinical neuroscience studies and drug trials. First we used a set of parameterized surfaces to represent the ventricles in a manually labeled set of 9 subjects' MRIs (atlases). We fluidly registered each of these atlases and mesh models to a set of MRIs from 12 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and 14 matched healthy elderly subjects, and we averaged the resulting meshes for each of these images. Validation experiments on expert segmentations showed that (1) the Hausdorff labeling error rapidly decreased, and (2) the power to detect disease-related alterations monotonically improved as the number of atlases, N, was increased from 1 to 9. We then combined the segmentations with a radial mapping approach to localize ventricular shape differences in patients. In surface-based statistical maps, we detected more widespread and intense anatomical deficits as we increased the number of atlases, and we formulated a statistical stopping criterion to determine the optimal value of N. Anterior horn anomalies in Alzheimer's patients were only detected with the multi-atlas segmentation, which clearly outperformed the standard single-atlas approach.


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Cortical connectivity is associated with cognitive and behavioral traits that are thought to vary between sexes. Using high-angular resolution diffusion imaging at 4 Tesla, we scanned 234 young adult twins and siblings (mean age: 23.4 2.0 SD years) with 94 diffusion-encoding directions. We applied a novel Hough transform method to extract fiber tracts throughout the entire brain, based on fields of constant solid angle orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Cortical surfaces were generated from each subject's 3D T1-weighted structural MRI scan, and tracts were aligned to the anatomy. Network analysis revealed the proportions of fibers interconnecting 5 key subregions of the frontal cortex, including connections between hemispheres. We found significant sex differences (147 women/87 men) in the proportions of fibers connecting contralateral superior frontal cortices. Interhemispheric connectivity was greater in women, in line with long-standing theories of hemispheric specialization. These findings may be relevant for ongoing studies of the human connectome.


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There is a major effort in medical imaging to develop algorithms to extract information from DTI and HARDI, which provide detailed information on brain integrity and connectivity. As the images have recently advanced to provide extraordinarily high angular resolution and spatial detail, including an entire manifold of information at each point in the 3D images, there has been no readily available means to view the results. This impedes developments in HARDI research, which need some method to check the plausibility and validity of image processing operations on HARDI data or to appreciate data features or invariants that might serve as a basis for new directions in image segmentation, registration, and statistics. We present a set of tools to provide interactive display of HARDI data, including both a local rendering application and an off-screen renderer that works with a web-based viewer. Visualizations are presented after registration and averaging of HARDI data from 90 human subjects, revealing important details for which there would be no direct way to appreciate using conventional display of scalar images.


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An automated method for extracting brain volumes from three commonly acquired three-dimensional (3D) MR images (proton density, T1 weighted, and T2-weighted) of the human head is described. The procedure is divided into four levels: preprocessing, segmentation, scalp removal, and postprocessing. A user-provided reference point is the sole operator-dependent input required. The method's parameters were first optimized and then fixed and applied to 30 repeat data sets from 15 normal older adult subjects to investigate its reproducibility. Percent differences between total brain volumes (TBVs) for the subjects' repeated data sets ranged from .5% to 2.2%. We conclude that the method is both robust and reproducible and has the potential for wide application.


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Digital holography is the direct recording of holograms using a CCD camera and is an alternative to the use of a film or a plate. In this communication in-line digital holographic microscopy has been explored for its application in particle imaging in 3D. Holograms of particles of about 10 mu m size have been digitally reconstructed. Digital focusing was done to image the particles in different planes along the depth of focus. Digital holographic particle imaging results were compared with conventional optical microscope imaging. A methodology for dynamic analysis of microparticles in 3D using in-line digital holography has been proposed.


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Object. Individuals with carotid atherosclerosis develop symptoms following rupture of vulnerable plaques. Biomechanical stresses within this plaque may increase vulnerability to rupture. In this report the authors describe the use of in vivo carotid plaque imaging and computational mechanics to document the magnitude and distribution of intrinsic plaque stresses. Methods. Ten (five symptomatic and five asymptomatic) individuals underwent plaque characterization magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Plaque geometry and composition were determined by multisequence review. Intrinsic plaque stress profiles were generated from 3D meshes by using finite element computational analysis. Differences in principal (shear) stress between normal and diseased sections of the carotid artery and between symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques were noted. Results. There was a significant difference in peak principal stress between diseased and nondiseased segments of the artery (mean difference 537.65 kPa, p < 0.05). Symptomatic plaques had higher mean stresses than asymptomatic plaques (627.6 kPa compared with 370.2 kPa, p = 0.05), which were independent of luminal stenosis and plaque composition. Conclusions. Significant differences in plaque stress exist between plaques from symptomatic individuals and those from asymptomatic individuals. The MR imaging-based computational analysis may therefore be a useful aid to identification of vulnerable plaques in vivo.